Exemple #1
    void Start()
        ConfigScript config = (ConfigScript)Object.FindObjectOfType(typeof(ConfigScript));

        ppu = config.pixelsPerUnit;

        driving = GetComponent <DrivingScript>();

        headlights = new GameObject[] {
        foreach (GameObject light in headlights)
    public static LevelLayerData getLayoutLinearSH(int curActiveLayout)
        int layoutAddr = ConfigScript.getLayoutAddr(curActiveLayout);
        int width      = ConfigScript.getLevelWidth(curActiveLayout);
        int height     = ConfigScript.getLevelHeight(curActiveLayout);

        int[] layer = new int[width * height];
        for (int i = 0; i < width * height; i++)
            var scrNo = Globals.romdata[layoutAddr + i];
            if (scrNo > 0) //not change zero values (for easy view)
                layer[i] = (scrNo + 1) % 256;
        return(new LevelLayerData(width, height, layer, null, null));
Exemple #3
    public void setBigBlocksTT(int bigTileIndex, BigBlock[] bigBlockIndexes)
        var bigBlocksAddr = ConfigScript.getBigTilesAddr(0, bigTileIndex);

        for (int v = 0; v < bigBlockIndexes.Length; v++)
            var bb = bigBlockIndexes[v] as BigBlockWithPal;
            var i0 = bb.indexes[0];
            var i1 = bb.indexes[1];
            var i2 = bb.indexes[2];
            var i3 = bb.indexes[3];
            Globals.romdata[bigBlocksAddr + v * 4 + 0] = (byte)i0;
            Globals.romdata[bigBlocksAddr + v * 4 + 1] = (byte)i2;
            Globals.romdata[bigBlocksAddr + v * 4 + 2] = (byte)i1;
            Globals.romdata[bigBlocksAddr + v * 4 + 3] = (byte)i3;
Exemple #4
    public MapInfo[] makeMapsInfo()
        var mapsInfo = new MapInfo[getScreensOffset().recCount];
        int scrSize  = getScreensOffset().width *getScreensOffset().height *ConfigScript.getWordLen();
        int attrSize = 64;

        for (int i = 0; i < mapsInfo.Length; i++)
            int da = getScreensOffset().beginAddr + scrSize * i;
            int aa = getPalBytesAddr() + attrSize * i;
            mapsInfo[i] = new MapInfo()
                dataAddr = da, palAddr = ConfigScript.palOffset.beginAddr, videoNo = 0, attribsAddr = aa
Exemple #5
        public Bitmap[] makeObjects(int videoPageId, int tilesId, int palId, MapViewType drawType, int constantSubpal = -1)
            byte[]   videoChunk = ConfigScript.getVideoChunk(videoPageId);
            ObjRec[] objects    = ConfigScript.getBlocks(tilesId);

            byte[] palette   = ConfigScript.getPal(palId);
            var    range256  = Enumerable.Range(0, 256);
            var    objStrip1 = range256.Select(i => makeImage(i, videoChunk, palette, 0)).ToArray();
            var    objStrip2 = range256.Select(i => makeImage(i, videoChunk, palette, 1)).ToArray();
            var    objStrip3 = range256.Select(i => makeImage(i, videoChunk, palette, 2)).ToArray();
            var    objStrip4 = range256.Select(i => makeImage(i, videoChunk, palette, 3)).ToArray();
            var    objStrips = new[] { objStrip1, objStrip2, objStrip3, objStrip4 };

            var bitmaps = makeObjects(objects, objStrips, drawType, constantSubpal);

        private void bttExportPic_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int[][] screens, screens2;
            loadScreens(out screens, out screens2);

            SaveScreensCount.ExportMode = true;
            SaveScreensCount.Filename   = "exportedScreens.png";
            var f = new SaveScreensCount();

            f.Text = "Export picture";

            formMain.subeditorOpen(f, (ToolStripItem)sender, true);

