Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if the action is enabled in the current state.
        /// If the action is not enabled, provides a reason in <paramref name="failureReason"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="action">action whose enabledness is being checked</param>
        /// <param name="failureReason">failure reason if the action is not enabled</param>
        /// <returns>true if the action is enabled, false otherwise</returns>
        public bool IsActionEnabled(CompoundTerm action, out string failureReason)
            if (!AllActionSymbols.Contains(action.Symbol))
                failureReason = "Action symbol '" + action.Symbol.ToString() + "' not enabled in the model";
                bool isEnabled = modelProgram.IsEnabled(currState, action);
                if (!isEnabled)
                    failureReason = "Action '" + ConformanceTester.MakeQuotedString(action.ToString()) + "' not enabled in the model";

                    foreach (string s in modelProgram.GetEnablingConditionDescriptions(currState, action, true))
                        failureReason += "\n";
                        failureReason += s;
                    failureReason = "";
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the mapping from the parameter positions of the action label to the
        /// output parameter positions of the .NET method that implements the action.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="actionLabel">The finish action label</param>
        /// <param name="actionMethod">The action method</param>
        /// <returns>An array of integers where each entry is the index in the parameter list
        /// of the .NET method. The special value -1 is used to indicate the position of the the
        /// return value. The special value -2 is used to indicate an ignored argument.</returns>
        internal static int[] GetOutputParameterIndices(CompoundTerm actionLabel, MethodInfo actionMethod)
            List <int> parameterIndices = new List <int>();

            foreach (Term arg in actionLabel.Arguments)
                if (Any.Value == arg)
                    Variable v = arg as Variable;
                    if (null != v)
                        string name = v.ToString();
                        if ("result".Equals(name))

                            int  index      = 0;
                            bool foundMatch = false;
                            foreach (ParameterInfo pInfo in actionMethod.GetParameters())
                                if (pInfo.Name.Equals(name))
                                    foundMatch = true;
                                index += 1;
                            // this test is dead code (was previously checked).
                            if (!foundMatch)
                                throw new ModelProgramUserException("action label " + actionLabel.ToString() +
                                                                    " includes unrecognized output argument " + name);
                        throw new ModelProgramUserException("action label " + actionLabel.ToString() +
                                                            " may not include ground term " + arg.ToString());

Exemple #3
        static void CheckForDuplicateArgument(CompoundTerm action)
            Set <Term> argsSoFar = Set <Term> .EmptySet;

            foreach (Term arg in action.Arguments)
                if (argsSoFar.Contains(arg))
                    throw new ModelProgramUserException("action label " + action.ToString() + " contains duplicate argument " + arg.ToString());
                else if (!Any.Value.Equals(arg))
                    argsSoFar = argsSoFar.Add(arg);
        /// <summary/>
        public CompoundTerm DoAction(CompoundTerm action)
            string s = action.ToString();

            if (!c.isConnected())
                if (Config.logEnabled)
                    Logger.log("connect to " + Config.host + ":" + Config.port);
                c.Connect(Config.host, Config.port, Config.bufferSize);
            if (resetDelayed)
                if (Config.logEnabled)
                    Logger.log("delayed Reset on " + s);
            if (Config.logEnabled)
                Logger.log("send " + s);
            c.Send(s + "\n");
            s = receive();
            if (Config.logEnabled)
                Logger.log("rcvd " + s);
            if (s.Length == 0)
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform the action
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="action">the given action</param>
        /// <returns>the returned action (or null)</returns>
        public CompoundTerm DoAction(CompoundTerm action)
            switch (action.FunctionSymbol.ToString())
            case "Insert":
                Coin coin = GetCoin(action.Arguments[0]);

            case "Cancel":
                Term coin = CompoundValue.GetTerm(EmptyCoffeeMachineImpl.Cancel());
                return(new CompoundTerm(Symbol.Parse("Return"), coin));

                throw new InvalidOperationException("Unrecognized action: " + action.ToString());
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Produces the target state that results from invoking <paramref name="action"/>
        /// in the context of <paramref name="startState"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startState">The state in which the action is invoked</param>
        /// <param name="action">The action to be invoked</param>
        /// <param name="transitionPropertyNames">The names of meta-properties to be collected
        /// during the calculation of the step.</param>
        /// <param name="transitionProperties">Output parameter that will contain a
        /// map of property names to property values. Each property value multiset of
        /// terms. For example, the property value might be the value of a Boolean function
        /// that controls state filtering. Or, it might correspond to the "coverage" of the model that results from this
        /// step. In this case, the value might denote the line numbers or blocks of the
        /// model program that were exercised in this step, or a projection of the state
        /// space or a reference to section numbers of a requirements document to indicate
        /// that the functionality defined by that section was exercised.</param>
        /// <returns>The state that results from the invocation of <paramref name="action"/>
        /// in <paramref name="startState"/>.</returns>
        /// <seealso cref="GetTransitionPropertyNames"/>
        public override IState GetTargetState(IState startState, CompoundTerm action, Set <string> transitionPropertyNames,
                                              out TransitionProperties transitionProperties)
            transitionProperties = new TransitionProperties();
            FsmState fs = startState as FsmState;

            if (fs == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid state");

