public void Execute( ) { OnExecuting( ); ConfigControl.Visible = true; ConfigControl.BringToFront( ); OnExecuted( ); }
public static void Initialize() { List <string> errMsgs = new List <string>(); TheText.Init(errMsgs); foreach (string errMsg in errMsgs) { MessageBox.Show(errMsg, ConfigBase.ColorizationName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } ConfigControl.Init(); }
private void BtnStart_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { _startTime = DateTime.Now; Chat.IsEnabled = true; PlayerList.IsEnabled = true; ((Button)sender).IsEnabled = false; BtnStop.IsEnabled = true; _uiUpdate.Start(); ConfigControl.SaveConfig(); new Thread(_server.Start).Start(); }
private ConfigPane(Object inWin, Object inDoc, CustomTaskPaneCollection inCustomTaskPanes, string version) { const int OrigWidth = 363; logger.ConditionalDebug("ConfigPane"); theWin = inWin; theDoc = inDoc; customTaskPanes = inCustomTaskPanes; confContr = new ConfigControl(inWin, inDoc, version); configTaskPane = customTaskPanes.Add(confContr, ConfigBase.ColorizationName, theWin); configTaskPane.Width = ((int)(OrigWidth * confContr.ScaleFactor)) + 2; }
public static void Initialize() { logger.ConditionalDebug("Initialize"); List <string> errMsgs = new List <string>(); TheText.Init(errMsgs); foreach (string errMsg in errMsgs) { MessageBox.Show(errMsg, ConfigBase.ColorizationName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } ConfigControl.Init(); HilightForm.hiliColors = hilightColors; }
public void LoadConfig(TorchConfig config) { if (!Directory.Exists(config.InstancePath)) { return; } _config = config; Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { ConfigControl.LoadDedicatedConfig(config); InstancePathBox.Text = config.InstancePath; }); }
private void ClearMiddlePannel() { songlist.Enabled = false; songlist.Visible = false; artistGrid.Enabled = false; artistGrid.Visible = false; albumGrid.Enabled = false; artistGrid.Visible = false; albumPresentation?.Dispose(); albumPresentation = null; configControl?.Dispose(); configControl = null; }
protected void InitConfigControl() { ClearMiddlePannel(); search.Visible = false; configControl = new ConfigControl() { Size = songlist.Size, Location = songlist.Location, Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right }; Controls.Add(configControl); Invalidate(); }
public DuoConfForm(Config inConf) { UndoFactory.DisableUndoRegistration(); InitializeComponent(); theConf = inConf; // Faisons une copie de duoConf qui sera éditée. Si l'utilisateur clique "Valider" on // pourra l'utiliser sinon on pourra la jeter. theConfCopy = theConf.DeepCopy(); duoConfCopy = theConfCopy.duoConf; this.SuspendLayout(); confContr1 = new ConfigControl(duoConfCopy.subConfig1); panelConfig1.Controls.Add(confContr1); confContr2 = new ConfigControl(duoConfCopy.subConfig2); panelConfig2.Controls.Add(confContr2); rTBText = new RTBText(rtbUlysse); resetting = false; duoConfCopy.AlternanceModifiedEvent += UpdateAlternance; duoConfCopy.AlternanceModifiedEvent += UpdateRichTextBox; duoConfCopy.ColorisFunctionModifiedEvent += UpdateColorisFunction; duoConfCopy.ColorisFunctionModifiedEvent += UpdateRichTextBox; duoConfCopy.NbreAltModifiedEvent += UpdateNbreAlt; duoConfCopy.NbreAltModifiedEvent += UpdateRichTextBox; RegisterConfigEvents(duoConfCopy.subConfig1); RegisterConfigEvents(duoConfCopy.subConfig2); UpdateAlternance(this, EventArgs.Empty); UpdateColorisFunction(this, EventArgs.Empty); UpdateNbreAlt(this, EventArgs.Empty); UpdateRichTextBox(this, EventArgs.Empty); this.ResumeLayout(); UndoFactory.EnableUndoRegistration(); }
