public override List <Bundle> ParseConfigs()
            if (!Directory.Exists(ProjectPath))
                throw new DirectoryNotFoundException("Could not find project directory.");


            var loader = new ConfigLoader(
                new ExceptionThrowingLogger(),
                new ConfigLoaderOptions {
                ProcessBundles = true

            Configuration = loader.Get();

            var bundles = new List <Bundle>();

            foreach (var bundleDefinition in Configuration.Bundles.BundleEntries.Where(r => !r.IsVirtual))
                var bundle = new Bundle();
                bundle.Output = GetOutputPath(bundleDefinition.OutputPath, bundleDefinition.Name);
                bundle.Files  = bundleDefinition.BundleItems
                                .Select(r => new FileSpec(this.ResolvePhysicalPath(r.RelativePath), r.CompressionType))

        public override List <Bundle> ParseConfigs()
            if (!Directory.Exists(ProjectPath))
                throw new DirectoryNotFoundException($"Could not find project directory '{ProjectPath}'.");


            var loader = new ConfigLoader(
                new ExceptionThrowingLogger(),
                new ConfigLoaderOptions {
                ProcessBundles = true

            Configuration = loader.Get();

            var bundles = Configuration.AutoBundles.Bundles
                          .Select(autoBundle => createBundleOf(autoBundle))


 public SitemapController(ICatalogApi catalogApi, ICategoryViewModelBuilder catViewModelBuilder, ILinkGenerator linkGenerator)
     _catalogApi          = catalogApi;
     _linkGenerator       = linkGenerator;
     _catViewModelBuilder = catViewModelBuilder;
     _siteConfig          = ConfigLoader.Get <SiteConfig>();
        public Crypto()
            var thumbprint = ConfigLoader.Get <CryptographicServiceThumbprintConfig>().ThumbPrint;

            _enabled = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(thumbprint);
            if (!_enabled)

            var cert = GetCertificate(thumbprint);

            var config = ConfigLoader.Get <CryptographicServiceConfig>();

            var dict = new Dictionary <string, string>(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
                { "key", config.AesKey },
                { "initVector", config.AesInitVector },
                { "salt", config.AesSalt }

            dict.Keys.ToList().ForEach(key => { dict[key] = Decrypt(cert, dict[key]); });

            _aesSettings = new AesSettings(dict["key"], dict["initVector"], dict["salt"]);
        /// <summary>
        /// get configured redirection for a category id
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="categoryId"></param>
        /// <returns>null if no redirect</returns>
        public static CategoryRedirect GetCategoryRedirect(long categoryId)
            var catRedConfig = ConfigLoader.Get <CategoryRedirectConfig>();

            return(catRedConfig != null
                ? catRedConfig.CategoryRedirects.FirstOrDefault(c => c.CategoryId == categoryId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
                : null);
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup RequireJS to be used in layouts
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="baseUrl">Scrips folder</param>
        /// <param name="requireUrl">requirejs.js url</param>
        /// <param name="configsList">RequireJS.config files path</param>
        public static MvcHtmlString RenderRequireJsSetup(this HtmlHelper html, string baseUrl, string requireUrl,
                                                         IList <string> configsList, IRequireJsLogger logger = null)
            var entryPointPath = html.RequireJsEntryPoint();

            if (entryPointPath == null)
                return(new MvcHtmlString(string.Empty));

            if (!configsList.Any())
                throw new Exception("No config files to load.");
            var processedConfigs = configsList.Select(r =>
                var resultingPath = html.ViewContext.HttpContext.MapPath(r);

            var loader          = new ConfigLoader(processedConfigs, logger);
            var resultingConfig = loader.Get();
            var outputConfig    = new JsonConfig
                BaseUrl = baseUrl,
                Locale  = html.CurrentCulture(),
                Paths   = resultingConfig.Paths.PathList.ToDictionary(r => r.Key, r => r.Value),
                Shim    = resultingConfig.Shim.ShimEntries.ToDictionary(r => r.For, r => new JsonRequireDeps
                    Dependencies = r.Dependencies.Select(x => x.Dependency).ToList(),
                    Exports      = r.Exports
                Map = resultingConfig.Map.MapElements.ToDictionary(r => r.For,
                                                                   r => r.Replacements.ToDictionary(x => x.OldKey, x => x.NewKey))

            var options = new JsonRequireOptions
                Locale         = html.CurrentCulture(),
                PageOptions    = html.ViewBag.PageOptions,
                WebsiteOptions = html.ViewBag.GlobalOptions

            var configBuilder = new JavaScriptBuilder();

