public virtual IEnumerator<ITask> ConnectToHardwareHandler(ConnectToHardware configure)
            bool success = true;
            Fault fault = null;

                if (_state.Runtime.Connected)
                    // If already connected, ConnectToHardware always forces a connection reset.
                    _internalStatus.ClosePending = true;
                    _state.Runtime.Connected = false;
                    SendNotification<DisconnectFromHardware>(_subMgrPort, new DisconnectFromHardware());

                _state.Configuration = configure.Body;
                if (configure.Body.SerialPort <= 0)
                    // Close the Connection
                    if (_state.Runtime.Connected)
                        _internalStatus.Disconnected = true;

                        yield return Arbiter.Choice(_brickPort.Close(),
                            delegate(Fault failure)
                                success = false;
                                fault = failure;
                    // Open the Connection
                    yield return Arbiter.Choice(
                        _brickPort.Open( new comm.OpenRequest(configure.Body.SerialPort, configure.Body.BaudRate, configure.Body.ConnectionType)),
                            delegate(DefaultSubmitResponseType ok)
                                _internalStatus.Disconnected = false;
                                _state.Runtime.Connected = true;
                            delegate(Fault failure)
                                fault = failure;
                                _state.Runtime.Connected = false;
                                success = false;

                    if (_state.Runtime.Connected)
                        LegoGetFirmwareVersion getFirmwareVersion = new LegoGetFirmwareVersion();
                        getFirmwareVersion.TryCount = 3;
                        yield return Arbiter.Choice(_brickPort.SendCommand(getFirmwareVersion),
                            delegate(LegoResponse ok)
                                LegoResponseGetFirmwareVersion fv = LegoResponse.Upcast<LegoResponseGetFirmwareVersion>(ok);
                                if (fv != null && fv.Success)
                                    _state.Runtime.Firmware = string.Format("Firmware: {0}.{1}  Protocol: {2}.{3}", fv.MajorFirmwareVersion, fv.MinorFirmwareVersion, fv.MajorProtocolVersion, fv.MinorProtocolVersion);
                                    if (fv.MajorFirmwareVersion == 1 && fv.MinorFirmwareVersion < 3)
                                        LogError(LogGroups.Console, "Your LEGO Firmware is out of date. \n"
                                            + "Please refer to the LEGO MINDSTORMS website \n"
                                            + "and use the LEGO MINDSTORMS Software to update your firmware.");
                                    LogError(LogGroups.Console, fv.ErrorCode.ToString());
                                    success = false;
                            delegate(Fault failure)
                                success = false;
                                _state.Runtime.Connected = false;
                                fault = failure;

                        if (_state.Runtime.Connected)
                            yield return Arbiter.Choice(_brickPort.SendCommand(new LegoGetDeviceInfo()),
                                delegate(LegoResponse ok)
                                    LegoResponseGetDeviceInfo fv = LegoResponse.Upcast<LegoResponseGetDeviceInfo>(ok);
                                    if (fv != null
                                        && fv.Success
                                        && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(fv.BrickName))
                                        _state.Runtime.BrickName = fv.BrickName;
                                delegate(Fault failure)
                                    _state.Runtime.Connected = false;
                                    success = false;
                                    fault = failure;

                        // If we already had registered devices
                        // we need to reinitialize them!
                        if (success
                            && _state.Runtime.Connected
                            && _state.Runtime.Devices != null
                            && _state.Runtime.Devices.Count > 0)
                            foreach (AttachRequest device in _state.Runtime.Devices.Values)
                                if (device.InitializationCommands != null)
                                    foreach (LegoCommand cmd in device.InitializationCommands.Commands)
                                        // Send Initialization Sequence.
                                        // If an LSWrite is sent here, it will only send the command
                                        // without LSReading a response.
                                        yield return Arbiter.Choice(_brickPort.SendCommand(cmd),
                                            delegate(LegoResponse ok) { },
                                            delegate(Fault failure) { LogError(failure); });
                        else if (!_state.Runtime.Connected)
                            if (configure.Body.SerialPort != 0)
                                success = false;

                            // We failed to talk to the brick, even though the port is open.
                            // Clean up by closing the serial port.
                            yield return Arbiter.Choice(_brickPort.Close(),


                    // Send a notification that the Brick service is ready.
                    if (success && _state.Runtime.Connected)
                        // Play a tone to signal that initialization was successful.
                        yield return Arbiter.Choice(_brickPort.SendCommand(new LegoPlayTone(1074, 500)),
                            delegate(LegoResponse ok) { },
                            delegate(Fault failure) { LogError(failure); });

                        SendNotification<ConnectToHardware>(_subMgrPort, configure);
                if (success)
                    if (fault == null)
                        fault = Fault.FromException(new InvalidOperationException("Failed to connect to the LEGO NXT Hardware"));

            yield break;
        /// <summary>
        /// Service Initialization
        /// Connect to the Brick and then open up the service for all requests
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public virtual IEnumerator<ITask> ServiceInitialization(CreateResponse createResponse)
            // Set up the _brickPort to our communications service
            _brickPort = ServiceForwarder<comm.LegoCommOperations>(createResponse.Service);

            // Subscribe to the communications port.
            yield return Arbiter.Choice(_brickPort.Subscribe(_brickNotificationPort),

            // If the SerialPort is not set, start the service,
            // but do not attempt to connect to the actual hardware.
            bool done = (_state.Configuration.SerialPort == 0);

            if (!done)
                // If we are not done yet, attempt to connect to the hardware.
                NxtBrickOperations _initPort = new NxtBrickOperations();
                PortSet<DefaultUpdateResponseType, Fault> _initResponse = new PortSet<DefaultUpdateResponseType, Fault>();
                ConnectToHardware connectToHardware = new ConnectToHardware(_state.Configuration, _initResponse);

                // Special one time handler to connect to the hardware before we open up the service to receive messages.
                    Arbiter.ReceiveWithIterator<ConnectToHardware>(false, _initPort, ConnectToHardwareHandler),
                    new Interleave(
                        new TeardownReceiverGroup(
                            Arbiter.ReceiveWithIterator<DefaultUpdateResponseType>(false, _initResponse, InitializationComplete),
                            Arbiter.ReceiveWithIterator<Fault>(false, _initResponse, InitializationComplete),
                            Arbiter.ReceiveWithIterator<DsspDefaultDrop>(false, _internalMainPort, DropHandler)
                        new ExclusiveReceiverGroup(
                            Arbiter.ReceiveWithIterator<AttachAndSubscribe>(true, _internalMainPort, AttachAndSubscribeHandler),

                            Arbiter.ReceiveWithIterator<ReserveDevicePort>(true, _internalMainPort, ReserveDevicePortHandler),
                            Arbiter.ReceiveWithIterator<Subscribe>(true, _internalMainPort, SubscribeHandler),
                            Arbiter.ReceiveWithIterator<Detach>(true, _internalMainPort, DetachHandler),
                            Arbiter.ReceiveWithIterator<AdjustPollingFrequency>(true, _internalMainPort, AdjustPollingFrequencyHandler)
                        new ConcurrentReceiverGroup())

                SpawnIterator<DefaultUpdateResponseType>(DefaultUpdateResponseType.Instance, InitializationComplete);

            yield break;