private object OnServerCommand(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { var connection = arg.Connection; if (connection == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(arg.cmd?.FullName)) { return(null); } if (permission.UserHasPermission(connection.userid.ToString(), permBypass)) { return(null); } if (!config.BlockedCommands.Contains(arg.cmd.Name) && !config.BlockedCommands.Contains(arg.cmd.FullName)) { return(null); } arg.ReplyWith(Lang("CommandBlocked", connection.userid.ToString(), arg.cmd.FullName)); if (config.LogAttempts) { LogWarning(Lang("CommandAttempted", connection.username, connection.userid, arg.cmd.FullName)); } return(true); }
public static void debug_toggle(ConsoleSystem.Arg args) { int num = args.GetInt(0, 0); if (num == 0) { return; } BaseEntity baseEntity = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find((uint)num) as BaseEntity; if (baseEntity == null) { return; } baseEntity.SetFlag(BaseEntity.Flags.Debugging, !baseEntity.IsDebugging(), false, true); if (baseEntity.IsDebugging()) { baseEntity.OnDebugStart(); } ConsoleSystem.Arg arg = args; object[] d = new object[] { "Debugging for ",, " ", null }; d[3] = (baseEntity.IsDebugging() ? "enabled" : "disabled"); arg.ReplyWith(string.Concat(d)); }
private object OnRunCommand(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg, bool wantreply) { if (arg == null) { return(null); } var cmdFullName = $"{arg.Class}.{arg.Function}"; var str = arg.ArgsStr.Trim('"'); var netUser = arg.argUser; // Get the covalence player var iplayer = netUser != null?Covalence.PlayerManager.FindPlayerById(netUser.userID.ToString()) : null; // Is it a console command? if (cmdFullName != "chat.say") { if (Covalence.CommandSystem.HandleConsoleMessage(iplayer, $"{cmdFullName} {str}") || cmdlib.HandleConsoleCommand(arg, wantreply)) { return(true); } return(null); } if (str.Length == 0) { return(true); } // Is it a chat command? if (str[0] != '/') { var chatSpecific = Interface.Call("OnPlayerChat", netUser, str); var chatCovalence = Interface.Call("OnUserChat", iplayer, str); return(chatSpecific ?? chatCovalence); } // Get the full command var command = str.Substring(1); // Parse it string cmd; string[] args; ParseCommand(command, out cmd, out args); if (cmd == null) { return(true); } // Get the covalence player if (iplayer == null) { return(null); } // Is the command blocked? var commandSpecific = Interface.Call("OnPlayerCommand", arg); var commandCovalence = Interface.Call("OnUserCommand", iplayer, cmd, args); // TODO: Fix NRE from chat.say /x via console if (commandSpecific != null || commandCovalence != null) { return(true); } // Is this a Covalence command? if (Covalence.CommandSystem.HandleChatMessage(iplayer, str)) { return(true); // TODO: Fix NRE from chat.say /x via console } // Is it a regular chat command? if (netUser == null) { Interface.Oxide.LogDebug("Player is actually a {netUser}!"); } else if (!cmdlib.HandleChatCommand(netUser, cmd, args)) { ConsoleNetworker.SendClientCommand(netUser.networkPlayer, $"chat.add \"Server\" \" Unknown command {cmd}\""); } // Handled arg.ReplyWith(string.Empty); return(true); }
private object IOnServerCommand(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { if (arg?.cmd == null) { return(null); } if (Interface.Call("OnServerCommand", arg) != null) { return(true); } // Get the args var str = arg.GetString(0); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { return(null); } // Check if command is from a player var player = arg.Connection?.player as BasePlayer; if (player == null) { return(null); } // Get the full command var message = str.TrimStart('/'); // Parse it string cmd; string[] args; ParseCommand(message, out cmd, out args); if (cmd == null) { return(null); } // Get the covalence player var iplayer = player.IPlayer; if (iplayer == null) { return(null); } // Is the command blocked? var blockedSpecific = Interface.Call("OnPlayerCommand", arg); var blockedCovalence = Interface.Call("OnUserCommand", iplayer, cmd, args); if (blockedSpecific != null || blockedCovalence != null) { return(true); } // Is it a chat command? if (arg.cmd.FullName != "chat.say") { return(null); } if (str[0] != '/') { return(null); // TODO: Return if no arguments given } // Is it a valid chat command? if (!Covalence.CommandSystem.HandleChatMessage(iplayer, str) && !cmdlib.HandleChatCommand(player, cmd, args)) { if (!Interface.Oxide.Config.Options.Modded) { return(null); } iplayer.Reply(string.Format(lang.GetMessage("UnknownCommand", this, iplayer.Id), cmd)); arg.ReplyWith(string.Empty); return(true); } return(null); }