            if (SaveScreensCount.Result)
                if (SaveScreensCount.Count <= 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("Screens count value must be greater than 0", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                int saveLastIndex = SaveScreensCount.First + SaveScreensCount.Count;
                if (saveLastIndex > screens.Length)
                    MessageBox.Show(string.Format("First screen + Screens Count value ({0}) must be less than Total Screen Count in the game ({1}", saveLastIndex, screens.Length), "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                int   first       = SaveScreensCount.First;
                int   WIDTH       = ConfigScript.getScreenWidth(formMain.LevelNoForScreens);
                int   HEIGHT      = ConfigScript.getScreenHeight(formMain.LevelNoForScreens);
                float curScale    = formMain.CurScale;
                var   probeIm     = MapEditor.ScreenToImage(formMain.BigBlocks, formMain.Layers, formMain.ScreenNo, curScale, false, 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
                int   screenCount = SaveScreensCount.Count;
                var   resultImage = new Bitmap(probeIm.Width * screenCount, probeIm.Height);
                using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(resultImage))
                    for (int i = 0; i < screenCount; i++)
                        var im = MapEditor.ScreenToImage(formMain.BigBlocks, formMain.Layers, first + i, curScale, false, 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
                        g.DrawImage(im, new Point(i * im.Width, 0));
Exemple #7
    public LevelLayerData dwdGetLayout(int curActiveLayout)
        if (curActiveLayout < 6)

        int layoutAddr = ConfigScript.getLayoutAddr(curActiveLayout);
        int width      = ConfigScript.getLevelWidth(curActiveLayout);
        int height     = ConfigScript.getLevelHeight(curActiveLayout);

        int[] layer = new int[width * height];
        for (int i = 0; i < width * height; i++)
            layer[i] = Globals.romdata[layoutAddr + i] + 256;
        return(new LevelLayerData(width, height, layer, null, null));
Exemple #8
    public static void setBlocks(int tileId, ObjRec[] blocksData)
        int addr    = ConfigScript.getTilesAddr(tileId);
        int count   = ConfigScript.getBlocksCount();
        var palAddr = addr + count * 4;

        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            var obj = blocksData[i];
            Globals.romdata[addr + i]             = (byte)obj.indexes[0];
            Globals.romdata[addr + count * 1 + i] = (byte)obj.indexes[1];
            Globals.romdata[addr + count * 2 + i] = (byte)obj.indexes[2];
            Globals.romdata[addr + count * 3 + i] = (byte)obj.indexes[3];
            int t = Globals.romdata[palAddr + i];
            t = t & 0x3F | (blocksData[i].palBytes[0] << 6);
            Globals.romdata[palAddr + i] = (byte)t; //save only pal bits, not physics
    public IList <LevelRec> getLevelRecs()
        var groups = ConfigScript.getGroups();

        return(new List <LevelRec>()
            new LevelRec(0x167D5, 48, 1, 1, 0x0, "Jungle By Day", groups[0]),
            new LevelRec(0x18815, 45, 1, 1, 0x0, "Great Tree", groups[1]),
            new LevelRec(0x173F6, 67, 1, 1, 0x0, "Dawn Patrol", groups[2]),
            new LevelRec(0x14B7A, 89, 1, 1, 0x0, "River", groups[3]),
            new LevelRec(0x1550E, 67, 1, 1, 0x0, "Baloo and River", groups[4]),
            new LevelRec(0x194D3, 51, 1, 1, 0x0, "Tree Village", groups[5]),
            new LevelRec(0x128D6, 60, 1, 1, 0x0, "Ruins", groups[6]),
            new LevelRec(0x13642, 111, 1, 1, 0x0, "Falling Ruins", groups[7]),
            new LevelRec(0x17E04, 65, 1, 1, 0x0, "Jungle By Night", groups[8]),
            //new LevelRec(0x10912, 74, 1, 1, 0x0, "Wastelands", groups[9]),
Exemple #10
    public void setBlocks(int blockIndex, ObjRec[] blocksData)
        int addr    = ConfigScript.getTilesAddr(blockIndex);
        int count   = getBlocksCount();
        var romdata = Globals.romdata;

        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            var obj = blocksData[i];
            romdata[addr + i]             = (byte)obj.indexes[0];
            romdata[addr + count * 1 + i] = (byte)obj.indexes[1];
            romdata[addr + count * 2 + i] = (byte)obj.indexes[2];
            romdata[addr + count * 3 + i] = (byte)obj.indexes[3];

            var mask = 0x0F & romdata[addr + count * 4 + i];
            romdata[addr + count * 4 + i] = (byte)(mask | obj.palBytes[0] << 4);
Exemple #11
    void Start()
        ConfigScript config = (ConfigScript)Object.FindObjectOfType(typeof(ConfigScript));

        ppu = config.pixelsPerUnit;

