/// <summary>
 /// With a lot of SEC filings with counts for terms (i.e. scores). This pipeline calculates
 /// statistics per company, category and year. The statistics are used in the web report of
 /// Governance Box.
 /// </summary>
 public RefreshTechnologyScores()
     Header = new ConfigHeader
         Creator   = "ReportWebsite",
         NameOfApi = PipelineNames.RefreshDealScores,
     ComponentParams = new List <ComponentParam>()
         new ComponentParam {
             PackageName = PackageName.LoadTechnologyScores,
             ProjectType = PlatformConfig.Enums.ProjectType.PdfReport,
             LoadTechnologyScoresParams = new LoadTechnologyScoresParams {
                 IndustryLevelsToCalculate     = "0|1|2|3",
                 MinimumVarianceForTrendChange = 3.0,
                 PatentScoresCatalog           = "pw_v2016b_001",
                 PatentScoresDataSource        = "NLAMS10859",
                 PatentCompaniesCatalog        = "pwc_v2016b_002",
                 PatentCompaniesDataSource     = "NLAMS10859",
                 SubjectLevelsToCalculate      = "0|1|2|3|4",
                 TrendEndYear       = 2016,
                 TrendStartYear     = 2012,
                 TruncateBeforeLoad = false
         new ComponentParam {
             PackageName          = PackageName.RefreshWebData,
             ProjectType          = PlatformConfig.Enums.ProjectType.PdfReport,
             RefreshWebDataParams = new RefreshWebDataParams {
                 IndustryLevelsToPublish       = "0|1|2|3",
                 MinimumVarianceForTrendChange = 3.0,
                 PublishCatalog         = "GovernanceBoxStats",
                 PublishDataSource      = "NLAMS10859",
                 SubjectTreesToPublish  = "Nace_Industry_Classification",
                 SubjectLevelsToPublish = "0|1|2",
                 TrendStartYear         = 2012,
                 TrendEndYear           = 2016,
                 TruncateBeforeLoad     = true
 /// <summary>
 /// Cosntructor for the configuration for the Keyword Profile pipeline.
 /// </summary>
 public GetKeywordProfileForConfiguration()
     Header = new ConfigHeader
         Creator   = "EugfWebsite",
         NameOfApi = PipelineNames.GetKeywordProfile,
     ComponentParams = new List <ComponentParam>()
         new ComponentParam {
             PackageName             = PackageName.GetKeywordProfile,
             GetKeywordProfileParams = new KeywordProfileParam {
                 ProfileType      = ProfileType.BowToCpc,
                 BagOfWords       = "polyamide",
                 MinimalClassSize = 750,
                 NumberOfClasses  = 15,
 /// <summary>
 /// Cosntructor for the configuration for the Keyword Profile pipeline.
 /// </summary>
 public GetKeywordProfileInLandscape()
     Header = new ConfigHeader
         Creator   = "EugfWebsite",
         NameOfApi = PipelineNames.GetKeywordProfile,
     ComponentParams = new List <ComponentParam>()
         new ComponentParam {
             PackageName             = PackageName.GetKeywordProfile,
             GetKeywordProfileParams = new KeywordProfileParam {
                 ProfileType      = ProfileType.BowToCpc,
                 BagOfWords       = "polyamide",
                 MinimalClassSize = 0,
                 NumberOfClasses  = 15000,
                 ScopeToProject   = true,
 /// <summary>
 /// With a lot of SEC filings with counts for terms (i.e. scores). This pipeline calculates
 /// statistics per company, category and year. The statistics are used in the web report of
 /// Governance Box.
 /// </summary>
 public ScoreRiskText()
     Header = new ConfigHeader
         Creator   = "ReportWebsite",
         NameOfApi = PipelineNames.ScoreRiskText,
     ComponentParams = new List <ComponentParam>()
         new ComponentParam {
             PackageName         = PackageName.AddScoresForRiskText,
             ProjectType         = PlatformConfig.Enums.ProjectType.PdfReport,
             ScoreRiskTextParams = new ScoreRiskTextParams()
                 DestDbName = "GovernanceBoxStats",
                 //Year = 2015,
                 //RiskText = "Some text containing the risk paragraphs in the pdf.",
                 //BvdId = "NL000006060633",
 /// <summary>
 /// Cosntructor for the configuration for the Keyword Profile pipeline.
 /// </summary>
 public End2EndTest()
     Header = new ConfigHeader
         Creator   = "Website",
         NameOfApi = PipelineNames.TestEndToEnd,
     ComponentParams = new List <ComponentParam>()
         new ComponentParam {
             PackageName     = PackageName.End2EndIntegrationTest,
             RetrievalParams = new List <RetrievalParam>()
