Exemple #1
        // Group: Functions
        // __________________________________________________________________________

        public Target(Output.Manager manager, Config.Targets.HTMLOutputFolder config) : base(manager)
            accessLock = new object();

            buildState         = null;
            unprocessedChanges = null;

            this.config           = config;
            style                 = null;
            stylesWithInheritance = null;
            searchIndex           = null;
Exemple #2
        /* Function: Start
         * Starts <Engine.Instance> using the passed folder of test data.
         * If the test data folder is relative it will look for a "Engine.Tests.Data" subfolder where the executing assembly is.  If
         * one doesn't exist, it will check each parent folder for it.  Once found it will make the test data folder relative to that.
         * If projectConfigFolder is relative it follows the same rules as the test data folder.  If it's not specified all defaults will
         * be used as if the project didn't have any configuration files defined.
         * If keepOutputFolder is true, the HTML output folder will not be deleted after the engine is disposed of.
        public void Start(Path testDataFolder, Path projectConfigFolder = default(Path), bool keepOutputFolder = false,
                          string outputTitle = null, string outputSubtitle = null, string outputStyle = null, bool autoGroup = false)
            this.inputFolder         = testDataFolder;
            this.projectConfigFolder = projectConfigFolder;
            this.keepOutputFolder    = keepOutputFolder;

            // testDataRoot

            Path assemblyFolder = Path.FromAssembly(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()).ParentFolder;
            Path testDataRoot   = assemblyFolder;

            while (System.IO.Directory.Exists(testDataRoot + "/Engine.Tests.Data") == false)
                if (testDataRoot.ParentFolder == testDataRoot)
                    throw new Exception("Couldn't find Engine.Tests.Data folder in " + assemblyFolder + " or any of its parents.");

                testDataRoot = testDataRoot.ParentFolder;

            testDataRoot = testDataRoot + "/Engine.Tests.Data";

            // inputFolder

            if (inputFolder.IsRelative)
                inputFolder = testDataRoot + '/' + inputFolder;

            if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(inputFolder) == false)
                throw new Exception("Cannot locate input folder " + inputFolder);

            // temporaryFolderRoot

            temporaryFolderRoot = inputFolder + "/ND Temp";

            // projectConfigFolder

            if (projectConfigFolder == null)
                projectConfigFolder = temporaryFolderRoot + "/Project";
                if (projectConfigFolder.IsRelative)
                    projectConfigFolder = testDataRoot + '/' + projectConfigFolder;

                if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(projectConfigFolder) == false)
                    throw new Exception("Cannot locate config folder " + projectConfigFolder);

            // workingDataFolder

            workingDataFolder = temporaryFolderRoot + "/Working Data";

            // outputFolder

            if (keepOutputFolder)
                outputFolder = inputFolder + "/HTML Output";
                outputFolder = temporaryFolderRoot + "/HTML Output";

            // Clear out old data before start.

            { System.IO.Directory.Delete(temporaryFolderRoot, true); }
            { }

            if (keepOutputFolder)
                // Still need to clear it out so we can make a fresh copy.  We just won't delete it afterwards.
                { System.IO.Directory.Delete(outputFolder, true); }
                { }

            // Create new folders.  These functions do nothing if they already exist, they won't throw exceptions.


            // INITIALIZE ZE ENGINE!

            engineInstance = new NaturalDocs.Engine.Instance();

            var config = new Config.ProjectConfig(Config.PropertySource.CommandLine);

            config.ProjectConfigFolder = projectConfigFolder;
            config.ProjectConfigFolderPropertyLocation = Config.PropertySource.CommandLine;

            config.WorkingDataFolder = workingDataFolder;
            config.WorkingDataFolderPropertyLocation = Config.PropertySource.CommandLine;

            config.AutoGroup = autoGroup;
            config.AutoGroupPropertyLocation = Config.PropertySource.CommandLine;

            var inputTarget = new Config.Targets.SourceFolder(Config.PropertySource.CommandLine);

            inputTarget.Folder = inputFolder;
            inputTarget.FolderPropertyLocation = Config.PropertySource.CommandLine;


            var outputTarget = new Config.Targets.HTMLOutputFolder(Config.PropertySource.CommandLine);

            outputTarget.Folder = outputFolder;
            outputTarget.FolderPropertyLocation = Config.PropertySource.CommandLine;

            if (outputTitle != null)
                outputTarget.ProjectInfo.Title = outputTitle;
                outputTarget.ProjectInfo.TitlePropertyLocation = Config.PropertySource.CommandLine;

            if (outputSubtitle != null)
                outputTarget.ProjectInfo.Subtitle = outputSubtitle;
                outputTarget.ProjectInfo.SubtitlePropertyLocation = Config.PropertySource.CommandLine;

            if (outputStyle != null)
                outputTarget.ProjectInfo.StyleName = outputStyle;
                outputTarget.ProjectInfo.StyleNamePropertyLocation = Config.PropertySource.CommandLine;


            Engine.Errors.ErrorList startupErrors = new Engine.Errors.ErrorList();

            if (!engineInstance.Start(startupErrors, config))
                StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
                message.Append("Could not start the Natural Docs engine for testing:");

                foreach (var error in startupErrors)
                    message.Append("\n - ");
                    if (error.File != null)
                        message.Append(error.File + " line " + error.LineNumber + ": ");


                throw new Exception(message.ToString());