/// <summary>
        /// Reads in Git's configuration files, parses them, and combines them into a single database.
        /// <para/>
        /// Returns the combined database of configuration data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="directory">Optional working directory of a repository from which to read its Git local configuration.</param>
        /// <param name="loadLocal">Read, parse, and include Git local configuration values if `<see langword="true"/>`; otherwise do not.</param>
        /// <param name="loadSystem">Read, parse, and include Git system configuration values if `<see langword="true"/>`; otherwise do not.</param>
        public static Configuration ReadConfiuration(string directory, bool loadLocal, bool loadSystem)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(directory))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("directory");
            if (!Directory.Exists(directory))
                throw new DirectoryNotFoundException(directory);

            ConfigurationLevel types = ConfigurationLevel.All;

            if (!loadLocal)
                types ^= ConfigurationLevel.Local;

            if (!loadSystem)
                types ^= ConfigurationLevel.System;

            var config = new Configuration();

            config.LoadGitConfiguration(directory, types);

        public virtual IEnumerator <Entry> EnumerateEntriesByLevel(ConfigurationLevel desiredLevels)
            ConfigurationLevel[] levels = new[]

            foreach (ConfigurationLevel level in levels)
                // Skip levels not present in the mask.
                if ((desiredLevels & level) == 0)

                if (_values.TryGetValue(level, out Dictionary <string, string> values))
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> value in values)
                        yield return(new Entry(value.Key, value.Value, level));
Exemple #3
        public override void DeleteBusinessObject(XDocument requestXml)
            string             key   = requestXml.Root.Element("key").Value;
            ConfigurationLevel level = (ConfigurationLevel)Enum.Parse(typeof(ConfigurationLevel), requestXml.Root.Element("level").Value, true);

            this.DeleteConfiguration(key, level);
        public void SaveFrom(IConfiguration config, ConfigurationLevel level, Stream outputStream)
            try {
                var keys = config.GetKeys(level);
                var properties = new Properties();

                foreach (var configKey in keys) {
                    var configValue = config.GetValue(configKey);
                    object value;
                    if (configValue == null || configValue.Value == null) {
                        value = configKey.DefaultValue;
                    } else {
                        value = configValue.Value;

                    var stringValue = Convert.ToString(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    properties.SetProperty(configKey.Name, stringValue);

                properties.Store(outputStream, String.Empty);
            } catch (DatabaseConfigurationException) {
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                throw new DatabaseConfigurationException("Could not save the configurations to the given stream.", ex);
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines which configuration file has been found.
 /// </summary>
 public virtual bool HasConfig(ConfigurationLevel level)
     using (ConfigurationSafeHandle handle = RetrieveConfigurationHandle(level, false))
         return(handle != null);
Exemple #6
        private void SetUser(bool isGlobal, UserConfig config)

            ConfigurationLevel level = isGlobal ? ConfigurationLevel.Global : ConfigurationLevel.Local;

            using Repository repo = new Repository(Environment.CurrentDirectory);

            var emailToSet = "";

            switch (config)
            case UserConfig.Personal:
                emailToSet = personalEmail;

            case UserConfig.Work:
                emailToSet = workEmail;

            repo.Config.Set("user.email", emailToSet, level);

        private async Task ParseGitConfig(ConfigurationLevel level, string configPath)
            if (configPath is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(configPath));
            if ((level & ~ConfigurationLevel.All) != 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(level));

            if (!Storage.FileExists(configPath))
                var inner = new FileNotFoundException(configPath);
                throw new ArgumentException(inner.Message, nameof(configPath), inner);

            if (!_values.ContainsKey(level))
            if (!Storage.FileExists(configPath))

            using (var stream = Storage.FileOpen(configPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite))
                using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream))
                    await ParseGitConfig(Context, reader, _values[level]);
        public static void Delete(this Configuration config, string key,
                                  ConfigurationLevel level = ConfigurationLevel.Local)
            Ensure.ArgumentNotNullOrEmptyString(key, "key");

            config.Unset(key, level);
		public static IEnumerable<object> GetValues(this IConfiguration config, ConfigurationLevel level) {
			var keys = config.GetKeys(level);
			var values = keys.Select(x => config.GetValue(x))
				.Where(value => value != null)