            configBuilder.AddStatement(JavaScriptHelpers.SerializeAsVariable(options, "requireConfig"));
            configBuilder.AddStatement(JavaScriptHelpers.SerializeAsVariable(outputConfig, "require"));

            var requireRootBuilder = new JavaScriptBuilder();

            requireRootBuilder.AddAttributesToStatement("data-main", entryPointPath.ToString());
            requireRootBuilder.AddAttributesToStatement("src", requireUrl);

            return(new MvcHtmlString(configBuilder.Render() + requireRootBuilder.Render()));
        /// <summary>
        /// Because Product.ThumbnailImage and Product.ProductImage were designed for sites with simple image requirements (thumbnail and detail),
        /// we use this function to pull out images from the product attributes when multiple image sizes are needed. For the demo store, we have at least
        /// three sizes to choose from.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="product">The product that we would like to retrieve the image for.</param>
        /// <param name="attributeName">The product attribute that holds the image we would like to use.</param>
        /// <param name="fallbackUrl">A fallback image URL to use in case the image doesn't exist.</param>
        /// <returns>The URI of the image.</returns>
        public static string GetImageFromAttribute(Product product, string attributeName, string fallbackUrl)
            var imgurl = product.CustomAttributes.ValueByName(attributeName) ?? fallbackUrl;

            if (!imgurl.StartsWith("http"))
                imgurl = ConfigLoader.Get<ExternalWebLinkConfig>().ProductImageUrl + imgurl;
            return imgurl;
        private async Task <string> GetStringAsync(string uri, bool bNoRetry = false)
            var log = BeginLog("GET", uri);
            HttpResponseMessage response;

            if (bNoRetry)
                response = await _httpClient.GetAsync(uri).ConfigureAwait(false);
                response = await RetryIfTokenExpired(() => _httpClient.GetAsync(uri)).ConfigureAwait(false);
            LogResponse(log, response);
            string payload = null;

            if (response.Content != null)
                payload = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound)
                // for an ordinary "resource not found" such as a wrong prod id, we return null string
                // but if uri is totally nutso cuckoo, throw not found
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(payload) || ExtractError(payload).Relation.EndsWith("shoppers/errors"))
                    ThrowIfFail(response, log, payload);
            else if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Conflict)
                // for an ordinary "conflict" we will throw and exception
                // but if the error "code" is in our configured list of codes to treat as 404's, return null
                var config = ConfigLoader.Get <Psuedo404ErrorCodesConfig>();
                if (!config.Codes.Contains(ExtractError(payload).Code))
                    ThrowIfFail(response, log, payload);
                await ThrowIfFailAsync(response, log).ConfigureAwait(false);
            if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound || response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Conflict)
                payload = null;
            EndLog(log, payload, _refreshingCache ? DataFlow.CacheRefresh : DataFlow.FromShopperApi);
        public static async Task <Billboard> GetAsync(IClient client)
            if (_current != null)
            var uriConfig = ConfigLoader.Get <ShopperApiUriConfig>();

            _current = new Billboard
                RawBillboard = (await client.GetCacheableAsync <ShopperApiBillboard>(uriConfig.BillboardUri).ConfigureAwait(false)).V1
        private static bool TryGetSiteInfo(HttpContext context, out SiteInfo siteInfo)
            string siteId;
            string cultureCode;

            if (!context.TryGetSiteId(out siteId) || !context.TryGetCultureCode(siteId, out cultureCode))
                siteInfo = null;

            var siteConfiguration = ConfigLoader.Get <SiteConfig>();

            return(siteConfiguration.TryGetSiteInfo(new SiteCultureInfo(siteId,
                                                                        (string)context.Items[MarketPlaceParameter], cultureCode, ""), out siteInfo));
Exemple #11
        private static ConfigurationCollection GetOverridenConfig(
            List <string> processedConfigs,
            RequireRendererConfiguration config,
            string entryPointPath)
            var loader = new ConfigLoader(
                new ConfigLoaderOptions
                LoadOverrides = config.LoadOverrides,
                CachingPolicy = config.ConfigCachingPolicy
            var resultingConfig = loader.Get();

            var overrider = new ConfigOverrider();

            overrider.Override(resultingConfig, entryPointPath.ToModuleName());

        private VariationsCollection GetVariationsByAttributes(Product parentProduct, Variations variations)
            VariationsCollection collection = null;

            if (variations != null)
                var config = ConfigLoader.Get <ProductVariationsConfig>();
                var group  = GetGroup(config, parentProduct, variations);

                if (group != null)
                    // GUID changes on every call - use a value that is driven off the data
                    //var id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
                    var sb = new StringBuilder();
                    foreach (var p in variations.Product)
                    var id = sb.ToString();

