public void ConjoinsCriteria() { var spec1 = new IntegerPredicate(i => i == 0); var spec2 = new IntegerPredicate(i => i > 0); var criteria1 = spec1.Criteria; var criteria2 = spec2.Criteria; var conjoinedSpec = new Conjunction<int>(spec1, spec2); var conjoinedCriteria = conjoinedSpec.Criteria; Assert.That(conjoinedCriteria.Body, Is.AssignableTo<BinaryExpression>()); var binary = (BinaryExpression)conjoinedCriteria.Body; Assert.That(binary.NodeType, Is.EqualTo(ExpressionType.AndAlso)); Assert.That(binary.Conversion, Is.Null); Assert.That(binary.Left.ToString(), Is.EqualTo(criteria1.Body.ToString())); Assert.That(binary.Right.ToString(), Is.EqualTo(criteria2.Body.ToString())); Assert.That(binary.Method, Is.Null); Assert.That(binary.IsLifted, Is.False); Assert.That(binary.IsLiftedToNull, Is.False); ExpressionWriter.Write(conjoinedCriteria); }
internal override WalkedToken Walk(WalkedToken left, WalkedToken right) { Conjunction crit = new Conjunction(); crit.Add(left.Criterion); crit.Add(right.Criterion); return WalkedToken.FromCriterion(crit); }
public void SelectsConjunction() { var spec1 = new IntegerGreaterThanZero(); var spec2 = new IntegerPredicate(i => i > -1); var conjoinedSpec = new Conjunction<int>(spec1, spec2); Assert.That(conjoinedSpec.IsSatisfiedBy(1), Is.True); Assert.That(conjoinedSpec.IsSatisfiedBy(0), Is.False); Assert.That(conjoinedSpec.IsSatisfiedBy(-1), Is.False); }
/// <summary> /// Gets a string representation of the given conjunction. /// </summary> /// <param name="conjunction">The conjunction to convert to a string.</param> /// <returns>The string representation.</returns> public string ToString(Conjunction conjunction) { switch (conjunction) { case Conjunction.And: return "AND"; case Conjunction.Or: return "OR"; default: throw new ArgumentException(Resources.UnknownConjunction, "conjunction"); } }
private static void BuildQueryFrom(Query query, ICriteria criteria) { IList <ICriterion> critrions = new List <ICriterion>(); if (query.Criteria != null) { foreach (Criterion c in query.Criteria) { ICriterion criterion; switch (c.criteriaOperator) { case CriteriaOperator.Equal: criterion = Expression.Eq(c.PropertyName, c.Value); break; case CriteriaOperator.LesserThanOrEqual: criterion = Expression.Le(c.PropertyName, c.Value); break; default: throw new ApplicationException("No operator defined"); } critrions.Add(criterion); } if (query.QueryOperator == QueryOperator.And) { Conjunction andSubQuery = Expression.Conjunction(); foreach (ICriterion criterion in critrions) { andSubQuery.Add(criterion); } criteria.Add(andSubQuery); } else { Disjunction orSubQuery = Expression.Disjunction(); foreach (ICriterion criterion in critrions) { orSubQuery.Add(criterion); } criteria.Add(orSubQuery); } foreach (Query sub in query.SubQueries) { BuildQueryFrom(sub, criteria); } } }
public static IList <Airfield> FindSimilarAirfieldsByName(String value, String country) { ICriteria cr = NHibernateHelper.GetCurrentSession().CreateCriteria(typeof(Airfield)); Conjunction c = new Conjunction(); foreach (String s in value.Split(" ".ToCharArray())) { c.Add(Restrictions.Like("AirfieldName", s, MatchMode.Anywhere)); } cr.Add(c); cr.Add(Restrictions.Eq("Country", country)); return(cr.List <Airfield>()); }
public void TestSimpleExample() { Disjunction disj1 = new Disjunction(A, Bneg); Conjunction conj = new Conjunction(disj1, C); BooleanExpression actual = conj.ToDNF(); BooleanExpression expected = new Disjunction(new Conjunction(A, C), new Conjunction(Bneg, C)); Assert.True(actual.Is_DNF()); Assert.True(expected.Is_DNF()); Assert.Equal(expected, actual); }
