public static bool BeginGuestSession() { try { // Check existence of session HttpSessionState session = HttpContext.Current.Session; HttpRequest request = HttpContext.Current.Request; if (session == null) { return(false); } User user = new User(); user.UserName = "******"; user.Email = "*****@*****.**"; user.FirstName = "Guest"; user.LastName = ""; user.Level = 1; user.Customer = "GST1"; user.PartnerList = new List <PartnerDetail>(); user.IsGuest = true; List <string> partnerList = new List <string>() { "PART" }; bool isTest = false; //CHECK DEVELOPMENT/TEST ENVIRONMENT string hostname = request.Url.Authority; if (hostname == "") { isTest = true; } #if DEBUG isTest = true; #endif // Set connection IDs if (!ConnectionsMgr.SetConnIDs(user, isTest)) { // No Conn IDs? ProgramLog.LogError(user, "SessionHandler", "GetUserInfo", string.Format("Unable to get connection IDs for customer {0} and partner {1}.", user.Customer, user.ActivePartner)); return(false); } DBConnect connection = new DBConnect(); // Set partner info connection.Connect(ConnectionsMgr.GetAdminConnInfo()); using (var res = connection.Select(new[] { columnPartner, columnPartnerName }, tablePartnerInfo, string.Format("WHERE {0} IN ({1})", columnPartner, string.Join(",", partnerList.Select(p => "'" + p + "'"))))) { while (res.Read()) { user.PartnerList.Add(new PartnerDetail() { ID = res.Field(0), FullName = res.Field(1) }); } } user.PartnerIndex = 0; connection.Close(); // Set extra company info. connection.Connect(ConnectionsMgr.GetOCConnInfo(user)); using (var res = connection.Select(columnCompanyName, tableCustomerInfo, string.Format("WHERE {0}='{1}'", columnCustomer, user.Customer))) { if (res.AffectedRows == 0) { // No company name? ProgramLog.LogError(user, "SessionHandler", "GetUserInfo", string.Format("Unable to find company name in {0} for customer {1}", tableCustomerInfo, user.Customer)); connection.Close(); return(false); } res.Read(); user.CompanyName = res.Field(0); } connection.Close(); session[SKeys.User] = user; session[SKeys.IsTest] = isTest; session[SKeys.LandingPg] = "Default.aspx"; session[SKeys.TokenSet] = new HashSet <string>(); session[SKeys.TrxDict] = ProcessQueue.GetReqTypeDict(user); session[SKeys.IsOCSession] = false; return(true); } catch (Exception e) { ProgramLog.LogError("Guest", "EDIO", "EDIO", "SessionHandler", "BeginGuestSession", e.Message); return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// Fetches user information based on the username. /// </summary> /// <param name="user">The user object.</param> /// <param name="usUserName">The username of the user.</param> /// <returns>True if successful, false otherwise.</returns> private static bool GetUserInfo(User user, string usUserName, bool isTest) { string sUserName = usUserName.SQLEscape(); List <string> partnerList = new List <string>(); List <PartnerDetail> partnerDetailList = new List <PartnerDetail>(); DBConnect connection = new DBConnect(); try { connection.Connect(ConnectionsMgr.GetAuthConnInfo()); using (var res = connection.Select(new[] { columnEmail, columnFirstName, columnLastName, columnLevel, columnOrgID, columnPartnerList }, tableUserInfo, string.Format("WHERE {0}='{1}'", columnUserName, sUserName))) { if (!res.Read()) { connection.Close(); return(false); } user.UserName = sUserName; user.Email = res.Field(0); user.FirstName = res.Field(1); user.LastName = res.Field(2); user.Level = (int)double.Parse(res.Field(3)); user.Customer = res.Field(4).ToUpper(); partnerList.AddRange(res.Field(5).Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(pt => pt.Trim())); } connection.Close(); // Set partner info connection.Connect(ConnectionsMgr.GetAdminConnInfo()); using (var res = connection.Select(new[] { columnPartner, columnPartnerName }, tablePartnerInfo, string.Format("WHERE {0} IN ({1})", columnPartner, string.Join(",", partnerList.Select(p => "'" + p + "'"))))) { while (res.Read()) { partnerDetailList.Add(new PartnerDetail() { ID = res.Field(0), FullName = res.Field(1) }); } } connection.Close(); if (partnerDetailList.Count == 0) { // No partners? ProgramLog.LogError(user.UserName, user.Customer, "EDIO", "SessionHandler", "GetUserInfo", string.Format("Unable to find partner list in {0} for user {1}.", tablePartnerInfo, user.UserName)); return(false); } user.PartnerList = partnerDetailList; user.PartnerIndex = 0; // Set connection IDs if (!ConnectionsMgr.SetConnIDs(user, isTest)) { // No Conn IDs? ProgramLog.LogError(user, "SessionHandler", "GetUserInfo", string.Format("Unable to get connection IDs for customer {0} and partner {1}.", user.Customer, user.ActivePartner)); return(false); } // Set extra company info. connection.Connect(ConnectionsMgr.GetOCConnInfo(user)); using (var res = connection.Select(columnCompanyName, tableCustomerInfo, string.Format("WHERE {0}='{1}'", columnCustomer, user.Customer))) { if (res.AffectedRows == 0) { // No company name? ProgramLog.LogError(user, "SessionHandler", "GetUserInfo", string.Format("Unable to find company name in {0} for customer {1}", tableCustomerInfo, user.Customer)); connection.Close(); return(false); } res.Read(); user.CompanyName = res.Field(0); } connection.Close(); return(true); } catch (Exception e) { ProgramLog.LogError("", "EDIO", "EDIO", "SessionHandler", "GetUserInfo", e.Message); return(false); } }