static bool TryGetDeploymentSigner(ConfigProps config, ExpressChain?chain, byte version, [MaybeNullWhen(false)] out Signer signer)
                if (config.TryGetValue("deploy-signer", out var deploySignerToken))
                    return(TryParseSigner(deploySignerToken, chain, version, out signer));

                signer = default;
        static async Task <IApplicationEngine> CreateEngineAsync(ConfigProps config)
            if (!config.TryGetValue("invocation", out var jsonInvocation))
                throw new JsonException("missing invocation property");

            if (jsonInvocation.Type == JTokenType.Object && jsonInvocation["trace-file"] != null)
                var traceFile      = jsonInvocation.Value <string>("trace-file") ?? throw new JsonException("invalid trace-file property");
                var program        = ParseProgram(config);
                var launchContract = LoadNefFile(program);
                var contracts      = new List <NefFile> {

                // TODO: load other contracts?

                return(new TraceApplicationEngine(traceFile, contracts));

            return(await CreateDebugEngineAsync(config, jsonInvocation).ConfigureAwait(false));
        static async Task <IApplicationEngine> CreateDebugEngineAsync(ConfigProps config, JToken jsonInvocation)
            var program        = ParseProgram(config);
            var launchNefFile  = LoadNefFile(program);
            var launchManifest = await LoadContractManifestAsync(program).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var chain      = LoadNeoExpress(config);
            var invocation = ParseInvocation(jsonInvocation);

            var checkpoint = LoadBlockchainCheckpoint(config, chain?.Network, chain?.AddressVersion);

            var(trigger, witnessChecker) = ParseRuntime(config, chain, checkpoint.Settings.AddressVersion);
            if (trigger != TriggerType.Application)
                throw new Exception($"Trigger Type {trigger} not supported");

            var signers = ParseSigners(config, chain, checkpoint.Settings.AddressVersion).ToArray();

            var store = new MemoryTrackingStore(checkpoint);


            Script invokeScript;
            var    attributes = Array.Empty <TransactionAttribute>();

            if (invocation.IsT3) // T3 == ContractDeploymentInvocation
                if ((signers.Length == 0 || (signers.Length == 1 && signers[0].Account == UInt160.Zero)) &&
                    TryGetDeploymentSigner(config, chain, checkpoint.Settings.AddressVersion, out var deploySigner))
                    signers = new[] { deploySigner };

                using var builder = new ScriptBuilder();
                builder.EmitDynamicCall(NativeContract.ContractManagement.Hash, "deploy", launchNefFile.ToArray(), launchManifest.ToJson().ToString());
                invokeScript = builder.ToArray();
                var paramParser  = CreateContractParameterParser(checkpoint.Settings.AddressVersion, store, chain);
                var deploySigner = TryGetDeploymentSigner(config, chain, checkpoint.Settings.AddressVersion, out var _deploySigner)
                    ? _deploySigner
                    : new Signer {
                    Account = UInt160.Zero

                var(launchContractId, launchContractHash) = EnsureContractDeployed(store, launchNefFile, launchManifest, deploySigner, checkpoint.Settings);
                UpdateContractStorage(store, launchContractId, ParseStorage(config, paramParser));
                invokeScript = await CreateInvokeScriptAsync(invocation, program, launchContractHash, paramParser);

                if (invocation.IsT1) // T1 == OracleResponseInvocation
                    attributes = GetTransactionAttributes(invocation.AsT1, store, launchContractHash, paramParser);

            // TODO: load other contracts
            //          Not sure supporting other contracts is a good idea anymore. Since there's no way to calculate the
            //          contract id hash prior to deployment in Neo 3, I'm thinking the better approach would be to simply
            //          deploy whatever contracts you want and take a snapshot rather than deploying multiple contracts
            //          during launch configuration.

            var tx = new Transaction
                Version         = 0,
                Nonce           = (uint)new Random().Next(),
                Script          = invokeScript,
                Signers         = signers,
                ValidUntilBlock = checkpoint.Settings.MaxValidUntilBlockIncrement,
                Attributes      = attributes,
                Witnesses       = Array.Empty <Witness>()

            var block  = CreateDummyBlock(store, tx);
            var engine = new DebugApplicationEngine(tx, store, checkpoint.Settings, block, witnessChecker);

 static string ParseProgram(ConfigProps config) => config["program"].Value <string>() ?? throw new JsonException("missing program property");