private void ConsoleShow(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { if (!PermissionsLoaded(arg)) { return; } if (!IsAdmin(arg)) { return; } if (!arg.HasArgs()) { var reply = "Syntax: show <group|user> <name>\n"; reply += "Syntax: show <groups|perms>"; arg.ReplyWith(reply); return; } var mode = arg.GetString(0); var name = arg.GetString(1); if (mode.Equals("perms")) { var result = "Permissions:\n"; result += string.Join(", ", permission.GetPermissions()); arg.ReplyWith(result); } else if (mode.Equals("user")) { var player = FindPlayer(name); if (player == null && !permission.UserIdValid(name)) { arg.ReplyWith("User '" + name + "' not found"); return; } var userId = name; if (player != null) { userId = player.userID.ToString(); name = player.displayName; permission.UpdateNickname(userId, name); name += $"({userId})"; } var result = "User '" + name + "' permissions:\n"; result += string.Join(", ", permission.GetUserPermissions(userId)); result += "\nUser '" + name + "' groups:\n"; result += string.Join(", ", permission.GetUserGroups(userId)); arg.ReplyWith(result); } else if (mode.Equals("group")) { if (!permission.GroupExists(name)) { arg.ReplyWith("Group '" + name + "' doesn't exist"); return; } var result = "Group '" + name + "' users:\n"; result += string.Join(", ", permission.GetUsersInGroup(name)); result += "\nGroup '" + name + "' permissions:\n"; result += string.Join(", ", permission.GetGroupPermissions(name)); var parent = permission.GetGroupParent(name); while (permission.GroupExists(parent)) { result += "\nParent group '" + parent + "' permissions:\n"; result += string.Join(", ", permission.GetGroupPermissions(parent)); parent = permission.GetGroupParent(name); } arg.ReplyWith(result); } else if (mode.Equals("groups")) { arg.ReplyWith("Groups:\n" + string.Join(", ", permission.GetGroups())); } }
private void ccmdEco(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { if (!arg.HasArgs()) { arg.ReplyWith("Economy Commands: 'eco.c deposit', 'eco.c save','eco.c balance', 'eco.c withdraw', 'eco.c setmoney', 'eco.c wipe'"); return; } var player = arg.Player(); if (player != null && !HasAccess(player)) { arg.ReplyWith("No permission!"); return; } var cmdArg = arg.GetString(0).ToLower(); switch (cmdArg) { case "save": changed = true; SaveEconomics(); arg.ReplyWith("Economics data saved!"); break; case "wipe": economicsData = new Dictionary <ulong, double>(); changed = true; SaveEconomics(); arg.ReplyWith("Economics data wiped!"); break; case "deposit": case "balance": case "withdraw": case "setmoney": var target = FindPlayer(arg.GetString(1)); if (target == null) { arg.ReplyWith($"No user with steam/name: '{arg.GetString(1)}'!"); return; } if (cmdArg.Equals("balance")) { arg.ReplyWith($"Balance({target.displayName}) = {GetPlayerMoney(target.userID)}"); return; } double money = Convert.ToDouble(arg.GetString(2, "0")); if (money >= 0) { if (cmdArg.Equals("setmoney")) { Set(target.userID, money); arg.ReplyWith($"(SetMoney) New '{target.displayName}' balance: {GetPlayerMoney(target.userID)}"); PrintMessage(target, "My_Balance", GetPlayerMoney(target.userID)); } else if (cmdArg.Equals("deposit")) { Deposit(target.userID, money); arg.ReplyWith($"(Deposit) New '{target.displayName}' balance: {GetPlayerMoney(target.userID)}"); PrintMessage(target, "Received", money); } else if (Withdraw(target.userID, money)) { arg.ReplyWith($"(Withdraw) New '{target.displayName}' balance: {GetPlayerMoney(target.userID)}"); PrintMessage(target, "Lost", money); } else { arg.ReplyWith("This user haven't enough money!"); } } else { arg.ReplyWith($"Syntax Error! (eco.c {cmdArg} <steam/name> <money>)"); } break; default: arg.ReplyWith("Economy Commands: 'eco.c deposit', 'eco.c save','eco.c balance', 'eco.c withdraw', 'eco.c setmoney'"); break; } }
private void StackAllConsoleCommand(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { if (arg.IsAdmin != true) { if ((arg.Connection.userid.ToString() != null) && !(permission.UserHasPermission(arg.Connection.userid.ToString(), "stacksizecontroller.canChangeStackSize"))) { arg.ReplyWith("[StackSizeController] You don't have permission to use this command."); return; } } if (!pluginLoaded) { arg.ReplyWith("[StackSizeController] StackSizeController has encountered an error while trying to read the data file. Please contact your server administrator to fix the issue."); return; } if (arg.Args != null) { if (arg.Args.Length < 1) { arg.ReplyWith("[StackSizeController] Syntax Error: Requires 1 argument. Syntax Example: stackall 65000"); return; } } else { arg.ReplyWith("[StackSizeController] Syntax Error: Requires 1 argument. Syntax Example: stackall 65000"); return; } int stackAmount = 0; string replymessage = ""; var itemList = ItemManager.itemList; foreach (var gameitem in itemList) { if (gameitem.condition.enabled && gameitem.condition.max > 0 && (!(configData.Settings.StackHealthItems))) { continue; } if (gameitem.displayName.english.ToString() == "Salt Water" || gameitem.displayName.english.ToString() == "Water") { continue; } switch (arg.Args[0].ToLower()) { case "default": { stackAmount = DetermineStack(gameitem); replymessage = "[StackSizeController] The Stack Size of all stackable items has been set to their default values (specified in config)."; break; } default: { if (int.TryParse(arg.Args[0], out stackAmount) == false) { arg.ReplyWith("[StackSizeController] Syntax Error: Stack Amount is not a number. Syntax Example: /stackall 65000"); return; } replymessage = "[StackSizeController] The Stack Size of all stackable items has been set to " + stackAmount.ToString() + "."; break; } } items.itemlist[gameitem.displayName.english] = Convert.ToInt32(stackAmount); gameitem.stackable = Convert.ToInt32(stackAmount); } SaveData(); arg.ReplyWith(replymessage); }
