public UnitResponse ProcessCommand(object _command) { if (actor.IsDisabled) { return(UnitResponse.Denied()); } if (hook.IsThrown) { hook.Pudge.ActivateBuff(PudgeEvent.HookThrown, hook.Pudge.Rules.HookThrown); return(UnitResponse.Accepted(0.1)); } var command = Compatibility.Check <IHookCommand>(this, _command); if (command.MakeHook && !hook.Pudge.IsBuffActivated(PudgeEvent.HookCooldown)) { if (hook.IsAvailable && actor.World.Configuration.LoadingData.Level != "Level1") { Hook(); } return(UnitResponse.Accepted(0.1)); } return(UnitResponse.Denied()); }
public UnitResponse ProcessCommand(object command) { var order = Compatibility.Check <IArmyInterfaceCommand>(this, command).HireOrder; if (order == null) { return(UnitResponse.Denied()); } if (actor.IsDead) { return(UnitResponse.Accepted(HommRules.Current.UnitsHireDuration)); } actor.World.HommEngine.Freeze(actor.ControllerId); actor.World.HommEngine.SetAnimation(actor.ControllerId, Animation.Idle); order.Apply(actor.Player); Debugger.Log($"{actor.ControllerId} resources:"); foreach (var kv in actor.Player.Resources) { Debugger.Log($"{kv.Key} - {kv.Value}"); } Debugger.Log($"{actor.ControllerId} army:"); foreach (var kv in actor.Player.Army) { Debugger.Log($"{kv.Key} - {kv.Value}"); } return(UnitResponse.Accepted(HommRules.Current.UnitsHireDuration)); }
public UnitResponse ProcessCommand(object command) { var scoutOrder = Compatibility.Check <IScoutCommand>(this, command).ScoutOrder; if (scoutOrder == null) { return(UnitResponse.Denied()); } if (!scoutOrder.ScoutHero ^ scoutOrder.ScoutTile) { throw new ArgumentException("Please scout either hero or tile at one time."); } if (scoutOrder.ScoutTile && !scoutOrder.TileToScout.ToLocation().IsInside(actor.Map.Size)) { throw new ArgumentException("Tile to scout is out of map bounds."); } if (!actor.Player.Scout.IsAvailable()) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Scouting is not available at a time. " + "Please wait `HommRules.ScoutingCooldown` before sending a new scout."); } return(UnitResponse.Accepted(actor.Player.Scout.Execute(scoutOrder))); }
public List <PudgeRobot> GetEnemiesInScope() { Debugger.Log("Slardar " + slardar.ControllerId + " is searching for enemies"); var engine = slardar.World.GetEngine <ICommonEngine>(); var slardarLocation = engine.GetAbsoluteLocation(slardar.ObjectId); var actors = slardar.World.Actors .Where(a => a is PudgeRobot) .Select(a => Compatibility.Check <PudgeRobot>(this, a)) .ToList(); var result = new List <PudgeRobot>(); foreach (var e in actors) { Debugger.Log("Considering " + e.ObjectId); if (e.ObjectId == slardar.ObjectId) { Debugger.Log("is Slardar"); } else if (e.IsDisabled) { Debugger.Log("is Disabled"); } else if (e.IsInvisible) { Debugger.Log("is Invosible"); } else { var pudgeLocation = e.World.GetEngine <ICommonEngine>().GetAbsoluteLocation(e.ObjectId); var distance = Geometry.Distance(pudgeLocation.ToPoint3D(), slardarLocation.ToPoint3D()); var angle = GetAngleToTarget(slardarLocation, pudgeLocation); Debugger.Log("Target in at distance " + distance + " in angle " + angle); if (angle < 45) { if (distance < slardar.Rules.ForwardVisibilityRadius) { Debugger.Log("Is inside forward visibility " + slardar.Rules.ForwardVisibilityRadius); result.Add(e); } else { Debugger.Log("Is outside forward visibility " + slardar.Rules.ForwardVisibilityRadius); } } else { if (distance < slardar.Rules.SideVisibilityRadius) { Debugger.Log("Is inside side visibility " + slardar.Rules.SideVisibilityRadius); result.Add(e); } else { Debugger.Log("Is outside side visibility " + slardar.Rules.SideVisibilityRadius); } } } } return(result); }