        Vector3 frontWheelPos = frontWheelOffset.localPosition;
        Vector3 backWheelPos  = backWheelOffset.localPosition;

        wheels = new Wheel[] {
            AddWheel(frontWheelPos.x, frontWheelPos.y, frontWheelDrive, true, false),
            AddWheel(-frontWheelPos.x, frontWheelPos.y, frontWheelDrive, true, false),
            AddWheel(backWheelPos.x, backWheelPos.y, !frontWheelDrive, false, true),
            AddWheel(-backWheelPos.x, backWheelPos.y, !frontWheelDrive, false, true),

        body = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
        ai   = GetComponent <DrivingAIScript>();
Exemple #12
        private void bttnLoadScript_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                var script = new ConfigScript();
                lblPopFile.Content          = script.PopulationFile;
                lblEvaluateFilesIn.Content  = "Input: " + script.EvaluationFile;
                lblEvaluateFilesOut.Content = "Output: " + script.EvaluationFile;

                ApplicationSingleton.Instance.Config = script;
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, ex.GetType().Name);
    public IList <LevelRec> getLevelRecsCad()
        var groups = ConfigScript.getGroups();

        return(new List <LevelRec>()
            new LevelRec(0x10388, 76, getLayoutWidth(0), getLayoutHeight(0), getLayoutAddr(0), groups[0].name, groups[0]), //broke first boss after save?
            new LevelRec(0x10456, 31, getLayoutWidth(1), getLayoutHeight(1), getLayoutAddr(1), groups[1].name, groups[1]),
            new LevelRec(0x105A1, 73, getLayoutWidth(2), getLayoutHeight(2), getLayoutAddr(2), groups[2].name, groups[2]),
            new LevelRec(0x106D1, 57, getLayoutWidth(3), getLayoutHeight(3), getLayoutAddr(3), groups[3].name, groups[3]),
            new LevelRec(0x10890, 97, getLayoutWidth(4), getLayoutHeight(4), getLayoutAddr(4), groups[4].name, groups[4]),
            new LevelRec(0x10A1D, 74, getLayoutWidth(5), getLayoutHeight(5), getLayoutAddr(5), groups[5].name, groups[5]),
            new LevelRec(0x10B0E, 41, getLayoutWidth(6), getLayoutHeight(6), getLayoutAddr(6), groups[6].name, groups[6]),
            new LevelRec(0x10C88, 83, getLayoutWidth(7), getLayoutHeight(7), getLayoutAddr(7), groups[7].name, groups[7]),
            new LevelRec(0x10DB3, 53, getLayoutWidth(8), getLayoutHeight(8), getLayoutAddr(8), groups[8].name, groups[8]),
            new LevelRec(0x10EA1, 45, getLayoutWidth(9), getLayoutHeight(9), getLayoutAddr(9), groups[9].name, groups[9]),
            new LevelRec(0x10FED, 71, getLayoutWidth(10), getLayoutHeight(10), getLayoutAddr(10), groups[10].name, groups[10]),
Exemple #14
    public static void setBlocks(int tileId, ObjRec[] blocks)
        int bc      = ConfigScript.getBlocksCount(tileId);
        int palAddr = getPalBytesAddr();

        byte[] blocksData = new byte[blocks.Length * 4];
        for (int i = 0; i < blocks.Length; i++)
            blocksData[i * 4 + 0] = (byte)blocks[i].indexes[0];
            blocksData[i * 4 + 1] = (byte)blocks[i].indexes[1];
            blocksData[i * 4 + 2] = (byte)blocks[i].indexes[2];
            blocksData[i * 4 + 3] = (byte)blocks[i].indexes[3];
        Utils.writeDataToUnalignedArrays(blocksData, Globals.romdata, blockAddr1, blockAddr2, blockAddr3, blockAddr4, bc);
        for (int i = 0; i < blocks.Length; i++)
            Globals.romdata[palAddr + i] = (byte)blocks[i].palBytes[0];
Exemple #15
    public ObjRec[] getBlocks(int tileId)
        var blocks = Utils.readBlocksFromAlignedArrays(Globals.romdata, ConfigScript.getTilesAddr(tileId), ConfigScript.getBlocksCount(tileId), false);
        //decode palByte
        int palInfoCount = ConfigScript.getBlocksCount(tileId) / 4;
        var palInfo      = new byte[palInfoCount];