private void Hooks_OnConsoleReceived(ref ConsoleSystem.Arg arg, bool external1) { StringComparison ic = StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase; bool external = arg.argUser == null; bool adminRights = (arg.argUser != null && arg.argUser.admin) || external; string userid = "[external][external]"; if (adminRights && !external) { userid = string.Format("[{0}][{1}]", arg.argUser.displayName, arg.argUser.userID.ToString()); } string text = ""; string text2 = text; string logmsg = string.Format("[ConsoleReceived] userid={0} adminRights={1} command={2}.{3} args={4}", userid, adminRights.ToString(), arg.Class, arg.Function, (arg.HasArgs(1) ? arg.ArgsStr : "none")); if (arg.Class.Equals("JianxianS", ic) && arg.Function.Equals("users", ic)) { if (adminRights) { if (arg.HasArgs(1)) { arg.ReplyWith("您多输入了参数了"); } else { int num = 0; foreach (uLink.NetworkPlayer networkPlayer in NetCull.connections) { text2 = "[Player]||\n"; object localData = networkPlayer.GetLocalData(); if (localData is NetUser) { NetUser netUser = (NetUser)localData; text = string.Concat(new object[] { text2,, ":\"", netUser.displayName, "\"||\n" }); num++; } } text = text + num.ToString() + "users\n"; arg.ReplyWith(text); } } } else if (arg.Class.Equals("JianxianS", ic) && arg.Function.Equals("kick", ic)) { if (adminRights) { if (arg.HasArgs(1)) { global::PlayerClient[] playerClients = arg.GetPlayerClients(0); foreach (global::PlayerClient playerClient in playerClients) { global::NetUser netUser = playerClient.netUser; if (netUser != null) { netUser.Kick(global::NetError.Facepunch_Kick_RCON, true); } } if (playerClients.Length > 0) { arg.ReplyWith("Kicked " + playerClients.Length + " users!"); return; } arg.ReplyWith("Couldn't find anyone!"); } else { text = "您少输入参数了"; arg.ReplyWith(text); } } } else if (arg.Class.Equals("JianxianS", ic) && arg.Function.Equals("money", ic)) { if (adminRights) { string[] args = arg.Args; Fougerite.Player jogador = Fougerite.Player.FindByName(args[1]); switch (args[0]) { case "+qian": if (jogador != null) { int valor = int.Parse(args[2]); Money.AddMoney(jogador, valor); Fougerite.Server.GetServer().Broadcast("[color#99CC]剑客[ " + jogador.Name + " ][color#FF6633] 充值了 [color#99FF]" + valor + " [color#FF6633]斩仙币 - !尽情的享受购物吧!"); arg.ReplyWith("充值成功"); } else { arg.ReplyWith("[color#99FF]剑客 " + args[0] + "查无此人!"); } break; case "zero": if (jogador != null) { int valor = 0; Money.SetMoney(jogador, valor); arg.ReplyWith("[color#99FF]剑客: " + jogador.Name + " 斩仙币被系统归零!"); } else { arg.ReplyWith("[color#99CC]剑客 " + args[0] + "查无此人!"); } break; case "-qian": if (jogador != null) { int valor = int.Parse(args[2]); Money.RemoveMoney(jogador, valor); arg.ReplyWith("[color#99FF]剑客" + jogador.Name + "被系统扣除了 " + valor + " 斩仙币"); } else { arg.ReplyWith("[color#99FF]剑客 " + args[0] + "沒找到哦"); } break; } } } }
public static void listid(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { arg.ReplyWith(ServerUsers.BanListString(true)); }
public static void banlistex(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { arg.ReplyWith(ServerUsers.BanListStringEx()); }
public static void status(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { string str1 = arg.GetString(0, ""); string str2 = string.Empty; if (str1.Length == 0) { str2 = str2 + "hostname: " + Server.hostname + "\n" + "version : " + 2161.ToString() + " secure (secure mode enabled, connected to Steam3)\n" + "map : " + Server.level + "\n" + "players : " + (object)BasePlayer.activePlayerList.Count <BasePlayer>() + " (" + (object)Server.maxplayers + " max) (" + (object)((ServerMgr)SingletonComponent <ServerMgr> .Instance).connectionQueue.Queued + " queued) (" + (object)((ServerMgr)SingletonComponent <ServerMgr> .Instance).connectionQueue.Joining + " joining)\n\n"; } TextTable textTable = new TextTable(); textTable.AddColumn("id"); textTable.AddColumn("name"); textTable.AddColumn("ping"); textTable.AddColumn("connected"); textTable.AddColumn("addr"); textTable.AddColumn("owner"); textTable.AddColumn("violation"); textTable.AddColumn("kicks"); foreach (BasePlayer activePlayer in BasePlayer.activePlayerList) { try { if (activePlayer.IsValid()) { string userIdString = activePlayer.UserIDString; if ( == null) { textTable.AddRow(new string[2] { userIdString, "NO CONNECTION" }); } else { // ISSUE: explicit non-virtual call string str3 = __nonvirtual(; string str4 = StringExtensions.QuoteSafe(activePlayer.GetSubName(32)); string