                 new RetrievalParam
                     RetrievalType     = CompanyRetrievalType.CompanyList,
                     CompanyId         = "TESTCOMPANYID",
                     NumberOfCompanies = 3,
 /// <summary>
 /// With a lot of SEC filings with counts for terms (i.e. scores). This pipeline calculates
 /// statistics per company, category and year. The statistics are used in the web report of
 /// Governance Box.
 /// </summary>
 public ImportMatchingSoftwareFiles()
     Header = new ConfigHeader
         Creator   = "IDResolving",
         NameOfApi = PipelineNames.ImportMatchingSoftwareFiles,
     ComponentParams = new List <ComponentParam>()
         new ComponentParam {
             PackageName = PackageName.importMatchingSoftwareFile,
             ProjectType = PlatformConfig.Enums.ProjectType.IdResolving,
             ImportMatchingSoftwareFileParams = new List <ImportMatchingSoftwareFileParams>()
                 new ImportMatchingSoftwareFileParams {
                     Folder            = @"\\nl\data\DataCore\DataStore\strategic\source\candidate matches\Patstat vs BvD Matching Software\Patstat 2015a vs BvD matching software v45\output\NoCtryAddress",
                     Filename          = @"2015a_nocountry_address_0_Results_r45.txt",
                     DestinationSchema = @"[input]",
                     DestinationTable  = @"[pipeline_test]"
Exemple #7
 /// <summary>
 /// With a lot of SEC filings with counts for terms (i.e. scores). This pipeline calculates
 /// statistics per company, category and year. The statistics are used in the web report of
 /// Governance Box.
 /// </summary>
 public LoadTechnologyScoresDatamart()
     Header = new ConfigHeader
         Creator   = "ReportWebsite",
         NameOfApi = PipelineNames.LoadTechnologyScoresDatamart,
     ComponentParams = new List <ComponentParam>()
         new ComponentParam {
             PackageName        = PackageName.LoadCalendar,
             ProjectType        = PlatformConfig.Enums.ProjectType.PdfReport,
             LoadCalendarParams = new LoadCalendarParams {
                 CalendarStartYear  = 2012,
                 CalendarEndYear    = 2016,
                 TruncateBeforeLoad = false,
         new ComponentParam {
             PackageName         = PackageName.LoadCompanies,
             ProjectType         = PlatformConfig.Enums.ProjectType.PdfReport,
             LoadCompaniesParams = new LoadCompaniesParams {
                 CompaniesToLoad            = "SecFilings|AnnualReports|ManualInput",
                 CompanyOwnershipCatalog    = "company_ownership",
                 CompanyOwnershipDataSource = "NLAGPDATACORE",
                 DealsCatalog       = "sdd",
                 DealsDataSource    = "NLAGPDATACORE",
                 EntityTypesToLoad  = "All",
                 OrbisCatalog       = "scd",
                 OrbisDataSource    = "NLAGPDATACORE",
                 PatentsCatalog     = "pwc_v2016b_002",
                 PatentsDataSource  = "NLAMS10859",
                 TruncateBeforeLoad = false
         new ComponentParam {
             PackageName          = PackageName.LoadIndustries,
             ProjectType          = PlatformConfig.Enums.ProjectType.PdfReport,
             LoadIndustriesParams = new LoadIndustriesParams {
                 NaceCatalog        = "nace_code",
                 NaceDataSource     = "NLAGPDATACORE",
                 TruncateBeforeLoad = false
         new ComponentParam {
             PackageName         = PackageName.LoadCountries,
             ProjectType         = PlatformConfig.Enums.ProjectType.PdfReport,
             LoadCountriesParams = new LoadCountriesParams {
                 CountryCatalog     = "country_code",
                 CountryDataSource  = "NLAGPDATACORE",
                 TruncateBeforeLoad = false
         new ComponentParam {
             PackageName           = PackageName.LoadSubjects,
             ProjectType           = PlatformConfig.Enums.ProjectType.PdfReport,
             LoadSubjectTreeParams = new LoadSubjectTreeParams {
                 SubjectTreesToLoad        = "Cooperative_Patent Classification",
                 TopicDefinitionCatalog    = "pw_v2016b_001",
                 TopicDefinitionDataSource = "NLAMS10859",
                 TruncateBeforeLoad        = false
         new ComponentParam {
             PackageName = PackageName.LoadTechnologyScores,
             ProjectType = PlatformConfig.Enums.ProjectType.PdfReport,
             LoadTechnologyScoresParams = new LoadTechnologyScoresParams {
                 IndustryLevelsToCalculate           = "0|1|2|3",
                 MinimumNumberOfTechnologiesRequired = 7,