			return values.ToArray();
Exemple #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines which configuration file has been found.
 /// </summary>
 public virtual bool HasConfig(ConfigurationLevel level)
     using (ConfigurationHandle snapshot = Snapshot())
         using (ConfigurationHandle handle = RetrieveConfigurationHandle(level, false, snapshot))
             return(handle != null);
Exemple #11
        internal void UnsetMultivar(string key, ConfigurationLevel level)
            Ensure.ArgumentNotNullOrEmptyString(key, "key");

            using (ConfigurationHandle h = RetrieveConfigurationHandle(level, true, configHandle))
                Proxy.git_config_delete_multivar(h, key);
Exemple #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Unset all configuration values in a multivar variable (key and value).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="key">The key to unset.</param>
        /// <param name="level">The configuration file which should be considered as the target of this operation</param>
        public virtual bool UnsetAll(string key, ConfigurationLevel level)
            Ensure.ArgumentNotNullOrEmptyString(key, "key");

            using (ConfigurationHandle h = RetrieveConfigurationHandle(level, true, configHandle))
                return(Proxy.git_config_delete_multivar(h, key));
        public static void Save(this IConfiguration config, ConfigurationLevel level, IConfigFormatter formatter)
            if (config.Source == null)
                throw new DatabaseConfigurationException("The source was not configured in the configuration.");

            config.Save(config.Source, level, formatter);
        /// <summary>
        /// Unset a configuration variable (key and value).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="key">The key to unset.</param>
        /// <param name="level">The configuration file which should be considered as the target of this operation</param>
        public virtual void Unset(string key, ConfigurationLevel level = ConfigurationLevel.Local)
            Ensure.ArgumentNotNullOrEmptyString(key, "key");

            using (ConfigurationSafeHandle h = RetrieveConfigurationHandle(level, true))
                Proxy.git_config_delete(h, key);
        /// <summary>
        /// Find configuration entries matching <paramref name="regexp"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="regexp">A regular expression.</param>
        /// <param name="level">The configuration file into which the key should be searched for.</param>
        /// <returns>Matching entries.</returns>
        public virtual IEnumerable <ConfigurationEntry <string> > Find(string regexp,
                                                                       ConfigurationLevel level = ConfigurationLevel.Local)
            Ensure.ArgumentNotNullOrEmptyString(regexp, "regexp");

            using (ConfigurationSafeHandle h = RetrieveConfigurationHandle(level, true))
                return(Proxy.git_config_iterator_glob(h, regexp, BuildConfigEntry).ToList());
Exemple #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a configuration value for a multivalue key. Keys are in the form 'section.name'.
        /// <para>
        ///   For example in order to add the value for this in a .git\config file:
        ///   [test]
        ///   plugin = first
        ///   You would call:
        ///   repo.Config.Add("test.plugin", "first");
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">The configuration value type</typeparam>
        /// <param name="key">The key parts</param>
        /// <param name="value">The value</param>
        /// <param name="level">The configuration file which should be considered as the target of this operation</param>
        public virtual void Add(string key, string value, ConfigurationLevel level)
            Ensure.ArgumentNotNull(value, "value");
            Ensure.ArgumentNotNullOrEmptyString(key, "key");

            using (ConfigurationHandle h = RetrieveConfigurationHandle(level, true, configHandle))
                Proxy.git_config_add_string(h, key, value);
        public static void ConfigureGitConfig( 
        ConfigurationLevel level = ConfigurationLevel.Global, 
        string file = null )
            var config = new Configuration( file, file, file );

              LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger().Info( "Installing failmerge driver to " + ( file ?? level.ToString() ) );
              config.Set( "merge.failmerge.name", "fail merge driver", level );
              config.Set( "merge.failmerge.driver", "false", level );
              config.Set( "merge.failmerge.recursive", "binary", level );
Exemple #18
        public unsafe static string GetSearchPath(ConfigurationLevel level)
            GitBuffer buf          = new GitBuffer();
            git_buf   nativeBuffer = buf.NativeBuffer;