str5 = ((Server); string str6 = (string); string str7 = activePlayer.violationLevel.ToString("0.0"); string str8 = activePlayer.GetAntiHackKicks().ToString(); if (!arg.get_IsAdmin() && !arg.get_IsRcon()) { str6 = ""; } string str9 = + "s"; if (str1.Length > 0 && !StringEx.Contains(str4, str1, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase) && (!userIdString.Contains(str1) && !str3.Contains(str1))) { if (!str6.Contains(str1)) { continue; } } textTable.AddRow(new string[8] { userIdString, str4, str5, str9, str6, str3 == userIdString ? string.Empty : str3, str7, str8 }); } } } catch (Exception ex) { textTable.AddRow(new string[2] { activePlayer.UserIDString, StringExtensions.QuoteSafe(ex.Message) }); } } arg.ReplyWith(str2 + ((object)textTable).ToString()); }
public static void stats(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { TextTable table = new TextTable(); table.AddColumn("id"); table.AddColumn("name"); table.AddColumn("time"); table.AddColumn("kills"); table.AddColumn("deaths"); table.AddColumn("suicides"); table.AddColumn("player"); table.AddColumn("building"); table.AddColumn("entity"); Action <ulong, string> action = (Action <ulong, string>)((id, name) => { ServerStatistics.Storage storage = ServerStatistics.Get(id); string shortString = TimeSpan.FromSeconds((double)storage.Get("time")).ToShortString(); string str1 = storage.Get("kill_player").ToString(); string str2 = (storage.Get("deaths") - storage.Get("death_suicide")).ToString(); string str3 = storage.Get("death_suicide").ToString(); string str4 = storage.Get("hit_player_direct_los").ToString(); string str5 = storage.Get("hit_player_indirect_los").ToString(); string str6 = storage.Get("hit_building_direct_los").ToString(); string str7 = storage.Get("hit_building_indirect_los").ToString(); string str8 = storage.Get("hit_entity_direct_los").ToString(); string str9 = storage.Get("hit_entity_indirect_los").ToString(); table.AddRow(new string[9] { id.ToString(), name, shortString, str1, str2, str3, str4 + " / " + str5, str6 + " / " + str7, str8 + " / " + str9 }); }); ulong filterID = arg.GetUInt64(0, 0UL); if (filterID == 0UL) { string str1 = arg.GetString(0, ""); foreach (BasePlayer activePlayer in BasePlayer.activePlayerList) { try { if (activePlayer.IsValid()) { string str2 = StringExtensions.QuoteSafe(activePlayer.GetSubName(32)); if (str1.Length > 0) { if (!StringEx.Contains(str2, str1, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase)) { continue; } } action(activePlayer.userID, str2); } } catch (Exception ex) { table.AddRow(new string[2] { activePlayer.UserIDString, StringExtensions.QuoteSafe(ex.Message) }); } } } else { string str = "N/A"; BasePlayer basePlayer = BasePlayer.activePlayerList.Find((Predicate <BasePlayer>)(p => (long)p.userID == (long)filterID)); if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)basePlayer)) { str = StringExtensions.QuoteSafe(basePlayer.GetSubName(32)); } action(filterID, str); } arg.ReplyWith(((object)table).ToString()); }
public static void sysuid(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { arg.ReplyWith(SystemInfo.get_deviceUniqueIdentifier()); }
public static void sysinfo(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { arg.ReplyWith(SystemInfoGeneralText.currentInfo); }
public static void version(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { arg.ReplyWith(string.Format("Protocol: {0}\nBuild Date: {1}\nUnity Version: {2}\nChangeset: {3}\nBranch: {4}", (object)Protocol.printable, (object)BuildInfo.get_Current().get_BuildDate(), (object)Application.get_unityVersion(), (object)BuildInfo.get_Current().get_Scm().get_ChangeId(), (object)BuildInfo.get_Current().get_Scm().get_Branch())); }
public static void find(ref ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { string str; if (!arg.HasArgs(1)) { return; } string args = arg.Args[0]; string empty = string.Empty; Assembly[] assemblies = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies(); for (int i = 0; i < (int)assemblies.Length; i++) { Type[] types = assemblies[i].GetTypes(); for (int j = 0; j < (int)types.Length; j++) { if (types[j].IsSubclassOf(typeof(ConsoleSystem))) { MethodInfo[] methods = types[j].GetMethods(); for (int k = 0; k < (int)methods.Length; k++) { if (methods[k].IsStatic) { if (!(args != "*") || types[j].Name.Contains(args) || methods[k].Name.Contains(args)) { if (arg.CheckPermissions(methods[k].GetCustomAttributes(true))) { str = empty; empty = string.Concat(new string[] { str, types[j].Name, ".", global.BuildMethodString(ref methods[k]), "\n" }); } } } } FieldInfo[] fields = types[j].GetFields(); for (int l = 0; l < (int)fields.Length; l++) { if (fields[l].IsStatic) { if (!(args != "*") || types[j].Name.Contains(args) || fields[l].Name.Contains(args)) { if (arg.CheckPermissions(fields[l].GetCustomAttributes(true))) { str = empty; empty = string.Concat(new string[] { str, types[j].Name, ".", global.BuildFieldsString(ref fields[l]), "\n" }); } } } } PropertyInfo[] properties = types[j].GetProperties(); for (int m = 0; m < (int)properties.Length; m++) { if (!(args != "*") || types[j].Name.Contains(args) || properties[m].Name.Contains(args)) { if (arg.CheckPermissions(properties[m].GetCustomAttributes(true))) { str = empty; empty = string.Concat(new string[] { str, types[j].Name, ".", global.BuildPropertyString(ref properties[m]), "\n" }); } } } } } } arg.ReplyWith(string.Concat("Finding ", args, ":\n", empty)); }