public Hook(IHookRobot pudge, IHookRules rules) { Pudge = Compatibility.Check <PudgeRobot>(this, pudge); Speed = new Frame3D(); StartingLocation = new Frame3D(); Id = Pudge.World.IdGenerator.CreateNewId(this); Rules = rules; }
public SlardarBot(List <Frame3D> trajectory, IActor slardar, string slardarType) { this.slardar = Compatibility.Check <Slardar>(this, slardar); PathFinder = new PathFinder(trajectory, slardarType); Trajectory = trajectory; Type = slardarType; this.slardar.OnDie += OnDie; }
public void DefineKeyboardControl(IKeyboardController _pool, string controllerId) { var pool = Compatibility.Check <KeyboardController <HommCommand> >(this, _pool); if (controllerId == TwoPlayersId.Left) { pool.Add(Keys.W, () => new HommCommand { Movement = new Movement(Direction.Up) }); pool.Add(Keys.S, () => new HommCommand { Movement = new Movement(Direction.Down) }); pool.Add(Keys.A, () => new HommCommand { Movement = new Movement(Direction.LeftDown) }); pool.Add(Keys.D, () => new HommCommand { Movement = new Movement(Direction.RightDown) }); pool.Add(Keys.Q, () => new HommCommand { Movement = new Movement(Direction.LeftUp) }); pool.Add(Keys.E, () => new HommCommand { Movement = new Movement(Direction.RightUp) }); pool.Add(Keys.Space, () => new HommCommand { Order = new PurchaseOrder(10) }); } else if (controllerId == TwoPlayersId.Right) { pool.Add(Keys.I, () => new HommCommand { Movement = new Movement(Direction.Up) }); pool.Add(Keys.K, () => new HommCommand { Movement = new Movement(Direction.Down) }); pool.Add(Keys.J, () => new HommCommand { Movement = new Movement(Direction.LeftDown) }); pool.Add(Keys.L, () => new HommCommand { Movement = new Movement(Direction.RightDown) }); pool.Add(Keys.U, () => new HommCommand { Movement = new Movement(Direction.LeftUp) }); pool.Add(Keys.O, () => new HommCommand { Movement = new Movement(Direction.RightUp) }); pool.Add(Keys.Enter, () => new HommCommand { Order = new PurchaseOrder(10) }); } pool.StopCommand = () => new HommCommand { Movement = new Wait() }; }
public UnitResponse ProcessCommand(object command) { var order = Compatibility.Check <IArmyInterfaceCommand>(this, command).Order; if (order == null) { return(UnitResponse.Denied()); } order.Apply(actor.Player); return(UnitResponse.Accepted(HommRules.Current.BuyDuration)); }
private List <HeroData> GetVisibleHeroes(Point3D actorLocation) { return(Actor.World.Actors .Where(a => a.ObjectId != Actor.ObjectId && !a.IsDisabled) .Where(a => !(a is PudgeRobot) || !Compatibility.Check <PudgeRobot>(this, a).IsInvisible) .Select(actor => new HeroData ( actor is PudgeRobot ? HeroType.Pudge : HeroType.Slardar, Actor.World.GetEngine <ICommonEngine>().GetAbsoluteLocation(actor.ObjectId) )) .Where(h => Geometry.Distance(h.Location.ToPoint3D(), actorLocation) < Actor.Rules.VisibilityRadius * Actor.DoubleDamageFactor || InWardScope(h.Location.ToPoint3D())) .ToList()); }
public UnitResponse ProcessCommand(object _command) { if (actor.IsDisabled) { return(UnitResponse.Denied()); } var command = Compatibility.Check <IDaggerCommand>(this, _command); if (command.MakeDagger) { actor.Dagger(command.DaggerDestination); return(UnitResponse.Accepted(0.1)); } return(UnitResponse.Denied()); }
public UnitResponse ProcessCommand(object _command) { if (actor.IsDisabled) { return(UnitResponse.Denied()); } var command = Compatibility.Check <IWardCommand>(this, _command); if (command.MakeWard) { actor.SpawnWard(); return(UnitResponse.Accepted(0.1)); } return(UnitResponse.Denied()); }
