Exemple #1
        public void ApplyDis(Part Assem, ComponentPositioner componentPositioner1, ConstData constinfo)
            Constraint          constraint1 = componentPositioner1.CreateConstraint(true);         ///1
            ComponentConstraint compoConst  = (NXOpen.Positioning.ComponentConstraint)constraint1; ///2

            compoConst.ConstraintType = NXOpen.Positioning.Constraint.Type.Distance;               //3

            Component[]           comp     = new Component[2];
            Edge[]                edg      = new Edge[2];
            Face[]                faces    = new Face[2];
            ConstraintReference[] constref = new ConstraintReference[2];

            comp[0] = (NXOpen.Assemblies.Component)Assem.ComponentAssembly.RootComponent.FindObject(constinfo.ConstRef1[0]);
            comp[1] = (NXOpen.Assemblies.Component)Assem.ComponentAssembly.RootComponent.FindObject(constinfo.ConstRef2[0]);

            faces[0] = (NXOpen.Face)comp[0].FindObject(constinfo.ConstRef1[1]);
            faces[1] = (NXOpen.Face)comp[1].FindObject(constinfo.ConstRef2[1]);

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                constref[i] = compoConst.CreateConstraintReference(comp[i], faces[i], false, false, false);

    //  NX Startup
    //      This entry point activates the application at NX startup

    //Will work when complete path of the dll is provided to Environment Variable
    public static int Startup()
        int retValue = 0;

            theProgram = new Program();

            //string partPath = @"F:\TEST.prt";
            //string partPath = @"F:\CASE\ASM.prt";
            string         partPath = @"F:\CASE1\Case_1-1_stp.prt";
            PartLoadStatus PLD;
            Part           workPart = theSession.Parts.OpenBaseDisplay(partPath, out PLD) as Part;

            if (workPart != null)
                ComponentAssembly assembly      = workPart.ComponentAssembly;
                Component         rootComponent = assembly.RootComponent;
                //try {object flange1 = assembly.FindObject("FLANGE(10K_150A_G)_K3029930#1");}
                //catch(Exception ex) { theUI.NXMessageBox.Show("Null", NXMessageBox.DialogType.Error, ex.Message); }


                Component comp1_1 = rootComponent.FindObject("COMPONENT OIL_PIPE_TYPE1_ASSY-01 2") as Component;
                Component comp1   = comp1_1.FindObject("COMPONENT FLANGE(10K_150A_G)_K3029930#1 1") as Component;
                Component comp2_1 = rootComponent.FindObject("COMPONENT OIL_PIPE_TYPE1_ASSY-01 3") as Component;
                Component comp2   = comp2_1.FindObject("COMPONENT FLANGE(10K_150A_N)_K3034074#1 1") as Component;

                Part one = comp1.Prototype as Part;
                Part two = comp2.Prototype as Part;

                DatumPlane oneXY = null;
                DatumPlane twoXY = null;

                //foreach(Component leaf in theProgram.leafList)
                //    if(leaf.DisplayName == "FLANGE(10K_150A_G)_K3029930#1")
                //    {
                //        //comp1 = leaf;
                //        one = leaf.Prototype as Part;
                //    }

                //    if (leaf.DisplayName == "FLANGE(10K_150A_N)_K3034074#1")
                //    {
                //        //comp2 = leaf;
                //        two = leaf.Prototype as Part;
                //    }

                if (one != null && two != null)
                    theProgram.GetXYPlane(one, out oneXY);
                    theProgram.GetXYPlane(two, out twoXY);

                    oneXY = comp1.FindOccurrence(oneXY) as DatumPlane;
                    twoXY = comp2.FindOccurrence(twoXY) as DatumPlane;

                //Tag tag1 = theUfSession.Assem.AskPartOccurrence(oneXY.Tag);

                    ComponentPositioner positioner1 = assembly.Positioner;

                    Constraint          constraint1          = positioner1.CreateConstraint(true);
                    ComponentConstraint componentConstraint1 = constraint1 as ComponentConstraint;

                    componentConstraint1.ConstraintAlignment = Constraint.Alignment.ContraAlign;
                    componentConstraint1.ConstraintType      = Constraint.Type.Touch;
                    ConstraintReference ref1 = componentConstraint1.CreateConstraintReference(comp1, oneXY, false, false, false);
                    ConstraintReference ref2 = componentConstraint1.CreateConstraintReference(comp2, twoXY, false, false, false);
                catch (Exception E)
                    theUI.NXMessageBox.Show("Error", NXMessageBox.DialogType.Error, E.Message);

            PartSaveStatus ps;
            bool           partSaved;
            theSession.Parts.SaveAll(out partSaved, out ps);

        catch (NXOpen.NXException ex)
            // ---- Enter your exception handling code here -----
            theUI.NXMessageBox.Show("UI Styler", NXMessageBox.DialogType.Error, ex.Message);