public override void Initialize() { Connection = new ConfigConnection(); UI = new ConfigUI(); Log = new ConfigLog(); Control = new ConfigControl(); Debug = new ConfigDebug(); Life = new ConfigLife(); FormArsenal = new ConfigFormArsenal(); FormFleet = new ConfigFormFleet(); FormHeadquarters = new ConfigFormHeadquarters(); FormQuest = new ConfigFormQuest(); FormShipGroup = new ConfigFormShipGroup(); FormBrowser = new ConfigFormBrowser(); NotifierExpedition = new ConfigNotifierBase(); NotifierConstruction = new ConfigNotifierBase(); NotifierRepair = new ConfigNotifierBase(); NotifierCondition = new ConfigNotifierBase(); NotifierDamage = new ConfigNotifierDamage(); Whitecap = new ConfigWhitecap(); }
private void b_Final_Next_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { bool notCompleted = false; var textboxList = Tools.GetAllType(this, typeof(TextBox)); foreach (TextBox tb in textboxList) { if (tb.Text.Length < 1) { notCompleted = true; } } if (notCompleted) { MessageBox.Show("Some fields are empty!"); return; } string customer = tB_SO.Text + "_" + tB_Customer.Text; if (Directory.Exists(tB_Destination.Text + @"\" + customer + @"\")) { MessageBox.Show("Folder already exists!"); return; } string ip = HasIP(tB_Source.Text); if (ip != "") { if (!OtherCamCom.PingAdr(ip).Result) { Tools.ShowPopup("Couldn't ping address given within Source Folder input!\nShow more?", "Final Mode Failed!", "Tried to ping: " + ip); return; } } if (!Directory.Exists(tB_Source.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Source folder doesn't exist!"); return; } string dest = Directory.CreateDirectory(tB_Destination.Text + @"\" + customer + @"\").FullName; string appFolder = Directory.CreateDirectory(dest + @"SSUtility2\").FullName; string manuals = Directory.CreateDirectory(dest + @"Manuals\").FullName; string evidence = Directory.CreateDirectory(dest + @"Test Evidence\").FullName; string useful = Directory.CreateDirectory(dest + @"Useful Applications\").FullName; this.Hide(); string self = Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName; File.Copy(self, appFolder + System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.ModuleName); if (Tools.CheckIfNameValid(dest, false) && Tools.CheckIfNameValid(tB_Source.Text, false)) { if (check_Default.Checked) { ConfigControl.finalSource.UpdateValue(tB_Source.Text); ConfigControl.finalDestination.UpdateValue(tB_Destination.Text); ConfigControl.CreateConfig(ConfigControl.appFolder + ConfigControl.config); } if (check_Old.Checked) { Tools.CopyFiles(appFolder, Directory.GetFiles(tB_Source.Text)); Tools.CopyDirs(appFolder, Directory.GetDirectories(tB_Source.Text)); } } MainForm.m.Text = "FINAL TEST MODE - " + customer.Replace("_", " "); MainForm.m.ToggleFinalMode(dest); } catch (Exception error) { Tools.ShowPopup("Failed to start Final Test Mode!\nShow more?", "Final Test Mode Failed!", error.ToString()); } }
public override void Initialize() { Connection = new ConfigConnection(); UI = new ConfigUI(); Log = new ConfigLog(); Control = new ConfigControl(); Debug = new ConfigDebug(); Life = new ConfigLife(); FormArsenal = new ConfigFormArsenal(); FormDock = new ConfigFormDock(); FormFleet = new ConfigFormFleet(); FormFleetPlus = new ConfigFormFleetPlus(); FormHeadquarters = new ConfigFormHeadquarters(); FormQuest = new ConfigFormQuest(); FormShipGroup = new ConfigFormShipGroup(); FormBrowser = new ConfigFormBrowser(); FormCompass = new ConfigFormCompass(); NotifierExpedition = new ConfigNotifierBase(); NotifierConstruction = new ConfigNotifierBase(); NotifierRepair = new ConfigNotifierBase(); NotifierCondition = new ConfigNotifierBase(); NotifierDamage = new ConfigNotifierDamage(); NotifierAnchorageRepair = new ConfigNotifierAnchorageRepair(); BGMPlayer = new ConfigBGMPlayer(); Whitecap = new ConfigWhitecap(); VersionUpdateTime = DateTimeHelper.TimeToCSVString( SoftwareInformation.UpdateTime ); }
private void BtnStart_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { _config.Save(); ConfigControl.SaveConfig(); new Thread(_server.Start).Start(); }