Exemple #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the Grunt class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="commType">Possible values include: 'HTTP',
 /// 'SMB'</param>
 /// <param name="dotNetFrameworkVersion">Possible values include:
 /// 'Net40', 'Net35', 'NetCore21'</param>
 /// <param name="status">Possible values include: 'Uninitialized',
 /// 'Stage0', 'Stage1', 'Stage2', 'Active', 'Lost', 'Killed',
 /// 'Disconnected'</param>
 /// <param name="integrity">Possible values include: 'Untrusted',
 /// 'Low', 'Medium', 'High', 'System'</param>
 public Grunt(int?id = default(int?), string name = default(string), string originalServerGuid = default(string), string guid = default(string), IList <string> children = default(IList <string>), CommunicationType?commType = default(CommunicationType?), bool?validateCert = default(bool?), bool?useCertPinning = default(bool?), string smbPipeName = default(string), int?listenerId = default(int?), string covenantIPAddress = default(string), int?delay = default(int?), int?jitterPercent = default(int?), int?connectAttempts = default(int?), System.DateTime?killDate = default(System.DateTime?), DotNetVersion?dotNetFrameworkVersion = default(DotNetVersion?), GruntStatus?status = default(GruntStatus?), IntegrityLevel?integrity = default(IntegrityLevel?), string process = default(string), string userDomainName = default(string), string userName = default(string), string ipAddress = default(string), string hostname = default(string), string operatingSystem = default(string), string gruntSharedSecretPassword = default(string), string gruntRSAPublicKey = default(string), string gruntNegotiatedSessionKey = default(string), string gruntChallenge = default(string), string cookieAuthKey = default(string), System.DateTime?activationTime = default(System.DateTime?), System.DateTime?lastCheckIn = default(System.DateTime?))
     Id   = id;
     Name = name;
     OriginalServerGuid = originalServerGuid;
     Guid                      = guid;
     Children                  = children;
     CommType                  = commType;
     ValidateCert              = validateCert;
     UseCertPinning            = useCertPinning;
     SmbPipeName               = smbPipeName;
     ListenerId                = listenerId;
     CovenantIPAddress         = covenantIPAddress;
     Delay                     = delay;
     JitterPercent             = jitterPercent;
     ConnectAttempts           = connectAttempts;
     KillDate                  = killDate;
     DotNetFrameworkVersion    = dotNetFrameworkVersion;
     Status                    = status;
     Integrity                 = integrity;
     Process                   = process;
     UserDomainName            = userDomainName;
     UserName                  = userName;
     IpAddress                 = ipAddress;
     Hostname                  = hostname;
     OperatingSystem           = operatingSystem;
     GruntSharedSecretPassword = gruntSharedSecretPassword;
     GruntRSAPublicKey         = gruntRSAPublicKey;
     GruntNegotiatedSessionKey = gruntNegotiatedSessionKey;
     GruntChallenge            = gruntChallenge;
     CookieAuthKey             = cookieAuthKey;
     ActivationTime            = activationTime;
     LastCheckIn               = lastCheckIn;
Exemple #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the Regsvr32Launcher class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="scriptLanguage">Possible values include: 'JScript',
 /// 'VBScript'</param>
 /// <param name="dotNetFrameworkVersion">Possible values include:
 /// 'Net40', 'Net35', 'NetCore21'</param>
 /// <param name="type">Possible values include: 'Wmic', 'Regsvr32',
 /// 'Mshta', 'Cscript', 'Wscript', 'PowerShell', 'Binary', 'MSBuild',
 /// 'InstallUtil'</param>
 /// <param name="commType">Possible values include: 'HTTP',
 /// 'SMB'</param>
 public Regsvr32Launcher(string parameterString = default(string), string dllName = default(string), ScriptingLanguage?scriptLanguage = default(ScriptingLanguage?), string progId = default(string), string diskCode = default(string), int?id = default(int?), int?listenerId = default(int?), DotNetVersion?dotNetFrameworkVersion = default(DotNetVersion?), LauncherType?type = default(LauncherType?), string name = default(string), string description = default(string), CommunicationType?commType = default(CommunicationType?), bool?validateCert = default(bool?), bool?useCertPinning = default(bool?), string smbPipeName = default(string), int?delay = default(int?), int?jitterPercent = default(int?), int?connectAttempts = default(int?), System.DateTime?killDate = default(System.DateTime?), string launcherString = default(string), string stagerCode = default(string), string base64ILByteString = default(string))
     ParameterString = parameterString;
     DllName         = dllName;
     ScriptLanguage  = scriptLanguage;
     ProgId          = progId;
     DiskCode        = diskCode;
     Id                     = id;
     ListenerId             = listenerId;
     DotNetFrameworkVersion = dotNetFrameworkVersion;
     Type                   = type;
     Name                   = name;
     Description            = description;
     CommType               = commType;
     ValidateCert           = validateCert;