private void GatherRate(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { if (arg.Player() != null && !arg.Player().IsAdmin) { arg.ReplyWith(NotAllowed); return; } var subcommand = arg.GetString(0).ToLower(); if (!arg.HasArgs(3) || !subcommands.Contains(subcommand)) { arg.ReplyWith(InvalidArgumentsGather); return; } if (!validResources[arg.GetString(1).ToLower()] && arg.GetString(1) != "*") { arg.ReplyWith(string.Format(InvalidResource, arg.GetString(1))); return; } var resource = validResources[arg.GetString(1).ToLower()]?.displayName.english ?? "*"; var modifier = arg.GetFloat(2, -1); var remove = false; if (modifier < 0) { if (arg.GetString(2).ToLower() == "remove") { remove = true; } else { arg.ReplyWith(InvalidModifier); return; } } switch (subcommand) { case "dispenser": if (remove) { if (GatherResourceModifiers.ContainsKey(resource)) { GatherResourceModifiers.Remove(resource); } arg.ReplyWith(string.Format(ModifyResourceRemove, resource, Dispensers)); } else { if (GatherResourceModifiers.ContainsKey(resource)) { GatherResourceModifiers[resource] = modifier; } else { GatherResourceModifiers.Add(resource, modifier); } arg.ReplyWith(string.Format(ModifyResource, resource, modifier, Dispensers)); } SetConfigValue("Options", "GatherResourceModifiers", GatherResourceModifiers); break; case "pickup": if (remove) { if (PickupResourceModifiers.ContainsKey(resource)) { PickupResourceModifiers.Remove(resource); } arg.ReplyWith(string.Format(ModifyResourceRemove, resource, Pickups)); } else { if (PickupResourceModifiers.ContainsKey(resource)) { PickupResourceModifiers[resource] = modifier; } else { PickupResourceModifiers.Add(resource, modifier); } arg.ReplyWith(string.Format(ModifyResource, resource, modifier, Pickups)); } SetConfigValue("Options", "PickupResourceModifiers", PickupResourceModifiers); break; case "quarry": if (remove) { if (QuarryResourceModifiers.ContainsKey(resource)) { QuarryResourceModifiers.Remove(resource); } arg.ReplyWith(string.Format(ModifyResourceRemove, resource, Quarries)); } else { if (QuarryResourceModifiers.ContainsKey(resource)) { QuarryResourceModifiers[resource] = modifier; } else { QuarryResourceModifiers.Add(resource, modifier); } arg.ReplyWith(string.Format(ModifyResource, resource, modifier, Quarries)); } SetConfigValue("Options", "QuarryResourceModifiers", QuarryResourceModifiers); break; case "excavator": if (remove) { if (ExcavatorResourceModifiers.ContainsKey(resource)) { ExcavatorResourceModifiers.Remove(resource); } arg.ReplyWith(string.Format(ModifyResourceRemove, resource, Excavators)); } else { if (ExcavatorResourceModifiers.ContainsKey(resource)) { ExcavatorResourceModifiers[resource] = modifier; } else { ExcavatorResourceModifiers.Add(resource, modifier); } arg.ReplyWith(string.Format(ModifyResource, resource, modifier, Excavators)); } SetConfigValue("Options", "ExcavatorResourceModifiers", ExcavatorResourceModifiers); break; case "survey": if (remove) { if (SurveyResourceModifiers.ContainsKey(resource)) { SurveyResourceModifiers.Remove(resource); } arg.ReplyWith(string.Format(ModifyResourceRemove, resource, Charges)); } else { if (SurveyResourceModifiers.ContainsKey(resource)) { SurveyResourceModifiers[resource] = modifier; } else { SurveyResourceModifiers.Add(resource, modifier); } arg.ReplyWith(string.Format(ModifyResource, resource, modifier, Charges)); } SetConfigValue("Options", "SurveyResourceModifiers", SurveyResourceModifiers); break; } }
private object OnServerCommand(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { if (arg?.cmd == null) { return(null); } try { // Get the args var str = arg.GetString(0); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { return(null); } // Check if command is from a player var player = arg.Connection?.player as BasePlayer; if (player == null) { return(null); } // Get the full command var message = str.TrimStart('/'); // Parse it string cmd; string[] args; ParseCommand(message, out cmd, out args); if (cmd == null) { return(null); } // Get the covalence player var iplayer = Covalence.PlayerManager.FindPlayerById(arg.Connection.userid.ToString()); if (iplayer == null) { return(null); } // Is the command blocked? var blockedSpecific = Interface.Call("OnPlayerCommand", arg); var blockedCovalence = Interface.Call("OnUserCommand", iplayer, cmd, args); if (blockedSpecific != null || blockedCovalence != null) { return(true); } // Is it a chat command? if (arg.cmd.FullName != "chat.say") { return(null); } if (str[0] != '/') { return(null); // TODO: Return if no arguments given } // Disable chat commands for non-admins if the server is not set to modded if (!Interface.Oxide.Config.Options.Modded && !player.IsAdmin && !permission.UserHasGroup(player.UserIDString, "admin")) { return(null); } // Is it a covalance command? if (Covalence.CommandSystem.HandleChatMessage(iplayer, str)) { return(true); } // Is it a regular chat command? if (!cmdlib.HandleChatCommand(player, cmd, args)) { iplayer.Reply(lang.GetMessage("UnknownCommand", this, iplayer.Id), cmd); } } catch (NullReferenceException ex) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); try { var str = arg?.GetString(0); var message = str?.Substring(1); string cmd; string[] args; ParseCommand(message, out cmd, out args); sb.AppendLine("NullReferenceError in Oxide.Game.Rust when running OnServerCommand."); sb.AppendLine($" Command: {arg.cmd?.FullName}"); sb.AppendLine($" Full command: {str}"); sb.AppendLine($" Command: {cmd}"); sb.AppendLine($" Arguments: {args.ToSentence()}"); sb.AppendLine($" Connection: {arg.Connection}"); sb.AppendLine($" Connection ID: {arg.Connection?.userid}"); sb.AppendLine($" Connection player? {arg.Connection?.player != null}"); sb.AppendLine($" Connection player: {arg.Connection?.player}"); sb.AppendLine($" Connection player type: {arg.Connection?.player?.GetType()}"); } catch { // Ignored } finally { RemoteLogger.Exception(ex.Message, sb.ToString()); } } // Handled arg.ReplyWith(string.Empty); return(true); }
private void StackConsoleCommand(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { if (arg.IsAdmin != true) { if ((arg.Connection.userid.ToString() != null) && !(permission.UserHasPermission(arg.Connection.userid.ToString(), "stacksizecontroller.canChangeStackSize"))) { arg.ReplyWith("[StackSizeController] You don't have permission to use this command."); return; } } if (!pluginLoaded) { arg.ReplyWith("[StackSizeController] StackSizeController has encountered an error while trying to read the data file. Please contact your server administrator to fix the issue."); return; } if (arg.Args != null) { if (arg.Args.Length < 2) { arg.ReplyWith("[StackSizeController] Syntax Error: Requires 2 arguments. Syntax Example: stack ammo.rocket.hv 64 (Use shortname)"); return; } } else { arg.ReplyWith("[StackSizeController] Syntax Error: Requires 2 arguments. Syntax Example: stack ammo.rocket.hv 64 (Use shortname)"); return; } int stackAmount = 0; List <ItemDefinition> gameitems = ItemManager.itemList.FindAll(x => x.shortname.Equals(arg.Args[0])); if (gameitems.Count == 0) { arg.ReplyWith("[StackSizeController] Syntax Error: That is an incorrect item name. Please use a valid shortname."); return; } string replymessage = ""; switch (arg.Args[1].ToLower()) { case "default": { stackAmount = DetermineStack(gameitems[0]); replymessage = "[StackSizeController] Updated Stack Size for " + gameitems[0].displayName.english + " (" + gameitems[0].shortname + ") to " + stackAmount + " (Default value based on config)."; break; } default: { if (int.TryParse(arg.Args[1], out stackAmount) == false) { arg.ReplyWith("[StackSizeController] Syntax Error: Stack Amount is not a number. Syntax Example: /stack ammo.rocket.hv 64 (Use shortname)"); return; } replymessage = "[StackSizeController] Updated Stack Size for " + gameitems[0].displayName.english + " (" + gameitems[0].shortname + ") to " + stackAmount + "."; break; } } if (gameitems[0].condition.enabled && gameitems[0].condition.max > 0) { if (!(configData.Settings.StackHealthItems)) { arg.ReplyWith("[StackSizeController] Error: Stacking health items is disabled in the config."); return; } } items.itemlist[gameitems[0].displayName.english] = Convert.ToInt32(stackAmount); gameitems[0].stackable = Convert.ToInt32(stackAmount); SaveData(); arg.ReplyWith(replymessage); }
void cmdWarpPlayerr(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { BasePlayer target = BasePlayer.Find(arg.Args[0]); if ((arg.Args == null) || (arg.Args != null && arg.Args.Length == 0)) { arg.ReplyWith("warp.playerto <PlayerName> <WarpName>"); return; } if (arg.Connection != null && arg.Connection.authLevel < 1) { arg.ReplyWith("You cant use that command!"); return; } if (target == null) { arg.ReplyWith("Player not found!"); return; } ulong steamID = target.userID; double nextteletime; if (enablecooldown == true) { if (storedData.cantele.TryGetValue(steamID, out nextteletime)) { if (GetTimeStamp() >= nextteletime) { storedData.cantele[steamID] = GetTimeStamp() + cooldown; Interface.GetMod().DataFileSystem.WriteObject("WarpSystem", storedData); goto Finish; } else { int nexttele = Convert.ToInt32(nextteletime - GetTimeStamp()); SendReplyWithIcon(target, youhavetowait, nexttele.ToString().Replace("-", "")); return; } } else { storedData.cantele.Add(steamID, GetTimeStamp() + cooldown); Interface.GetMod().DataFileSystem.WriteObject("WarpSystem", storedData); goto