//helper method to find elements
        private void Init()
            //title page
            homepageTitle = By.XPath("/html/head/title");
            footerBC = By.XPath("/html/body/footer");
            //all recent feed
            allYipsh2Header = By.XPath("//*[@class=\"yips-list\"]/h2");
            //compose new yip class
            composeYip = new ComposeNewYip(this.driver);
            //Search box class
            searchBox = new SearchBox(this.driver);
            //navigation control class
            navControl = new Navigationcontrol(this.driver);

            yipListControl = new YipsListControl(this.driver);
        [TestCase("user", "password")] //enters valid username and password
        public void TestFirstYip(string user, string password)
            //calls helper method InitLoginPage
            InitLoginPage(user, password, null, null, null);
            //creates instance of composenewyip object
            ComposeNewYip newyip = new ComposeNewYip(driver);

            //sends 'Desired text' into textarea based the 'Count' mentioned and clicks on yip button
            newyip.ComposeYip("Wind!", 5, true);
            //creates a yipsinyipslist object
            YipsInYipsList yipElement = new YipsInYipsList(driver);

            //verifies fullname, username and yip content
            yipElement.VerifyYipElements("Tom Sanders", "user", "Wind!Wind!Wind!Wind!Wind!");
        [TestCase("user", "password")] //enters valid username and password
        public void TestComposeNewYip(string user, string password)
            //calls helper method InitLoginPage
            InitLoginPage(user, password, null, null, null);
            //creates instance of composenewyip object
            ComposeNewYip newyip = new ComposeNewYip(driver);

            //sends 'Desired text' into textarea based the 'Count' mentioned and clicks on yip button
            newyip.ComposeYip("Wow!", 20, true);
            //calls verify method-- it checks the yiptext and the remaining count of charlabel
            newyip.Verify("", 140);

            //creates instance of NavigationControl object
            Navigationcontrol navControl = new Navigationcontrol(driver);

            //verifies navigation links
            //signs out from homepage