Exemple #1
            public CompletionListUpdater(
                IAsyncCompletionSession session,
                AsyncCompletionSessionDataSnapshot data,
                RecentItemsManager recentItemsManager,
                IGlobalOptionService globalOptions)
                _session            = session;
                _data               = data;
                _recentItemsManager = recentItemsManager;

                _filterText = _session.ApplicableToSpan.GetText(_data.Snapshot);

                if (!_session.Properties.TryGetProperty(CompletionSource.HasSuggestionItemOptions, out bool hasSuggestedItemOptions))
                    // This is the scenario when the session is created out of Roslyn, in some other provider, e.g. in Debugger.
                    // For now, the default hasSuggestedItemOptions is false.
                    hasSuggestedItemOptions = false;

                _hasSuggestedItemOptions = hasSuggestedItemOptions || _data.DisplaySuggestionItem;

                // We prefer using the original snapshot, which should always be available from items provided by Roslyn's CompletionSource.
                // Only use data.Snapshot in the theoretically possible but rare case when all items we are handling are from some non-Roslyn CompletionSource.
                var snapshotForDocument = TryGetInitialTriggerLocation(_data, out var intialTriggerLocation)
                    ? intialTriggerLocation.Snapshot
                    : _data.Snapshot;

                _document = snapshotForDocument?.TextBuffer.AsTextContainer().GetOpenDocumentInCurrentContext();
                if (_document != null)
                    _completionService = _document.GetLanguageService <CompletionService>();
                    _completionRules   = _completionService?.GetRules(CompletionOptions.From(_document.Project)) ?? CompletionRules.Default;

                    // Let us make the completion Helper used for non-Roslyn items case-sensitive.
                    // We can change this if get requests from partner teams.
                    _completionHelper = CompletionHelper.GetHelper(_document);
                    _filterMethod     = _completionService == null
                        ? ((itemsWithPatternMatches, text) => CompletionService.FilterItems(_completionHelper, itemsWithPatternMatches, text))
                        : ((itemsWithPatternMatches, text) => _completionService.FilterItems(_document, itemsWithPatternMatches, text));

                    // Nothing to highlight if user hasn't typed anything yet.
                    _highlightMatchingPortions = _filterText.Length > 0 &&
                                                 globalOptions.GetOption(CompletionViewOptions.HighlightMatchingPortionsOfCompletionListItems, _document.Project.Language);

                    _showCompletionItemFilters = globalOptions.GetOption(CompletionViewOptions.ShowCompletionItemFilters, _document.Project.Language);
                    _completionService = null;
                    _completionRules   = CompletionRules.Default;

                    // Let us make the completion Helper used for non-Roslyn items case-sensitive.
                    // We can change this if get requests from partner teams.
                    _completionHelper = new CompletionHelper(isCaseSensitive: true);
                    _filterMethod     = (itemsWithPatternMatches, text) => CompletionService.FilterItems(_completionHelper, itemsWithPatternMatches, text);

                    _highlightMatchingPortions = false;
                    _showCompletionItemFilters = true;
        public ImmutableArray <CompletionItem> FilterCompletionItems(ImmutableArray <CompletionItem> items, string filterText)
            if (CurrentDocument != null)
                CompletionService completionService = CompletionService.GetService(CurrentDocument);
                return(completionService.FilterItems(CurrentDocument, items, filterText));

            return(ImmutableArray <CompletionItem> .Empty);
        public static Task <System.Collections.Immutable.ImmutableArray <CompletionItem> > getSuggestions(string s)
            var position = s.Length - 1;

            //scriptCode = SourceText.From(s);
            return(service.GetCompletionsAsync(scriptDocument, position).ContinueWith(f =>
                var returning = f.Result.Items;
                return service.FilterItems(scriptDocument, returning, s);
        private FilteredCompletionModel UpdateCompletionList(
            IAsyncCompletionSession session,
            AsyncCompletionSessionDataSnapshot data,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (!session.Properties.TryGetProperty(CompletionSource.HasSuggestionItemOptions, out bool hasSuggestedItemOptions))
                // This is the scenario when the session is created out of Roslyn, in some other provider, e.g. in Debugger.
                // For now, the default hasSuggestedItemOptions is false.
                hasSuggestedItemOptions = false;

            hasSuggestedItemOptions |= data.DisplaySuggestionItem;

            var filterText = session.ApplicableToSpan.GetText(data.Snapshot);
            var reason     = data.Trigger.Reason;

            if (!session.Properties.TryGetProperty(CompletionSource.InitialTriggerKind, out CompletionTriggerKind initialRoslynTriggerKind))
                initialRoslynTriggerKind = CompletionTriggerKind.Invoke;

