Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a list of all the connection requests for the current person that have a critical status
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rockContext"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List <ConnectionRequest> GetConnections(RockContext rockContext)
            var connections = RockPage.GetSharedItem("ActiveConnections") as List <ConnectionRequest>;

            if (connections == null)
                var query = new ConnectionRequestService(rockContext).Queryable()
                    r => r.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.Active ||
                    (r.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.FutureFollowUp && r.FollowupDate < RockDateTime.Now))
                            .Where(r => r.ConnectorPersonAliasId == CurrentPersonAliasId);

                var types = GetAttributeValue(AttributeKey.ConnectionTypes).SplitDelimitedValues().ToList();
                if (types.Count() > 0)
                    query = query.Where(r => types.Contains(r.ConnectionOpportunity.ConnectionType.Guid.ToString()));

                if (GetAttributeValue(AttributeKey.CriticalConnectionsOnly).AsBoolean())
                    query = query.Where(r => r.ConnectionStatus.IsCritical == true);

                connections = query.ToList();

                RockPage.SaveSharedItem("ActiveConnections", connections);

        private void BindData()
            string contents = GetAttributeValue(AttributeKey.Contents);

            string appRoot   = ResolveRockUrl("~/");
            string themeRoot = ResolveRockUrl("~~/");

            contents = contents.Replace("~~/", themeRoot).Replace("~/", appRoot);

            var includedConnectionTypeGuids = GetAttributeValue(AttributeKey.IncludedConnectionTypes).SplitDelimitedValues().AsGuidList();
            var excludedConnectionTypeGuids = GetAttributeValue(AttributeKey.ExcludedConnectionTypes).SplitDelimitedValues().AsGuidList();

            DateTime midnightToday = RockDateTime.Today.AddDays(1);

            var rockContext        = new RockContext();
            var connectionRequests = new ConnectionRequestService(rockContext).Queryable()
                                     .Where(a => a.ConnectorPersonAlias != null && a.ConnectorPersonAlias.PersonId == CurrentPersonId)
                                     .Where(r => r.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.Active ||
                                            (r.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.FutureFollowUp && r.FollowupDate.HasValue && r.FollowupDate.Value < midnightToday));

            if (includedConnectionTypeGuids.Any())
                connectionRequests = connectionRequests.Where(a => includedConnectionTypeGuids.Contains(a.ConnectionOpportunity.ConnectionType.Guid));

            if (excludedConnectionTypeGuids.Any())
                connectionRequests = connectionRequests.Where(a => !excludedConnectionTypeGuids.Contains(a.ConnectionOpportunity.ConnectionType.Guid));

            connectionRequests = connectionRequests.OrderBy(r => r.PersonAlias.Person.LastName).ThenBy(r => r.PersonAlias.Person.NickName);

            var mergeFields = Rock.Lava.LavaHelper.GetCommonMergeFields(this.RockPage, this.CurrentPerson, new Rock.Lava.CommonMergeFieldsOptions {
                GetLegacyGlobalMergeFields = false

            mergeFields.Add("ConnectionRequests", connectionRequests.ToList());

            var lastActivityNotes = connectionRequests.Select(r => new
                ConnectionRequestId = r.Id,
                LastActivity        = r.ConnectionRequestActivities.OrderByDescending(
                    a => a.CreatedDateTime).FirstOrDefault()
            }).ToDictionary(k => k.ConnectionRequestId, v => v.LastActivity);

            mergeFields.Add("LastActivityLookup", lastActivityNotes);

            Dictionary <string, object> linkedPages = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            linkedPages.Add("DetailPage", LinkedPageRoute(AttributeKey.DetailPage));
            mergeFields.Add("LinkedPages", linkedPages);

            lContents.Text = contents.ResolveMergeFields(mergeFields);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a Linq Expression that can be applied to an IQueryable to filter the result set.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityType">The type of entity in the result set.</param>
        /// <param name="serviceInstance">A service instance that can be queried to obtain the result set.</param>
        /// <param name="parameterExpression">The input parameter that will be injected into the filter expression.</param>
        /// <param name="selection">A formatted string representing the filter settings.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A Linq Expression that can be used to filter an IQueryable.
        /// </returns>
        public override Expression GetExpression(Type entityType, IService serviceInstance, ParameterExpression parameterExpression, string selection)
            var settings = new SelectSettings(selection);

            var context = ( RockContext )serviceInstance.Context;

            // Evaluate the Data View that defines the candidate Groups.
            var dataView = DataComponentSettingsHelper.GetDataViewForFilterComponent(settings.DataViewGuid, context);

            var personService = new PersonService(context);

            var personQuery = personService.Queryable();

            if (dataView != null)
                personQuery = DataComponentSettingsHelper.FilterByDataView(personQuery, dataView, personService);

            var personKeys = personQuery.Select(x => x.Id);

            // Construct the Query to return the list of Group Members matching the filter conditions.
            var connectionRequestQuery = new ConnectionRequestService(context).Queryable();

            // Filter By Person.
            connectionRequestQuery = connectionRequestQuery.Where(p => personKeys.Contains(p.PersonAlias.PersonId));

            var selectExpression = FilterExpressionExtractor.Extract <Model.ConnectionRequest>(connectionRequestQuery, parameterExpression, "p");

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the expression.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityType">Type of the entity.</param>
        /// <param name="serviceInstance">The service instance.</param>
        /// <param name="parameterExpression">The parameter expression.</param>
        /// <param name="selection">The selection.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override Expression GetExpression(Type entityType, IService serviceInstance, ParameterExpression parameterExpression, string selection)
            var groupAttendanceFilterSelection = selection.FromJsonOrNull <GroupAttendanceFilterSelection>();

            if (groupAttendanceFilterSelection.GroupGuids == null || groupAttendanceFilterSelection.GroupGuids.Count == 0)
                // no groups selected, so return nothing

            var rockContext   = serviceInstance.Context as RockContext;
            var attendanceQry = new AttendanceService(rockContext).Queryable().Where(a => a.DidAttend.HasValue && a.DidAttend.Value);

            var dateRange = SlidingDateRangePicker.CalculateDateRangeFromDelimitedValues(groupAttendanceFilterSelection.SlidingDateRangeDelimitedValues);

            if (dateRange.Start.HasValue)
                var startDate = dateRange.Start.Value;
                attendanceQry = attendanceQry.Where(a => a.Occurrence.OccurrenceDate >= startDate);

            if (dateRange.End.HasValue)
                var endDate = dateRange.End.Value;
                attendanceQry = attendanceQry.Where(a => a.Occurrence.OccurrenceDate < endDate);

            var groupIds = GetGroupIds(groupAttendanceFilterSelection.GroupGuids, groupAttendanceFilterSelection.IncludeChildGroups);

            if (groupIds.Count == 1)
                // if there is exactly one groupId we can avoid a 'Contains' (Contains has a small performance impact)
                int groupId = groupIds[0];
                attendanceQry = attendanceQry.Where(a => a.Occurrence.GroupId.HasValue && a.Occurrence.GroupId.Value == groupId);
            else if (groupIds.Count > 1)
                attendanceQry = attendanceQry.Where(a => a.Occurrence.GroupId.HasValue && groupIds.Contains(a.Occurrence.GroupId.Value));

            if (groupAttendanceFilterSelection.ScheduleIds.Any())
                attendanceQry = attendanceQry.Where(a => a.Occurrence.ScheduleId.HasValue && groupAttendanceFilterSelection.ScheduleIds.Contains(a.Occurrence.ScheduleId.Value));

            var qry = new ConnectionRequestService(rockContext)

            qry = qry.Where(p => attendanceQry.Where(xx => p.AssignedGroupId.HasValue && xx.PersonAlias.PersonId == p.PersonAlias.PersonId && xx.Occurrence.GroupId == p.AssignedGroupId).Count() == groupAttendanceFilterSelection.AttendedCount);

            var compareEqualExpression = FilterExpressionExtractor.Extract <Rock.Model.ConnectionRequest>(qry, parameterExpression, "p") as BinaryExpression;
            var result = FilterExpressionExtractor.AlterComparisonType(groupAttendanceFilterSelection.IntegerCompare, compareEqualExpression, null);

Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the eligible connector with limit considering how many non-closed requests the connector may already have.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connectionOpportunityId">The connection opportunity identifier.</param>
        /// <param name="rockContext">The rock context.</param>
        /// <param name="globalLimit">The global limit.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List <ConnectionConnector> GetEligibleConnectorWithLimit(int connectionOpportunityId, RockContext rockContext, int globalLimit)
            var eligibleConnectors = new List <ConnectionConnector>();
            var qryConnectionOpportunityConnectorGroups = new ConnectionOpportunityConnectorGroupService(rockContext).Queryable()
                                                          .Where(a => a.ConnectionOpportunityId == connectionOpportunityId &&
                                                                 a.ConnectorGroup.IsActive &&

            // Get all connection requests that are active for the given opportunity that have a connector
            var activeConnectionRequestsWithConnector = new ConnectionRequestService(rockContext)
                                                        .Where(a => a.ConnectionOpportunityId == connectionOpportunityId &&
                                                               a.ConnectorPersonAlias != null &&
                                                               a.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.Active);

            foreach (var opportunityConnectionGroup in qryConnectionOpportunityConnectorGroups)
                var members = opportunityConnectionGroup.ConnectorGroup.Members.Where(m => m.GroupMemberStatus == GroupMemberStatus.Active).ToList();
                foreach (var member in members)
                    ConnectionConnector connectionConnector = new ConnectionConnector()
                        PersonAliasId = member.Person.PrimaryAliasId,
                        PersonId      = member.PersonId,
                        CampusId      = opportunityConnectionGroup.CampusId,

                    var campaignDailyLimit = member.GetAttributeValue("CampaignDailyLimit").AsIntegerOrNull();
                    connectionConnector.Limit   = campaignDailyLimit.HasValue ? campaignDailyLimit.Value : globalLimit;
                    connectionConnector.Current = activeConnectionRequestsWithConnector.Where(a => a.ConnectorPersonAlias.PersonId == member.PersonId).Count();

                    var campaignScheduleDays = member.GetAttributeValue("CampaignScheduleDays");
                    connectionConnector.DaysOfWeek = new List <DayOfWeek>();
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(campaignScheduleDays))
                        connectionConnector.DaysOfWeek = campaignScheduleDays.Split(',').Select(a => ( DayOfWeek )a.AsInteger()).ToList();

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the summary data.
        /// </summary>
        private void GetSummaryData()
            var midnightToday = RockDateTime.Today.AddDays(1);

            SummaryState = new List <ConnectionTypeSummary>();

            var rockContext = new RockContext();
            var connectionOpportunityService = new ConnectionOpportunityService(rockContext);
            var followingService             = new FollowingService(rockContext);
            var opportunityEntityTypeId      = EntityTypeCache.Get <ConnectionOpportunity>().Id;

            var followedOpportunityIds = followingService.Queryable()
                                         .Where(f =>
                                                f.PersonAliasId == CurrentPersonAliasId &&
                                                f.EntityTypeId == opportunityEntityTypeId &&
                                         .Select(f => f.EntityId)

            var opportunityQuery = connectionOpportunityService.Queryable()
                                   .Where(co =>
                                          co.IsActive &&

            var typeFilter = GetAttributeValue(AttributeKey.ConnectionTypes).SplitDelimitedValues().AsGuidList();

            if (typeFilter.Any())
                opportunityQuery = opportunityQuery.Where(o => typeFilter.Contains(o.ConnectionType.Guid));

            var selfAssignedOpportunities          = new List <int>();
            var isSelfAssignedOpportunitiesQueried = false;
            var opportunities = opportunityQuery.ToList();