     UseCertPinning         = useCertPinning;
     SmbPipeName            = smbPipeName;
     Delay                  = delay;
     JitterPercent          = jitterPercent;
     ConnectAttempts        = connectAttempts;
     KillDate               = killDate;
     LauncherString         = launcherString;
     StagerCode             = stagerCode;
     Base64ILByteString     = base64ILByteString;
Exemple #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the ImplantTemplate class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="language">Possible values include: 'CSharp'</param>
 /// <param name="commType">Possible values include: 'HTTP',
 /// 'SMB'</param>
 public ImplantTemplate(int?id = default(int?), string name = default(string), string description = default(string), ImplantLanguage?language = default(ImplantLanguage?), CommunicationType?commType = default(CommunicationType?), string stagerCode = default(string), string executorCode = default(string))
     Id           = id;
     Name         = name;
     Description  = description;
     Language     = language;
     CommType     = commType;
     StagerCode   = stagerCode;
     ExecutorCode = executorCode;
Exemple #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the ImplantTemplate class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="language">Possible values include: 'CSharp'</param>
 /// <param name="commType">Possible values include: 'HTTP', 'SMB',
 /// 'Bridge'</param>
 /// <param name="implantDirection">Possible values include: 'Push',
 /// 'Pull'</param>
 public ImplantTemplate(int?id = default(int?), string name = default(string), string description = default(string), ImplantLanguage?language = default(ImplantLanguage?), CommunicationType?commType = default(CommunicationType?), ImplantDirection?implantDirection = default(ImplantDirection?), IList <ListenerType> compatibleListenerTypes = default(IList <ListenerType>), string stagerCode = default(string), string executorCode = default(string))
     Id                      = id;
     Name                    = name;
     Description             = description;
     Language                = language;
     CommType                = commType;
     ImplantDirection        = implantDirection;
     CompatibleListenerTypes = compatibleListenerTypes;
     StagerCode              = stagerCode;
     ExecutorCode            = executorCode;
Exemple #5
        public static Communication CreateAFakeCommunication(CommunicationType?communicationType = CommunicationType.Mobile)
            if (communicationType == null ||
                communicationType == CommunicationType.Unknown)
                var index = GetRandom.Int(1, Enum.GetValues(typeof(CommunicationType)).Length - 1);
                communicationType = (CommunicationType)Enum.GetValues(typeof(CommunicationType))

            return(Builder <Communication> .CreateNew()
                   .With(x => x.CommunicationType, communicationType.Value)
Exemple #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the PowerShellLauncher class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dotNetFrameworkVersion">Possible values include:
 /// 'Net40', 'Net35', 'NetCore21'</param>
 /// <param name="type">Possible values include: 'Wmic', 'Regsvr32',
 /// 'Mshta', 'Cscript', 'Wscript', 'PowerShell', 'Binary', 'MSBuild',
 /// 'InstallUtil'</param>
 /// <param name="commType">Possible values include: 'HTTP',
 /// 'SMB'</param>
 public PowerShellLauncher(string parameterString = default(string), string powerShellCode = default(string), string encodedLauncherString = default(string), int?id = default(int?), int?listenerId = default(int?), string name = default(string), string description = default(string), DotNetVersion?dotNetFrameworkVersion = default(DotNetVersion?), LauncherType?type = default(LauncherType?), CommunicationType?commType = default(CommunicationType?), bool?validateCert = default(bool?), bool?useCertPinning = default(bool?), string smbPipeName = default(string), int?delay = default(int?), int?jitterPercent = default(int?), int?connectAttempts = default(int?), System.DateTime?killDate = default(System.DateTime?), string launcherString = default(string), string stagerCode = default(string), string base64ILByteString = default(string))
     ParameterString       = parameterString;
     PowerShellCode        = powerShellCode;
     EncodedLauncherString = encodedLauncherString;
     Id                     = id;
     ListenerId             = listenerId;
     Name                   = name;
     Description            = description;
     DotNetFrameworkVersion = dotNetFrameworkVersion;
     Type                   = type;
     CommType               = commType;
     ValidateCert           = validateCert;
     UseCertPinning         = useCertPinning;
     SmbPipeName            = smbPipeName;
     Delay                  = delay;
     JitterPercent          = jitterPercent;
     ConnectAttempts        = connectAttempts;
     KillDate               = killDate;
     LauncherString         = launcherString;
     StagerCode             = stagerCode;
     Base64ILByteString     = base64ILByteString;
Exemple #7
 internal static string ToSerializedValue(this CommunicationType?value)
     return(value == null ? null : ((CommunicationType)value).ToSerializedValue());