//type = a:1/10, b:1/100, c:1/1000 public Test_GetGameContentCommand( string playerId,string authToken, CompleteDelegate completeDelegate, ErrorDelegate errorDelegate) { Hashtable batchHash = new Hashtable (); batchHash.Add ("authKey", authToken); ArrayList commands = new ArrayList(); Hashtable command = new Hashtable (); command.Add ("action", "player.content.get"); command.Add ("time", TimeUtils.UnixTime); command.Add ("args", new Hashtable () { { "playerId", playerId }}); command.Add ("requestId", 123); commands.Add(command); batchHash.Add("commands",commands); batch = MiniJSON.jsonEncode(batchHash); //////// this.onComplete = delegate(Hashtable t){ completeDelegate(t); }; ///////// this.onError = delegate(string err_code,string err_msg, Hashtable data){ errorDelegate(err_code,err_msg,data); }; }
//type = a:1/10, b:1/100, c:1/1000 public Player_HeroSkillEditCommand( string playerId,string authToken,string herotype,HeroData hd, CompleteDelegate completeDelegate, ErrorDelegate errorDelegate) { Hashtable batchHash = new Hashtable (); batchHash.Add ("authKey", authToken); ArrayList commands = new ArrayList(); Hashtable command = new Hashtable (); command.Add ("action", "player.heroSkillEdit"); command.Add ("time", TimeUtils.UnixTime); ArrayList activeSkillIDList = new ArrayList(){"a","b","c"}; ArrayList passiveSkillIDList = new ArrayList(){"d","e","f"}; command.Add ("args", new Hashtable () { { "playerId", playerId },{"herotype",herotype},{"as",activeSkillIDList},{"ps",passiveSkillIDList}}); command.Add ("requestId", 123); commands.Add(command); batchHash.Add("commands",commands); batch = MiniJSON.jsonEncode(batchHash); //////// this.onComplete = delegate(Hashtable t){ completeDelegate(t); }; ///////// this.onError = delegate(string err_code,string err_msg, Hashtable data){ errorDelegate(err_code,err_msg,data); }; }
//type = a:1/10, b:1/100, c:1/1000 public Player_HerosUpdateCommand( string playerId,string authToken, CompleteDelegate completeDelegate, ErrorDelegate errorDelegate) { Hashtable batchHash = new Hashtable (); batchHash.Add ("authKey", authToken); ArrayList commands = new ArrayList(); Hashtable command = new Hashtable (); command.Add ("action", "player.heroUpdate"); command.Add ("time", TimeUtils.UnixTime); ArrayList heros = new ArrayList(); for(int i=0; i< UserInfo.heroDataList.Count; i++) { HeroData heroD = UserInfo.heroDataList[i] as HeroData; heros.Add(heroD.dumpDynamicData()); } command.Add ("args", new Hashtable () { { "playerId", playerId } ,{"bpack", EquipManager.Instance.dumpDynamicData()} ,{"heros", heros} }); command.Add ("requestId", 123); commands.Add(command); batchHash.Add("commands",commands); batch = MiniJSON.jsonEncode(batchHash); //////// this.onComplete = delegate(Hashtable t){ completeDelegate(t); }; ///////// this.onError = delegate(string err_code,string err_msg, Hashtable data){ errorDelegate(err_code,err_msg,data); }; }
public void coroutineAnimation(Animation a, CompleteDelegate completeDeletgate) { object[] parameters = new object[2]{a, completeDeletgate}; StatusManager.enableNextOrder = false; StartCoroutine("animationWait",parameters); }
public override void start() { //storage が指定されている場合は、そのAudioのみ停止する StatusManager.enableNextOrder = false; string storage = this.param ["storage"]; float time = float.Parse(this.param ["time"]); // string wait = this.param ["wait"]; CompleteDelegate completeDelegate = this.complete; if (storage != "") { string file = GameSetting.PATH_AUDIO_SE + storage; this.gameManager.audioManager.stopAudio(file, AudioType.Sound, time, completeDelegate); } else { this.gameManager.audioManager.stopAudio("", AudioType.Sound, time, completeDelegate); } if (this.param ["wait"] != "true") { StatusManager.enableNextOrder = true; this.gameManager.nextOrder(); } }
//type = a:1/10, b:1/100, c:1/1000 public Player_PackageUpdateCommand( string playerId,string authToken, CompleteDelegate completeDelegate, ErrorDelegate errorDelegate) { Hashtable batchHash = new Hashtable (); batchHash.Add ("authKey", authToken); ArrayList commands = new ArrayList(); Hashtable command = new Hashtable (); command.Add ("action", "player.bpackUpdate"); command.Add ("time", TimeUtils.UnixTime); command.Add ("args", new Hashtable () { { "playerId", playerId },{"bpack", EquipManager.Instance.dumpDynamicData()}}); command.Add ("requestId", 123); commands.Add(command); batchHash.Add("commands",commands); batch = MiniJSON.jsonEncode(batchHash); //////// this.onComplete = delegate(Hashtable t){ completeDelegate(t); }; ///////// this.onError = delegate(string err_code,string err_msg, Hashtable data){ errorDelegate(err_code,err_msg,data); }; }