Finish; } } Finish: foreach (WarpInfo info in storedData.WarpInfo) { if (info.WarpName.ToLower() == arg.Args[1].ToLower() || info.WarpId.ToString().ToLower() == arg.Args[1].ToLower()) { SendReplyWithIcon(target, teleportingto, info.WarpTimer, info.WarpName); arg.ReplyWith($"Teleporting {target.displayName} to {info.WarpName} in {info.WarpTimer}"); timer.Once(info.WarpTimer, () => { if (WarpIfRunning == false && target.IsRunning()) { SendReplyWithIcon(target, cantwarpwhilerunning); return; } if (WarpIfWounded == false && target.IsWounded()) { SendReplyWithIcon(target, cantwarpwhilewounded); return; } if (WarpIfSwimming == false && target.IsSwimming()) { SendReplyWithIcon(target, cantwarpwhileswimming); return; } if (WarpIfBuildingBlocked == false & !target.CanBuild()) { SendReplyWithIcon(target, cantwarpwhilebuildingblocked); return; } if (WarpIfDucking == false && target.IsDucked()) { SendReplyWithIcon(target, cantwarpwhileducking); return; } ForcePlayerPos(target, new Vector3(info.WarpX, info.WarpY, info.WarpZ), info.RandomRange > 0); SendReplyWithIcon(target, youhaveteleportedto, info.WarpName); }); } } }
// chat.say().Hooks.Chat() public static void Command(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { Player player = new Player(arg.Player()); string[] args = arg.ArgsStr.Substring(2, arg.ArgsStr.Length - 3).Replace("\\", "").Split(new string[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.None); Command cmd = new Command(player, args); if (cmd.cmd == "") { return; } if (Config.GetBoolValue("Commands", "enabled")) { if (cmd.cmd == Config.GetValue("Commands", "ShowMyStats")) { PlayerStats stats = player.Stats; player.Message(String.Format("You have {0} kills and {1} deaths!", stats.Kills, stats.Deaths)); player.Message(String.Format("You have taken {0} dmg, and caused {1} in total!", stats.TotalDamageTaken, stats.TotalDamageDone)); return; } if (cmd.cmd == Config.GetValue("Commands", "ShowStatsOther")) { Player pOther = Player.Find(String.Join(" ", cmd.args)); if (pOther != null) { PlayerStats stats2 = pOther.Stats; player.Message(String.Format("You have {0} kills and {1} deaths!", stats2.Kills, stats2.Deaths)); player.Message(String.Format("You have taken {0} dmg, and caused {1} in total!", stats2.TotalDamageTaken, stats2.TotalDamageDone)); return; } player.Message("Can't find player: " + String.Join(" ", cmd.args)); return; } if (cmd.cmd == Config.GetValue("Commands", "ShowLocation")) { player.Message(player.Location.ToString()); return; } if (cmd.cmd == Config.GetValue("Commands", "ShowOnlinePlayers")) { string msg = Server.GetServer().Players.Count == 1 ? "You are alone!" : String.Format("There are: {0} players online!", Server.GetServer().Players.Count); player.Message(msg); return; } if (cmd.cmd == Config.GetValue("Commands", "Help")) { foreach (string key in Config.PlutonConfig.EnumSection("HelpMessage")) { player.Message(Config.GetValue("HelpMessage", key)); } } if (cmd.cmd == Config.GetValue("Commands", "Commands")) { player.Message(String.Join(", ", PluginCommands.GetInstance().getCommands().ToArray())); } // TODO: command description, usage } OnCommand.OnNext(cmd); if (cmd.ReplyWith != "") { arg.ReplyWith(cmd.ReplyWith); } }
public static void fps(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { arg.ReplyWith(string.Concat(, " FPS")); }
private void ConsoleVersion(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) => arg.ReplyWith($"Oxide {OxideMod.Version} for Rust {Rust.Defines.Connection.protocol}");
void GTNCONSOLECMD(ConsoleSystem.Arg args) { //args.ReplyWith("test"); if (args.Connection != null) { return; } if (args.Args == null) { args.ReplyWith(msg("GTN console invalid syntax")); return; } if (args.Args.Length == 0) { args.ReplyWith(msg("GTN console invalid syntax")); return; } if (args.Args.Length > 3) { args.ReplyWith(msg("GTN console invalid syntax")); return; } if (args.Args[0] == null) { args.ReplyWith(msg("GTN console invalid syntax")); return; } if (args.Args[0] == "start") { if (eventActive) { args.ReplyWith(msg("Event Already Active")); return; } if (args.Args.Length == 3) { minNumber = Convert.ToInt32(args.Args[1]); maxNumber = Convert.ToInt32(args.Args[2]); if (minNumber != 0 && maxNumber != 0) { number = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(UnityEngine.Random.Range(Convert.ToSingle(minNumber), Convert.ToSingle(maxNumber))))); StartEvent(); args.ReplyWith(string.Format(msg("Event Created"), number.ToString())); } else { args.ReplyWith(msg("Invalid Params")); return; } } else { minNumber = minDefault; maxNumber = maxDefault; number = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(UnityEngine.Random.Range(Convert.ToSingle(minNumber), Convert.ToSingle(maxNumber))))); StartEvent(); args.ReplyWith(string.Format(msg("Event Created"), number.ToString())); } if (autoEventsEnabled) { if (!autoRepeatTimer.Destroyed) { autoRepeatTimer.Destroy(); autoRepeatTimer = timer.Repeat(autoEventTime, 0, () => StartEvent()); } } return; } else if (args.Args[0] == "end") { if (eventActive == false) { args.ReplyWith(msg("No Event")); return; } if (!eventTimer.Destroyed || eventTimer != null) { eventTimer.Destroy(); } if (autoEventsEnabled) { if (!autoRepeatTimer.Destroyed) { autoRepeatTimer.Destroy(); autoRepeatTimer = timer.Repeat(autoEventTime, 0, () => StartEvent()); } } eventActive = false; args.ReplyWith("The current event has been cancelled"); rust.BroadcastChat(msg("Event Timed Out")); } else { args.ReplyWith(msg("GTN console invalid syntax")); } return; }