                    var result = GetVariationsByAttributes(variations, id, group.Variations, 0, new List <string>(), new List <string>());
                    if (result != null)
                        collection = new VariationsCollection
                            Id         = id,
                            Count      = group.Variations.Length,
                            Levels     = @group.Variations.Select(v => v.Id + "_" + id).ToArray(),
                            Variations = result

        public static async Task <ResourceAccessBillboard> GetResourceAccessAsync(IClient client)
            if (_current != null)
            var uriConfig = ConfigLoader.Get <ShopperApiUriConfig>();
            // make sure we do this as unauthorized, otherwise we might suffer from attempting to use an expired token and get in an endless loop
            var saveBearerToken = client.BearerToken;

                var res =
                    (await client.GetCacheableAsync <ShopperApiBillboard>(ResolveTemplate(uriConfig.BillboardUri,
                                                                                          Templates.ApiKeyQuery, new { apiKey = client.ApiKey })).ConfigureAwait(false)).V1.ResourceAccess;
                client.BearerToken = saveBearerToken;
            catch (Exception)
                client.BearerToken = saveBearerToken;
        public static string GetSessionTokenUri()
            var uriConfig = ConfigLoader.Get <ShopperApiUriConfig>();

Exemple #15
        private static void ReconfigureLog()
            var hier = log4net.LogManager.GetRepository() as Hierarchy;
            if (hier != null)
                // Get appender
                var jungoAppender = (RollingFileAppender)hier.GetAppenders()
                        appender => appender.Name.Equals("JungoAppender", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));

                if (jungoAppender != null)
                    var config = ConfigLoader.Get<JungoLoggerLog4NetConfig>();
                    _configuredDelimiter = config.Delimiter;
                    _logLevelsIncluded = config.LogLevelsIncluded;
                    var delimiter = _configuredDelimiter == JungoLoggerLog4NetDelimiter.Comma ? "," : "\t";
                    var header = new StringBuilder("datetime");
                    var logFormatBuilder = new StringBuilder("{0}");
                    foreach (var column in config.Columns)
                        var colNum = -1;
                        switch (column.FieldName)
                            case "Order":                       colNum = 1; break;
                            case "LogType":                     colNum = 2; break;
                            case "RequestType":                 colNum = 3; break;
                            case "TimeElapsed":                 colNum = 4; break; 
                            case "Host":                        colNum = 5; break;
                            case "Uri":                         colNum = 6; break;
                            case "RequestPayload":              colNum = 7; break;
                            case "HttpStatus":                  colNum = 8; break;
                            case "DataFlow":                    colNum = 9; break;
                            case "ResponsePayload":             colNum = 10; break;
                            case "Error":                       colNum = 11; break;
                            case "SessionId":                   colNum = 12; break;
                            case "RequestId":                   colNum = 13; break;
                            case "DrRequestId":                 colNum = 14; break;
                            case "ResponsePayloadFirst1000":    colNum = 15; break;
                            case "ResponsePayloadCompressed":   colNum = 16; break;
                            case "ServerTrace":                 colNum = 17; break;
                        if (colNum < 0) continue;
                        header.Append(String.Format("{0}{1}", delimiter, column.Heading));
                        logFormatBuilder.Append(String.Format("{0}{{{1}}}", delimiter, colNum));
                    if (config.Columns.Count() < 17)
                        for (var i = config.Columns.Count(); i < 17; i++)
                    _logFormat = logFormatBuilder.ToString();
                    var layout = new log4net.Layout.PatternLayout
                        Header = header.ToString(),
                        ConversionPattern = "%message%newline"
                    jungoAppender.Layout = layout;
            _log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger("JungoLogger");
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup RequireJS to be used in layouts
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="html">
        /// Html helper.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="config">
        /// Configuration object for various options.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The <see cref="MvcHtmlString"/>.
        /// </returns>
        public static MvcHtmlString RenderRequireJsSetup(
            this HtmlHelper html,
            RequireRendererConfiguration config)
            if (config == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("config");

            var entryPointPath = html.RequireJsEntryPoint(config.BaseUrl, config.EntryPointRoot);

            if (entryPointPath == null)
                return(new MvcHtmlString(string.Empty));

            if (config.ConfigurationFiles == null || !config.ConfigurationFiles.Any())
                throw new Exception("No config files to load.");

            var processedConfigs = config.ConfigurationFiles.Select(r =>
                var resultingPath = html.ViewContext.HttpContext.MapPath(r);

            var loader = new ConfigLoader(
                new ConfigLoaderOptions
                LoadOverrides = config.LoadOverrides,
                CachingPolicy = config.ConfigCachingPolicy
            var resultingConfig = loader.Get();