public override void start() { StatusManager.enableNextOrder = false; string storage = this.param ["storage"]; string file = GameSetting.PATH_AUDIO_SE + storage; // string wait = this.param ["wait"]; CompleteDelegate completeDelegate = this.complete; AudioObject audioObject = this.gameManager.audioManager.getAudio(file, AudioType.Sound); audioObject.time = 0; audioObject.vol = float.Parse(this.param["vol"]); audioObject.completeDelegate = completeDelegate; audioObject.audioSource.loop = bool.Parse(this.param["loop"]); audioObject.play(); //this.gameManager.scene.MessageSpeed = 0.02f; //this.gameManager.scene.coroutineShowMessage (message); if (this.param ["wait"] != "true") { StatusManager.enableNextOrder = true; this.gameManager.nextOrder(); } }
public override void start() { //storage が指定されている場合は、そのAudioのみ停止する StatusManager.enableNextOrder = false; string storage = this.param ["storage"]; float time = float.Parse(this.param ["time"]); // string wait = this.param ["wait"]; CompleteDelegate completeDelegate = this.complete; if (storage != "") { string file = GameSetting.PATH_AUDIO_BGM + storage; this.gameManager.audioManager.stopAudio(file, AudioType.Bgm, time, completeDelegate); } else { this.gameManager.audioManager.stopAudio("", AudioType.Bgm, time, completeDelegate); } //this.gameManager.scene.MessageSpeed = 0.02f; //this.gameManager.scene.coroutineShowMessage (message); StatusManager.currentPlayBgm = ""; if (this.param ["wait"] != "true") { StatusManager.enableNextOrder = true; this.gameManager.nextOrder(); } }
//type = a:1/10, b:1/100, c:1/1000 public Auth_GetAutoTokenCommand( string playerId,string secret, CompleteDelegate completeDelegate, ErrorDelegate errorDelegate) { Hashtable batchHash = new Hashtable (); batchHash.Add ("authKey", AuthUtils.generateRequestToken (playerId, secret)); ArrayList commands = new ArrayList(); Hashtable command = new Hashtable (); command.Add ("action", "auth.getAuthToken"); command.Add ("time", TimeUtils.UnixTime); command.Add ("args", new Hashtable () { { "playerId", playerId }, { "secret", secret }}); // command.Add ("expectedStatus",""); command.Add ("requestId", 123); // command.Add ("token", ""); commands.Add(command); batchHash.Add("commands",commands); batch = MiniJSON.jsonEncode(batchHash); //////// this.onComplete = delegate(Hashtable t){ //{"requestId":null,"messages":{},"result":"aWeha_JMFgzaF5zWMR3tnObOtLZNPR4rO70DNdfWPvc.eyJ1c2VySWQiOiIyMCIsImV4cGlyZXMiOiIxMzg1NzA5ODgyIn0","status":0} Hashtable completeParam = new Hashtable(); completeParam.Add("result",t["result"]); completeDelegate(completeParam); }; ///////// this.onError = delegate(string err_code,string err_msg, Hashtable data){ errorDelegate(err_code,err_msg,data); }; }
public void coroutineAnimation(Animation a, CompleteDelegate completeDeletgate) { object[] parameters = new object[2] { a, completeDeletgate }; StatusManager.enableNextOrder = false; StartCoroutine("animationWait", parameters); }
public void init(Tag tag, int line_num) { this.tag = tag; this.tagName = tag.Name; this.gameManager = NovelSingleton.GameManager; this.gameView = NovelSingleton.GameView; this.line_num = line_num; this.finishAnimationDeletgate = this.finishAnimation; }
public ActionCompletionData(string textToShow, string description, CompleteDelegate action) { if (action == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(action)); } _action = action; Content = new TextBlock(new Italic(new Run(textToShow))); Description = description; }
public void init (Tag tag, int line_num) { this.tag = tag; this.tagName = tag.Name; this.gameManager = NovelSingleton.GameManager; this.gameView = NovelSingleton.GameView; this.line_num = line_num; this.finishAnimationDeletgate = this.finishAnimation; }
private IEnumerator animationWait(object[] param) { Animation a = (Animation)param [0]; CompleteDelegate completeDeletgate = (CompleteDelegate)param[1]; //アニメーションの終了を待つ while (a.isPlaying) { // childのisComplete変数がtrueになるまで待機 yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); } completeDeletgate(); }