public UnitResponse ProcessCommand(object _command) { var movement = Compatibility.Check <IHexMovCommand>(this, _command).Movement; if (movement == null) { return(UnitResponse.Denied()); } var commandDuration = rules.MovementDuration * actor.VelocityModifier; actor.World.Clocks.AddTrigger(new OneTimeTrigger(commandDuration, () => actor.Location = movement.Turn(actor.Location))); return(UnitResponse.Accepted(commandDuration)); }
public UnitResponse ProcessCommand(object command) { var movement = Compatibility.Check <IHexMovCommand>(this, command).Movement; if (movement == null) { return(UnitResponse.Denied()); } var movementResult = movement.TryMoveHero( actor.World.HommEngine, actor.Player, actor.World.Round.Map); var newLocation = movementResult.Item1; var movementDuration = movementResult.Item2; actor.World.Clocks.AddTrigger(actor.LocationTrigger = new LocationTrigger( actor.World.Clocks.CurrentTime, movementDuration / 2, actor, newLocation)); return(UnitResponse.Accepted(double.PositiveInfinity)); }
public UnitResponse ProcessCommand(object command) { var armyForGarrison = Compatibility.Check <IGarrisonCommand>(this, command).WaitInGarrison; if (armyForGarrison == null) { return(UnitResponse.Denied()); } if (actor.IsDead) { return(UnitResponse.Accepted(HommRules.Current.GarrisonBuildDuration)); } actor.World.HommEngine.Freeze(actor.ControllerId); actor.World.HommEngine.SetAnimation(actor.ControllerId, Animation.Idle); if (!CheckCommandCorrect(armyForGarrison)) { return(UnitResponse.Accepted(HommRules.Current.GarrisonBuildDuration)); } TakeUnitsAway(actor.Player, armyForGarrison); var garrison = FindGarrison(actor.Player.Location); if (garrison == null) { garrison = CreateGarrison(armyForGarrison, actor.Player); } else { garrison.Populate(armyForGarrison); } Debug(garrison); return(UnitResponse.Accepted(HommRules.Current.GarrisonBuildDuration)); }
public UnitResponse ProcessCommand(object _command) { if (actor.IsDisabled) { return(UnitResponse.Denied()); } var command = Compatibility.Check <IGameCommand>(this, _command).GameMovement; if (command == null) { return(UnitResponse.Denied()); } var hasteFactor = actor.HasteFactor; var eps = 0.01; if (command.Range <= 0 && Math.Abs(command.Angle) < eps && command.WaitTime <= 0) { Wait(); return(UnitResponse.Accepted(1)); } if (command.WaitTime > eps) { Wait(); return(UnitResponse.Accepted(command.WaitTime)); } if (command.Range > eps) { var movementTime = Move(command.Range, hasteFactor); return(UnitResponse.Accepted(movementTime)); } if (Math.Abs(command.Angle) > eps) { var rotationTime = Rotate(command.Angle); return(UnitResponse.Accepted(rotationTime)); } return(UnitResponse.Accepted(0.025)); }
public UnitResponse ProcessCommand(object command) { Debugger.Log("Enter process command"); var movement = Compatibility.Check <IHexMovCommand>(this, command).Movement; if (movement == null) { return(UnitResponse.Denied()); } Debugger.Log("Accepted HexMovCommand"); if (actor.IsDead) { return(UnitResponse.Accepted(movement.WaitDuration > 0 ? movement.WaitDuration : HommRules.Current.MovementDuration)); } var movementDuration = movement.Apply(actor); return(UnitResponse.Accepted(movementDuration + 0.001)); }
public WADUnit(IActor actor) { = Compatibility.Check <IWADRobot>(this, actor); rules = Compatibility.Check <IWADRules>(this,; }
public HexMovUnit(IHexMovRobot actor) { = actor; this.rules = Compatibility.Check <IHexMovRules>(this, actor.Rules); }