            Set <Term> targetAutomatonStates = Set <Term> .EmptySet;

            foreach (Term automatonState in fs.AutomatonStates)
                Set <Transition> outgoing = this.automaton.OutgoingTransitions(automatonState);
                foreach (Transition t in outgoing)
                    CompoundTerm ct = t.Second as CompoundTerm;
                    if (ct == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Internal error");
                    if (IsCompatibleTerm(action, ct)) //(Object.Equals(ct, action))
                        targetAutomatonStates = targetAutomatonStates.Add(t.Third);

            if (targetAutomatonStates.Equals(Set <Term> .EmptySet))
                throw new ArgumentException("Action not enabled: " + action.ToString());

            return(new FsmState(targetAutomatonStates));
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform the action
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="action">the given action</param>
        /// <returns>the returned action (or null)</returns>
        public CompoundTerm DoAction(CompoundTerm action)
            switch (action.FunctionSymbol.ToString())
            case "SetPlayer1":
                wh.Set();     // Signal the waiting thread to proceed (test-cases continue, don't exit)
                Console.WriteLine("\nSetting Player1 to " + (string)action[0]);
                runner.setPlayer("Player1", (string)action[0]);

            case "SetPlayer2":
                Console.WriteLine("\nSetting Player2 to " + (string)action[0]);
                runner.setPlayer("Player2", (string)action[0]);

            case "ReadLastResult_Start":
                Console.WriteLine("\nChecking the results list-box");
                return(CompoundTerm.Create("ReadLastResult_Finish", runner.getLastResult()));

                throw new InvalidOperationException("Unrecognized action: " + action.ToString());
Exemple #8
        static Set <string> GetUnusedArguments(Set <string> defaultArguments, CompoundTerm action)
            Set <string> result = defaultArguments;

            foreach (Term arg in action.Arguments)
                if (!arg.Equals(Any.Value))
                    Variable v = arg as Variable;
                    if (null == v)
                        throw new ModelProgramUserException("invalid argument for action " + action.ToString() +
                                                            ": " + arg.ToString());
                    string name = v.ToString();
                    if (!defaultArguments.Contains(name))
                        throw new ModelProgramUserException("invalid (possibly misspelled) argument for action " + action.ToString() +
                                                            ": " + arg.ToString() + ". Must be one of " + defaultArguments.ToString() + ".");

                    result = result.Remove(name);
Exemple #9
        public override CompoundTerm DoStep(InterpretationContext c, CompoundTerm action)
            // Result of invocation must be a value term (must support IComparable)

            IComparable /*?*/ thisArg;

            IComparable /*?*/[] methodArgs = this.ConvertTermArgumentsToMethodArguments(c, action.Arguments, out thisArg);

            foreach (IComparable /*?*/ o in methodArgs)

            object /*?*/       resultObj    = this.method.methodInfo.Invoke(thisArg, methodArgs);
            CompoundTerm /*?*/ finishAction = null;

            // Handle output args and return value
            if (null != this.finishActionMethod)
                int             nOutputs = this.finishActionMethod.actionLabel.Arguments.Count;
                Sequence <Term> outputs  = Sequence <Term> .EmptySequence;

                for (int i = 0; i < nOutputs; i += 1)
                    int outputArgIndex = this.finishActionMethod.outputArgumentIndices[i];
                    if (-2 == outputArgIndex) // "any" placeholder
                        outputs = outputs.AddLast(Any.Value);
                        object output = (-1 == outputArgIndex ? resultObj : methodArgs[outputArgIndex]);

                        IComparable outputAsComparable;
                        if (null == output)
                            outputAsComparable = null;
                            outputAsComparable = output as IComparable;
                            if (null == outputAsComparable)
                                throw new InvalidOperationException(MessageStrings.LocalizedFormat(MessageStrings.ComparableResultRequired, action.ToString(), output.ToString()));
                        outputs = outputs.AddLast(AbstractValue.GetTerm(outputAsComparable));
                finishAction = new CompoundTerm(this.FinishAction, outputs);