            Ensure.NativeSuccess(libgit2.git_libgit2_opts(git_libgit2_opt_t.GIT_OPT_GET_SEARCH_PATH, (git_config_level_t)level, nativeBuffer));

            fixed(byte *bp = buf.Content)
Exemple #19
            public sealed override bool ContainsKey(ConfigurationLevel levels, string key)
                foreach (var level in Levels)
                    if ((level & levels) != 0 &&

        public virtual bool ContainsKey(ConfigurationLevel levels, string key)
            foreach (ConfigurationLevel level in Levels)
                if ((level & levels) != 0 &&

        /// <summary>
        /// Get a configuration value for a key. Keys are in the form 'section.name'.
        /// <para>
        ///   For example in  order to get the value for this in a .git\config file:
        ///   <code>
        ///   [core]
        ///   bare = true
        ///   </code>
        ///   You would call:
        ///   <code>
        ///   bool isBare = repo.Config.Get&lt;bool&gt;("core.bare").Value;
        ///   </code>
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">The configuration value type</typeparam>
        /// <param name="key">The key</param>
        /// <param name="level">The configuration file into which the key should be searched for</param>
        /// <returns>The <see cref="ConfigurationEntry{T}"/>, or null if not set</returns>
        public virtual ConfigurationEntry <T> Get <T>(string key, ConfigurationLevel level)
            Ensure.ArgumentNotNullOrEmptyString(key, "key");

            using (ConfigurationSafeHandle handle = RetrieveConfigurationHandle(level, false))
                if (handle == null)

                return(Proxy.git_config_get_entry <T>(handle, key));
		public static void Save(this IConfiguration config, IConfigurationSource source, ConfigurationLevel level,
			IConfigurationFormatter formatter) {
			try {
				var outputStream = source.OutputStream;
				if (!outputStream.CanWrite)
					throw new InvalidOperationException("The destination source cannot be written.");

				outputStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
				formatter.SaveFrom(config, level, outputStream);
			} catch (Exception ex) {
				throw new DatabaseConfigurationException("Cannot save the configuration.", ex);
        /// <summary>
        /// Set a configuration value for a key. Keys are in the form 'section.name'.
        /// <para>
        ///   For example in order to set the value for this in a .git\config file:
        ///   [test]
        ///   boolsetting = true
        ///   You would call:
        ///   repo.Config.Set("test.boolsetting", true);
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">The configuration value type</typeparam>
        /// <param name="key">The key parts</param>
        /// <param name="value">The value</param>
        /// <param name="level">The configuration file which should be considered as the target of this operation</param>
        public virtual void Set <T>(string key, T value, ConfigurationLevel level = ConfigurationLevel.Local)
            Ensure.ArgumentNotNullOrEmptyString(key, "key");

            using (ConfigurationSafeHandle h = RetrieveConfigurationHandle(level, true))
                if (!configurationTypedUpdater.ContainsKey(typeof(T)))
                    throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Generic Argument of type '{0}' is not supported.", typeof(T).FullName));

                configurationTypedUpdater[typeof(T)](key, value, h);
        public XDocument DeleteConfiguration(string key, ConfigurationLevel level)
            XDocument xml = XDocument.Parse(XmlName.EmptyRoot);

            xml.Root.Add(new XElement(XmlName.Key, key));
            xml.Root.Add(new XElement(XmlName.Level, level.ToString().ToUpperInvariant()));

            xml.Root.Add(new XElement(XmlName.LocalTransactionId, SessionManager.VolatileElements.LocalTransactionId.ToUpperString()));
            xml.Root.Add(new XElement(XmlName.DeferredTransactionId, SessionManager.VolatileElements.DeferredTransactionId.ToUpperString()));
            xml.Root.Add(new XElement(XmlName.DatabaseId, ConfigurationMapper.Instance.DatabaseId.ToUpperString()));

            this.ExecuteStoredProcedure(StoredProcedure.configuration_p_deleteConfiguration, false, xml);

Exemple #25
            public sealed override void LoadGitConfiguration(string directory, ConfigurationLevel types)
                string portableConfig = null;
                string systemConfig   = null;
                string xdgConfig      = null;
                string globalConfig   = null;
                string localConfig    = null;

