Exemple #1
 // This constructor should be used if you're going to be using only source files rather than strings that contain the source. Although you could use empty lists
 // and strings with the other constructors.
 public Compiler(CompilerLanguages language)
     if (language == CompilerLanguages.csharp)
         CodeProvider = CodeDomProvider.CreateProvider("CSharp");
     else if (language == CompilerLanguages.visualbasic)
         CodeProvider = CodeDomProvider.CreateProvider("VisualBasic");
Exemple #2
 // This constructor can be used when you have a list of strings with source code and you need to add assemblies (dlls) and you want to embed needed dlls.
 // The assemblies need the full the path if they are not located in the GAC.
 public Compiler(CompilerLanguages language, List <string> sourcestrings, List <string> assemblies, List <string> embed) : this(language, sourcestrings, assemblies)
     Embed = embed;
Exemple #3
 // This constructor can be used when you have a list of strings with source code and you need to add assemblies (dlls) that are referenced.
 // If the Assemblies are not in the GAC, full paths need to be used. Or they need to be findable in some way.
 public Compiler(CompilerLanguages language, List <string> sourcestrings, List <string> assemblies) : this(language, sourcestrings)
     Assemblies = assemblies;
Exemple #4
 // This constructor can be used when you have one string that contains source code that you want to compile.
 public Compiler(CompilerLanguages language, string sourcestring) : this(language)
Exemple #5
 // This constructor can be used when you have several strings with source code in them.
 public Compiler(CompilerLanguages language, List <string> sourcestrings) : this(language)
     SourceStrings = sourcestrings;