            // Check if the user is typing a number. If so, only proceed if it's a number
            // directly after a <dot>. That's because it is actually reasonable for completion
            // to be brought up after a <dot> and for the user to want to filter completion
            // items based on a number that exists in the name of the item. However, when
            // we are not after a dot (i.e. we're being brought up after <space> is typed)
            // then we don't want to filter things. Consider the user writing:
            //      dim i =<space>
            // We'll bring up the completion list here (as VB has completion on <space>).
            // If the user then types '3', we don't want to match against Int32.
            if (filterText.Length > 0 && char.IsNumber(filterText[0]))
                if (!IsAfterDot(data.Snapshot, session.ApplicableToSpan))
                    // Dismiss the session.

            // We need to filter if a non-empty strict subset of filters are selected
            var selectedFilters = data.SelectedFilters.Where(f => f.IsSelected).Select(f => f.Filter).ToImmutableArray();
            var needToFilter    = selectedFilters.Length > 0 && selectedFilters.Length < data.SelectedFilters.Length;
            var filterReason    = Helpers.GetFilterReason(data.Trigger);

            // If the session was created/maintained out of Roslyn, e.g. in debugger; no properties are set and we should use data.Snapshot.
            // However, we prefer using the original snapshot in some projection scenarios.
            if (!session.Properties.TryGetProperty(CompletionSource.TriggerSnapshot, out ITextSnapshot snapshotForDocument))
                snapshotForDocument = data.Snapshot;

            var document          = snapshotForDocument.TextBuffer.AsTextContainer().GetOpenDocumentInCurrentContext();
            var completionService = document?.GetLanguageService <CompletionService>();
            var completionRules   = completionService?.GetRules() ?? CompletionRules.Default;
            var completionHelper  = document != null?CompletionHelper.GetHelper(document) : _defaultCompletionHelper;

            var initialListOfItemsToBeIncluded = new List <ExtendedFilterResult>();

            foreach (var item in data.InitialSortedList)

                if (needToFilter && ShouldBeFilteredOutOfCompletionList(item, selectedFilters))

                if (!item.Properties.TryGetProperty(CompletionSource.RoslynItem, out RoslynCompletionItem roslynItem))
                    roslynItem = RoslynCompletionItem.Create(
                        displayText: item.DisplayText,
                        filterText: item.FilterText,
                        sortText: item.SortText,
                        displayTextSuffix: item.Suffix);

                if (MatchesFilterText(completionHelper, roslynItem, filterText, initialRoslynTriggerKind, filterReason, _recentItemsManager.RecentItems))
                    initialListOfItemsToBeIncluded.Add(new ExtendedFilterResult(item, new FilterResult(roslynItem, filterText, matchedFilterText: true)));
                    // The item didn't match the filter text.  We'll still keep it in the list
                    // if one of two things is true:
                    //  1. The user has only typed a single character.  In this case they might
                    //     have just typed the character to get completion.  Filtering out items
                    //     here is not desirable.
                    //  2. They brough up completion with ctrl-j or through deletion.  In these
                    //     cases we just always keep all the items in the list.
                    if (initialRoslynTriggerKind == CompletionTriggerKind.Deletion ||
                        initialRoslynTriggerKind == CompletionTriggerKind.Invoke ||
                        filterText.Length <= 1)
                        initialListOfItemsToBeIncluded.Add(new ExtendedFilterResult(item, new FilterResult(roslynItem, filterText, matchedFilterText: false)));

            if (data.Trigger.Reason == CompletionTriggerReason.Backspace &&
                completionRules.DismissIfLastCharacterDeleted &&
                session.ApplicableToSpan.GetText(data.Snapshot).Length == 0)
                // Dismiss the session