                 MinimumVarianceForTrendChange       = 3.0,
                 PatentScoresCatalog       = "pw_v2016b_001",
                 PatentScoresDataSource    = "NLAMS10859",
                 PatentCompaniesCatalog    = "pwc_v2016b_002",
                 PatentCompaniesDataSource = "NLAMS10859",
                 SubjectLevelsToCalculate  = "0|1|2|3|4",
                 TrendEndYear       = 2016,
                 TrendStartYear     = 2012,
                 TruncateBeforeLoad = false
Exemple #8
 /// <summary>
 /// With a lot of SEC filings with counts for terms (i.e. scores). This pipeline calculates
 /// statistics per company, category and year. The statistics are used in the web report of
 /// Governance Box.
 /// </summary>
 public LoadDealScoresDatamart()
     Header = new ConfigHeader
         Creator   = "ReportWebsite",
         NameOfApi = PipelineNames.LoadDealScoresDatamart,
     ComponentParams = new List <ComponentParam>()
         new ComponentParam {
             PackageName        = PackageName.LoadCalendar,
             ProjectType        = PlatformConfig.Enums.ProjectType.PdfReport,
             LoadCalendarParams = new LoadCalendarParams {
                 CalendarStartYear  = 2012,
                 CalendarEndYear    = 2016,
                 TruncateBeforeLoad = false,
         new ComponentParam {
             PackageName         = PackageName.LoadCompanies,
             ProjectType         = PlatformConfig.Enums.ProjectType.PdfReport,
             LoadCompaniesParams = new LoadCompaniesParams {
                 CompaniesToLoad            = "Deals",
                 CompanyOwnershipCatalog    = "company_ownership",
                 CompanyOwnershipDataSource = "NLAGPDATACORE",
                 DealsCatalog       = "sdd",
                 DealsDataSource    = "NLAGPDATACORE",
                 EntityTypesToLoad  = "All",
                 OrbisCatalog       = "scd",
                 OrbisDataSource    = "NLAGPDATACORE",
                 TruncateBeforeLoad = false
         new ComponentParam {
             PackageName          = PackageName.LoadIndustries,
             ProjectType          = PlatformConfig.Enums.ProjectType.PdfReport,
             LoadIndustriesParams = new LoadIndustriesParams {
                 NaceCatalog        = "nace_code",
                 NaceDataSource     = "NLAGPDATACORE",
                 TruncateBeforeLoad = false
         new ComponentParam {
             PackageName         = PackageName.LoadCountries,
             ProjectType         = PlatformConfig.Enums.ProjectType.PdfReport,
             LoadCountriesParams = new LoadCountriesParams {
                 CountryCatalog     = "country_code",
                 CountryDataSource  = "NLAGPDATACORE",
                 TruncateBeforeLoad = false
         new ComponentParam {
             PackageName     = PackageName.LoadDeals,
             ProjectType     = PlatformConfig.Enums.ProjectType.PdfReport,
             LoadDealsParams = new LoadDealsParams {
                 DealsCatalog       = "sdd",
                 DealsDataSource    = "NLAGPDATACORE",
                 DealStatusToLoad   = "Completed",
                 DealTypesToLoad    = "Acquisition|Demerger|Merger|Minority stake|Joint venture",
                 TrendEndYear       = 2016,
                 TrendStartYear     = 2007,
                 TruncateBeforeLoad = false
         new ComponentParam {
             PackageName          = PackageName.LoadDealScores,
             ProjectType          = PlatformConfig.Enums.ProjectType.PdfReport,
             LoadDealScoresParams = new LoadDealScoresParams {
                 CompanyOwnershipCatalog    = "company_ownership",
                 CompanyOwnershipDataSource = "NLAGPDATACORE",
                 DealsCatalog                  = "sdd",
                 DealsDataSource               = "NLAGPDATACORE",
                 IndustryLevelsToCalculate     = "0|1|2|3",
                 MinimumVarianceForTrendChange = 3.0,
                 DealStatusToLoad              = "Completed",
                 DealTypesToLoad               = "Acquisition|Demerger|Merger|Minority stake|Joint venture",
                 SubjectLevelsToCalculate      = "0|1|2|3|4",
                 TrendEndYear                  = 2016,
                 TrendStartYear                = 2007,
                 TruncateBeforeLoad            = false
        void LoadMenu(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Settings = Helper.ModRegistry.GetApi <IConfigMenu>("Juice805.StardewConfigMenu");
            Package  = new SimpleOptionsPackage(this);
            var config = Helper.ReadConfig <TestConfig>();