            // Loop through opportunities
            foreach (var opportunity in opportunities)
                // Check to see if person can edit the opportunity because of edit rights to this block or edit rights to
                // the opportunity
                bool canEdit = UserCanEdit || opportunity.IsAuthorized(Authorization.EDIT, CurrentPerson);
                bool campusSpecificConnector = false;
                var  campusIds = new List <int>();

                if (CurrentPersonId.HasValue)
                    // Check to see if person belongs to any connector group that is not campus specific
                    if (!canEdit)
                        canEdit = opportunity
                                  .Any(g =>
                                       !g.CampusId.HasValue &&
                                       g.ConnectorGroup != null &&
                                       g.ConnectorGroup.Members.Any(m => m.PersonId == CurrentPersonId.Value));

                    // If user is not yet authorized to edit the opportunity, check to see if they are a member of one of the
                    // campus-specific connector groups for the opportunity, and note the campus
                    if (!canEdit)
                        foreach (var groupCampus in opportunity
                                 .Where(g =>
                                        g.CampusId.HasValue &&
                                        g.ConnectorGroup != null &&
                                        g.ConnectorGroup.Members.Any(m => m.PersonId == CurrentPersonId.Value)))
                            campusSpecificConnector = true;
                            canEdit = true;

                if (opportunity.ConnectionType.EnableRequestSecurity && !isSelfAssignedOpportunitiesQueried)
                    isSelfAssignedOpportunitiesQueried = true;
                    selfAssignedOpportunities          = new ConnectionRequestService(rockContext)
                                                         .Where(a => a.ConnectorPersonAlias.PersonId == CurrentPersonId.Value)
                                                         .Select(a => a.ConnectionOpportunityId)

                var canView = opportunity.IsAuthorized(Authorization.VIEW, CurrentPerson) ||
                              (opportunity.ConnectionType.EnableRequestSecurity && selfAssignedOpportunities.Contains(opportunity.Id));

                // Is user is authorized to view this opportunity type...
                if (canView)
                    // Check if the opportunity's type has been added to summary yet, and if not, add it
                    var connectionTypeSummary = SummaryState.Where(c => c.Id == opportunity.ConnectionTypeId).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (connectionTypeSummary == null)
                        connectionTypeSummary = new ConnectionTypeSummary
                            Id   = opportunity.ConnectionTypeId,
                            Name = opportunity.ConnectionType.Name,
                            EnableRequestSecurity              = opportunity.ConnectionType.EnableRequestSecurity,
                            ConnectionRequestDetailPageId      = opportunity.ConnectionType.ConnectionRequestDetailPageId,
                            ConnectionRequestDetailPageRouteId = opportunity.ConnectionType.ConnectionRequestDetailPageRouteId,
                            Opportunities = new List <OpportunitySummary>(),
                            IconMarkup    = opportunity.ConnectionType.IconCssClass.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() ?
                                            string.Empty :
                                            $@"<i class=""{opportunity.ConnectionType.IconCssClass}""></i>",
                            Order = opportunity.ConnectionType.Order

                    // get list of idle requests (no activity in past X days)

                    var connectionRequestsQry = new ConnectionRequestService(rockContext).Queryable().Where(a => a.ConnectionOpportunityId == opportunity.Id);
                    if (cpCampusFilter.SelectedCampusId.HasValue)
                        connectionRequestsQry = connectionRequestsQry.Where(a => a.CampusId.HasValue && a.CampusId == cpCampusFilter.SelectedCampusId);

                    var currentDateTime    = RockDateTime.Now;
                    int activeRequestCount = connectionRequestsQry
                                             .Where(cr =>
                                                    cr.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.Active ||
                                                    (cr.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.FutureFollowUp && cr.FollowupDate.HasValue && cr.FollowupDate.Value < midnightToday)

                    // only show if the opportunity is active and there are active requests
                    if (opportunity.IsActive || (!opportunity.IsActive && activeRequestCount > 0))
                        // idle count is:
                        //  (the request is active OR future follow-up who's time has come)
                        //  AND
                        //  (where the activity is more than DaysUntilRequestIdle days old OR no activity but created more than DaysUntilRequestIdle days ago)
                        List <int> idleConnectionRequests = connectionRequestsQry
                                                            .Where(cr =>
                                                                       cr.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.Active ||
                                                                       (cr.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.FutureFollowUp && cr.FollowupDate.HasValue && cr.FollowupDate.Value < midnightToday)
                                                                       (cr.ConnectionRequestActivities.Any() && cr.ConnectionRequestActivities.Max(ra => ra.CreatedDateTime) < SqlFunctions.DateAdd("day", -cr.ConnectionOpportunity.ConnectionType.DaysUntilRequestIdle, currentDateTime)) ||
                                                                       (!cr.ConnectionRequestActivities.Any() && cr.CreatedDateTime < SqlFunctions.DateAdd("day", -cr.ConnectionOpportunity.ConnectionType.DaysUntilRequestIdle, currentDateTime))
                                                            .Select(a => a.Id).ToList();

                        // get list of requests that have a status that is considered critical.
                        List <int> criticalConnectionRequests = connectionRequestsQry
                                                                .Where(r =>
                                                                       r.ConnectionStatus.IsCritical &&
                                                                           r.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.Active ||
                                                                           (r.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.FutureFollowUp && r.FollowupDate.HasValue && r.FollowupDate.Value < midnightToday)
                                                                .Select(a => a.Id).ToList();

                        // Add the opportunity
                        var opportunitySummary = new OpportunitySummary
                            Id                         = opportunity.Id,
                            Order                      = opportunity.Order,
                            Name                       = opportunity.Name,
                            IsActive                   = opportunity.IsActive,
                            IconCssClass               = opportunity.IconCssClass,
                            IdleConnectionRequests     = idleConnectionRequests,
                            CriticalConnectionRequests = criticalConnectionRequests,
                            DaysUntilRequestIdle       = opportunity.ConnectionType.DaysUntilRequestIdle,
                            CanEdit                    = canEdit,
                            IsFollowed                 = followedOpportunityIds.Contains(opportunity.Id)

                        // If the user is limited requests with specific campus(es) set the list, otherwise leave it to be null
                        opportunitySummary.CampusSpecificConnector = campusSpecificConnector;
                        opportunitySummary.ConnectorCampusIds      = campusIds.Distinct().ToList();


            // Get a list of all the authorized opportunity ids
            var allOpportunities = SummaryState.SelectMany(s => s.Opportunities).Select(o => o.Id).Distinct().ToList();

            // Get all the active and past-due future followup request ids, and include the campus id and personid of connector
            var activeRequestsQry = new ConnectionRequestService(rockContext)
                                    .Where(r =>
                                           allOpportunities.Contains(r.ConnectionOpportunityId) &&
                                           (r.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.Active ||
                                            (r.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.FutureFollowUp && r.FollowupDate.HasValue && r.FollowupDate.Value < midnightToday)))
                                    .Select(r => new
                ConnectorPersonId = r.ConnectorPersonAlias != null ? r.ConnectorPersonAlias.PersonId : -1

            if (cpCampusFilter.SelectedCampusId.HasValue)
                activeRequestsQry = activeRequestsQry.Where(a => a.CampusId.HasValue && a.CampusId == cpCampusFilter.SelectedCampusId);

            var activeRequests = activeRequestsQry.ToList();

            // Based on the active requests, set additional properties for each opportunity
            foreach (var opportunity in SummaryState.SelectMany(s => s.Opportunities))
                // Get the active requests for this opportunity that user is authorized to view (based on campus connector)
                var opportunityRequests = activeRequests
                                          .Where(r =>
                                                 r.ConnectionOpportunityId == opportunity.Id &&
                                                     !opportunity.CampusSpecificConnector ||
                                                     (r.CampusId.HasValue && opportunity.ConnectorCampusIds.Contains(r.CampusId.Value))

                // The active requests assigned to the current person
                opportunity.AssignedToYouConnectionRequests = opportunityRequests.Where(r => r.ConnectorPersonId == CurrentPersonId).Select(a => a.Id).ToList();

                // The active requests that are unassigned
                opportunity.UnassignedConnectionRequests = opportunityRequests.Where(r => r.ConnectorPersonId == -1).Select(a => a.Id).ToList();

                // Flag indicating if current user is connector for any of the active types
                opportunity.HasActiveRequestsForConnector = opportunityRequests.Any(r => r.ConnectorPersonId == CurrentPersonId);

                // Total number of requests for opportunity/campus/connector
                opportunity.TotalRequests = opportunityRequests.Count();

            //Set the Idle tooltip
            var           connectionTypes = opportunities.Where(o => allOpportunities.Contains(o.Id)).Select(o => o.ConnectionType).Distinct().ToList();
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            if (connectionTypes.Select(t => t.DaysUntilRequestIdle).Distinct().Count() == 1)
                sb.Append(String.Format("Idle (no activity in {0} days)", connectionTypes.Select(t => t.DaysUntilRequestIdle).Distinct().First()));
                sb.Append("Idle (no activity in several days)<br/><ul class='list-unstyled'>");
                foreach (var connectionType in connectionTypes)
                    sb.Append(String.Format("<li>{0}: {1} days</li>", connectionType.Name, connectionType.DaysUntilRequestIdle));

            var statusTemplate    = GetAttributeValue(AttributeKey.StatusTemplate);
            var statusMergeFields = Rock.Lava.LavaHelper.GetCommonMergeFields(this.RockPage);

            statusMergeFields.Add("ConnectionOpportunities", allOpportunities);
            statusMergeFields.Add("ConnectionTypes", connectionTypes);
            statusMergeFields.Add("IdleTooltip", sb.ToString().EncodeHtml());
            lStatusBarContent.Text = statusTemplate.ResolveMergeFields(statusMergeFields);
        /// <summary>
        /// Binds the grid.
        /// </summary>
        private void BindGrid()
            OpportunitySummary opportunitySummary = null;

            if (SelectedOpportunityId.HasValue)
                opportunitySummary = SummaryState.SelectMany(t => t.Opportunities.Where(o => o.Id == SelectedOpportunityId.Value)).FirstOrDefault();

            if (opportunitySummary != null)
                using (var rockContext = new RockContext())
                    // Get queryable of all requests that belong to the selected opportunity, and user is authorized to view (based on security or connector group)
                    var requests = new ConnectionRequestService(rockContext)
                                   .Where(r =>
                                          r.ConnectionOpportunityId == SelectedOpportunityId.Value &&
                                              !opportunitySummary.CampusSpecificConnector ||
                                              (r.CampusId.HasValue && opportunitySummary.ConnectorCampusIds.Contains(r.CampusId.Value))

                    // Filter by Requester
                    if (ppRequester.PersonId.HasValue)
                        requests = requests
                                   .Where(r =>
                                          r.PersonAlias != null &&
                                          r.PersonAlias.PersonId == ppRequester.PersonId.Value);

                    // Filter by Connector
                    if (tglMyOpportunities.Checked)
                        requests = requests
                                   .Where(r =>
                                          r.ConnectorPersonAlias != null &&
                                          r.ConnectorPersonAlias.PersonId == CurrentPersonId);
                    else if (ppConnector.PersonId.HasValue)
                        requests = requests
                                   .Where(r =>
                                          r.ConnectorPersonAlias != null &&
                                          r.ConnectorPersonAlias.PersonId == ppConnector.PersonId.Value);

                    // Filter by State

                    if (tglMyOpportunities.Checked)
                        requests = requests
                                   .Where(r => r.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.Active ||
                                          (r.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.FutureFollowUp && r.FollowupDate.HasValue && r.FollowupDate.Value < _midnightToday));
                        var  states         = new List <ConnectionState>();
                        bool futureFollowup = false;
                        foreach (string stateValue in cblState.SelectedValues)
                            futureFollowup = futureFollowup || stateValue.AsInteger() == -2;
                            var state = stateValue.ConvertToEnumOrNull <ConnectionState>();
                            if (state.HasValue)
                        if (futureFollowup || states.Any())
                            requests = requests
                                       .Where(r =>
                                              (futureFollowup && r.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.FutureFollowUp &&
                                               r.FollowupDate.HasValue && r.FollowupDate.Value < _midnightToday) ||

