Exemple #1
        public RoomChangeForm(int _id, MainForm _owner)
            id = _id;
            owner = _owner;
            if (id != 0)
                ConectionDB.Connection("select type_id, price, type_of_number.type from type_of_number ", cmType);
                cmType.Text         = ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select type_of_number.type from type_of_number where type_id = (select type_id from hotel_room where room_id = {0})", id));
                tbNum.Text          = ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select number_of_room from hotel_room where room_id = {0}", id));
                nudSleepPoint.Value = Convert.ToInt32(ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select amount_of_sleeppoint from hotel_room where room_id = {0}", id)));
                nupFloor.Value      = Convert.ToInt32(ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select floor_of_room from hotel_room where room_id = {0}", id)));
                ConectionDB.ConnectionSecondCMB("select name_type from type_of_bed", cbBed);
                cmType.Text = ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select name_type from type_of_bed where type_id = (select type_of_bed_id from hotel_room where room_id = {0})", id));
            string    appPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath) + @"\Images\";
            DataTable result  = ConectionDB.ReturnResult(String.Format("select images_path from rooms_images where rooms_id={0}", id));
            int       y       = result.Rows.Count;

            foreach (DataRow item in result.Rows)
                PictureBox pb = new PictureBox();
                pb.Name     = count.ToString();
                pb.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom;
                pb.Image    = new Bitmap(appPath + listOfStr.Last());
                pb.Click += new EventHandler(pb_Click);
Exemple #2
        private void pb_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int         idRoomImages = Convert.ToInt32(ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select images_id from rooms_images where rooms_id = {0} and images_path = '{1}'", id, listOfStr[Convert.ToInt32((sender as PictureBox).Name)])));
            int         y            = globalPBList.IndexOf(sender as PictureBox);
            PictureForm pf           = new PictureForm(idRoomImages, (RoomChangeForm)Application.OpenForms[this.Name], false, y);

Exemple #3
 private void cmServices_DropDownClosed(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (isNew)
         price        = Convert.ToInt32(ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select price_of_service from services where service_name = '{0}'", (cmServices.Text).ToString())));
         tbPrice.Text = (price * nudAmount.Value).ToString();
         Application.OpenForms["BillForm"].Controls["tbSum"].Text = (priceA + Convert.ToInt32(tbPrice.Text.ToString())).ToString();
Exemple #4
       public void TakeQueryList()
           foreach (AddServices items in flpServces.Controls)
               int servId = Convert.ToInt32(ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select service_id from services where service_name = '{0}'", items.cmServices.Text.ToString())));
               ConectionDB.Connection(String.Format("insert into bill (service_id, amount, summa, main_bill_id) values ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3})", servId, items.nudAmount.Value, Convert.ToInt32(items.tbPrice.Text.ToString()), id));
 private void FillFields(int id)
     labelType.Text  += ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select type_of_number.type from type_of_number where type_id = (select type_id from hotel_room where room_id = {0})", id));
     labelFloor.Text += ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select floor_of_room from hotel_room where room_id = {0}", id));
     labelNum.Text   += ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select number_of_room from hotel_room where room_id = {0}", id));
     labelSleep.Text += ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select amount_of_sleeppoint from hotel_room where room_id = {0}", id)) + ", " + ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select name_type from type_of_bed where type_id = (select type_of_bed_id from hotel_room where room_id = {0})", id));
     ConectionDB.Connection("select name_services from list_of_free_services where service_id in (select service_id from rooms_services where id in (select id from rooms_services where room_id = " + id.ToString() + "))", lbFreeServices);
Exemple #6
 private void btCreate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (InformationClass.queryNew != "")
         InformationClass.clientId = Convert.ToInt32(ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(InformationClass.queryNew));
     ConectionDB.Connection(String.Format("insert into card_of_registration (clients_id, room_id, data_set, data_out, type_pay_id) values ({0}, {1}, '{2}', '{3}', {4})", InformationClass.clientId, InformationClass.roomId, InformationClass.start.ToShortDateString(), InformationClass.finish.ToShortDateString(), ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select type_id from type_of_pay where name_type = '{0}'", cmPay.Text.ToString()))));
     ConectionDB.Connection(String.Format("insert into final_bill (clients_id, number_of_days, final_summa, room_id) values ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3})", InformationClass.clientId, Convert.ToInt32(lbDays.Text), Convert.ToInt32(lbSum.Text), InformationClass.roomId));
Exemple #7
 public TypeRoom(int _id, MainForm _owner)
     owner = _owner;
     id    = _id;
     if (id != 0)
         cmType.Text  = ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select type_of_number.type from type_of_number where type_id = {0}", id));
         tbPrice.Text = ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select price from type_of_number where type_id = {0}", id));
Exemple #8
 public ServicesForm(int _id, MainForm _owner)
     id          = _id;
     owner       = _owner;
     label7.Text = "Изменить";
     if (id != 0)
         tbName.Text  = ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select service_name from services where service_id = {0}", id));
         tbPrice.Text = ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select price_of_service from services where service_id = {0}", id));
     isNew = false;
Exemple #9
        private string GetQueryLikeStringAnd(CheckedListBox _object)
            string        r             = "";
            List <string> listOfAnswers = new List <string>();
            string        finalString   = "and room_id in (select room_id from rooms_services group by room_id having";

