static List <IConceptInfo> DslModelFromConcepts(IEnumerable <ConceptSyntaxNode> rawConcepts)
            var conceptInfos = ConceptInfoHelper.ConvertNodesToConceptInfos(rawConcepts);
            var dslModel     = NewDslModel(new StubDslParser(rawConcepts), conceptInfos);

        public List <string> GetCompletionKeywordsAtPosition(LineChr lineChr)
            var analysisResult = GetAnalysis(lineChr);

            if (analysisResult.IsInsideComment || analysisResult.IsAfterAnyErrorLine(lineChr))
                return(new List <string>());

            var typingToken = analysisResult.GetTokenBeingTypedAtCursor(lineChr);

            if (analysisResult.KeywordToken != null && analysisResult.KeywordToken != typingToken)
                var fullAnalysis = GetAnalysis();

            var lastParent    = analysisResult.ConceptContext.LastOrDefault();
            var validConcepts = lastParent == null
                ? rhetosAppContext.ConceptInfoTypes.ToList()
                : conceptQueries.ValidConceptsForParent(lastParent.GetType());

            var keywords = validConcepts
                           .Select(concept => ConceptInfoHelper.GetKeyword(concept))
                           .Where(keyword => keyword != null)
                           .OrderBy(keyword => keyword)

        public void GetErrorDescription()
            var simpleConceptInfo = new SimpleConceptInfo {
                Name = "s", Data = "d"
            var refConceptInfo = new RefConceptInfo {
                Name = "r", Reference = simpleConceptInfo
            var refRefConceptInfo = new RefRefConceptInfo {
                Name = "rr", Reference = refConceptInfo

            Assert.AreEqual("Rhetos.Dsl.Test.ConceptInfoHelperTest+RefRefConceptInfo Name=rr Reference=r.s", refRefConceptInfo.GetErrorDescription());

            refRefConceptInfo.Name = null;
            Assert.AreEqual("Rhetos.Dsl.Test.ConceptInfoHelperTest+RefRefConceptInfo Name=<null> Reference=r.s", refRefConceptInfo.GetErrorDescription());
            refRefConceptInfo.Name = "rr";

            refRefConceptInfo.Reference = null;
            Assert.AreEqual("Rhetos.Dsl.Test.ConceptInfoHelperTest+RefRefConceptInfo Name=rr Reference=<null>", refRefConceptInfo.GetErrorDescription());
            refRefConceptInfo.Reference = refConceptInfo;

            simpleConceptInfo.Name = null;
                                       new[] { refRefConceptInfo.GetType().FullName, "Name=rr", "Reference=", "null" });
            simpleConceptInfo.Name = "s";

            Assert.AreEqual("<null>", ConceptInfoHelper.GetErrorDescription(null));

            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(SimpleConceptInfo).FullName + " Name=s Data=<null>", new SimpleConceptInfo {
                Name = "s", Data = null
Exemple #4
 public void CheckSemantics(IDslModel existingConcepts)
     if (!(Dependency_ImplementationView is ExtensibleSubtypeSqlViewInfo))
         throw new DslSyntaxException(this, "This concept cannot be used together with '" + Dependency_ImplementationView.GetUserDescription()
                                      + "'. Use either " + ConceptInfoHelper.GetKeywordOrTypeName(typeof(SubtypeImplementsPropertyInfo)) + " or " + Dependency_ImplementationView.GetKeywordOrTypeName() + ".");
Exemple #5
 public void CheckSemantics(IDslModel existingConcepts)
     if (!(PropertyInfo.DataStructure is BrowseDataStructureInfo))
         throw new DslSyntaxException($"'{this.GetKeywordOrTypeName()}' cannot be used" +
                                      $" on {PropertyInfo.DataStructure.GetKeywordOrTypeName()} ({PropertyInfo.GetUserDescription()})." +
                                      $" It may only be used on {ConceptInfoHelper.GetKeywordOrTypeName(typeof(BrowseDataStructureInfo))}.");
        public IConceptInfo ParseNextConcept(TokenReader tokenReader, Stack <IConceptInfo> context, MultiDictionary <string, IConceptParser> conceptParsers)
            var newContext = context == null ? null
                : new Stack <ConceptSyntaxNode>(context.Select(ci => _syntax.CreateConceptSyntaxNode(ci)).Reverse());

            var parsedNode = this.Invoke(nameof(ParseNextConcept), tokenReader, newContext, conceptParsers).Item1;