                    // Filter by Status
                    List <int> statusIds = cblStatus.SelectedValuesAsInt;
                    if (statusIds.Any())
                        requests = requests
                                   .Where(r => statusIds.Contains(r.ConnectionStatusId));

                    // Filter by Campus
                    List <int> campusIds = cblCampus.SelectedValuesAsInt;
                    if (campusIds.Count > 0)
                        requests = requests
                                   .Where(r =>
                                          r.Campus != null &&

                    // Filter by Last Activity Note
                    List <int> lastActivityIds = cblLastActivity.SelectedValuesAsInt;
                    if (lastActivityIds.Any())
                        requests = requests
                                   .Where(r => lastActivityIds.Contains(
                                              r.ConnectionRequestActivities.OrderByDescending(a => a.CreatedDateTime).Select(a => a.ConnectionActivityTypeId).FirstOrDefault()));

                    SortProperty sortProperty = gRequests.SortProperty;
                    if (sortProperty != null)
                        requests = requests.Sort(sortProperty);
                        requests = requests
                                   .OrderBy(r => r.PersonAlias.Person.LastName)
                                   .ThenBy(r => r.PersonAlias.Person.NickName);

                    gRequests.DataSource = requests.ToList()
                                           .Select(r => new
                        PersonId         = r.PersonAlias.PersonId,
                        Name             = r.PersonAlias.Person.FullNameReversed,
                        Campus           = r.Campus,
                        Group            = r.AssignedGroup != null ? r.AssignedGroup.Name : "",
                        Connector        = r.ConnectorPersonAlias != null ? r.ConnectorPersonAlias.Person.FullName : "",
                        LastActivity     = FormatActivity(r.ConnectionRequestActivities.OrderByDescending(a => a.CreatedDateTime).FirstOrDefault()),
                        LastActivityNote = gRequests.Columns[6].Visible ? r.ConnectionRequestActivities.OrderByDescending(
                            a => a.CreatedDateTime).Select(a => a.Note).FirstOrDefault() : "",
                        Status          = r.ConnectionStatus.Name,
                        StatusLabel     = r.ConnectionStatus.IsCritical ? "warning" : "info",
                        ConnectionState = r.ConnectionState,
                        StateLabel      = FormatStateLabel(r.ConnectionState, r.FollowupDate)

                    lOpportunityIcon.Text   = string.Format("<i class='{0}'></i>", opportunitySummary.IconCssClass);
                    lConnectionRequest.Text = String.Format("{0} Connection Requests", opportunitySummary.Name);
                pnlGrid.Visible = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the summary data.
        /// </summary>
        private void GetSummaryData()
            SummaryState = new List <ConnectionTypeSummary>();

            var rockContext   = new RockContext();
            var opportunities = new ConnectionOpportunityService(rockContext)

            var typeFilter = GetAttributeValue("ConnectionTypes").SplitDelimitedValues().AsGuidList();

            if (typeFilter.Any())
                opportunities = opportunities.Where(o => typeFilter.Contains(o.ConnectionType.Guid));

            // Loop through opportunities
            foreach (var opportunity in opportunities)
                // Check to see if person can view the opportunity because of admin rights to this block or admin rights to
                // the opportunity
                bool canView = UserCanAdministrate || opportunity.IsAuthorized(Authorization.ADMINISTRATE, CurrentPerson);
                bool campusSpecificConnector = false;
                var  campusIds = new List <int>();

                if (CurrentPersonId.HasValue)
                    // Check to see if person belongs to any connector group that is not campus specific
                    if (!canView)
                        canView = opportunity
                                  .Any(g =>
                                       !g.CampusId.HasValue &&
                                       g.ConnectorGroup != null &&
                                       g.ConnectorGroup.Members.Any(m => m.PersonId == CurrentPersonId.Value));

                    // If user is not yet authorized to view the opportunity, check to see if they are a member of one of the
                    // campus-specific connector groups for the opportunity, and note the campus
                    if (!canView)
                        foreach (var groupCampus in opportunity
                                 .Where(g =>
                                        g.CampusId.HasValue &&
                                        g.ConnectorGroup != null &&
                                        g.ConnectorGroup.Members.Any(m => m.PersonId == CurrentPersonId.Value)))
                            campusSpecificConnector = true;
                            canView = true;

                // Is user is authorized to view this opportunity type...
                if (canView)
                    // Check if the opportunity's type has been added to summary yet, and if not, add it
                    var connectionTypeSummary = SummaryState.Where(c => c.Id == opportunity.ConnectionTypeId).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (connectionTypeSummary == null)
                        connectionTypeSummary = new ConnectionTypeSummary
                            Id            = opportunity.ConnectionTypeId,
                            Name          = opportunity.ConnectionType.Name,
                            Opportunities = new List <OpportunitySummary>()

                    // Count number of idle requests (no activity in past X days)

                    var connectionRequestsQry = new ConnectionRequestService(rockContext).Queryable().Where(a => a.ConnectionOpportunityId == opportunity.Id);
                    var currentDateTime       = RockDateTime.Now;
                    int idleCount             = connectionRequestsQry
                                                .Where(cr =>
                                                           cr.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.Active ||
                                                           (cr.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.FutureFollowUp && cr.FollowupDate.HasValue && cr.FollowupDate.Value < _midnightToday)
                                                       ) &&
                                                           (cr.ConnectionRequestActivities.Any() && cr.ConnectionRequestActivities.Max(ra => ra.CreatedDateTime) < SqlFunctions.DateAdd("day", -cr.ConnectionOpportunity.ConnectionType.DaysUntilRequestIdle, currentDateTime))) ||
                                                       (!cr.ConnectionRequestActivities.Any() && cr.CreatedDateTime < SqlFunctions.DateAdd("day", -cr.ConnectionOpportunity.ConnectionType.DaysUntilRequestIdle, currentDateTime))

                    // Count the number requests that have a status that is considered critical.
                    int criticalCount = connectionRequestsQry
                                        .Where(r =>
                                               r.ConnectionStatus.IsCritical &&
                                                   r.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.Active ||
                                                   (r.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.FutureFollowUp && r.FollowupDate.HasValue && r.FollowupDate.Value < _midnightToday)

                    // Add the opportunity
                    var opportunitySummary = new OpportunitySummary
                        Id            = opportunity.Id,
                        Name          = opportunity.Name,
                        IconCssClass  = opportunity.IconCssClass,
                        IdleCount     = idleCount,
                        CriticalCount = criticalCount

                    // If the user is limited requests with specific campus(es) set the list, otherwise leave it to be null
                    opportunitySummary.CampusSpecificConnector = campusSpecificConnector;
                    opportunitySummary.ConnectorCampusIds      = campusIds.Distinct().ToList();


            // Get a list of all the authorized opportunity ids
            var allOpportunities = SummaryState.SelectMany(s => s.Opportunities).Select(o => o.Id).Distinct().ToList();

            // Get all the active and past-due future followup request ids, and include the campus id and personid of connector
            var midnightToday  = RockDateTime.Today.AddDays(1);
            var activeRequests = new ConnectionRequestService(rockContext)
                                 .Where(r =>
                                        allOpportunities.Contains(r.ConnectionOpportunityId) &&
                                        (r.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.Active ||
                                         (r.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.FutureFollowUp && r.FollowupDate.HasValue && r.FollowupDate.Value < midnightToday)))
                                 .Select(r => new
                ConnectorPersonId = r.ConnectorPersonAlias != null ? r.ConnectorPersonAlias.PersonId : -1

            // Based on the active requests, set additional properties for each opportunity
            foreach (var opportunity in SummaryState.SelectMany(s => s.Opportunities))
                // Get the active requests for this opportunity that user is authorized to view (based on campus connector)
                var opportunityRequests = activeRequests
                                          .Where(r =>
                                                 r.ConnectionOpportunityId == opportunity.Id &&
                                                     !opportunity.CampusSpecificConnector ||
                                                     (r.CampusId.HasValue && opportunity.ConnectorCampusIds.Contains(r.CampusId.Value))

                // The count of active requests assigned to the current person
                opportunity.AssignedToYou = opportunityRequests.Count(r => r.ConnectorPersonId == CurrentPersonId);

                // The count of active requests that are unassigned
                opportunity.UnassignedCount = opportunityRequests.Count(r => r.ConnectorPersonId == -1);

                // Flag indicating if current user is connector for any of the active types
                opportunity.HasActiveRequestsForConnector = opportunityRequests.Any(r => r.ConnectorPersonId == CurrentPersonId);

            //Set the Idle tooltip
            var           connectionTypes = opportunities.Where(o => allOpportunities.Contains(o.Id)).Select(o => o.ConnectionType).Distinct().ToList();
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            if (connectionTypes.Select(t => t.DaysUntilRequestIdle).Distinct().Count() == 1)
                sb.Append(String.Format("Idle (no activity in {0} days)", connectionTypes.Select(t => t.DaysUntilRequestIdle).Distinct().First()));
                sb.Append("Idle (no activity in several days)<br/><ul class='list-unstyled'>");
                foreach (var connectionType in connectionTypes)
                    sb.Append(String.Format("<li>{0}: {1} days</li>", connectionType.Name, connectionType.DaysUntilRequestIdle));

            var statusTemplate    = this.GetAttributeValue("StatusTemplate");
            var statusMergeFields = Rock.Lava.LavaHelper.GetCommonMergeFields(this.RockPage);

            statusMergeFields.Add("ConnectionOpportunities", allOpportunities);
            statusMergeFields.Add("ConnectionTypes", connectionTypes);
            statusMergeFields.Add("IdleTooltip", sb.ToString());
            lStatusBarContent.Text = statusTemplate.ResolveMergeFields(statusMergeFields);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the summary data.
        /// </summary>
        private void GetSummaryData()
            SummaryState = new List<ConnectionTypeSummary>();

            var rockContext = new RockContext();
            var opportunities = new ConnectionOpportunityService( rockContext )

            var typeFilter = GetAttributeValue( "ConnectionTypes" ).SplitDelimitedValues().AsGuidList();
            if ( typeFilter.Any() )
                opportunities = opportunities.Where( o => typeFilter.Contains( o.ConnectionType.Guid ) );

            // Loop through opportunities
            foreach ( var opportunity in opportunities )
                // Check to see if person can view the opportunity because of admin rights to this block or admin rights to
                // the opportunity
                bool canView = UserCanAdministrate || opportunity.IsAuthorized( Authorization.ADMINISTRATE, CurrentPerson );
                bool campusSpecificConnector = false;
                var campusIds = new List<int>();

                if ( CurrentPersonId.HasValue )
                    // Check to see if person belongs to any connector group that is not campus specific
                    if ( !canView )
                        canView = opportunity
                            .Any( g =>
                                !g.CampusId.HasValue &&
                                g.ConnectorGroup != null &&
                                g.ConnectorGroup.Members.Any( m => m.PersonId == CurrentPersonId.Value ) );

                    // If user is not yet authorized to view the opportunity, check to see if they are a member of one of the
                    // campus-specific connector groups for the opportunity, and note the campus
                    if ( !canView )
                        foreach ( var groupCampus in opportunity
                            .Where( g =>
                                g.CampusId.HasValue &&
                                g.ConnectorGroup != null &&
                                g.ConnectorGroup.Members.Any( m => m.PersonId == CurrentPersonId.Value ) ) )
                            campusSpecificConnector = true;
                            canView = true;
                            campusIds.Add( groupCampus.CampusId.Value );