public void Initialize(IActor controllableActor) { slardar = Compatibility.Check <Slardar>(this, controllableActor); }
public void DefineKeyboardControl(IKeyboardController _pool, string controllerId) { var pool = Compatibility.Check <KeyboardController <PudgeCommand> >(this, _pool); if (controllerId == TwoPlayersId.Left) { pool.Add(Keys.W, () => new PudgeCommand { GameMovement = new GameMovement { Range = keyboardMovementRange } }); pool.Add(Keys.A, () => new PudgeCommand { GameMovement = new GameMovement { Angle = keyboardRotationAngle } }); pool.Add(Keys.D, () => new PudgeCommand { GameMovement = new GameMovement { Angle = -keyboardRotationAngle } }); pool.Add(Keys.Space, () => new PudgeCommand { MakeHook = true }); pool.Add(Keys.F, () => new PudgeCommand { MakeDagger = true, DaggerDestination = new DaggerDestinationPoint(0, 0) }); pool.Add(Keys.G, () => new PudgeCommand { MakeWard = true }); } else { pool.Add(Keys.I, () => new PudgeCommand { GameMovement = new GameMovement { Range = MovementRange } }); pool.Add(Keys.J, () => new PudgeCommand { GameMovement = new GameMovement { Angle = keyboardRotationAngle } }); pool.Add(Keys.L, () => new PudgeCommand { GameMovement = new GameMovement { Angle = -keyboardRotationAngle } }); pool.Add(Keys.Enter, () => new PudgeCommand { MakeHook = true }); } pool.StopCommand = () => new PudgeCommand { GameMovement = new GameMovement { WaitTime = WaitDuration } }; }
public void DefineKeyboardControl(IKeyboardController _pool, string controllerId) { var pool = Compatibility.Check <KeyboardController <HommCommand> >(this, _pool); if (controllerId == TwoPlayersId.Left) { pool.Add(Keys.W, () => new HommCommand { Movement = new HexMovement(Direction.Up) }); pool.Add(Keys.S, () => new HommCommand { Movement = new HexMovement(Direction.Down) }); pool.Add(Keys.A, () => new HommCommand { Movement = new HexMovement(Direction.LeftDown) }); pool.Add(Keys.D, () => new HommCommand { Movement = new HexMovement(Direction.RightDown) }); pool.Add(Keys.Q, () => new HommCommand { Movement = new HexMovement(Direction.LeftUp) }); pool.Add(Keys.E, () => new HommCommand { Movement = new HexMovement(Direction.RightUp) }); pool.Add(Keys.Space, () => new HommCommand { HireOrder = new HireOrder(5) }); pool.Add(Keys.X, () => new HommCommand { WaitInGarrison = new Dictionary <UnitType, int> { { UnitType.Militia, 5 } } }); } else if (controllerId == TwoPlayersId.Right) { pool.Add(Keys.I, () => new HommCommand { Movement = new HexMovement(Direction.Up) }); pool.Add(Keys.K, () => new HommCommand { Movement = new HexMovement(Direction.Down) }); pool.Add(Keys.J, () => new HommCommand { Movement = new HexMovement(Direction.LeftDown) }); pool.Add(Keys.L, () => new HommCommand { Movement = new HexMovement(Direction.RightDown) }); pool.Add(Keys.U, () => new HommCommand { Movement = new HexMovement(Direction.LeftUp) }); pool.Add(Keys.O, () => new HommCommand { Movement = new HexMovement(Direction.RightUp) }); pool.Add(Keys.Enter, () => new HommCommand { HireOrder = new HireOrder(5) }); pool.Add(Keys.M, () => new HommCommand { WaitInGarrison = new Dictionary <UnitType, int> { { UnitType.Militia, 5 } } }); } pool.StopCommand = () => new HommCommand { Movement = new HexMovement(waitDuration: 0.1) }; }
public HookUnit(IActor actor) { = Compatibility.Check <IHookRobot>(this, actor); rules = Compatibility.Check <IHookRules>(this, actor.Rules); hook = new Hook(, rules); }
public WardUnit(IActor actor) { = Compatibility.Check <IWardRobot>(this, actor); }
public DaggerUnit(IActor actor) { = Compatibility.Check <IDaggerRobot>(this, actor); }