private object OnRunCommand(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { // Sanity checks if (arg == null) { return(null); } if (arg.cmd == null) { return(null); } // Is it chat.say? if (arg.cmd.namefull == "chat.say") { // Get the args string str = arg.GetString(0, "text"); if (str.Length == 0) { return(null); } // Is it a chat command? if (str[0] == '/' || str[0] == '!') { // Get the arg string string argstr = str.Substring(1); // Parse it string cmd; string[] args; ParseChatCommand(argstr, out cmd, out args); if (cmd == null) { return(null); } // Handle it Command cmdlib = Interface.GetMod().GetLibrary <Command>("Command"); BasePlayer ply = arg.connection.player as BasePlayer; if (ply == null) { Interface.GetMod().RootLogger.Write(LogType.Debug, "Player is actually a {0}!", arg.connection.player.GetType()); } else { if (!cmdlib.HandleChatCommand(ply, cmd, args)) { ply.SendConsoleCommand("chat.add", 0, string.Format("Unknown command '{0}'!", cmd)); } } // Handled arg.ReplyWith(string.Empty); return(true); } } // Default behaviour return(null); }
private void CmdGroup(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { if (!PermissionsLoaded(arg)) { return; } if (!IsAdmin(arg)) { return; } if (!arg.HasArgs(2)) { var reply = "Usage: group <add|set> <name> [title] [rank]\n"; reply += "Usage: group <remove> <name>\n"; reply += "Usage: group <parent> <name> <parentName>"; arg.ReplyWith(reply); return; } var mode = arg.GetString(0); var name = arg.GetString(1); if (mode.Equals("add")) { if (permission.GroupExists(name)) { arg.ReplyWith("Group '" + name + "' already exist"); return; } permission.CreateGroup(name, arg.GetString(2), arg.GetInt(3)); arg.ReplyWith("Group '" + name + "' created"); } else if (mode.Equals("remove")) { if (!permission.GroupExists(name)) { arg.ReplyWith("Group '" + name + "' doesn't exist"); return; } permission.RemoveGroup(name); arg.ReplyWith("Group '" + name + "' deleted"); } else if (mode.Equals("set")) { if (!permission.GroupExists(name)) { arg.ReplyWith("Group '" + name + "' doesn't exist"); return; } permission.SetGroupTitle(name, arg.GetString(2)); permission.SetGroupRank(name, arg.GetInt(3)); arg.ReplyWith("Group '" + name + "' changed"); } else if (mode.Equals("parent")) { if (!permission.GroupExists(name)) { arg.ReplyWith("Group '" + name + "' doesn't exist"); return; } var parent = arg.GetString(2); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parent) && !permission.GroupExists(parent)) { arg.ReplyWith("Parent group '" + parent + "' doesn't exist"); return; } if (permission.SetGroupParent(name, parent)) { arg.ReplyWith("Group '" + name + "' changed"); } else { arg.ReplyWith("Group '" + name + "' failed to change"); } } }
void cmdConsoleFind(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { var player = arg.Player(); arg.ReplyWith(Find(player, arg.Args)); }
private object OnRunCommand(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { if (arg?.cmd == null) { return(null); } if (arg.cmd.namefull != "chat.say") { return(null); } if (arg.connection != null) { var rustCovalence = Libraries.Covalence.RustCovalenceProvider.Instance; var livePlayer = rustCovalence.PlayerManager.GetOnlinePlayer(arg.connection.userid.ToString()); if (rustCovalence.CommandSystem.HandleChatMessage(livePlayer, arg.GetString(0))) { return(true); } } // Get the args var str = arg.GetString(0, "text"); if (str.Length == 0) { return(null); } // Is it a chat command? if (str[0] == '/' || str[0] == '!') { // Get the message var message = str.Substring(1); // Parse it string cmd; string[] args; ParseChatCommand(message, out cmd, out args); if (cmd == null) { return(null); } // Handle it var player = arg.connection.player as BasePlayer; if (player == null) { Interface.Oxide.LogDebug("Player is actually a {0}!", arg.connection.player.GetType()); } else if (!cmdlib.HandleChatCommand(player, cmd, args)) { player.SendConsoleCommand("chat.add", 0, $"Unknown command '{cmd}'!"); } // Handled arg.ReplyWith(string.Empty); return(true); } // Default behavior return(null); }
void cmdlmsConsole(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { resetstatsconsole(); arg.ReplyWith(string.Format(lang.GetMessage("titleconsole", this) + lang.GetMessage("statsresetconsole", this))); }
public static void echo(ref ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { arg.ReplyWith(arg.ArgsStr); }