                // Is user is authorized to view this opportunity type...
                if ( canView )
                    // Check if the opportunity's type has been added to summary yet, and if not, add it
                    var connectionTypeSummary = SummaryState.Where( c => c.Id == opportunity.ConnectionTypeId ).FirstOrDefault();
                    if ( connectionTypeSummary == null )
                        connectionTypeSummary = new ConnectionTypeSummary
                            Id = opportunity.ConnectionTypeId,
                            Name = opportunity.ConnectionType.Name,
                            Opportunities = new List<OpportunitySummary>()
                        SummaryState.Add( connectionTypeSummary );

                    // Count number of idle requests (no activity in past X days)

                    var connectionRequestsQry = new ConnectionRequestService( rockContext ).Queryable().Where( a => a.ConnectionOpportunityId == opportunity.Id );
                    var currentDateTime = RockDateTime.Now;
                    int activeRequestCount = connectionRequestsQry
                        .Where( cr =>
                                cr.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.Active
                                || ( cr.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.FutureFollowUp && cr.FollowupDate.HasValue && cr.FollowupDate.Value < _midnightToday )

                    // only show if the oppportunity is active and there are active requests
                    if ( opportunity.IsActive || ( !opportunity.IsActive && activeRequestCount > 0 ) )
                        // idle count is:
                        //  (the request is active OR future follow-up who's time has come)
                        //  AND
                        //  (where the activity is more than DaysUntilRequestIdle days old OR no activity but created more than DaysUntilRequestIdle days ago)
                        int idleCount = connectionRequestsQry
                                        .Where( cr =>
                                                cr.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.Active
                                                || ( cr.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.FutureFollowUp && cr.FollowupDate.HasValue && cr.FollowupDate.Value < _midnightToday )
                                                ( cr.ConnectionRequestActivities.Any() && cr.ConnectionRequestActivities.Max( ra => ra.CreatedDateTime ) < SqlFunctions.DateAdd( "day", -cr.ConnectionOpportunity.ConnectionType.DaysUntilRequestIdle, currentDateTime ) )
                                                || ( !cr.ConnectionRequestActivities.Any() && cr.CreatedDateTime < SqlFunctions.DateAdd( "day", -cr.ConnectionOpportunity.ConnectionType.DaysUntilRequestIdle, currentDateTime ) )

                        // Count the number requests that have a status that is considered critical.
                        int criticalCount = connectionRequestsQry
                                                .Where( r =>
                                                    && (
                                                            r.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.Active
                                                            || ( r.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.FutureFollowUp && r.FollowupDate.HasValue && r.FollowupDate.Value < _midnightToday )

                        // Add the opportunity
                        var opportunitySummary = new OpportunitySummary
                            Id = opportunity.Id,
                            Name = opportunity.Name,
                            IsActive = opportunity.IsActive,
                            IconCssClass = opportunity.IconCssClass,
                            IdleCount = idleCount,
                            CriticalCount = criticalCount

                        // If the user is limited requests with specific campus(es) set the list, otherwise leave it to be null
                        opportunitySummary.CampusSpecificConnector = campusSpecificConnector;
                        opportunitySummary.ConnectorCampusIds = campusIds.Distinct().ToList();

                        connectionTypeSummary.Opportunities.Add( opportunitySummary );

            // Get a list of all the authorized opportunity ids
            var allOpportunities = SummaryState.SelectMany( s => s.Opportunities ).Select( o => o.Id ).Distinct().ToList();

            // Get all the active and past-due future followup request ids, and include the campus id and personid of connector
            var midnightToday = RockDateTime.Today.AddDays(1);
            var activeRequests = new ConnectionRequestService( rockContext )
                .Where( r =>
                    allOpportunities.Contains( r.ConnectionOpportunityId ) &&
                    ( r.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.Active ||
                        ( r.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.FutureFollowUp && r.FollowupDate.HasValue && r.FollowupDate.Value < midnightToday ) ) )
                .Select( r => new
                    ConnectorPersonId = r.ConnectorPersonAlias != null ? r.ConnectorPersonAlias.PersonId : -1
                } )

            // Based on the active requests, set additional properties for each opportunity
            foreach ( var opportunity in SummaryState.SelectMany( s => s.Opportunities ) )
                // Get the active requests for this opportunity that user is authorized to view (based on campus connector)
                var opportunityRequests = activeRequests
                    .Where( r =>
                        r.ConnectionOpportunityId == opportunity.Id &&
                            !opportunity.CampusSpecificConnector ||
                            ( r.CampusId.HasValue && opportunity.ConnectorCampusIds.Contains( r.CampusId.Value ) )
                        ) )

                // The count of active requests assigned to the current person
                opportunity.AssignedToYou = opportunityRequests.Count( r => r.ConnectorPersonId == CurrentPersonId );

                // The count of active requests that are unassigned
                opportunity.UnassignedCount = opportunityRequests.Count( r => r.ConnectorPersonId == -1 );

                // Flag indicating if current user is connector for any of the active types
                opportunity.HasActiveRequestsForConnector = opportunityRequests.Any( r => r.ConnectorPersonId == CurrentPersonId );

            //Set the Idle tooltip
            var connectionTypes = opportunities.Where( o => allOpportunities.Contains( o.Id ) ).Select( o => o.ConnectionType ).Distinct().ToList();
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            if ( connectionTypes.Select( t => t.DaysUntilRequestIdle ).Distinct().Count() == 1 )
                sb.Append( String.Format( "Idle (no activity in {0} days)", connectionTypes.Select( t => t.DaysUntilRequestIdle ).Distinct().First() ) );
                sb.Append( "Idle (no activity in several days)<br/><ul class='list-unstyled'>" );
                foreach ( var connectionType in connectionTypes )
                    sb.Append( String.Format( "<li>{0}: {1} days</li>", connectionType.Name, connectionType.DaysUntilRequestIdle ) );
                sb.Append( "</ul>" );

            var statusTemplate = this.GetAttributeValue( "StatusTemplate" );
            var statusMergeFields = Rock.Lava.LavaHelper.GetCommonMergeFields(this.RockPage);
            statusMergeFields.Add( "ConnectionOpportunities", allOpportunities );
            statusMergeFields.Add( "ConnectionTypes", connectionTypes );
            statusMergeFields.Add( "IdleTooltip", sb.ToString() );
            lStatusBarContent.Text = statusTemplate.ResolveMergeFields( statusMergeFields );
        /// <summary>
        /// Binds the grid.
        /// </summary>
        private void BindGrid()
            OpportunitySummary opportunitySummary = null;

            if ( SelectedOpportunityId.HasValue )
                opportunitySummary = SummaryState.SelectMany( t => t.Opportunities.Where( o => o.Id == SelectedOpportunityId.Value ) ).FirstOrDefault();

            if ( opportunitySummary != null )
                using ( var rockContext = new RockContext() )

                    // Get queryable of all requests that belong to the selected opportunity, and user is authorized to view (based on security or connector group)
                    var requests = new ConnectionRequestService( rockContext )
                        .Where( r =>
                            r.ConnectionOpportunityId == SelectedOpportunityId.Value &&
                                !opportunitySummary.CampusSpecificConnector ||
                                ( r.CampusId.HasValue && opportunitySummary.ConnectorCampusIds.Contains( r.CampusId.Value ) )
                            ) );

                    // Filter by Requester
                    if ( ppRequester.PersonId.HasValue )
                        requests = requests
                            .Where( r =>
                                r.PersonAlias != null &&
                                r.PersonAlias.PersonId == ppRequester.PersonId.Value );

                    // Filter by Connector
                    if ( tglMyOpportunities.Checked )
                        requests = requests
                            .Where( r =>
                                r.ConnectorPersonAlias != null &&
                                r.ConnectorPersonAlias.PersonId == CurrentPersonId );
                    else if ( ppConnector.PersonId.HasValue )
                        requests = requests
                            .Where( r =>
                                r.ConnectorPersonAlias != null &&
                                r.ConnectorPersonAlias.PersonId == ppConnector.PersonId.Value );

                    // Filter by State

                    if ( tglMyOpportunities.Checked )
                        requests = requests
                            .Where( r => r.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.Active ||
                                    ( r.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.FutureFollowUp && r.FollowupDate.HasValue && r.FollowupDate.Value < _midnightToday ) );
                        var states = new List<ConnectionState>();
                        bool futureFollowup = false;
                        foreach ( string stateValue in cblState.SelectedValues )
                            futureFollowup = futureFollowup || stateValue.AsInteger() == -2;
                            var state = stateValue.ConvertToEnumOrNull<ConnectionState>();
                            if ( state.HasValue )
                                states.Add( state.Value );
                        if ( futureFollowup || states.Any() )
                            requests = requests
                                .Where( r =>
                                    ( futureFollowup && r.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.FutureFollowUp &&
                                        r.FollowupDate.HasValue && r.FollowupDate.Value < _midnightToday ) ||
                                    states.Contains( r.ConnectionState ) );

                    // Filter by Status
                    List<int> statusIds = cblStatus.SelectedValuesAsInt;
                    if ( statusIds.Any() )
                        requests = requests
                            .Where( r => statusIds.Contains( r.ConnectionStatusId ) );

                    // Filter by Campus
                    List<int> campusIds = cblCampus.SelectedValuesAsInt;
                    if ( campusIds.Count > 0 )
                        requests = requests
                            .Where( r =>
                                r.Campus != null &&
                                campusIds.Contains( r.CampusId.Value ) );

                    // Filter by Last Activity Note
                    List<int> lastActivityIds = cblLastActivity.SelectedValuesAsInt;
                    if ( lastActivityIds.Any() )
                        requests = requests
                            .Where( r => lastActivityIds.Contains(
                                r.ConnectionRequestActivities.OrderByDescending( a => a.CreatedDateTime ).Select( a => a.ConnectionActivityTypeId ).FirstOrDefault() ) );

                    SortProperty sortProperty = gRequests.SortProperty;
                    if ( sortProperty != null )
                        requests = requests.Sort( sortProperty );
                        requests = requests
                            .OrderBy( r => r.PersonAlias.Person.LastName )
                            .ThenBy( r => r.PersonAlias.Person.NickName );

                    var requestList = requests.ToList();
                    var roleIds = requestList.Where( r => r.AssignedGroupMemberRoleId.HasValue).Select( r => r.AssignedGroupMemberRoleId.Value ).ToList();

                    var roles = new GroupTypeRoleService( rockContext )
                        .Where( r => roleIds.Contains( r.Id ) )
                        .ToDictionary( k => k.Id, v => v.Name );

                    gRequests.DataSource = requests.ToList()
                    .Select( r => new
                        PersonId = r.PersonAlias.PersonId,
                        Name = r.PersonAlias.Person.FullNameReversed,
                        Campus = r.Campus,
                        Group = r.AssignedGroup != null ? r.AssignedGroup.Name : "",
                        GroupStatus = r.AssignedGroupMemberStatus != null ? r.AssignedGroupMemberStatus.ConvertToString() : "",
                        GroupRole = r.AssignedGroupMemberRoleId.HasValue ? roles[r.AssignedGroupMemberRoleId.Value] : "",
                        Connector = r.ConnectorPersonAlias != null ? r.ConnectorPersonAlias.Person.FullName : "",
                        LastActivity = FormatActivity( r.ConnectionRequestActivities.OrderByDescending( a => a.CreatedDateTime ).FirstOrDefault() ),
                        LastActivityNote = gRequests.Columns[6].Visible ? r.ConnectionRequestActivities.OrderByDescending(
                            a => a.CreatedDateTime ).Select( a => a.Note ).FirstOrDefault() : "",
                        Status = r.ConnectionStatus.Name,
                        StatusLabel = r.ConnectionStatus.IsCritical ? "warning" : "info",
                        ConnectionState = r.ConnectionState,
                        StateLabel = FormatStateLabel( r.ConnectionState, r.FollowupDate )
                    } )

                    lOpportunityIcon.Text = string.Format( "<i class='{0}'></i>", opportunitySummary.IconCssClass );
                    lConnectionRequest.Text = String.Format( "{0} Connection Requests", opportunitySummary.Name );
                pnlGrid.Visible = false;
Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the summary data.
        /// </summary>
        private void GetSummaryData()
            SummaryState = new List <ConnectionTypeSummary>();

            var rockContext   = new RockContext();
            var opportunities = new ConnectionOpportunityService(rockContext)

            var typeFilter = GetAttributeValue("ConnectionTypes").SplitDelimitedValues().AsGuidList();

            if (typeFilter.Any())
                opportunities = opportunities.Where(o => typeFilter.Contains(o.ConnectionType.Guid));