private Conjunction FilterGarment(string[] searchlist, int number) { Conjunction c = new Conjunction(); foreach (string s in searchlist) { c.Add(Expression.Or(Expression.InsensitiveLike(string.Format("garment{0}.Title", number), s, MatchMode.Anywhere), Expression.InsensitiveLike(string.Format("garment{0}.Keywords", number), s, MatchMode.Anywhere))); } c.Add(Expression.Not(Expression.Eq(string.Format("garment{0}.Id", number), 0))); return(c); }
private void VisitNotExpression(UnaryExpression expr) { var criterions = GetCriterion(rootCriteria, session, expr.Operand); Conjunction conjunction = Restrictions.Conjunction(); foreach (var criterion in criterions) { conjunction.Add(criterion); } CurrentCriterions.Add(Restrictions.Not(conjunction)); }
public void FlattenWithNegation() { Conjunction conj1 = new Conjunction(new Negation(A), new Negation(B)); Conjunction conj2 = new Conjunction(new Negation(conj1), conj1); BooleanExpression actual = conj2.Flatten(); Conjunction expected = new Conjunction(new Negation(new Conjunction(new Negation(A), new Negation(B))), new Negation(A), new Negation(B)); Assert.Equal(expected, actual); }
public void ShowMessageWhenSearchedClientsCouldNotBeLoaded() { // Arrange this._mockRepository.Setup(x => x.GetQuantityByCriteria <Client>(It.IsAny <ICriterion>())).Throws <Exception>(); Conjunction clientConjunction = Restrictions.Conjunction(); Tuple <ICriterion, Expression <Func <Client, CityToPostalCode> >, ICriterion> expectedTuple = new Tuple <ICriterion, Expression <Func <Client, CityToPostalCode> >, ICriterion>(clientConjunction, null, null); // Act Messenger.Default.Send(new NotificationMessage <Tuple <ICriterion, Expression <Func <Client, CityToPostalCode> >, ICriterion> >(expectedTuple, Resources.Message_ClientSearchCriteriaForClientSearchVM)); // Assert this._mockDialogService.Verify(x => x.ShowExceptionMessage(It.IsAny <Exception>(), It.IsAny <string>()), Times.Once); }
/// <summary> /// Gets a string representation of the given conjunction. /// </summary> /// <param name="conjunction">The conjunction to convert to a string.</param> /// <returns>The string representation.</returns> public string ToString(Conjunction conjunction) { switch (conjunction) { case Conjunction.And: return("AND"); case Conjunction.Or: return("OR"); default: throw new ArgumentException(Resources.UnknownConjunction, "conjunction"); } }
public void Visit(Conjunction visitable) { var nandRoot = new Negation(); var nandLeft = new Nand(); InsertNodeSingle(nandLeft, visitable.LeftNode); InsertNodeSingle(nandLeft, visitable.RightNode); BinaryTree.InsertNode(nandRoot, nandLeft); Calculate(nandRoot); BinaryTree.Root = nandRoot.Nand; visitable.Nand = nandRoot.Nand; }
public IParameter GetParameter() { Junction junc = new Conjunction(); if (Type == JunctionType.Disjunction) { junc = new Disjunction(); } foreach (var v in this) { junc.Add(v.GetParameter()); } return(junc); }
/// <summary> /// Gets a string representation of the given conjunction. /// </summary> /// <param name="conjunction">The conjunction to convert to a string.</param> /// <returns>The string representation.</returns> public string ToString(Conjunction conjunction) { switch (conjunction) { case Conjunction.And: return("AND"); case Conjunction.Or: return("OR"); default: throw new ArgumentException("Encountered an unknown conjunction type."); } }