            var overrider = new ConfigOverrider();

            overrider.Override(resultingConfig, entryPointPath.ToString().ToModuleName());

            var locale = config.LocaleSelector(html);

            var outputConfig = new JsonRequireOutput
                BaseUrl     = config.BaseUrl,
                Locale      = locale,
                UrlArgs     = config.UrlArgs,
                WaitSeconds = config.WaitSeconds,
                Paths       = resultingConfig.Paths.PathList.ToDictionary(r => r.Key, r => r.Value),
                Shim        = resultingConfig.Shim.ShimEntries.ToDictionary(
                    r => r.For,
                    r => new JsonRequireDeps
                    Dependencies = r.Dependencies.Select(x => x.Dependency).ToList(),
                    Exports      = r.Exports
                Map = resultingConfig.Map.MapElements.ToDictionary(
                    r => r.For,
                    r => r.Replacements.ToDictionary(x => x.OldKey, x => x.NewKey))


            var options = new JsonRequireOptions
                Locale         = locale,
                PageOptions    = RequireJsOptions.GetPageOptions(html.ViewContext.HttpContext),
                WebsiteOptions = RequireJsOptions.GetGlobalOptions(html.ViewContext.HttpContext)


            var configBuilder = new JavaScriptBuilder();

            configBuilder.AddStatement(JavaScriptHelpers.SerializeAsVariable(options, "requireConfig"));
            configBuilder.AddStatement(JavaScriptHelpers.SerializeAsVariable(outputConfig, "require"));

            var requireRootBuilder = new JavaScriptBuilder();

            requireRootBuilder.AddAttributesToStatement("src", config.RequireJsUrl);

            var requireEntryPointBuilder = new JavaScriptBuilder();

                    (object)new[] { entryPointPath.ToString() }));

            return(new MvcHtmlString(
                       + Environment.NewLine
                       + requireRootBuilder.Render()
                       + Environment.NewLine
                       + requireEntryPointBuilder.Render()));
        public override List <Bundle> ParseConfigs()
            var bundles = new List <Bundle>();

            if (!Directory.Exists(ProjectPath))
                throw new DirectoryNotFoundException("Could not find project directory.");


            var loader = new ConfigLoader(
                new ExceptionThrowingLogger(),
                new ConfigLoaderOptions {
                ProcessBundles = true

            Configuration = loader.Get();

            foreach (var bundle in Configuration.AutoBundles.Bundles)
                var files        = new List <string>();
                var bundleResult = new Bundle
                    Files            = new List <FileSpec>(),
                    Output           = this.GetOutputPath(bundle.OutputPath, bundle.Id),
                    ContainingConfig = bundle.ContainingConfig,
                    BundleId         = bundle.Id

                var tempFileList = new List <RequireFile>();

                foreach (var include in bundle.Includes)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(include.File))
                    else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(include.Directory))
                        var absDirectory = this.GetAbsoluteDirectory(include.Directory);

                        // not using filter for this since we're going to use the one the user provided in the future
                        var dirFiles = Directory.GetFiles(absDirectory, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Where(r => Path.GetExtension(r) == ".js").ToList();

                files = files.Distinct().ToList();

                var fileQueue = new Queue <string>();
                this.EnqueueFileList(tempFileList, fileQueue, files);

                while (fileQueue.Any())
                    var file         = fileQueue.Dequeue();
                    var fileText     = File.ReadAllText(file, encoding);
                    var relativePath = PathHelpers.GetRelativePath(file, EntryPoint + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);
                    var processor    = new ScriptProcessor(relativePath, fileText, Configuration);
                    var result       = processor.ProcessedString;
                    var dependencies = processor.Dependencies.Select(r => this.ResolvePhysicalPath(r)).Distinct().ToList();
                    tempFileList.Add(new RequireFile
                        Name         = file,
                        Content      = result,
                        Dependencies = dependencies

                    this.EnqueueFileList(tempFileList, fileQueue, dependencies);

                while (tempFileList.Any())
                    var addedFiles = bundleResult.Files.Select(r => r.FileName).ToList();
                    var noDeps     = tempFileList.Where(r => !r.Dependencies.Any() ||
                                                        r.Dependencies.All(x => addedFiles.Contains(x))).ToList();
                    if (!noDeps.Any())
                        noDeps = tempFileList.ToList();

                    foreach (var requireFile in noDeps)
                        bundleResult.Files.Add(new FileSpec(requireFile.Name, string.Empty)
                            FileContent = requireFile.Content


 public void SetApiKeyFromConfig()
     ApiKey = ConfigLoader.Get <ShopperApiKeyConfig>().ApiKey;