            // Loop through opportunities
            foreach (var opportunity in opportunities)
                // Check to see if person can view the opportunity because of admin rights to this block or admin rights to
                // the opportunity
                bool canView = UserCanAdministrate || opportunity.IsAuthorized(Authorization.ADMINISTRATE, CurrentPerson);
                bool campusSpecificConnector = false;
                var  campusIds = new List <int>();

                if (CurrentPersonId.HasValue)
                    // Check to see if person belongs to any connector group that is not campus specific
                    if (!canView)
                        canView = opportunity
                                  .Any(g =>
                                       !g.CampusId.HasValue &&
                                       g.ConnectorGroup != null &&
                                       g.ConnectorGroup.Members.Any(m => m.PersonId == CurrentPersonId.Value));

                    // If user is not yet authorized to view the opportunity, check to see if they are a member of one of the
                    // campus-specific connector groups for the opportunity, and note the campus
                    if (!canView)
                        foreach (var groupCampus in opportunity
                                 .Where(g =>
                                        g.CampusId.HasValue &&
                                        g.ConnectorGroup != null &&
                                        g.ConnectorGroup.Members.Any(m => m.PersonId == CurrentPersonId.Value)))
                            campusSpecificConnector = true;
                            canView = true;

                // Is user is authorized to view this opportunity type...
                if (canView)
                    // Check if the opportunity's type has been added to summary yet, and if not, add it
                    var connectionTypeSummary = SummaryState.Where(c => c.Id == opportunity.ConnectionTypeId).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (connectionTypeSummary == null)
                        connectionTypeSummary = new ConnectionTypeSummary
                            Id            = opportunity.ConnectionTypeId,
                            Name          = opportunity.ConnectionType.Name,
                            Opportunities = new List <OpportunitySummary>()

                    // Add the opportunity
                    var opportunitySummary = new OpportunitySummary
                        Id           = opportunity.Id,
                        Name         = opportunity.Name,
                        IconCssClass = opportunity.IconCssClass

                    // If the user is limited requests with specific campus(es) set the list, otherwise leave it to be null
                    opportunitySummary.CampusSpecificConnector = campusSpecificConnector;
                    opportunitySummary.ConnectorCampusIds      = campusIds.Distinct().ToList();


            // Get a list of all the authorized opportunity ids
            var allOpportunities = SummaryState.SelectMany(s => s.Opportunities).Select(o => o.Id).Distinct().ToList();

            // Get all the active and past-due future followup request ids, and include the campus id and personid of connector
            var midnightToday  = RockDateTime.Today.AddDays(1);
            var activeRequests = new ConnectionRequestService(rockContext)
                                 .Where(r =>
                                        allOpportunities.Contains(r.ConnectionOpportunityId) &&
                                        (r.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.Active ||
                                         (r.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.FutureFollowUp && r.FollowupDate.HasValue && r.FollowupDate.Value < midnightToday)))
                                 .Select(r => new
                ConnectorPersonId = r.ConnectorPersonAlias != null ? r.ConnectorPersonAlias.PersonId : -1

            // Based on the active requests, set additional properties for each opportunity
            foreach (var opportunity in SummaryState.SelectMany(s => s.Opportunities))
                // Get the active requests for this opportunity that user is authorized to view (based on campus connector)
                var opportunityRequests = activeRequests
                                          .Where(r =>
                                                 r.ConnectionOpportunityId == opportunity.Id &&
                                                     !opportunity.CampusSpecificConnector ||
                                                     (r.CampusId.HasValue && opportunity.ConnectorCampusIds.Contains(r.CampusId.Value))

                // The count of active requests
                opportunity.ActiveCount = opportunityRequests.Count();

                // Flag indicating if current user is connector for any of the active types
                opportunity.HasActiveRequestsForConnector = opportunityRequests.Any(r => r.ConnectorPersonId == CurrentPersonId);

        private void BindGrids()
            var viewableOppIds = viewableConnectionOpportunities.Select( x => x.Id ).ToList();

            var requests = new ConnectionRequestService( _rockContext ).Queryable()
                .Where( r => r.ConnectionRequestActivities.Any( a => a.CreatedDateTime > dateRange.LowerValue && a.CreatedDateTime < dateRange.UpperValue ) )
                .Where( r => viewableOppIds.Contains( r.ConnectionOpportunityId ) );

            var conOppId = rddConnectionOpportunity.SelectedValueAsId();
            if ( conOppId > 0 )
                requests = requests.Where( r => r.ConnectionOpportunityId == conOppId );

            var campId = campusPicker.SelectedValueAsId();
            if ( campId > 0 )
                requests = requests.Where( r => r.CampusId == campId );

            var connectorId = ppAssignedPerson.PersonId;
            if ( connectorId > 0 )
                requests = requests.Where( r => r.ConnectorPersonAlias != null && r.ConnectorPersonAlias.PersonId == connectorId );

            // Filter by State
            var midnightToday = RockDateTime.Today.AddDays( 1 );
            var states = new List<ConnectionState>();
            bool futureFollowup = false;
            foreach ( string stateValue in cblState.SelectedValues )
                futureFollowup = futureFollowup || stateValue.AsInteger() == -2;
                var state = stateValue.ConvertToEnumOrNull<ConnectionState>();
                if ( state.HasValue )
                    states.Add( state.Value );
            if ( futureFollowup || states.Any() )
                requests = requests
                    .Where( r =>
                        ( futureFollowup && r.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.FutureFollowUp &&
                            r.FollowupDate.HasValue && r.FollowupDate.Value < midnightToday ) ||
                        states.Contains( r.ConnectionState ) );

            // Filter by Status
            List<string> statusIds = cblStatus.SelectedValues;
            if ( statusIds.Any() )
                requests = requests
                    .Where( r => statusIds.Contains( r.ConnectionStatus.Name ) );

            SortProperty sortProperty = workflowReportTable.SortProperty;
            if ( sortProperty != null )
                requests = requests.Sort( sortProperty );
                requests = requests
                    .OrderBy( r => (r.ConnectionState != ConnectionState.Inactive && r.ConnectionState != ConnectionState.Connected ) ? 0 : 1 )
                    .ThenBy( r => r.ConnectorPersonAlias.Person.NickName )
                    .ThenBy( r => r.ConnectorPersonAlias.Person.LastName )
                    .ThenBy( r => r.ConnectionOpportunity.Name );

            var requestsData = requests.ToList()
            .Select( r => new
                PersonId = r.PersonAlias.PersonId,
                Name = r.PersonAlias.Person.FullName,
                Campus = r.Campus,
                Group = r.AssignedGroup != null ? r.AssignedGroup.Name : "",
                Connector = r.ConnectorPersonAlias != null ? r.ConnectorPersonAlias.Person.FullName : "",
                LastActivity = FormatActivity( r.ConnectionRequestActivities.OrderByDescending( a => a.CreatedDateTime ).FirstOrDefault() ),
                CreatedDateTime = r.ConnectionRequestActivities.OrderByDescending( a => a.CreatedDateTime ).FirstOrDefault().CreatedDateTime,
                Opened = ( r.CreatedDateTime.HasValue ? ( r.CreatedDateTime.Value.ToShortDateString() + " " + r.CreatedDateTime.Value.ToShortTimeString() + " " ) : "" ) + "(<span class='small'>" + r.CreatedDateTime.ToRelativeDateString() + "</small>)",
                Status = r.ConnectionStatus.Name,
                StatusLabel = r.ConnectionStatus.IsCritical ? "warning" : "info",
                ConnectionState = r.ConnectionState,
                StateLabel = FormatStateLabel( r.ConnectionState, r.FollowupDate ),
                Opportunity = r.ConnectionOpportunity,
                Completed = r.ConnectionState != ConnectionState.Inactive && r.ConnectionState != ConnectionState.Connected ? 0 : 1,
                AgeInt = (DateTime.Now - r.CreatedDateTime).Value.Days
            } )

            DateTime oneMonthAgo = DateTime.Now.AddMonths( -1 );
            DateTime twoMonthsAgo = DateTime.Now.AddMonths( -2 );
            DateTime threeMonthsAgo = DateTime.Now.AddMonths( -3 );
            IEnumerable<GroupedData> groupedRequestsData = null;

            switch ( rddlGroupBy.SelectedValue )
                case "1":
                    workflowReportTable.Visible = false;
                    workflowGroupedReportTable.Visible = true;
                    workflowGroupedReportTableItemName = "Workflow";

                    groupedRequestsData = requestsData.GroupBy( x => x.Opportunity.Id ).Select( grp => new GroupedData
                        GroupedItem = grp.FirstOrDefault().Opportunity.Name,
                        Count = grp.Count(),
                        OneMonthOldStats = "Open: " + grp.Where( x => x.Status != "Inactive" && ( x.CreatedDateTime ?? DateTime.Now ) > oneMonthAgo ).Count() + "<br/>Closed: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 1 && x.AgeInt < 30 ).Count(),
                        TwoMonthsOldStats = "Open: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 0 && ( x.CreatedDateTime ?? DateTime.Now ) < oneMonthAgo && ( x.CreatedDateTime ?? DateTime.Now ) > twoMonthsAgo ).Count() + "<br/>Closed: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 1 && x.AgeInt >= 30 && x.AgeInt < 60 ).Count(),
                        ThreeMonthsOldStats = "Open: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 0 && ( x.CreatedDateTime ?? DateTime.Now ) < twoMonthsAgo && ( x.CreatedDateTime ?? DateTime.Now ) > threeMonthsAgo ).Count() + "<br/>Closed: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 1 && x.AgeInt >= 60 && x.AgeInt < 90 ).Count(),
                        OlderThanThreeMonthsStats = "Open: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 0 && ( x.CreatedDateTime ?? DateTime.Now ) < threeMonthsAgo ).Count() + "<br/>Closed: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 1 && x.AgeInt >= 90 ).Count(),
                        TotalStats = "Open: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 0 ).Count() + "<br/>Closed: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 1 ).Count()
                    } ).OrderBy( x => x.GroupedItem );

                    workflowGroupedReportTable.DataSource = groupedRequestsData.ToList();
                case "2":
                    workflowReportTable.Visible = false;
                    workflowGroupedReportTable.Visible = true;
                    workflowGroupedReportTableItemName = "Campus";

                    groupedRequestsData = requestsData.GroupBy( x => x.Campus.Id ).Select( grp => new GroupedData
                        GroupedItem = grp.FirstOrDefault().Campus.Name,
                        Count = grp.Count(),
                        OneMonthOldStats = "Open: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 0 && ( x.CreatedDateTime ?? DateTime.Now ) > oneMonthAgo ).Count() + "<br/>Closed: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 1 && x.AgeInt < 30 ).Count(),
                        TwoMonthsOldStats = "Open: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 0 && ( x.CreatedDateTime ?? DateTime.Now ) < oneMonthAgo && ( x.CreatedDateTime ?? DateTime.Now ) > twoMonthsAgo ).Count() + "<br/>Closed: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 1 && x.AgeInt >= 30 && x.AgeInt < 60 ).Count(),
                        ThreeMonthsOldStats = "Open: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 0 && ( x.CreatedDateTime ?? DateTime.Now ) < twoMonthsAgo && ( x.CreatedDateTime ?? DateTime.Now ) > threeMonthsAgo ).Count() + "<br/>Closed: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 1 && x.AgeInt >= 60 && x.AgeInt < 90 ).Count(),
                        OlderThanThreeMonthsStats = "Open: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 0 && ( x.CreatedDateTime ?? DateTime.Now ) < threeMonthsAgo ).Count() + "<br/>Closed: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 1 && x.AgeInt >= 90 ).Count(),
                        TotalStats = "Open: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 0 ).Count() + "<br/>Closed: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 1 ).Count()
                    } ).OrderBy( x => x.GroupedItem );