        for (int i = 0; i < palInfoCount; i++)
            palInfo[i] = Globals.romdata[ConfigScript.getPalBytesAddr(tileId) + i];
        for (int i = 0; i < blocks.Length; i++)
            var palInfoByte = palInfo[i / 4];
            int parByteNo   = i % 4;
            blocks[i].palBytes[0] = (byte)((palInfoByte >> parByteNo * 2) & 3);
Exemple #16
        private int[] prepareLayerData()
            int layoutNo = cbLayout.SelectedIndex;
            var layout   = ConfigScript.getLayout(layoutNo);

            int scrNo  = findNonZeroScrNo(layout);
            int width  = formMain.screens[scrNo].width;
            int height = formMain.screens[scrNo].height;

            int layerWidth  = layout.width * width;
            int layerHeight = layout.height * height;

            int[] layerData = new int[layerWidth * layerHeight];

            for (int sy = 0; sy < layout.height; sy++)
                for (int sx = 0; sx < layout.width; sx++)
                    int scrIndex = sy * layout.width + sx;
                    scrNo = calcScrNo(layout, scrIndex);
                    if (scrNo >= 0 && scrNo < formMain.screens.Length)
                        var curScreen     = formMain.screens[scrNo];
                        var curScreenData = curScreen.layers[0].data;
                        for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                            for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                                int index  = y * width + x;
                                int tileNo = ConfigScript.getBigTileNoFromScreen(curScreenData, index);
                                int lx     = sx * width + x;
                                int ly     = sy * height + y;

                                layerData[ly * layerWidth + lx] = tileNo + 1; //Tiled indexes start from 1, not 0

        private void bttExportJson_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int[][] screens, screens2;
            loadScreens(out screens, out screens2);

            SaveScreensCount.ExportMode = true;
            SaveScreensCount.Filename   = "exportedScreens.json";
            var f = new SaveScreensCount();

            f.Text = "Export json";

            formMain.subeditorOpen(f, (ToolStripItem)sender, true);

            if (SaveScreensCount.Result)
                if (SaveScreensCount.Count <= 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("Screens count value must be greater than 0", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                int saveLastIndex = SaveScreensCount.First + SaveScreensCount.Count;
                if (saveLastIndex > screens.Length)
                    MessageBox.Show(string.Format("First screen + Screens Count value ({0}) must be less than Total Screen Count in the game ({1}", saveLastIndex, screens.Length), "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                int first        = SaveScreensCount.First;
                int WIDTH        = ConfigScript.getScreenWidth(formMain.LevelNoForScreens);
                int HEIGHT       = ConfigScript.getScreenHeight(formMain.LevelNoForScreens);
                int screenCount  = SaveScreensCount.Count;
                var screenParams = new { Width = WIDTH, Height = HEIGHT, Screens = new int[screenCount][] };
                using (TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(SaveScreensCount.Filename))
                    for (int i = 0; i < screenCount; i++)
                        screenParams.Screens[i] = screens[first + i];
Exemple #18
    public List <ObjectList> getObjectsDt2(int levelNo)
        LevelRec lr = ConfigScript.getLevelRec(levelNo);
        int      objCount = lr.objCount, addr = lr.objectsBeginAddr;
        var      objects = new List <ObjectRec>();

        int objectsReaded = 0;
        int currentHeight = 0;

        while (objectsReaded < objCount)
            byte command = Globals.romdata[addr];
            if (command == 0xFF)
                currentHeight = Globals.romdata[addr + 1];
                if (currentHeight == 0xFF)
                addr += 2;
                byte v     = Globals.romdata[addr + 2];
                byte xbyte = Globals.romdata[addr + 0];
                byte ybyte = Globals.romdata[addr + 1];
                byte sx    = (byte)(xbyte >> 5);
                byte x     = (byte)((xbyte & 0x1F) << 3);
                byte sy    = (byte)currentHeight;
                byte y     = ybyte;
                var  obj   = new ObjectRec(v, sx, sy, x, y);
                addr += 3;
        return(new List <ObjectList> {
            new ObjectList {
                objects = objects, name = "Objects"
Exemple #19
    public static void setBigBlocks(int bigTileIndex, BigBlock[] bigBlockIndexes)
        var bigBlocksAddr = ConfigScript.getBigTilesAddr(0, bigTileIndex);
        var data          = Utils.linearizeBigBlocks(bigBlockIndexes);

        int size = data.Length;
        int addr = ConfigScript.getBigTilesAddr(0, bigTileIndex);