Exemple #7
        public TConceptInfo QuickParse(string dsl, Stack <IConceptInfo> context)
            var contextNodes = new Stack <ConceptSyntaxNode>(context
                                                             .Select(ci => DslSyntax.CreateConceptSyntaxNode(ci)).Reverse());

            tokenReader = GenericParserTest.TestTokenReader(dsl);
            ConceptSyntaxNode node = GenericParser.Parse(tokenReader, contextNodes, out var warnings).Value;

Exemple #8
        public void ParsePosition()
            var simpleParser     = new GenericParserHelper <SimpleConceptInfo>("abc");
            var tokenReader      = TestTokenReader("simple abc def", 1);
            var node             = simpleParser.GenericParser.Parse(tokenReader, new Stack <ConceptSyntaxNode>(), out var warnings).Value;
            SimpleConceptInfo ci = (SimpleConceptInfo)ConceptInfoHelper.ConvertNodeToConceptInfo(node);

            Assert.AreEqual("def", ci.Name);
            TestUtility.AssertContains(tokenReader.ReportPosition(), "column 15,");
 public void CheckSemantics(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable <IConceptInfo> concepts)
     if (!(PropertyInfo.DataStructure is BrowseDataStructureInfo))
         throw new DslSyntaxException(string.Format(
                                          "'{0}' cannot be use on {1} ({2}). It may only be used on {3}.",
Exemple #10
 public void InternalCheck()
     if (!(Target.DataStructure is EntityInfo))
         throw new FrameworkException(string.Format(
                                          "{0} can only be used on properties of {1}. {2} is a member of {3}.",
Exemple #11
        public void GenerateDependenciesTest()
            var dependent = new SimpleConceptInfo("dd");

            var existingConcepts = new DslModelMock {
                new EntityInfo {
                    Module = new ModuleInfo {
                        Name = "a"
                    }, Name = "b"
                new DataStructureInfo {
                    Module = new ModuleInfo {
                        Name = "c"
                    }, Name = "d"
                new SqlViewInfo {
                    Module = new ModuleInfo {
                        Name = "e"
                    }, Name = "f"
                new SqlFunctionInfo {
                    Module = new ModuleInfo {
                        Name = "g"
                    }, Name = "h"

            var tests = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { "select a.b from c.d, x.y", "SqlDependsOnDataStructureInfo c.d" },
                { "select * from a.b, c.d, e.f, g.h", "SqlDependsOnDataStructureInfo a.b, SqlDependsOnDataStructureInfo c.d, "
                  + "SqlDependsOnSqlViewInfo e.f, SqlDependsOnSqlFunctionInfo g.h" },
                { "with x.y as (select * from a.b) select * from x.y", "SqlDependsOnDataStructureInfo a.b" }

            foreach (var test in tests)
                Console.WriteLine("Test: " + test.Key);
                var dependencies = SqlAnalysis.GenerateDependencies(dependent, existingConcepts, test.Key);

                foreach (dynamic dependency in dependencies)
                    Assert.AreEqual("dd", dependency.Dependent.ToString());

                var actual = TestUtility.Dump(dependencies,
                                              dep => dep.GetType().Name + " " + ConceptInfoHelper.GetKeyProperties(((dynamic)dep).DependsOn));
                Assert.AreEqual(test.Value, actual, "Input: " + test.Key);
Exemple #12
        public void AlternativeInitializationConcept_Embedded()
            string dsl            = "SIMPLE s d { ALTER1 { ALTER2 d2; } }";
            var    syntax         = new IConceptInfo[] { new SimpleConceptInfo(), new AlternativeConcept1(), new AlternativeConcept2() };
            var    parsedNodes    = new TestDslParser(dsl, syntax).GetConcepts();
            var    parsedConcepts = ConceptInfoHelper.ConvertNodesToConceptInfos(parsedNodes);