                    workflowGroupedReportTable.DataSource = groupedRequestsData.ToList();
                case "3":
                    workflowReportTable.Visible = false;
                    workflowGroupedReportTable.Visible = true;
                    workflowGroupedReportTableItemName = "Assigned Worker";

                    groupedRequestsData = requestsData.GroupBy( x => x.AssignedEntityName ).Select( grp => new GroupedData
                        GroupedItem = grp.FirstOrDefault().AssignedEntityName,
                        Count = grp.Count(),
                        OneMonthOldStats = "Open: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 0 && ( x.CreatedDateTime ?? DateTime.Now ) > oneMonthAgo ).Count() + "<br/>Closed: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 1 && x.AgeInt < 30 ).Count(),
                        TwoMonthsOldStats = "Open: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 0 && ( x.CreatedDateTime ?? DateTime.Now ) < oneMonthAgo && ( x.CreatedDateTime ?? DateTime.Now ) > twoMonthsAgo ).Count() + "<br/>Closed: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 1 && x.AgeInt >= 30 && x.AgeInt < 60 ).Count(),
                        ThreeMonthsOldStats = "Open: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 0 && ( x.CreatedDateTime ?? DateTime.Now ) < twoMonthsAgo && ( x.CreatedDateTime ?? DateTime.Now ) > threeMonthsAgo ).Count() + "<br/>Closed: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 1 && x.AgeInt >= 60 && x.AgeInt < 90 ).Count(),
                        OlderThanThreeMonthsStats = "Open: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 0 && ( x.CreatedDateTime ?? DateTime.Now ) < threeMonthsAgo ).Count() + "<br/>Closed: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 1 && x.AgeInt >= 90 ).Count(),
                        TotalStats = "Open: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 0 ).Count() + "<br/>Closed: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 1 ).Count()
                    } ).OrderBy( x => x.GroupedItem );

                    workflowGroupedReportTable.DataSource = groupedRequestsData.ToList();
                case "4":
                    workflowReportTable.Visible = false;
                    workflowGroupedReportTable.Visible = true;
                    workflowGroupedReportTableItemName = "Status";

                    groupedRequestsData = requestsData.GroupBy( x => x.Status ).Select( grp => new GroupedData
                        GroupedItem = grp.FirstOrDefault().Status,
                        Count = grp.Count(),
                        OneMonthOldStats = "Open: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 0 && ( x.CreatedDateTime ?? DateTime.Now ) > oneMonthAgo ).Count() + "<br/>Closed: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 1 && x.AgeInt < 30 ).Count(),
                        TwoMonthsOldStats = "Open: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 0 && ( x.CreatedDateTime ?? DateTime.Now ) < oneMonthAgo && ( x.CreatedDateTime ?? DateTime.Now ) > twoMonthsAgo ).Count() + "<br/>Closed: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 1 && x.AgeInt >= 30 && x.AgeInt < 60 ).Count(),
                        ThreeMonthsOldStats = "Open: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 0 && ( x.CreatedDateTime ?? DateTime.Now ) < twoMonthsAgo && ( x.CreatedDateTime ?? DateTime.Now ) > threeMonthsAgo ).Count() + "<br/>Closed: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 1 && x.AgeInt >= 60 && x.AgeInt < 90 ).Count(),
                        OlderThanThreeMonthsStats = "Open: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 0 && ( x.CreatedDateTime ?? DateTime.Now ) < threeMonthsAgo ).Count() + "<br/>Closed: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 1 && x.AgeInt >= 90 ).Count(),
                        TotalStats = "Open: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 0 ).Count() + "<br/>Closed: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 1 ).Count()
                    } ).OrderBy( x => x.GroupedItem );

                    workflowGroupedReportTable.DataSource = groupedRequestsData.ToList();
            workflowReportTable.Visible = true;
                    workflowGroupedReportTable.Visible = false;

                    workflowReportTable.DataSource = requestsData;
                    workflowReportTable.DataKeyNames = new string[] { "Id" };

            //IQueryable<int> tmp = workflowData.AsQueryable().Where(x => x.Completed == 1).Select(x => ((x.CompletedDateTime - x.CreatedDateTime) ?? TimeSpan.Zero).Days);
            //int _0to90_AverageTime = tmp.Count() == 0 ? -1 : (int)tmp.Average();
            //rlWorkflowStats.Text = "Average time to completion is " + _0to90_AverageTime + " days.";

            System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer jsSerializer = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer();

            List<object[]> campusCount = requestsData.GroupBy( wd => wd.Campus.Id ).Select( wd => new object[] { wd.FirstOrDefault().Campus.Name, wd.Count() } ).ToList();
            campusCount.Insert( 0, new string[] { "Campus", "Count" } );
            workflowChartData2 = jsSerializer.Serialize( campusCount ).EncodeHtml();

            List<object[]> wfTypeCount = requestsData.GroupBy( wd => wd.Opportunity.Id ).Select( wd => new object[] { wd.FirstOrDefault().Opportunity.Name, wd.Count() } ).ToList();
            wfTypeCount.Insert( 0, new string[] { "Workflow Type", "Count" } );
            workflowChartData3 = jsSerializer.Serialize( wfTypeCount ).EncodeHtml();

            List<object[]> statusCount = requestsData.GroupBy( wd => wd.Status ).Select( wd => new object[] { wd.FirstOrDefault().Status, wd.Count() } ).ToList();
            statusCount.Insert( 0, new string[] { "Status", "Count" } );
            workflowChartData4 = jsSerializer.Serialize( statusCount ).EncodeHtml();

            List<object[]> workerCount = requestsData.GroupBy( wd => wd.Connector ).Select( wd => new object[] { wd.FirstOrDefault().Connector, wd.Count() } ).ToList();
            workerCount.Insert( 0, new string[] { "Worker", "Count" } );
            workflowChartData5 = jsSerializer.Serialize( workerCount ).EncodeHtml();

            List<String> statuses = requestsData.GroupBy( wd => wd.Status ).Select( x => x.FirstOrDefault().Status ).ToList();

            List<object[]> ageList = requestsData.Select( wd => statuses.Select( x => x == wd.Status ? ( object ) wd.AgeInt : null ).ToArray() ).ToList();
            ageList.Insert( 0, statuses.ToArray() );
            workflowChartData1 = jsSerializer.Serialize( ageList ).EncodeHtml();
Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the summary data.
        /// </summary>
        private void GetSummaryData()
            SummaryState = new List<ConnectionTypeSummary>();

            var rockContext = new RockContext();

            // Loop through every opportunity
            foreach ( var opportunity in new ConnectionOpportunityService( rockContext )
                .Queryable().AsNoTracking() )
                // Check to see if person can view the opportunity because of admin rights to this block or admin rights to
                // the opportunity
                bool canView = UserCanAdministrate || opportunity.IsAuthorized( Authorization.ADMINISTRATE, CurrentPerson );
                bool campusSpecificConnector = false;
                var campusIds = new List<int>();

                if ( CurrentPersonId.HasValue )
                    // Check to see if person belongs to any connector group that is not campus specific
                    if ( !canView )
                        canView = opportunity
                            .Any( g =>
                                !g.CampusId.HasValue &&
                                g.ConnectorGroup != null &&
                                g.ConnectorGroup.Members.Any( m => m.PersonId == CurrentPersonId.Value ) );

                    // If user is not yet authorized to view the opportunity, check to see if they are a member of one of the
                    // campus-specific connector groups for the opportunity, and note the campus
                    if ( !canView )
                        foreach ( var groupCampus in opportunity
                            .Where( g =>
                                g.CampusId.HasValue &&
                                g.ConnectorGroup != null &&
                                g.ConnectorGroup.Members.Any( m => m.PersonId == CurrentPersonId.Value ) ) )
                            campusSpecificConnector = true;
                            canView = true;
                            campusIds.Add( groupCampus.CampusId.Value );

                // Is user is authorized to view this opportunity type...
                if ( canView )
                    // Check if the opportunity's type has been added to summary yet, and if not, add it
                    var connectionTypeSummary = SummaryState.Where( c => c.Id == opportunity.ConnectionTypeId ).FirstOrDefault();
                    if ( connectionTypeSummary == null )
                        connectionTypeSummary = new ConnectionTypeSummary
                            Id = opportunity.ConnectionTypeId,
                            Name = opportunity.ConnectionType.Name,
                            Opportunities = new List<OpportunitySummary>()
                        SummaryState.Add( connectionTypeSummary );

                    // Add the opportunity
                    var opportunitySummary = new OpportunitySummary
                        Id = opportunity.Id,
                        Name = opportunity.Name,
                        IconCssClass = opportunity.IconCssClass

                    // If the user is limited requests with specific campus(es) set the list, otherwise leave it to be null
                    opportunitySummary.CampusSpecificConnector = campusSpecificConnector;
                    opportunitySummary.ConnectorCampusIds = campusIds.Distinct().ToList();

                    connectionTypeSummary.Opportunities.Add( opportunitySummary );

            // Get a list of all the authorized opportunity ids
            var allOpportunities = SummaryState.SelectMany( s => s.Opportunities ).Select( o => o.Id ).Distinct().ToList();

            // Get all the active and past-due future followup request ids, and include the campus id and personid of connector
            var midnightToday = RockDateTime.Today.AddDays(1);
            var activeRequests = new ConnectionRequestService( rockContext )
                .Where( r =>
                    allOpportunities.Contains( r.ConnectionOpportunityId ) &&
                    ( r.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.Active ||
                        ( r.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.FutureFollowUp && r.FollowupDate.HasValue && r.FollowupDate.Value < midnightToday ) ) )
                .Select( r => new
                    ConnectorPersonId = r.ConnectorPersonAlias != null ? r.ConnectorPersonAlias.PersonId : -1
                } )

            // Based on the active requests, set additional properties for each opportunity
            foreach ( var opportunity in SummaryState.SelectMany( s => s.Opportunities ) )
                // Get the active requests for this opportunity that user is authorized to view (based on campus connector)
                var opportunityRequests = activeRequests
                    .Where( r =>
                        r.ConnectionOpportunityId == opportunity.Id &&
                            !opportunity.CampusSpecificConnector ||
                            ( r.CampusId.HasValue && opportunity.ConnectorCampusIds.Contains( r.CampusId.Value ) )
                        ) )

                // The count of active requests
                opportunity.ActiveCount = opportunityRequests.Count();

                // Flag indicating if current user is connector for any of the active types
                opportunity.HasActiveRequestsForConnector = opportunityRequests.Any( r => r.ConnectorPersonId == CurrentPersonId );

Exemple #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Binds the grid.
        /// </summary>
        private void BindGrid()
            OpportunitySummary opportunitySummary = null;

            if ( SelectedOpportunityId.HasValue )
                opportunitySummary = SummaryState.SelectMany( t => t.Opportunities.Where( o => o.Id == SelectedOpportunityId.Value ) ).FirstOrDefault();

            if ( opportunitySummary != null )
                using ( var rockContext = new RockContext() )

                    // Get queryable of all requests that belong to the selected opportunity, and user is authorized to view (based on security or connector group)
                    var requests = new ConnectionRequestService( rockContext )
                        .Where( r =>
                            r.ConnectionOpportunityId == SelectedOpportunityId.Value &&
                                !opportunitySummary.CampusSpecificConnector ||
                                ( r.CampusId.HasValue && opportunitySummary.ConnectorCampusIds.Contains( r.CampusId.Value ) )
                            ) );