                // read Git's four configs from lowest priority to highest, overwriting values as
                // higher priority configurations are parsed, storing them in a handy lookup table

                // find and parse Git's portable config
                if ((types & ConfigurationLevel.Portable) != 0 &&
                    Where.GitPortableConfig(out portableConfig))
                    ParseGitConfig(ConfigurationLevel.Portable, portableConfig);

                // find and parse Git's system config
                if ((types & ConfigurationLevel.System) != 0 &&
                    Where.GitSystemConfig(null, out systemConfig))
                    ParseGitConfig(ConfigurationLevel.System, systemConfig);

                // find and parse Git's Xdg config
                if ((types & ConfigurationLevel.Xdg) != 0 &&
                    Where.GitXdgConfig(out xdgConfig))
                    ParseGitConfig(ConfigurationLevel.Xdg, xdgConfig);

                // find and parse Git's global config
                if ((types & ConfigurationLevel.Global) != 0 &&
                    Where.GitGlobalConfig(out globalConfig))
                    ParseGitConfig(ConfigurationLevel.Global, globalConfig);

                // find and parse Git's local config
                if ((types & ConfigurationLevel.Local) != 0 &&
                    Where.GitLocalConfig(directory, out localConfig))
                    ParseGitConfig(ConfigurationLevel.Local, localConfig);

                Git.Trace.WriteLine($"git {types} config read, {Count} entries.");
Exemple #26
        private void ShowUser(bool isGlobal)
            ConfigurationLevel level = isGlobal ? ConfigurationLevel.Global : ConfigurationLevel.Local;

            using Repository repo = new Repository(Environment.CurrentDirectory);

            ConfigurationEntry <string> emailEntry = repo.Config.Get <string>("user.email", level);

            if (emailEntry == null)
                Log.Red($"{level.ToString()} user is not set.");

            Log.Green($"The {level.ToString()} user is set to {emailEntry.Value}");
        public virtual async Task LoadGitConfiguration(string directory, ConfigurationLevel types)
            string portableConfig = null;
            string systemConfig   = null;
            string xdgConfig      = null;
            string globalConfig   = null;
            string localConfig    = null;

            // Read Git's five configuration files from lowest priority to highest, overwriting values as higher priority configurations are parsed, storing them in a handy lookup table.

            // Find and parse Git's portable configuration file.
            if ((types & ConfigurationLevel.Portable) != 0 &&
                Where.GitPortableConfig(out portableConfig))
                await ParseGitConfig(ConfigurationLevel.Portable, portableConfig);

            // Find and parse Git's system configuration file.
            if ((types & ConfigurationLevel.System) != 0 &&
                Where.GitSystemConfig(null, out systemConfig))
                await ParseGitConfig(ConfigurationLevel.System, systemConfig);

            // Find and parse Git's XDG configuration file.
            if ((types & ConfigurationLevel.Xdg) != 0 &&
                Where.GitXdgConfig(out xdgConfig))
                await ParseGitConfig(ConfigurationLevel.Xdg, xdgConfig);

            // Find and parse Git's global configuration file.
            if ((types & ConfigurationLevel.Global) != 0 &&
                Where.GitGlobalConfig(out globalConfig))
                await ParseGitConfig(ConfigurationLevel.Global, globalConfig);

            // Find and parse Git's local configuration file.
            if ((types & ConfigurationLevel.Local) != 0 &&
                Where.GitLocalConfig(directory, out localConfig))
                await ParseGitConfig(ConfigurationLevel.Local, localConfig);