public IDictionary <string, IList <Entity_Student> > filteredStudentList(MyCriteria notifyCriteria) { Utility.logFile(Constant.METHOD_ENTER + Utility.getCurrentMethodName(1) + "(NotificationManagerImpl)", null, Constant.LOGTYPE_INFO); DetachedCriteria mainCriteria = DetachedCriteria.For <Entity_Student>("student"); mainCriteria.CreateAlias("scoreObj", "score"); Conjunction conjunction = Restrictions.Conjunction(); conjunction.Add(Restrictions.Eq("student.myConfigObj.currentBatch", notifyCriteria.batch)); conjunction.Add(Restrictions.Eq("student.myConfigObj.currentDegree",; conjunction.Add(Restrictions.Ge("score.X", notifyCriteria.X)); conjunction.Add(Restrictions.Ge("score.cgpa", notifyCriteria.cgpa)); conjunction.Add(Restrictions.Le("score.arrears", notifyCriteria.arrears)); conjunction.Add(Restrictions.In("student.branch", notifyCriteria.branch)); if (notifyCriteria.isDiplomaAllowed) { Disjunction disjunction = Restrictions.Disjunction(); disjunction.Add(Restrictions.Ge("score.XII", notifyCriteria.XII)); disjunction.Add(Restrictions.Ge("score. ", notifyCriteria.XII)); conjunction.Add(disjunction); } else { conjunction.Add(Restrictions.Ge("score.XII", notifyCriteria.XII)); } mainCriteria.Add(conjunction); if (!notifyCriteria.isPlaced) { DetachedCriteria subCriteria = DetachedCriteria.For <Entity_PlacementDetails>("placedObj"); subCriteria.Add(Restrictions.EqProperty("placedObj.studentId", "student.studentId")); subCriteria.SetProjection(Projections.Distinct(Projections.Property("placedObj.studentId"))); mainCriteria.Add(Subqueries.NotExists(subCriteria)); } IList list = persistence.findByCriteria(mainCriteria); if (list != null && list.Count > 0) { IDictionary <string, IList <Entity_Student> > eligibleStudentMap = prepareStudentList(list.Cast <Entity_Student>().ToList()); return(eligibleStudentMap); } else { return(null); } }
public static ICriterion IntersectCriterions(params ICriterion[] crits) { IList <ICriterion> list = crits.ToList <ICriterion>(); Conjunction conjunction = new Conjunction(); foreach (ICriterion criterion in list) { if (criterion != null) { conjunction.Add(criterion); } } return(conjunction); }
public void GraphPlanTest_Robot() { EntitySet objects = new EntitySet(); objects.addObject("green", "Color"); objects.addObject("red", "Color"); objects.addObject("sec1", "Section"); Conjunction init = new Conjunction("CurrentColor (green)"); Conjunction goal = new Conjunction("Painted (sec1, red)"); OperatorHead opPaintHead = new OperatorHead("Paint", new ParaList("Section ?sec, Color ?clr")); Condition opPaintCond = new Condition(""); Conjunction opPaintPre = new Conjunction("CurrentColor (?clr)"); Conjunction opPaintAdd = new Conjunction("Painted (?sec, ?clr)"); Conjunction opPaintDel = new Conjunction(""); Operator opPaint = new Operator(opPaintHead, opPaintCond, opPaintPre, opPaintAdd, opPaintDel); OperatorHead opChangeColorHead = new OperatorHead("ChangeColor", new ParaList("Color ?old, Color ?new")); Condition opChangeColorCond = new Condition("?old != ?new"); Conjunction opChangeColorPre = new Conjunction("CurrentColor (?old)"); Conjunction opChangeColorAdd = new Conjunction("CurrentColor (?new)"); Conjunction opChangeColorDel = new Conjunction("CurrentColor (?old)"); Operator opChangeColor = new Operator(opChangeColorHead, opChangeColorCond, opChangeColorPre, opChangeColorAdd, opChangeColorDel); OperatorSet opSet = new OperatorSet(); opSet.Operators.Add(opPaint); opSet.Operators.Add(opChangeColor); GraphPlan graph = new GraphPlan(objects, init, goal, opSet); bool res = graph.CreateGraph(); Assert.IsTrue(res); res = graph.SearchGoal(); Assert.IsTrue(res); List <string> plan = graph.GetPlan(); //foreach (string step in plan) //{ // System.Console.WriteLine(step); //} Assert.AreEqual(2, plan.Count); Assert.AreEqual("ChangeColor ( green, red )", plan[0]); Assert.AreEqual("Paint ( sec1, red )", plan[1]); }