            foreach (var item in _object.CheckedItems)
                r            = ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString("select service_id from list_of_free_services where name_services = '" + listOfAnswers.Last() + "'");
                finalString += " sum(case when service_id = " + Convert.ToInt32(r) + " then 1 else 0 end)>0 and";
            finalString  = finalString.Remove(finalString.Length - 4);
            finalString += ")";
Exemple #10
 public ClientsChangeForm(int _id, MainForm _owner)
     id        = _id;
     newClient = false;
     owner     = _owner;
     if (id != 0)
         tbSurname.Text   = ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select surname from clients where clients_id = {0}", id));
         tbFirstName.Text = ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select first_name from clients where clients_id = {0}", id));
         tbLastName.Text  = ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select last_name from clients where clients_id = {0}", id));
         rtbIdentify.Text = ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select identify from clients where clients_id = {0}", id));
         tbEmail.Text     = ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select email from clients where clients_id = {0}", id));
         tbPhone.Text     = ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select phone from clients where clients_id = {0}", id));
Exemple #11
        public void FillField(int id)
            tbClient.Text = ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select surname from clients where clients_id = (select clients_id from final_bill where final_bill_id = {0})", id))  + " " + ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select first_name from clients where clients_id = (select clients_id from final_bill where final_bill_id = {0})", id));
            tbDays.Text = ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select number_of_days from final_bill where final_bill_id = {0}", id));
            tbRoom.Text = ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select number_of_room from hotel_room where room_id = (select room_id from final_bill where final_bill_id = {0})", id));
            tbSum.Text = ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select final_summa from final_bill where final_bill_id = {0}", id));
            if (Convert.ToInt32((ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select count(*) from bill where main_bill_id = {0}", id)))) > 0)
                DataTable result = ConectionDB.ReturnResult(String.Format("select bill_id from bill where main_bill_id={0}", id));

                foreach (DataRow item in result.Rows)
                    flpServces.Controls.Add(new AddServices(Convert.ToInt32(item[0]), false));
Exemple #12
 public AddServices(int _id, bool _isNew)
     id    = _id;
     isNew = _isNew;
     if (!isNew)
         ConectionDB.ConnectionSecondCMB(String.Format("select service_name from services where service_id = (select service_id from bill where bill_id = {0})", id), cmServices);
         tbPrice.Text       = ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select summa from bill where bill_id = {0}", id));
         nudAmount.Value    = Convert.ToInt32(ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select amount from bill where bill_id = {0}", id)));
         cmServices.Enabled = false;
         tbPrice.Enabled    = false;
         nudAmount.Enabled  = false;
         btDelete.Visible   = false;
         priceA = Convert.ToInt32(Application.OpenForms["BillForm"].Controls["tbSum"].Text.ToString());
Exemple #13
 public FinalFormBill(int _roomId)
     clientId = InformationClass.clientId;
     roomId   = _roomId;
     if (InformationClass.queryNew == "")
         lbClient.Text = "  " + ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select surname from clients where clients_id = {0}", clientId)) + " " + ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select first_name from clients where clients_id = {0}", clientId));
         lbClient.Text = "  " + InformationClass.surname + " " + InformationClass.firstName;
     lbDays.Text = "  " + (InformationClass.finish - InformationClass.start).TotalDays.ToString();
     lbFrom.Text = "  " + InformationClass.start.ToShortDateString().ToString();
     lbTo.Text   = "  " + InformationClass.finish.ToShortDateString().ToString();
     lbRoom.Text = "  " + ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select number_of_room from hotel_room where room_id = {0}", roomId));
     lbType.Text = "  " + ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select type_of_number.type from type_of_number where type_id = (select type_id from hotel_room where room_id = {0})", roomId));
     lbSum.Text  = "  " + Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToInt32(ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select price from type_of_number where type_id = (select type_id from hotel_room where room_id = {0})", roomId))) * Convert.ToInt32(lbDays.Text.ToString())).ToString();
     ConectionDB.ConnectionSecondCMB("select name_type from type_of_pay", cmPay);
Exemple #14
        private void btChange_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int buf    = Convert.ToInt32(ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select type_id from type_of_number where type_of_number.type = '{0}'", cmType.Text.ToString())));
            int bufBed = Convert.ToInt32(ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select type_id from type_of_bed where name_type = '{0}'", cbBed.Text.ToString())));

            ConectionDB.Connection(String.Format("update hotel_room set type_id = '{0}', number_of_room ='{1}', amount_of_sleeppoint = '{2}', floor_of_room = '{3}', type_of_bed_id = {5} where room_id = {4}",
                                                 buf, tbNum.Text, nudSleepPoint.Value, nupFloor.Value, id, bufBed));

                int count = 0;
                foreach (var item in listOfPB)
                    Image oldImg = item.Image;

                    // save to a memorystream
                    MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                    oldImg.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);

                    // dispose old image

                    // save new image to same filename
                    Image newImage = Image.FromStream(ms);
                    newImage.Save(appPath + listOfPaths[count]);

                    //item.Image.Save(appPath + listOfPaths[count], System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
                    ConectionDB.Connection(String.Format("insert into rooms_images (rooms_id, images_path) values ({0}, '{1}')", id, listOfPaths[count]));
                MessageBox.Show("Невозможно сохранить изображение", "Ошибка",
                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