            Trace.WriteLine($"git {types} config read, {Count} entries.");
Exemple #28
        /// <summary>
        ///   Set a configuration value for a key. Keys are in the form 'section.name'.
        ///   <para>
        ///     For example in order to set the value for this in a .git\config file:
        ///     [test]
        ///     boolsetting = true
        ///     You would call:
        ///     repo.Config.Set("test.boolsetting", true);
        ///   </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name = "T"></typeparam>
        /// <param name = "key"></param>
        /// <param name = "value"></param>
        /// <param name = "level"></param>
        public void Set <T>(string key, T value, ConfigurationLevel level = ConfigurationLevel.Local)
            Ensure.ArgumentNotNullOrEmptyString(key, "key");

            if (level == ConfigurationLevel.Local && !HasLocalConfig)
                throw new LibGit2Exception("No local configuration file has been found. You must use ConfigurationLevel.Global when accessing configuration outside of repository.");

            if (level == ConfigurationLevel.Global && !HasGlobalConfig)
                throw new LibGit2Exception("No global configuration file has been found.");

            if (level == ConfigurationLevel.System && !HasSystemConfig)
                throw new LibGit2Exception("No system configuration file has been found.");

            ConfigurationSafeHandle h;

            switch (level)
            case ConfigurationLevel.Local:
                h = localHandle;

            case ConfigurationLevel.Global:
                h = globalHandle;

            case ConfigurationLevel.System:
                h = systemHandle;

                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Configuration level has an unexpected value ('{0}').", Enum.GetName(typeof(ConfigurationLevel), level)), "level");

            if (!configurationTypedUpdater.ContainsKey(typeof(T)))
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Generic Argument of type '{0}' is not supported.", typeof(T).FullName));

            configurationTypedUpdater[typeof(T)](key, value, h);
Exemple #29
        private ConfigurationHandle RetrieveConfigurationHandle(ConfigurationLevel level, bool throwIfStoreHasNotBeenFound, ConfigurationHandle fromHandle)
            ConfigurationHandle handle = null;

            if (fromHandle != null)
                handle = Proxy.git_config_open_level(fromHandle, level);

            if (handle == null && throwIfStoreHasNotBeenFound)
                throw new LibGit2SharpException("No {0} configuration file has been found.",
                                                Enum.GetName(typeof(ConfigurationLevel), level));

        private ConfigurationSafeHandle RetrieveConfigurationHandle(ConfigurationLevel level, bool throwIfStoreHasNotBeenFound)
            ConfigurationSafeHandle handle = null;

            if (configHandle != null)
                handle = Proxy.git_config_open_level(configHandle, level);

            if (handle == null && throwIfStoreHasNotBeenFound)
                throw new LibGit2SharpException(
                          string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "No {0} configuration file has been found.",
                                        Enum.GetName(typeof(ConfigurationLevel), level)));

        private void ParseGitConfig(ConfigurationLevel level, string configPath)
            Debug.Assert(Enum.IsDefined(typeof(ConfigurationLevel), level), $"The `{nameof(level)}` parameter is not defined.");
            Debug.Assert(!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(configPath), $"The `{nameof(configPath)}` parameter is null or invalid.");
            Debug.Assert(File.Exists(configPath), $"The `{nameof(configPath)}` parameter references a non-existent file.");

            if (!_values.ContainsKey(level))
            if (!File.Exists(configPath))

            using (var sr = new StreamReader(File.OpenRead(configPath)))
                ParseGitConfig(sr, _values[level]);
Exemple #32
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public IEnumerable <string> GetKeys(ConfigurationLevel level)
            var returnKeys = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            if (!isRoot && Parent != null && level == ConfigurationLevel.Deep)
                var configKeys = Parent.GetKeys(level);
                foreach (var pair in configKeys)
                    returnKeys[pair] = pair;

            foreach (var configKey in values.Keys)
                returnKeys[configKey] = configKey;

Exemple #33
 private static ConfigurationEntry<string> FakeConfigurationEntry(string key, string value, ConfigurationLevel level)
     return new Mock<ConfigurationEntry<string>>(key, value, level).Object;
Exemple #34
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public IEnumerable<ConfigKey> GetKeys(ConfigurationLevel level)
            var returnKeys = new Dictionary<string, ConfigKey>();
            if (!isRoot && Parent != null && level == ConfigurationLevel.Deep) {
                var configKeys = Parent.GetKeys(level);
                foreach (var pair in configKeys) {
                    returnKeys[pair.Name] = pair;

            foreach (var configKey in keys) {
                returnKeys[configKey.Key] = configKey.Value;

            return returnKeys.Values.AsEnumerable();