public void TestDNFIdempotence() { Conjunction conj1 = new Conjunction(A, Aneg); Disjunction disj1 = new Disjunction(conj1, Bneg, Dneg, E); Conjunction conj2 = new Conjunction(A, Dneg, disj1); BooleanExpression actual = conj2.ToDNF().ToDNF(); BooleanExpression expected = conj2.ToDNF(); Assert.Equal(expected, actual); Assert.True(actual.Is_DNF()); Assert.True(expected.Is_DNF()); }
public Constraint And([NotNull] Constraint other) { switch (CompareImpl(other) ?? Invert(other.CompareImpl(this))) { case CompareOutcome.Looser: return(other); case CompareOutcome.Stricter: return(this); default: return(Conjunction.From(this, other)); } }
protected override bool OnDeserializeUnrecognizedElement(string elementName, XmlReader reader) { if (elementName == "accessControl") { XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Conjunction)); this.AccessControl = ser.Deserialize(reader) as Conjunction; return true; } else { return false; } }
private string _LocalizeList <T>(Conjunction conjunction, IEnumerable <T> values, Func <T, string> strFunc) { int count = values.Count(); if (count == 0) { return(""); } else if (count == 1) { return(strFunc(values.ElementAt(0))); } else if (count == 2) { return(Localizer.Format(conjunction == Conjunction.AND ? "#cc.list.and.2" : "#cc.list.or.2", strFunc(values.ElementAt(0)), strFunc(values.ElementAt(1)))); } else { StringBuilder sb = StringBuilderCache.Acquire(count * 16); int i = 0; string prev = null; foreach (T tval in values) { string val = strFunc(tval); if (i == 0) { prev = val; } else if (i == 1) { sb.Append(Localizer.Format(conjunction == Conjunction.AND ? "#cc.list.and.start" : "#cc.list.or.start", prev, val)); } else if (i != count - 1) { sb.Append(conjunction == Conjunction.AND ? andMiddle : orMiddle); sb.Append(val); } else { sb.Append(conjunction == Conjunction.AND ? andEnd : orEnd); sb.Append(val); } i++; } return(sb.ToStringAndRelease()); } }
public void ThrowExceptionWhenBillCanNotBeGetByCriteriaBecauseDatabaseNotConnected() { // Arrange this.CreateRepository(); Conjunction conjunction = Restrictions.Conjunction(); conjunction.Add(Restrictions.Where <Bill>(bill => bill.Date.IsLike("23", MatchMode.Anywhere))); // Act Action action = () => this._repository.GetByCriteria <Bill>(conjunction, 1); // Assert action.ShouldThrow <NullReferenceException>(); }
public void TestMultiOperatorFormula1() { Conjunction conj = new Conjunction(new Negation(C), B); BooleanExpression formula = new Disjunction(new Negation(new Disjunction(new Negation(A), B)), conj); BooleanExpression actual = formula.ToDNF(); BooleanExpression expected = new Disjunction(new Conjunction(A, new Negation(B)), new Conjunction(new Negation(C), B)); Assert.True(actual.Is_DNF()); Assert.True(expected.Is_DNF()); Assert.Equal(expected, actual); }
private void VisitAndAlsoExpression(BinaryExpression expr) { criterionStack.Push(new List <ICriterion>()); Visit(expr.Left); Visit(expr.Right); var ands = criterionStack.Pop(); var conjunction = new Conjunction(); foreach (var crit in ands) { conjunction.Add(crit); } CurrentCriterions.Add(conjunction); }
public void ThrowExceptionWhenClientCanNotBeGetByCriteriaBecauseDatabaseNotConnected() { // Arrange this.CreateRepository(); Conjunction conjunction = Restrictions.Conjunction(); conjunction.Add(Restrictions.Where <Client>(client => client.FirstName.IsLike("test"))); // Act Action action = () => this._repository.GetByCriteria <Client>(conjunction, 1); // Assert action.ShouldThrow <NullReferenceException>(); }