            // IAlternativeInitializationConcept should be parsed, but not yet initialized.
            Assert.AreEqual("Rhetos.Dsl.Test.DslParserTest+SimpleConceptInfo Name=s Data=d", parsedConcepts.OfType <SimpleConceptInfo>().Single().GetErrorDescription());
            Assert.AreEqual("Rhetos.Dsl.Test.DslParserTest+AlternativeConcept1 Parent=s Name=<null> RefToParent=<null>", parsedConcepts.OfType <AlternativeConcept1>().Single().GetErrorDescription());
            Assert.AreEqual("Rhetos.Dsl.Test.DslParserTest+AlternativeConcept2 Alter1=s.<null> Name=<null> Data=d2", parsedConcepts.OfType <AlternativeConcept2>().Single().GetErrorDescription());

            Assert.AreEqual("alter1, alter2, SIMPLE", TestUtility.DumpSorted(parsedNodes, c => c.Concept.GetKeywordOrTypeName()));
Exemple #13
        public void CheckSemantics(IDslModel existingConcepts)
            var properties = existingConcepts.FindByReference <PropertyInfo>(p => p.DataStructure, this);

            var propertyWithoutSelector = properties
                                          .FirstOrDefault(p => !existingConcepts.FindByReference <BrowseFromPropertyInfo>(bfp => bfp.PropertyInfo, p).Any());

            if (propertyWithoutSelector != null)
                throw new DslSyntaxException(
                          string.Format("Browse property {0} does not have a source selected. Probably missing '{1}'.",
Exemple #14
        public void ParseEnclosed()
            var enclosedParser = new GenericParserHelper <EnclosedConceptInfo>("enclosed");

            var stack = new Stack <ConceptSyntaxNode>();

            stack.Push(enclosedParser.DslSyntax.CreateConceptSyntaxNode(new SimpleConceptInfo {
                Name = "a"

            var tokenReader = TestTokenReader("simple a { enclosed b; }", 3);
            var node        = enclosedParser.GenericParser.Parse(tokenReader, stack, out var warnings).Value;
            var ci          = (EnclosedConceptInfo)ConceptInfoHelper.ConvertNodeToConceptInfo(node);

            Assert.AreEqual("a", ci.Parent.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual("b", ci.Name);
            TestUtility.AssertContains(tokenReader.ReportPosition(), "before: \";");
        public void TestMethod1()
            var ic = new InitializationConcept {
                RhetosVersion = "1.2.3"

            Assert.AreEqual("InitializationConcept '1.2.3'", ic.GetKey());
            Assert.AreEqual("InitializationConcept '1.2.3'", ic.GetShortDescription());
            Assert.AreEqual("InitializationConcept '1.2.3'", ic.GetUserDescription());
            Assert.AreEqual("'1.2.3'", ic.GetKeyProperties());
            Assert.AreEqual("Rhetos.Dsl.InitializationConcept '1.2.3'", ic.GetFullDescription());
            Assert.AreEqual(null, ic.GetKeyword());
            Assert.AreEqual("InitializationConcept", ic.GetKeywordOrTypeName());
            Assert.AreEqual(0, ic.GetDirectDependencies().Count());
            Assert.AreEqual(0, ic.GetAllDependencies().Count());
            Assert.AreEqual("Rhetos.Dsl.InitializationConcept RhetosVersion=1.2.3", ic.GetErrorDescription());

            Assert.AreEqual(null, ConceptInfoHelper.GetKeyword(typeof(InitializationConcept)));
            Assert.AreEqual("InitializationConcept", ConceptInfoHelper.GetKeywordOrTypeName(typeof(InitializationConcept)));
Exemple #16
        public void CheckSemantics(IDslModel existingConcepts)
            if (ReferenceFromMe.DataStructure != Source)
                throw new DslSyntaxException("'" + this.GetUserDescription()
                                             + "' must use a reference property that is a member of it's own data structure. Try using FilterByLinkedItems instead.");

            var availableFilters = existingConcepts.FindByReference <FilterByInfo>(f => f.Source, ReferenceFromMe.Referenced)
                                   .Select(f => f.Parameter).OrderBy(f => f).ToList();

            if (!availableFilters.Contains(Parameter))
                throw new DslSyntaxException(this, string.Format(
                                                 "There is no {0} '{1}' on {2}. Available {0} filters are: {3}.",
                                                 string.Join(", ", availableFilters.Select(parameter => "'" + parameter + "'"))));
Exemple #17
        private int GetActiveParameterForValidConcept(Type conceptType)
            var activeParameter = 0;

            // we have parsed some members successfully for this concept type
            if (LastTokenParsed.ContainsKey(conceptType))
                activeParameter = ConceptInfoType.IndexOfParameter(conceptType, LastMemberReadAttempt[conceptType]);