        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
            Globals.romdata[addr + i] = data[i];
        //save pal bytes
        for (int i = 0; i < bigBlockIndexes.Length; i++)
            var bb      = bigBlockIndexes[i] as BigBlockWithPal;
            int palByte = bb.palBytes[0] | bb.palBytes[1] << 2 | bb.palBytes[2] << 4 | bb.palBytes[3] << 6;
            Globals.romdata[ConfigScript.getPalBytesAddr(bigTileIndex) + i] = (byte)palByte;
Exemple #20
            public void GeneratesGenericConstructors()
                // Given
                Dictionary <string, string> memberNames = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                string expected = $@"
                        public static Wyam.Core.Tests.Configuration.ConfigScriptTests.GenericModule<T> GenericModule<T>(T input)
                            return new Wyam.Core.Tests.Configuration.ConfigScriptTests.GenericModule<T>(input);  
                        public static Wyam.Core.Tests.Configuration.ConfigScriptTests.GenericModule<T> GenericModule<T>(System.Action<T> input)
                            return new Wyam.Core.Tests.Configuration.ConfigScriptTests.GenericModule<T>(input);  

                // When
                string generated = ConfigScript.GenerateModuleConstructorMethods(typeof(GenericModule <>), memberNames);

                // Then
                Assert.AreEqual(expected, generated);
Exemple #21
    public bool setPrizesCad2(int levelNo, List <ObjectList> objLists)
        LevelRec lr       = ConfigScript.getLevelRec(levelNo);
        int      addrBase = lr.objectsBeginAddr;
        int      objCount = lr.objCount;
        var      objects  = objLists[0].objects;

        for (int i = 0; i < objects.Count; i++)
            var obj = objects[i];
            Globals.romdata[addrBase + i * 2 + 0] = (byte)((obj.x / 32) | (obj.sx << 4));
            Globals.romdata[addrBase + i * 2 + 1] = (byte)((obj.y / 32) | (obj.type << 4));
        for (int i = objects.Count; i < objCount; i++)
            Globals.romdata[addrBase + i * 2 + 0] = 0xFF;
            Globals.romdata[addrBase + i * 2 + 1] = 0xFF;
Exemple #22
    public static void setBigBlocksTT(int bigTileIndex, BigBlock[] bigBlockIndexes)
        var bigBlocksAddr = ConfigScript.getBigTilesAddr(0, bigTileIndex);

        for (int v = 0; v < bigBlockIndexes.Length; v++)
            var bb = bigBlockIndexes[v] as BigBlockWithPal;
            var i0 = bb.indexes[0];
            var i1 = bb.indexes[1];
            var i2 = bb.indexes[2];
            var i3 = bb.indexes[3];
            Globals.romdata[bigBlocksAddr + v * 4 + 0] = (byte)i0;
            Globals.romdata[bigBlocksAddr + v * 4 + 1] = (byte)i2;
            Globals.romdata[bigBlocksAddr + v * 4 + 2] = (byte)i1;
            Globals.romdata[bigBlocksAddr + v * 4 + 3] = (byte)i3;

            int palByte = bb.palBytes[0] | bb.palBytes[1] << 2 | bb.palBytes[2] << 4 | bb.palBytes[3] << 6;
            setTTSmallBlocksColorByte(v, (byte)palByte);
Exemple #23
    public static List <ObjectList> getObjectsNemo(int levelNo)
        LevelRec lr = ConfigScript.getLevelRec(levelNo);
        int      objCount = lr.objCount, addr = lr.objectsBeginAddr;
        var      objects = new List <ObjectRec>();