            var testbox = new ConfigToggle("checkbox", "Checkbox", config.checkbox);


            var emptyDropdown = new ConfigSelection("emptyDropdown", "Empty Dropdowns are disabled");


            testbox.StateDidChange += (toggle) => {
                emptyDropdown.Enabled = toggle.IsOn;                 // should not do anything

            var list = new List <ISelectionChoice>();

            list.Add(new SelectionChoice("first", "First", "This is the first option!"));
            list.Add(new SelectionChoice("second", "Second", "This is the Second option!"));
            list.Add(new SelectionChoice("third", "Third"));
            list.Add(new SelectionChoice("fourth", "Fourth"));

            var filledDropdown = new ConfigSelection("filledDropdown", "Filled Dropdown", list, config.filledDropown, true);


            var stepper = new ConfigStepper("stepper", "Plus/Minus Controls", (decimal)5.0, (decimal)105.0, (decimal)1.5, config.stepperValue, RangeDisplayType.PERCENT);


            var label = new ConfigHeader("catlabel", "Category Label");


            var button = new ConfigAction("setButton", "Click Me!", ButtonType.SET);

            button.ActionWasTriggered += (identifier) => {
                filledDropdown.Enabled = !filledDropdown.Enabled;

            var tranformingButton = new ConfigAction("clearButton", "Clear Button", ButtonType.CLEAR);

            tranformingButton.ButtonType          = ButtonType.CLEAR;
            tranformingButton.ActionWasTriggered += (identifier) => {
                switch (tranformingButton.ButtonType)
                case ButtonType.CLEAR:
                    tranformingButton.Label      = "Are you sure?";
                    tranformingButton.ButtonType = ButtonType.OK;

                case ButtonType.OK:
                    tranformingButton.Label      = "Cleared";
                    tranformingButton.ButtonType = ButtonType.DONE;

                case ButtonType.DONE:
                    tranformingButton.Label      = "Clear Button";
                    tranformingButton.ButtonType = ButtonType.CLEAR;

                    tranformingButton.Label      = "Clear Button";
                    tranformingButton.ButtonType = ButtonType.CLEAR;