            if (initialListOfItemsToBeIncluded.Count == 0)
                return(HandleAllItemsFilteredOut(reason, data.SelectedFilters, completionRules));

            var options = document?.Project.Solution.Options;
            var highlightMatchingPortions = options?.GetOption(CompletionOptions.HighlightMatchingPortionsOfCompletionListItems, document.Project.Language) ?? true;
            var showCompletionItemFilters = options?.GetOption(CompletionOptions.ShowCompletionItemFilters, document.Project.Language) ?? true;

            var updatedFilters = showCompletionItemFilters
                ? GetUpdatedFilters(initialListOfItemsToBeIncluded, data.SelectedFilters)
                : ImmutableArray <CompletionFilterWithState> .Empty;

            var highlightedList = GetHighlightedList(initialListOfItemsToBeIncluded, filterText, completionHelper, highlightMatchingPortions).ToImmutableArray();

            // If this was deletion, then we control the entire behavior of deletion ourselves.
            if (initialRoslynTriggerKind == CompletionTriggerKind.Deletion)
                return(HandleDeletionTrigger(data.Trigger.Reason, initialListOfItemsToBeIncluded, filterText, updatedFilters, highlightedList));

            Func <ImmutableArray <RoslynCompletionItem>, string, ImmutableArray <RoslynCompletionItem> > filterMethod;

            if (completionService == null)
                filterMethod = (items, text) => CompletionService.FilterItems(completionHelper, items, text);
                filterMethod = (items, text) => completionService.FilterItems(document, items, text);

Exemple #5
        private FilteredCompletionModel UpdateCompletionList(
            IAsyncCompletionSession session,
            AsyncCompletionSessionDataSnapshot data,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (!session.Properties.TryGetProperty(CompletionSource.HasSuggestionItemOptions, out bool hasSuggestedItemOptions))
                // This is the scenario when the session is created out of Roslyn, in some other provider, e.g. in Debugger.
                // For now, the default hasSuggestedItemOptions is false.
                hasSuggestedItemOptions = false;

            hasSuggestedItemOptions |= data.DisplaySuggestionItem;

            var filterText = session.ApplicableToSpan.GetText(data.Snapshot);
            var reason     = data.Trigger.Reason;
            var initialRoslynTriggerKind = Helpers.GetRoslynTriggerKind(data.InitialTrigger);

            // Check if the user is typing a number. If so, only proceed if it's a number
            // directly after a <dot>. That's because it is actually reasonable for completion
            // to be brought up after a <dot> and for the user to want to filter completion
            // items based on a number that exists in the name of the item. However, when
            // we are not after a dot (i.e. we're being brought up after <space> is typed)
            // then we don't want to filter things. Consider the user writing:
            //      dim i =<space>
            // We'll bring up the completion list here (as VB has completion on <space>).
            // If the user then types '3', we don't want to match against Int32.
            if (filterText.Length > 0 && char.IsNumber(filterText[0]))
                if (!IsAfterDot(data.Snapshot, session.ApplicableToSpan))
                    // Dismiss the session.

            // We need to filter if
            // 1. a non-empty strict subset of filters are selected
            // 2. a non-empty set of expanders are unselected
            var nonExpanderFilterStates = data.SelectedFilters.WhereAsArray(f => !(f.Filter is CompletionExpander));

            var selectedNonExpanderFilters = nonExpanderFilterStates.Where(f => f.IsSelected).SelectAsArray(f => f.Filter);
            var needToFilter = selectedNonExpanderFilters.Length > 0 && selectedNonExpanderFilters.Length < nonExpanderFilterStates.Length;

            var unselectedExpanders  = data.SelectedFilters.Where(f => !f.IsSelected && f.Filter is CompletionExpander).SelectAsArray(f => f.Filter);
            var needToFilterExpanded = unselectedExpanders.Length > 0;

            if (session.TextView.Properties.TryGetProperty(CompletionSource.TargetTypeFilterExperimentEnabled, out bool isExperimentEnabled) && isExperimentEnabled)
                // Telemetry: Want to know % of sessions with the "Target type matches" filter where that filter is actually enabled
                if (needToFilter &&
                    !session.Properties.ContainsProperty(_targetTypeCompletionFilterChosenMarker) &&
                    selectedNonExpanderFilters.Any(f => f.DisplayText == FeaturesResources.Target_type_matches))