                    // Filter by Requester
                    if ( ppRequester.PersonId.HasValue )
                        requests = requests
                            .Where( r =>
                                r.PersonAlias != null &&
                                r.PersonAlias.PersonId == ppRequester.PersonId.Value );

                    // Filter by Connector
                    if ( tglMyOpportunities.Checked )
                        requests = requests
                            .Where( r =>
                                r.ConnectorPersonAlias != null &&
                                r.ConnectorPersonAlias.PersonId == CurrentPersonId );
                    else if ( ppConnector.PersonId.HasValue )
                        requests = requests
                            .Where( r =>
                                r.ConnectorPersonAlias != null &&
                                r.ConnectorPersonAlias.PersonId == ppConnector.PersonId.Value );

                    // Filter by State
                    var midnightToday = RockDateTime.Today.AddDays(1);
                    if ( tglMyOpportunities.Checked )
                        requests = requests
                            .Where( r => r.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.Active ||
                                    ( r.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.FutureFollowUp && r.FollowupDate.HasValue && r.FollowupDate.Value < midnightToday ) );
                        var states = new List<ConnectionState>();
                        bool futureFollowup = false;
                        foreach ( string stateValue in cblState.SelectedValues )
                            futureFollowup = futureFollowup || stateValue.AsInteger() == -2;
                            var state = stateValue.ConvertToEnumOrNull<ConnectionState>();
                            if ( state.HasValue )
                                states.Add( state.Value );
                        if ( futureFollowup || states.Any() )
                            requests = requests
                                .Where( r =>
                                    ( futureFollowup && r.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.FutureFollowUp &&
                                        r.FollowupDate.HasValue && r.FollowupDate.Value < midnightToday ) ||
                                    states.Contains( r.ConnectionState ) );

                    // Filter by Status
                    List<int> statusIds = cblStatus.SelectedValuesAsInt;
                    if ( statusIds.Any() )
                        requests = requests
                            .Where( r => statusIds.Contains( r.ConnectionStatusId ) );

                    // Filter by Campus
                    List<int> campusIds = cblCampus.SelectedValuesAsInt;
                    if ( campusIds.Count > 0 )
                        requests = requests
                            .Where( r =>
                                r.Campus != null &&
                                campusIds.Contains( r.CampusId.Value ) );

                    gRequests.DataSource = requests.ToList()
                    .Select( r => new
                        Name = r.PersonAlias.Person.FullName,
                        Campus = r.Campus,
                        Group = r.AssignedGroup != null ? r.AssignedGroup.Name : "",
                        Connector = r.ConnectorPersonAlias != null ? r.ConnectorPersonAlias.Person.FullName : "",
                        Activities = r.ConnectionRequestActivities.Select( a => a.ConnectionActivityType.Name ).ToList().AsDelimited( "</br>" ),
                        Status = r.ConnectionStatus.Name,
                        StatusLabel = r.ConnectionStatus.IsCritical ? "warning" : "info",
                        StateLabel = FormatStateLabel( r.ConnectionState, r.FollowupDate )
                    } )

                    lOpportunityIcon.Text = string.Format( "<i class='{0}'></i>", opportunitySummary.IconCssClass );
                    lConnectionRequest.Text = String.Format( "{0} Connection Requests", opportunitySummary.Name );
                pnlGrid.Visible = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Binds the grid.
        /// </summary>
        private void BindGrid()
            OpportunitySummary opportunitySummary = null;

            if (SelectedOpportunityId.HasValue)
                opportunitySummary = SummaryState.SelectMany(t => t.Opportunities.Where(o => o.Id == SelectedOpportunityId.Value)).FirstOrDefault();

            if (opportunitySummary != null)
                using (var rockContext = new RockContext())
                    // Get queryable of all requests that belong to the selected opportunity, and user is authorized to view (based on security or connector group)
                    var requests = new ConnectionRequestService(rockContext)
                                   .Where(r =>
                                          r.ConnectionOpportunityId == SelectedOpportunityId.Value &&
                                              !opportunitySummary.CampusSpecificConnector ||
                                              (r.CampusId.HasValue && opportunitySummary.ConnectorCampusIds.Contains(r.CampusId.Value))

                    // Filter by Requester
                    if (ppRequester.PersonId.HasValue)
                        requests = requests
                                   .Where(r =>
                                          r.PersonAlias != null &&
                                          r.PersonAlias.PersonId == ppRequester.PersonId.Value);

                    // Filter by Connector
                    if (tglMyOpportunities.Checked)
                        requests = requests
                                   .Where(r =>
                                          r.ConnectorPersonAlias != null &&
                                          r.ConnectorPersonAlias.PersonId == CurrentPersonId);
                    else if (ppConnector.PersonId.HasValue)
                        requests = requests
                                   .Where(r =>
                                          r.ConnectorPersonAlias != null &&
                                          r.ConnectorPersonAlias.PersonId == ppConnector.PersonId.Value);

                    // Filter by State
                    var midnightToday = RockDateTime.Today.AddDays(1);
                    if (tglMyOpportunities.Checked)
                        requests = requests
                                   .Where(r => r.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.Active ||
                                          (r.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.FutureFollowUp && r.FollowupDate.HasValue && r.FollowupDate.Value < midnightToday));
                        var  states         = new List <ConnectionState>();
                        bool futureFollowup = false;
                        foreach (string stateValue in cblState.SelectedValues)
                            futureFollowup = futureFollowup || stateValue.AsInteger() == -2;
                            var state = stateValue.ConvertToEnumOrNull <ConnectionState>();
                            if (state.HasValue)
                        if (futureFollowup || states.Any())
                            requests = requests
                                       .Where(r =>
                                              (futureFollowup && r.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.FutureFollowUp &&
                                               r.FollowupDate.HasValue && r.FollowupDate.Value < midnightToday) ||

                    // Filter by Status
                    List <int> statusIds = cblStatus.SelectedValuesAsInt;
                    if (statusIds.Any())
                        requests = requests
                                   .Where(r => statusIds.Contains(r.ConnectionStatusId));

                    // Filter by Campus
                    List <int> campusIds = cblCampus.SelectedValuesAsInt;
                    if (campusIds.Count > 0)
                        requests = requests
                                   .Where(r =>
                                          r.Campus != null &&

                    Guid groupTypeGuid = GetAttributeValue("GeofenceGroupType").AsGuid();

                    var groupLocations = rockContext.GroupLocations
                                         .Where(gl => gl.Group.GroupType.Guid == groupTypeGuid && gl.Location.GeoFence != null).ToList();

                    var results = (
                        from r in requests.ToList()
                        let homeLocation = r.PersonAlias.Person.GetHomeLocation(rockContext)
                                           let region = groupLocations.Where(gl => homeLocation != null && homeLocation.GeoPoint != null &&
                                                                             ).Select(gl => gl.Location).FirstOrDefault()

                                                        select new ConnectionResult()
                        Id = r.Id,
                        Guid = r.Guid,
                        PersonId = r.PersonAlias.PersonId,
                        PersonName = r.PersonAlias.Person.FullNameReversed,
                        CampusName = r.Campus.Name,
                        GroupName = r.AssignedGroup != null ? r.AssignedGroup.Name : "",
                        ConnectorName = r.ConnectorPersonAlias != null ? r.ConnectorPersonAlias.Person.FullName : "",
                        LastActivity = FormatActivity(r.ConnectionRequestActivities.OrderByDescending(a => a.CreatedDateTime).FirstOrDefault()),
                        Status = r.ConnectionStatus,
                        StatusLabel = r.ConnectionStatus.IsCritical ? "warning" : "info",
                        State = r.ConnectionState,
                        StateLabel = FormatStateLabel(r.ConnectionState, r.FollowupDate),
                        RegionId = (region != null ? region.Id : 0),
                        RegionName = (region != null ? region.Name : "No Region"),
                        PersonCity = homeLocation != null ? homeLocation.City : "No Location Info",
                        PersonState = homeLocation != null ? homeLocation.State : "No Location Info",
                        PhoneNumber = String.Join(", ", r.PersonAlias.Person.PhoneNumbers.Where(p => p.IsUnlisted != true && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(p.Number)).Select(p => p.NumberFormatted).ToList())

                    // Filter by Region
                    List <int> regionIds = cblRegion.SelectedValuesAsInt;
                    if (regionIds.Any())
                        results = results
                                  .Where(r => regionIds.Contains(r.RegionId));

                    //Sort in Memory
                    SortProperty sortProperty = gRequests.SortProperty;
                    if (sortProperty != null)
                        results = results.Sort(sortProperty);
                        results = results
                                  .OrderBy(r => r.PersonName);


                    lOpportunityIcon.Text   = string.Format("<i class='{0}'></i>", opportunitySummary.IconCssClass);
                    lConnectionRequest.Text = String.Format("{0} Connection Requests", opportunitySummary.Name);
                pnlGrid.Visible = false;
        private void BindGrids()
            var viewableOppIds = viewableConnectionOpportunities.Select(x => x.Id).ToList();

            var requests = new ConnectionRequestService(_rockContext).Queryable()
                           .Where(r => r.ConnectionRequestActivities.Any(a => a.CreatedDateTime > dateRange.LowerValue && a.CreatedDateTime < dateRange.UpperValue))
                           .Where(r => viewableOppIds.Contains(r.ConnectionOpportunityId));

            var conOppId = rddConnectionOpportunity.SelectedValueAsId();

            if (conOppId > 0)
                requests = requests.Where(r => r.ConnectionOpportunityId == conOppId);

            var campId = campusPicker.SelectedValueAsId();

            if (campId > 0)
                requests = requests.Where(r => r.CampusId == campId);

            var connectorId = ppAssignedPerson.PersonId;

            if (connectorId > 0)
                requests = requests.Where(r => r.ConnectorPersonAlias != null && r.ConnectorPersonAlias.PersonId == connectorId);

            // Filter by State
            var  midnightToday  = RockDateTime.Today.AddDays(1);
            var  states         = new List <ConnectionState>();
            bool futureFollowup = false;

            foreach (string stateValue in cblState.SelectedValues)
                futureFollowup = futureFollowup || stateValue.AsInteger() == -2;
                var state = stateValue.ConvertToEnumOrNull <ConnectionState>();
                if (state.HasValue)
            if (futureFollowup || states.Any())
                requests = requests
                           .Where(r =>
                                  (futureFollowup && r.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.FutureFollowUp &&
                                   r.FollowupDate.HasValue && r.FollowupDate.Value < midnightToday) ||

            // Filter by Status
            List <string> statusIds = cblStatus.SelectedValues;

            if (statusIds.Any())
                requests = requests
                           .Where(r => statusIds.Contains(r.ConnectionStatus.Name));