            Package.AddOption(new ConfigAction("doneButton", "Done Button", ButtonType.DONE));
            Package.AddOption(new ConfigAction("giftButton", "Gift Button", ButtonType.GIFT));

            var saveButton = new ConfigAction("okButton", "OK Button", ButtonType.OK);


            saveButton.ActionWasTriggered += (_) => {
 /// <summary>
 /// With a lot of SEC filings with counts for terms (i.e. scores). This pipeline calculates
 /// statistics per company, category and year. The statistics are used in the web report of
 /// Governance Box.
 /// </summary>
 public LoadTopicScoresDatamart()
     Header = new ConfigHeader
         Creator   = "ReportWebsite",
         NameOfApi = PipelineNames.LoadTopicScoresDatamart,
     ComponentParams = new List <ComponentParam>()
         new ComponentParam {
             PackageName        = PackageName.LoadCalendar,
             ProjectType        = PlatformConfig.Enums.ProjectType.PdfReport,
             LoadCalendarParams = new LoadCalendarParams {
                 CalendarStartYear  = 2012,
                 CalendarEndYear    = 2016,
                 TruncateBeforeLoad = false,
         new ComponentParam {
             PackageName         = PackageName.LoadCompanies,
             ProjectType         = PlatformConfig.Enums.ProjectType.PdfReport,
             LoadCompaniesParams = new LoadCompaniesParams {
                 CompaniesToLoad            = "SecFilings|AnnualReports|ManualInput",
                 CompanyOwnershipCatalog    = "company_ownership",
                 CompanyOwnershipDataSource = "NLAGPDATACORE",
                 DealsCatalog       = "sdd",
                 DealsDataSource    = "NLAGPDATACORE",
                 EntityTypesToLoad  = "All",
                 OrbisCatalog       = "scd",
                 OrbisDataSource    = "NLAGPDATACORE",
                 TruncateBeforeLoad = false
         new ComponentParam {
             PackageName          = PackageName.LoadIndustries,
             ProjectType          = PlatformConfig.Enums.ProjectType.PdfReport,
             LoadIndustriesParams = new LoadIndustriesParams {
                 NaceCatalog        = "nace_code",
                 NaceDataSource     = "NLAGPDATACORE",
                 TruncateBeforeLoad = false
         new ComponentParam {
             PackageName         = PackageName.LoadCountries,
             ProjectType         = PlatformConfig.Enums.ProjectType.PdfReport,
             LoadCountriesParams = new LoadCountriesParams {
                 CountryCatalog     = "country_code",
                 CountryDataSource  = "NLAGPDATACORE",
                 TruncateBeforeLoad = false
         new ComponentParam {
             PackageName         = PackageName.LoadDocuments,
             ProjectType         = PlatformConfig.Enums.ProjectType.PdfReport,
             LoadDocumentsParams = new LoadDocumentsParams {
                 AnnualReportsCatalog    = "GovernanceBox",
                 AnnualReportsDataSource = "NLAMS10859",
                 SecFilingsCatalog       = "sec",
                 SecFilingsDataSource    = "NLAGPDATACORE",
                 WebCatalog         = "wcd_staging",
                 WebDataSource      = "NLAGPDATACORE",
                 DocumentsToLoad    = "SecFilings|AnnualReports|ManualInput|Web",
                 TruncateBeforeLoad = false
         new ComponentParam {
             PackageName           = PackageName.LoadSubjects,
             ProjectType           = PlatformConfig.Enums.ProjectType.PdfReport,
             LoadSubjectTreeParams = new LoadSubjectTreeParams {
                 SubjectTreesToLoad        = "Risk_Intelligence_Map",
                 TopicDefinitionCatalog    = "p00019_TopicDB",
                 TopicDefinitionDataSource = "NLAMS00822",
                 TruncateBeforeLoad        = false
         new ComponentParam {
             PackageName = PackageName.LoadSubjectScoreSources,
             ProjectType = PlatformConfig.Enums.ProjectType.PdfReport,
             LoadSubjectScoreSourcesParams = new LoadSubjectScoreSourcesParams {
                 TopicScoresCatalog          = "p00019_TopicDB",
                 TopicScoresDataSource       = "NLAMS00822",
                 SourceDescriptionSetsToLoad = "Dutch annual reports (risk paragraph)|Manual input (risk paragraph)|Company SEC (risk paragraph, not aggregated)",
                 TruncateBeforeLoad          = false
         new ComponentParam {
             PackageName             = PackageName.LoadSubjectScores,