protected override Junction SetupWhere(ApplicationQuery request) { var junction = new Conjunction(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.InGameName)) { junction.Add(Restrictions.Where(() => RootAlias.InGameName == request.InGameName)); } if (request.Status.HasValue) { junction.Add(Restrictions.Where(() => RootAlias.Status == request.Status.Value)); } return(junction); }
public void Replace_ReplacingExistingBoundVariableInComplexExpression_ShouldReturnTrueForChildrenContainingReplacedVariable() { // Arrange char variableToBeReplaced = 'w'; List <char> variablesSetOne = new List <char>() { 'u', variableToBeReplaced }; // Does not contain the replacement variable List <char> variablesSetTwo = new List <char>() { 'v', 'x' }; Predicate predicateWithReplacementVariable = new Predicate(PREDICATE_SYMBOL, variablesSetOne); // So we have unique references Predicate predicateWithoutReplacementVariableOne = new Predicate(PREDICATE_SYMBOL, variablesSetTwo); Predicate predicateWithoutReplacementVariableTwo = new Predicate(PREDICATE_SYMBOL, variablesSetTwo); BinaryConnective root = new Conjunction(); BinaryConnective rootLeft = new BiImplication(); rootLeft.LeftSuccessor = predicateWithoutReplacementVariableOne; rootLeft.RightSuccessor = predicateWithReplacementVariable; root.LeftSuccessor = rootLeft; root.RightSuccessor = predicateWithoutReplacementVariableTwo; char replacementVariable = 'c'; // Act root.Replace(variableToBeReplaced, replacementVariable); bool isReplacedOnPredicateWithVariable = predicateWithReplacementVariable.IsReplaced(variableToBeReplaced); bool isReplacedOnPredicateWithoutVariableOne = predicateWithoutReplacementVariableOne.IsReplaced(variableToBeReplaced); bool isReplacedOnPredicateWithoutVariableTwo = predicateWithoutReplacementVariableTwo.IsReplaced(variableToBeReplaced); // Assert isReplacedOnPredicateWithVariable.Should().BeTrue($"Since the bound variable {variableToBeReplaced} should be repalced replaced by {replacementVariable}"); isReplacedOnPredicateWithoutVariableOne.Should().BeFalse($"Since the predicate does NOT contain {variableToBeReplaced}"); isReplacedOnPredicateWithoutVariableTwo.Should().BeFalse($"Since the predicate does NOT contain {variableToBeReplaced}"); }
public void GraphPlanTest_Blocks() { EntitySet objects = new EntitySet(); objects.addObject("b1", "Block"); objects.addObject("b2", "Block"); objects.addObject("b3", "Block"); objects.addObject("Table", "Block"); Conjunction init = new Conjunction("ON (b1, b2) & ON (b2, Table) & ON (b3, Table) & Clear (b1) & Clear (b3) & Clear (Table)"); Conjunction goal = new Conjunction("ON (b3, Table) & ON (b2, b3) & ON (b1, b2)"); OperatorHead opMoveHead = new OperatorHead("Move", new ParaList("Block ?obj, Block ?from, Block ?to")); Condition opMoveCond = new Condition("?obj != ?from & ?obj != ?to & ?from != ?to & ?to != Table"); Conjunction opMovePre = new Conjunction("ON (?obj, ?from) & Clear (?obj) & Clear (?to)"); Conjunction opMoveAdd = new Conjunction("ON (?obj, ?to) & Clear (?from)"); Conjunction opMoveDel = new Conjunction("ON (?obj, ?from) & Clear (?to)"); Operator opMove = new Operator(opMoveHead, opMoveCond, opMovePre, opMoveAdd, opMoveDel); OperatorHead opMoveToTableHead = new OperatorHead("MoveToTable", new ParaList("Block ?obj, Block ?from")); Condition opMoveToTableCond = new Condition("?obj != ?from & ?obj != Table & ?from != Table"); Conjunction opMoveToTablePre = new Conjunction("Clear (?obj) & ON (?obj, ?from)"); Conjunction opMoveToTableAdd = new Conjunction("ON (?obj, Table) & Clear (?from)"); Conjunction opMoveToTableDel = new Conjunction("ON (?obj, ?from)"); Operator opMoveToTable = new