        var objScreenAddr = ConfigScript.getPalBytesAddr(); //not palBytes, but object sx/sy decode
        int screenIndex   = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < objCount; i++)
            //read, how many objects at current screen
            while (true)
                int curIndex  = Globals.romdata[objScreenAddr];
                int nextIndex = Globals.romdata[objScreenAddr + 1];
                if (i < nextIndex)
            int sx = screenIndex % lr.width;
            int sy = screenIndex / lr.width;
            int v   = Globals.romdata[addr + i * 2 + 0];
            int xy  = Globals.romdata[addr + i * 2 + 1];
            int x   = (xy >> 4) * 16;
            int y   = (xy & 0x0F) * 16;
            var obj = new ObjectRec(v, sx, sy, x, y);
            //hack for .NET optimizer(?). It fails to forever loop, if no this string
            var a = i.ToString();
        return(new List <ObjectList> {
            new ObjectList {
                objects = objects, name = "Objects"
Exemple #24
            public void GeneratesCorrectScript(string input, string output)
                // Given
                HashSet <Type> moduleTypes = new HashSet <Type> {

                string[] namespaces = Array.Empty <string>();
                string   expected   = $@"

                public class ConfigScript : ConfigScriptBase
                    public ConfigScript(IEngine engine) : base(engine) {{ }}

                    public override void Run()
                        public static Wyam.Core.Modules.Contents.Content Content(object content)
                            return new Wyam.Core.Modules.Contents.Content(content);  
                        public static Wyam.Core.Modules.Contents.Content Content(Wyam.Common.Configuration.ContextConfig content)
                            return new Wyam.Core.Modules.Contents.Content(content);  
                        public static Wyam.Core.Modules.Contents.Content Content(Wyam.Common.Configuration.DocumentConfig content)
                            return new Wyam.Core.Modules.Contents.Content(content);  
                        public static Wyam.Core.Modules.Contents.Content Content(params Wyam.Common.Modules.IModule[] modules)
                            return new Wyam.Core.Modules.Contents.Content(modules);  

                // When
                string actual = ConfigScript.Generate(null, input, moduleTypes, namespaces);

                // Then
                Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Exemple #25
        //make capcom screen image
        public Bitmap makeScreen(int scrNo, int levelNo, int videoNo, int bigBlockNo, int blockNo, int palleteNo, bool withBorders = true)
            if (scrNo < 0)
                return(VideoHelper.emptyScreen((int)(ConfigScript.getScreenWidth(levelNo) * 32), (int)(ConfigScript.getScreenHeight(levelNo) * 32)));
            var bigBlocks = makeBigBlocks(videoNo, bigBlockNo, blockNo, palleteNo, MapViewType.Tiles, MapViewType.Tiles);

            //var bigBlocks = makeBigBlocks(videoNo, bigBlockNo, blockNo, palleteNo, MapViewType.ObjType,MapViewType.Tiles, withBorders);
            int[] indexes = Globals.getScreen(ConfigScript.screensOffset[levelNo], scrNo);
            int   scrW    = ConfigScript.getScreenWidth(0); //zero as screenNoForLevel
            int   scrH    = ConfigScript.getScreenHeight(0);
            //capcom hardcode

            var blockLayer1 = new BlockLayer()
                screens = new int[1][] { indexes }, showLayer = true, blockWidth = 32, blockHeight = 32

            return(new Bitmap(MapEditor.ScreenToImage(bigBlocks, new BlockLayer[] { blockLayer1 }, 0, 2.0f, false, 0, 0, scrW, scrH)));
    //blocks are intersects.
    public static ObjRec[] getBlocksLinear4x2withoutAttribT(int blockIndex)
        var singleBlocks = Utils.readBlocksLinear(Globals.romdata, ConfigScript.getTilesAddr(blockIndex), 2, 2, ConfigScript.getBlocksCount(blockIndex) + 1, false, true);
        var newBlocks    = new ObjRec[ConfigScript.getBlocksCount(blockIndex)];

        for (int i = 0; i < newBlocks.Length; i++)
            var indexes  = new int[8];
            var palBytes = new int[2];
            indexes[0]   = singleBlocks[i].indexes[0];
            indexes[1]   = singleBlocks[i].indexes[1];
            indexes[2]   = singleBlocks[i + 1].indexes[0];
            indexes[3]   = singleBlocks[i + 1].indexes[1];
            indexes[4]   = singleBlocks[i].indexes[2];
            indexes[5]   = singleBlocks[i].indexes[3];
            indexes[6]   = singleBlocks[i + 1].indexes[2];
            indexes[7]   = singleBlocks[i + 1].indexes[3];
            newBlocks[i] = new ObjRec(4, 2, 0, indexes, palBytes);
Exemple #27
    public static void setBlocks(int tileId, ObjRec[] blocksData)
        int addr    = ConfigScript.getTilesAddr(tileId);
        int count   = ConfigScript.getBlocksCount(tileId);
        var palAddr = ConfigScript.getPalBytesAddr(tileId);