internal ScriptRunner(Runspace runSpace, ISynchronizeInvoke invoker, string script, IDictionary <string, dynamic> parameters = null) { _invoker = invoker; _stopEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false); _waitHandles = new WaitHandle[] { null, _stopEvent }; ScriptFile = script; Parameters = parameters; _powerShell = System.Management.Automation.PowerShell.Create(); _powerShell.Runspace = runSpace; var command = new Command(script); if (parameters != null) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, dynamic> parameter in parameters) { command.Parameters.Add(new CommandParameter(parameter.Key, parameter.Value)); } } _powerShell.Commands.AddCommand(command); _outputCollection = new PSDataCollection <PSObject>(); _outputCollection.DataAdded += OnObjectOutput; synchComplete = SyncComplete; synchObjectReady = SyncObjectReady; synchProgressReady = SyncProgressReady; synchInformationReady = SyncInformationReady; synchWarningReady = SyncWarningReady; synchErrorReady = SyncErrorReady; synchVerboseReady = SyncVerboseReady; synchDebugReady = SyncDebugReady; _powerShell.InvocationStateChanged += StateChanged; _powerShell.Streams.Progress.DataAdded += OnProgress; _powerShell.Streams.Error.DataAdded += OnError; _powerShell.Streams.Information.DataAdded += OnInformation; _powerShell.Streams.Verbose.DataAdded += OnVerbose; _powerShell.Streams.Debug.DataAdded += OnDebug; _powerShell.Streams.Warning.DataAdded += OnWarning; }
private static IEnumerator DeleteRequest(string uri, CompleteDelegate completeDelegate = null, ErrorDelegate errorDelegateUri = null) { using (var www = UnityWebRequest.Delete(uri)) { yield return(www.SendWebRequest()); if (www.isNetworkError || www.isHttpError) { Debug.Log(www.error); errorDelegateUri?.Invoke(www.error); } else { Debug.Log("Upload complete!"); completeDelegate?.Invoke(uri); } } }
public void stopAudio(string file, AudioType audioType, float time, CompleteDelegate completeDelegate) { //全部停止する if (file == "") { Dictionary <string, AudioObject> dic = this.getDic(audioType); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, AudioObject> kvp in dic) { string key = kvp.Key; dic [key].time = time; dic [key].completeDelegate = completeDelegate; dic[key].stop(); } } else { AudioObject audioObject = this.getAudio(file, audioType); audioObject.time = time; audioObject.completeDelegate = completeDelegate; audioObject.stop(); } }
public FileCommand( string fileName , CompleteDelegate completeDelegate, ErrorDelegate errorDelegate) { this.fileName = fileName; this.onComplete = completeDelegate; this.onError = errorDelegate; }
public void stopAudio(string file,AudioType audioType,float time,CompleteDelegate completeDelegate){ //全部停止する if (file == "") { Dictionary<string,AudioObject> dic = this.getDic (audioType); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, AudioObject> kvp in dic) { string key = kvp.Key; dic [key].time = time; dic [key].completeDelegate = completeDelegate; dic[key].stop(); } } else { AudioObject audioObject = this.getAudio (file,audioType); audioObject.time = time; audioObject.completeDelegate = completeDelegate; audioObject.stop(); } }
public FlowBuilder() { flows = new List <ActionResultDelegate>(); errorHandler = (e) => { Console.WriteLine("Holy Cow !"); }; completeHandler = (flowId, data) => { Console.WriteLine("Complete !"); }; }
/// <summary> /// Register a delegate to be invoked when the capture is complete. /// </summary> /// <param name='del'> /// The delegate to be invoked when capture complete. /// </param> public void RegisterCompleteDelegate(CompleteDelegate del) { completeDelegate += del; }
/// <summary> /// Unregister a previously registered session complete delegate. /// </summary> /// <param name='del'> /// The delegate to be unregistered. /// </param> public void UnregisterCompleteDelegate(CompleteDelegate del) { completeDelegate -= del; }
public FlowBuilder OnComplete(CompleteDelegate complete) { completeHandler = complete; return(this); }
public void setFinishAnimationDelegate(CompleteDelegate completeDeletgate){ this.completeDeletgate = completeDeletgate; }
public void setFinishAnimationDelegate(CompleteDelegate completeDeletgate) { this.completeDeletgate = completeDeletgate; }