            SortProperty sortProperty = workflowReportTable.SortProperty;

            if (sortProperty != null)
                requests = requests.Sort(sortProperty);
                requests = requests
                           .OrderBy(r => (r.ConnectionState != ConnectionState.Inactive && r.ConnectionState != ConnectionState.Connected) ? 0 : 1)
                           .ThenBy(r => r.ConnectorPersonAlias.Person.NickName)
                           .ThenBy(r => r.ConnectorPersonAlias.Person.LastName)
                           .ThenBy(r => r.ConnectionOpportunity.Name);

            var requestsData = requests.ToList()
                               .Select(r => new
                PersonId        = r.PersonAlias.PersonId,
                Name            = r.PersonAlias.Person.FullName,
                Campus          = r.Campus,
                Group           = r.AssignedGroup != null ? r.AssignedGroup.Name : "",
                Connector       = r.ConnectorPersonAlias != null ? r.ConnectorPersonAlias.Person.FullName : "",
                LastActivity    = FormatActivity(r.ConnectionRequestActivities.OrderByDescending(a => a.CreatedDateTime).FirstOrDefault()),
                CreatedDateTime = r.ConnectionRequestActivities.OrderByDescending(a => a.CreatedDateTime).FirstOrDefault().CreatedDateTime,
                Opened          = (r.CreatedDateTime.HasValue ? (r.CreatedDateTime.Value.ToShortDateString() + " " + r.CreatedDateTime.Value.ToShortTimeString() + " ") : "") + "(<span class='small'>" + r.CreatedDateTime.ToRelativeDateString() + "</small>)",
                Status          = r.ConnectionStatus.Name,
                StatusLabel     = r.ConnectionStatus.IsCritical ? "warning" : "info",
                ConnectionState = r.ConnectionState,
                StateLabel      = FormatStateLabel(r.ConnectionState, r.FollowupDate),
                Opportunity     = r.ConnectionOpportunity,
                Completed       = r.ConnectionState != ConnectionState.Inactive && r.ConnectionState != ConnectionState.Connected ? 0 : 1,
                AgeInt          = (DateTime.Now - r.CreatedDateTime).Value.Days

             * DateTime oneMonthAgo = DateTime.Now.AddMonths( -1 );
             * DateTime twoMonthsAgo = DateTime.Now.AddMonths( -2 );
             * DateTime threeMonthsAgo = DateTime.Now.AddMonths( -3 );
             * IEnumerable<GroupedData> groupedRequestsData = null;
             * switch ( rddlGroupBy.SelectedValue )
             * {
             *  case "1":
             *      workflowReportTable.Visible = false;
             *      workflowGroupedReportTable.Visible = true;
             *      workflowGroupedReportTableItemName = "Workflow";
             *      groupedRequestsData = requestsData.GroupBy( x => x.Opportunity.Id ).Select( grp => new GroupedData
             *      {
             *          GroupedItem = grp.FirstOrDefault().Opportunity.Name,
             *          Count = grp.Count(),
             *          OneMonthOldStats = "Open: " + grp.Where( x => x.Status != "Inactive" && ( x.CreatedDateTime ?? DateTime.Now ) > oneMonthAgo ).Count() + "<br/>Closed: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 1 && x.AgeInt < 30 ).Count(),
             *          TwoMonthsOldStats = "Open: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 0 && ( x.CreatedDateTime ?? DateTime.Now ) < oneMonthAgo && ( x.CreatedDateTime ?? DateTime.Now ) > twoMonthsAgo ).Count() + "<br/>Closed: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 1 && x.AgeInt >= 30 && x.AgeInt < 60 ).Count(),
             *          ThreeMonthsOldStats = "Open: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 0 && ( x.CreatedDateTime ?? DateTime.Now ) < twoMonthsAgo && ( x.CreatedDateTime ?? DateTime.Now ) > threeMonthsAgo ).Count() + "<br/>Closed: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 1 && x.AgeInt >= 60 && x.AgeInt < 90 ).Count(),
             *          OlderThanThreeMonthsStats = "Open: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 0 && ( x.CreatedDateTime ?? DateTime.Now ) < threeMonthsAgo ).Count() + "<br/>Closed: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 1 && x.AgeInt >= 90 ).Count(),
             *          TotalStats = "Open: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 0 ).Count() + "<br/>Closed: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 1 ).Count()
             *      } ).OrderBy( x => x.GroupedItem );
             *      workflowGroupedReportTable.DataSource = groupedRequestsData.ToList();
             *      workflowGroupedReportTable.DataBind();
             *      break;
             *  case "2":
             *      workflowReportTable.Visible = false;
             *      workflowGroupedReportTable.Visible = true;
             *      workflowGroupedReportTableItemName = "Campus";
             *      groupedRequestsData = requestsData.GroupBy( x => x.Campus.Id ).Select( grp => new GroupedData
             *      {
             *          GroupedItem = grp.FirstOrDefault().Campus.Name,
             *          Count = grp.Count(),
             *          OneMonthOldStats = "Open: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 0 && ( x.CreatedDateTime ?? DateTime.Now ) > oneMonthAgo ).Count() + "<br/>Closed: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 1 && x.AgeInt < 30 ).Count(),
             *          TwoMonthsOldStats = "Open: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 0 && ( x.CreatedDateTime ?? DateTime.Now ) < oneMonthAgo && ( x.CreatedDateTime ?? DateTime.Now ) > twoMonthsAgo ).Count() + "<br/>Closed: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 1 && x.AgeInt >= 30 && x.AgeInt < 60 ).Count(),
             *          ThreeMonthsOldStats = "Open: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 0 && ( x.CreatedDateTime ?? DateTime.Now ) < twoMonthsAgo && ( x.CreatedDateTime ?? DateTime.Now ) > threeMonthsAgo ).Count() + "<br/>Closed: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 1 && x.AgeInt >= 60 && x.AgeInt < 90 ).Count(),
             *          OlderThanThreeMonthsStats = "Open: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 0 && ( x.CreatedDateTime ?? DateTime.Now ) < threeMonthsAgo ).Count() + "<br/>Closed: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 1 && x.AgeInt >= 90 ).Count(),
             *          TotalStats = "Open: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 0 ).Count() + "<br/>Closed: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 1 ).Count()
             *      } ).OrderBy( x => x.GroupedItem );
             *      workflowGroupedReportTable.DataSource = groupedRequestsData.ToList();
             *      workflowGroupedReportTable.DataBind();
             *      break;
             *  case "3":
             *      workflowReportTable.Visible = false;
             *      workflowGroupedReportTable.Visible = true;
             *      workflowGroupedReportTableItemName = "Assigned Worker";
             *      groupedRequestsData = requestsData.GroupBy( x => x.AssignedEntityName ).Select( grp => new GroupedData
             *      {
             *          GroupedItem = grp.FirstOrDefault().AssignedEntityName,
             *          Count = grp.Count(),
             *          OneMonthOldStats = "Open: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 0 && ( x.CreatedDateTime ?? DateTime.Now ) > oneMonthAgo ).Count() + "<br/>Closed: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 1 && x.AgeInt < 30 ).Count(),
             *          TwoMonthsOldStats = "Open: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 0 && ( x.CreatedDateTime ?? DateTime.Now ) < oneMonthAgo && ( x.CreatedDateTime ?? DateTime.Now ) > twoMonthsAgo ).Count() + "<br/>Closed: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 1 && x.AgeInt >= 30 && x.AgeInt < 60 ).Count(),
             *          ThreeMonthsOldStats = "Open: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 0 && ( x.CreatedDateTime ?? DateTime.Now ) < twoMonthsAgo && ( x.CreatedDateTime ?? DateTime.Now ) > threeMonthsAgo ).Count() + "<br/>Closed: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 1 && x.AgeInt >= 60 && x.AgeInt < 90 ).Count(),
             *          OlderThanThreeMonthsStats = "Open: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 0 && ( x.CreatedDateTime ?? DateTime.Now ) < threeMonthsAgo ).Count() + "<br/>Closed: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 1 && x.AgeInt >= 90 ).Count(),
             *          TotalStats = "Open: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 0 ).Count() + "<br/>Closed: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 1 ).Count()
             *      } ).OrderBy( x => x.GroupedItem );
             *      workflowGroupedReportTable.DataSource = groupedRequestsData.ToList();
             *      workflowGroupedReportTable.DataBind();
             *      break;
             *  case "4":
             *      workflowReportTable.Visible = false;
             *      workflowGroupedReportTable.Visible = true;
             *      workflowGroupedReportTableItemName = "Status";
             *      groupedRequestsData = requestsData.GroupBy( x => x.Status ).Select( grp => new GroupedData
             *      {
             *          GroupedItem = grp.FirstOrDefault().Status,
             *          Count = grp.Count(),
             *          OneMonthOldStats = "Open: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 0 && ( x.CreatedDateTime ?? DateTime.Now ) > oneMonthAgo ).Count() + "<br/>Closed: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 1 && x.AgeInt < 30 ).Count(),
             *          TwoMonthsOldStats = "Open: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 0 && ( x.CreatedDateTime ?? DateTime.Now ) < oneMonthAgo && ( x.CreatedDateTime ?? DateTime.Now ) > twoMonthsAgo ).Count() + "<br/>Closed: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 1 && x.AgeInt >= 30 && x.AgeInt < 60 ).Count(),
             *          ThreeMonthsOldStats = "Open: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 0 && ( x.CreatedDateTime ?? DateTime.Now ) < twoMonthsAgo && ( x.CreatedDateTime ?? DateTime.Now ) > threeMonthsAgo ).Count() + "<br/>Closed: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 1 && x.AgeInt >= 60 && x.AgeInt < 90 ).Count(),
             *          OlderThanThreeMonthsStats = "Open: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 0 && ( x.CreatedDateTime ?? DateTime.Now ) < threeMonthsAgo ).Count() + "<br/>Closed: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 1 && x.AgeInt >= 90 ).Count(),
             *          TotalStats = "Open: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 0 ).Count() + "<br/>Closed: " + grp.Where( x => x.Completed == 1 ).Count()
             *      } ).OrderBy( x => x.GroupedItem );
             *      workflowGroupedReportTable.DataSource = groupedRequestsData.ToList();
             *      workflowGroupedReportTable.DataBind();
             *      break;
             *  default:*/
            workflowReportTable.Visible        = true;
            workflowGroupedReportTable.Visible = false;

            workflowReportTable.DataSource   = requestsData;
            workflowReportTable.DataKeyNames = new string[] { "Id" };

             * break;
             * }

            //IQueryable<int> tmp = workflowData.AsQueryable().Where(x => x.Completed == 1).Select(x => ((x.CompletedDateTime - x.CreatedDateTime) ?? TimeSpan.Zero).Days);
            //int _0to90_AverageTime = tmp.Count() == 0 ? -1 : (int)tmp.Average();
            //rlWorkflowStats.Text = "Average time to completion is " + _0to90_AverageTime + " days.";

            System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer jsSerializer = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer();

            List <object[]> campusCount = requestsData.GroupBy(wd => wd.Campus.Id).Select(wd => new object[] { wd.FirstOrDefault().Campus.Name, wd.Count() }).ToList();

            campusCount.Insert(0, new string[] { "Campus", "Count" });
            workflowChartData2 = jsSerializer.Serialize(campusCount).EncodeHtml();

            List <object[]> wfTypeCount = requestsData.GroupBy(wd => wd.Opportunity.Id).Select(wd => new object[] { wd.FirstOrDefault().Opportunity.Name, wd.Count() }).ToList();

            wfTypeCount.Insert(0, new string[] { "Workflow Type", "Count" });
            workflowChartData3 = jsSerializer.Serialize(wfTypeCount).EncodeHtml();

            List <object[]> statusCount = requestsData.GroupBy(wd => wd.Status).Select(wd => new object[] { wd.FirstOrDefault().Status, wd.Count() }).ToList();

            statusCount.Insert(0, new string[] { "Status", "Count" });
            workflowChartData4 = jsSerializer.Serialize(statusCount).EncodeHtml();

            List <object[]> workerCount = requestsData.GroupBy(wd => wd.Connector).Select(wd => new object[] { wd.FirstOrDefault().Connector, wd.Count() }).ToList();

            workerCount.Insert(0, new string[] { "Worker", "Count" });
            workflowChartData5 = jsSerializer.Serialize(workerCount).EncodeHtml();

            List <String> statuses = requestsData.GroupBy(wd => wd.Status).Select(x => x.FirstOrDefault().Status).ToList();

            List <object[]> ageList = requestsData.Select(wd => statuses.Select(x => x == wd.Status ? ( object )wd.AgeInt : null).ToArray()).ToList();

            ageList.Insert(0, statuses.ToArray());
            workflowChartData1 = jsSerializer.Serialize(ageList).EncodeHtml();