             ProjectType             = PlatformConfig.Enums.ProjectType.PdfReport,
             LoadSubjectScoresParams = new LoadSubjectScoresParams {
                 DocumentsToLoad                     = "SecFilings|AnnualReports|ManualInput|Web",
                 IndustryLevelsToCalculate           = "0|1|2|3",
                 MinimumNumberOfTopicMatchesRequired = 10,
                 MinimumTopicScoreRequired           = 0,
                 MinimumVarianceForTrendChange       = 3.0,
                 MultipleDocumentTypesPerCompany     = false,
                 SourceDescriptionSetsToLoad         = "Dutch annual reports (risk paragraph)|Manual input (risk paragraph)|Company SEC (risk paragraph, not aggregated)",
                 SubjectLevelsToCalculate            = "0|1|2|3|4",
                 TopicScoresCatalog                  = "p00019_TopicDB",
                 TopicScoresDataSource               = "NLAMS00822",
                 TrendEndYear       = 2016,
                 TrendStartYear     = 2012,
                 TruncateBeforeLoad = false
 /// <summary>
 /// With a lot of SEC filings with counts for terms (i.e. scores). This pipeline calculates
 /// statistics per company, category and year. The statistics are used in the web report of
 /// Governance Box.
 /// </summary>
 public PublishAdditionalDocuments()
     Header = new ConfigHeader
         Creator   = "ReportWebsite",
         NameOfApi = PipelineNames.PublishAdditionalDocuments,
     ComponentParams = new List <ComponentParam>()
         new ComponentParam {
             PackageName         = PackageName.LoadCompanies,
             ProjectType         = PlatformConfig.Enums.ProjectType.PdfReport,
             LoadCompaniesParams = new LoadCompaniesParams {
                 CompaniesToLoad            = "ManualInput",
                 CompanyOwnershipCatalog    = "company_ownership",
                 CompanyOwnershipDataSource = "NLAGPDATACORE",
                 DealsCatalog       = "sdd",
                 DealsDataSource    = "NLAGPDATACORE",
                 EntityTypesToLoad  = "All",
                 OrbisCatalog       = "scd",
                 OrbisDataSource    = "NLAGPDATACORE",
                 TruncateBeforeLoad = false
         new ComponentParam {
             PackageName         = PackageName.LoadDocuments,
             ProjectType         = PlatformConfig.Enums.ProjectType.PdfReport,
             LoadDocumentsParams = new LoadDocumentsParams {
                 AnnualReportsCatalog    = "GovernanceBox",
                 AnnualReportsDataSource = "NLAMS10859",
                 SecFilingsCatalog       = "sec",
                 SecFilingsDataSource    = "NLAGPDATACORE",
                 WebCatalog         = "wcd_staging",
                 WebDataSource      = "NLAGPDATACORE",
                 DocumentsToLoad    = "ManualInput",
                 TruncateBeforeLoad = false
         new ComponentParam {
             PackageName             = PackageName.LoadSubjectScores,
             ProjectType             = PlatformConfig.Enums.ProjectType.PdfReport,
             LoadSubjectScoresParams = new LoadSubjectScoresParams {
                 IndustryLevelsToCalculate           = "0|1|2|3",
                 MinimumNumberOfTopicMatchesRequired = 10,
                 MinimumVarianceForTrendChange       = 3.0,
                 TopicScoresCatalog          = "p00019_TopicDB",
                 TopicScoresDataSource       = "NLAMS00822",
                 SourceDescriptionSetsToLoad = "Manual input (risk paragraph)",
                 SubjectLevelsToCalculate    = "0|1|2|3|4",
                 TrendEndYear       = 2016,
                 TrendStartYear     = 2012,
                 TruncateBeforeLoad = false
         new ComponentParam {
             PackageName          = PackageName.RefreshWebData,
             ProjectType          = PlatformConfig.Enums.ProjectType.PdfReport,
             RefreshWebDataParams = new RefreshWebDataParams {
                 PublishCatalog                = "GovernanceBoxStats",
                 PublishDataSource             = "NLAMS10859",
                 TrendStartYear                = 2012,
                 TrendEndYear                  = 2016,
                 SubjectTreesToPublish         = "Risk_Intelligence_Map",
                 IndustryLevelsToPublish       = "0|1|2|3",
                 SubjectLevelsToPublish        = "0|1|2",
                 MinimumVarianceForTrendChange = 3.0