                    // Make sure we only record one enabling of the filter per session
                    session.Properties.AddProperty(_targetTypeCompletionFilterChosenMarker, _targetTypeCompletionFilterChosenMarker);

            var filterReason = Helpers.GetFilterReason(data.Trigger);

            // If the session was created/maintained out of Roslyn, e.g. in debugger; no properties are set and we should use data.Snapshot.
            // However, we prefer using the original snapshot in some projection scenarios.
            var snapshotForDocument = Helpers.TryGetInitialTriggerLocation(session, out var triggerLocation)
                ? triggerLocation.Snapshot
                : data.Snapshot;

            var document          = snapshotForDocument.TextBuffer.AsTextContainer().GetOpenDocumentInCurrentContext();
            var completionService = document?.GetLanguageService <CompletionService>();
            var completionRules   = completionService?.GetRules() ?? CompletionRules.Default;
            var completionHelper  = document != null?CompletionHelper.GetHelper(document) : _defaultCompletionHelper;

            // DismissIfLastCharacterDeleted should be applied only when started with Insertion, and then Deleted all characters typed.
            // This conforms with the original VS 2010 behavior.
            if (initialRoslynTriggerKind == CompletionTriggerKind.Insertion &&
                data.Trigger.Reason == CompletionTriggerReason.Backspace &&
                completionRules.DismissIfLastCharacterDeleted &&
                session.ApplicableToSpan.GetText(data.Snapshot).Length == 0)
                // Dismiss the session

            var options = document?.Project.Solution.Options;
            var highlightMatchingPortions = options?.GetOption(CompletionOptions.HighlightMatchingPortionsOfCompletionListItems, document.Project.Language) ?? false;

            // Nothing to highlight if user hasn't typed anything yet.
            highlightMatchingPortions = highlightMatchingPortions && filterText.Length > 0;

            // Use a monotonically increasing integer to keep track the original alphabetical order of each item.
            var currentIndex = 0;
            var builder      = ArrayBuilder <MatchResult> .GetInstance();

            foreach (var item in data.InitialSortedList)

                if (needToFilter && ShouldBeFilteredOutOfCompletionList(item, selectedNonExpanderFilters))

                if (needToFilterExpanded && ShouldBeFilteredOutOfExpandedCompletionList(item, unselectedExpanders))

                if (TryCreateMatchResult(
                        highlightMatchingPortions: highlightMatchingPortions,
                        ref currentIndex,
                        out var matchResult))

            if (builder.Count == 0)
                return(HandleAllItemsFilteredOut(reason, data.SelectedFilters, completionRules));

            // Sort the items by pattern matching results.
            // Note that we want to preserve the original alphabetical order for items with same pattern match score,
            // but `ArrayBuilder.Sort` isn't stable. Therefore we have to add a monotonically increasing integer
            // to `MatchResult` to archieve this.

            var initialListOfItemsToBeIncluded = builder.ToImmutableAndFree();

            var showCompletionItemFilters = options?.GetOption(CompletionOptions.ShowCompletionItemFilters, document.Project.Language) ?? true;

            var updatedFilters = showCompletionItemFilters
                ? GetUpdatedFilters(initialListOfItemsToBeIncluded, data.SelectedFilters)
                : ImmutableArray <CompletionFilterWithState> .Empty;

            // If this was deletion, then we control the entire behavior of deletion ourselves.
            if (initialRoslynTriggerKind == CompletionTriggerKind.Deletion)
                return(HandleDeletionTrigger(data.Trigger.Reason, initialListOfItemsToBeIncluded, filterText, updatedFilters));

            Func <ImmutableArray <(RoslynCompletionItem, PatternMatch?)>, string, ImmutableArray <RoslynCompletionItem> > filterMethod;

            if (completionService == null)
                filterMethod = (itemsWithPatternMatches, text) => CompletionService.FilterItems(completionHelper, itemsWithPatternMatches);
                filterMethod = (itemsWithPatternMatches, text) => completionService.FilterItems(document, itemsWithPatternMatches, text);