Operator(opMoveToTableHead, opMoveToTableCond, opMoveToTablePre, opMoveToTableAdd, opMoveToTableDel); OperatorSet opSet = new OperatorSet(); opSet.Operators.Add(opMove); opSet.Operators.Add(opMoveToTable); GraphPlan graph = new GraphPlan(objects, init, goal, opSet); bool res = graph.CreateGraph(); Assert.IsTrue(res); res = graph.SearchGoal(); Assert.IsTrue(res); List <string> plan = graph.GetPlan(); Assert.AreEqual(3, plan.Count); Assert.AreEqual("MoveToTable ( b1, b2 )", plan[0]); Assert.AreEqual("Move ( b2, Table, b3 )", plan[1]); Assert.AreEqual("Move ( b1, Table, b2 )", plan[2]); }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void andWith(PropositionalFormula other) { List <Conjunction> oldDisjuncts = myDisjuncts; myDisjuncts = new List <Conjunction>(); foreach (var cx in oldDisjuncts) { foreach (var cy in other.myDisjuncts) { Conjunction a = cx & cy; if (a != null) { checkAddDisjunct(a); } } } }
public static QueryBuilder <T> operator !(QueryBuilder <T> other) { QueryBuilder <T> not = new QueryBuilder <T>(other.myName, null); if (other.children.Count != 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot use ! operator on complex queries"); } Conjunction conjunction = new Conjunction(); foreach (ICriterion crit in other.criterions) { conjunction.Add(crit); } not.AddCriterion(Expression.Not(conjunction)); return(not); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of a FilterGroup. /// </summary> public FilterGroup(Conjunction conjunction = Conjunction.And, params IFilter[] filters) { if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(Conjunction), conjunction)) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid enum", "conjunction"); } if (filters == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("filters"); } _conjunction = conjunction; _filters = new List <IFilter>(); foreach (IFilter filter in filters) { AddFilter(filter); } }
public override ICriterion GetCondition() { var conjunction = new Conjunction(); BookHeadword bookHeadwordAlias = null; foreach (var criteria in m_criteriaList) { var disjunction = new Disjunction(); foreach (var conditionString in criteria.Disjunctions) { disjunction.Add(new LikeExpression(Projections.Property(() => bookHeadwordAlias.Headword), conditionString, MatchMode.Exact)); } conjunction.Add(disjunction); } return(conjunction); }
public void ConjunctionionTest_Intersect() { string literal1 = "ON (b3, Table) & ON (b2, b3) & ON (b1, b2)"; Conjunction conj1 = new Conjunction(literal1); string literal2 = "ON (b1, b2) & ON (b2, b3) & ON (b3, Table)"; Conjunction conj2 = new Conjunction(literal2); Assert.IsTrue(conj1.Intersect(conj2)); Assert.IsTrue(conj2.Intersect(conj1)); string literal3 = "ON (b1, b3) & Clear (Table) & Clear (b1)"; Conjunction conj3 = new Conjunction(literal3); Assert.IsFalse(conj1.Intersect(conj3)); Assert.IsFalse(conj3.Intersect(conj1)); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of a FilterGroup. /// </summary> public FilterGroup(Conjunction conjunction = Conjunction.And, params IFilter[] filters) { if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(Conjunction), conjunction)) { throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("conjunction", (int)conjunction, typeof(Conjunction)); } if (filters == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("filters"); } _conjunction = conjunction; _filters = new List<IFilter>(); foreach (IFilter filter in filters) { AddFilter(filter); } }
public double Satisfy (State s, Conjunction conjunct) { return conjunct.Expressions.Select (x => Satisfy (s, x)).Aggregate (1d, (acc, val) => acc * val); }