                // if we have just typed a keyword OR have stopped typing a parameter (by pressing space, etc.), we need to advance to next parameter
                // keyword scenario is possible in nested concepts, where we already have valid parameters and are just typing a keyword
                var lineChr      = new LineChr(Line, Chr);
                var atLastParsed = GetTokenAtPosition(lineChr) == LastTokenParsed[conceptType] || GetTokenLeftOfPosition(lineChr) == LastTokenParsed[conceptType];
                var atKeyword    = string.Equals(ConceptInfoHelper.GetKeyword(conceptType), LastTokenParsed[conceptType].Value, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
                if (atKeyword || !atLastParsed)

        public static string SignatureDescription(Type type)
            var keys       = new List <string>();
            var parameters = new List <string>();

            foreach (var member in GetParameters(type))
                if (member.IsKey)

            var keyword   = ConceptInfoHelper.GetKeywordOrTypeName(type);
            var keysDesc  = string.Join(".", keys.Select(key => $"<{key}>"));
            var paramDesc = string.Join(" ", parameters.Select(parameter => $"<{parameter}>"));

            return($"{keyword} {keysDesc} {paramDesc}");
Exemple #19
        public void CheckSemantics(IDslModel concepts)
            if (Module.Name != Source.Module.Name)
                throw new DslSyntaxException(
                          string.Format("Browse should be created in same module as referenced entity. Expecting {0} instead of {1}.",

            var properties = concepts.FindByReference <PropertyInfo>(p => p.DataStructure, this);

            var propertyWithoutSelector = properties
                                          .Where(p => concepts.FindByReference <BrowseFromPropertyInfo>(bfp => bfp.PropertyInfo, p).Count() == 0)

            if (propertyWithoutSelector != null)
                throw new DslSyntaxException(
                          string.Format("Browse property {0} does not have a source selected. Probably missing '{1}'.",
Exemple #20
        public void GenerateDependenciesTestToObject()
            var dependent = new SimpleConceptInfo("dd");

            var existingConcepts = new DslModelMock {
                new EntityInfo {
                    Module = new ModuleInfo {
                        Name = "a"
                    }, Name = "b"
                new DataStructureInfo {
                    Module = new ModuleInfo {
                        Name = "c"
                    }, Name = "d"
                new SqlViewInfo {
                    Module = new ModuleInfo {
                        Name = "e"
                    }, Name = "f"
                new SqlFunctionInfo {
                    Module = new ModuleInfo {
                        Name = "g"
                    }, Name = "h"
                new EntityInfo {
                    Module = new ModuleInfo {
                        Name = "x"
                    }, Name = "y"
                new SqlViewInfo {
                    Module = new ModuleInfo {
                        Name = "x"
                    }, Name = "y"
                new SqlFunctionInfo {
                    Module = new ModuleInfo {
                        Name = "x"
                    }, Name = "y"

            var tests = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { "a.a", "" },
                { "b.b", "" },
                { "a.b.a", "" },
                { "a.a.b", "" },
                { "a", "" },
                { "b", "" },

                { "a.b", "SqlDependsOnDataStructureInfo a.b" },
                { "c.d", "SqlDependsOnDataStructureInfo c.d" },
                { "e.f", "SqlDependsOnSqlViewInfo e.f" },
                { "g.h", "" },
                { "g.h(SYSDATETIME())", "SqlDependsOnSqlFunctionInfo g.h" },

                { "x.y(SYSDATETIME())", "SqlDependsOnSqlFunctionInfo x.y" },
                { "x.y", "SqlDependsOnDataStructureInfo x.y, SqlDependsOnSqlViewInfo x.y" },

            foreach (var test in tests)
                Console.WriteLine("Test: " + test.Key);
                var dependencies = SqlAnalysis.GenerateDependenciesToObject(dependent, existingConcepts, test.Key);

                foreach (dynamic dependency in dependencies)
                    Assert.AreEqual("dd", dependency.Dependent.ToString());

                var actual = TestUtility.Dump(dependencies,
                                              dep => dep.GetType().Name + " " + ConceptInfoHelper.GetKeyProperties(((dynamic)dep).DependsOn));
                Assert.AreEqual(test.Value, actual, "Input: " + test.Key);