        Utils.writeBlocksLinear(blocksData, Globals.romdata, addr, count, false, false);

        int palInfoCount = ConfigScript.getBlocksCount(tileId) / 4;

        for (int i = 0; i < palInfoCount; i++)
            var palInfoByte =
                (blocksData[i * 4 + 3].palBytes[0] << 0) |
                (blocksData[i * 4 + 2].palBytes[0] << 2) |
                (blocksData[i * 4 + 1].palBytes[0] << 4) |
                (blocksData[i * 4 + 0].palBytes[0] << 6);

            Globals.romdata[palAddr + i] = (byte)palInfoByte;
Exemple #28
        private void bttExportJson_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var screens = ConfigScript.loadScreens();

            SaveScreensCount.exportMode = true;
            SaveScreensCount.filename   = "exportedScreens.json";
            var f = new SaveScreensCount();

            f.Text = "Export json";

            formMain.subeditorOpen(f, (ToolStripItem)sender, true);

            if (SaveScreensCount.result)
                if (SaveScreensCount.count <= 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("Screens count value must be greater than 0", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                int saveLastIndex = SaveScreensCount.first + SaveScreensCount.count;
                int screensCount  = screens.Length;
                if (saveLastIndex > screensCount)
                    MessageBox.Show(string.Format("First screen + Screens Count value ({0}) must be less than Total Screen Count in the game ({1}", saveLastIndex, screensCount), "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                int first        = SaveScreensCount.first;
                int screenCount  = SaveScreensCount.count;
                var screenParams = new { Screens = new CadEditor.Screen[screenCount] };
                using (TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(SaveScreensCount.filename))
                    for (int i = 0; i < screenCount; i++)
                        screenParams.Screens[i] = screens[first + i];
Exemple #29
        private void btExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                if (sfSave.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)

                var imName = Path.ChangeExtension(sfSave.FileName, "png");

                var bigBlockImage   = prepareImage(imName);
                var base64LayerData = toZippedBase64String(prepareLayerData());

                int layoutNo = cbLayout.SelectedIndex;
                var layout   = ConfigScript.getLayout(layoutNo);

                int scrNo           = findNonZeroScrNo(layout);
                int width           = formMain.screens[scrNo].width;
                int height          = formMain.screens[scrNo].height;
                var bigBlocksImages = formMain.bigBlocks;
                int blockWidth      = bigBlocksImages[0].Width;
                int blockHeight     = bigBlocksImages[0].Height;

                int layerWidth  = layout.width * width;
                int layerHeight = layout.height * height;

                using (var f = File.CreateText(sfSave.FileName))
                    f.Write(tmxTemplate(layerWidth, layerHeight, blockWidth, blockHeight, imName, bigBlockImage.Width, bigBlockImage.Height, base64LayerData));

                MessageBox.Show("Export done!");
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error");
Exemple #30
    public BigBlock[] getBigBlocks(int bigTileIndex)
        int count         = ConfigScript.getBigBlocksCount(0, bigTileIndex);
        var bigBlocks     = new BigBlockWithPal[count];
        var bigBlocksAddr = ConfigScript.getBigTilesAddr(0, bigTileIndex);

        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            var bb = new BigBlockWithPal(2, 2);
            bb.indexes[0] = Globals.romdata[bigBlocksAddr + i * 5 + 0] & 0x3f;
            bb.indexes[2] = Globals.romdata[bigBlocksAddr + i * 5 + 1] & 0x3f;
            bb.indexes[1] = Globals.romdata[bigBlocksAddr + i * 5 + 2] & 0x3f;
            bb.indexes[3] = Globals.romdata[bigBlocksAddr + i * 5 + 3] & 0x3f;
            int palByte = Globals.romdata[bigBlocksAddr + i * 5 + 4];
            bb.palBytes[0] = palByte >> 0 & 0x3;
            bb.palBytes[1] = palByte >> 2 & 0x3;
            bb.palBytes[2] = palByte >> 4 & 0x3;
            bb.palBytes[3] = palByte >> 6 & 0x3;
            bigBlocks[i]   = bb;