private IEnumerable <CommunicationToken> GetMessageTokens(CommunicationRequest communicationRequest) { return(communicationRequest.Tokens .Where(token => token.Key != CommunicationTokens.RecipientEmailAddress && token.Key != CommunicationTokens.CandidateMobileNumber)); }
public static CommunicationRequest GetCommunicationMessage(Candidate candidate, List <ExpiringApprenticeshipApplicationDraft> candidateDailyDigest) { var communicationMessage = new CommunicationRequest { EntityId = candidate.EntityId, MessageType = MessageTypes.DailyDigest }; var commTokens = new List <CommunicationToken> { new CommunicationToken(CommunicationTokens.CandidateFirstName, candidate.RegistrationDetails.FirstName), new CommunicationToken(CommunicationTokens.RecipientEmailAddress, candidate.RegistrationDetails.EmailAddress), new CommunicationToken(CommunicationTokens.CandidateMobileNumber, candidate.RegistrationDetails.PhoneNumber), new CommunicationToken(CommunicationTokens.ExpiringDraftsCount, candidateDailyDigest.Count().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) }; //todo: for review. consider dealing with raw data here, not custom serialisation var drafts = string.Join("~", candidateDailyDigest .OrderBy(p => p.ClosingDate) .Select(d => string.Join("|", d.VacancyId, WebUtility.UrlEncode(d.Title), WebUtility.UrlEncode(d.EmployerName), d.ClosingDate.ToLongDateString()))); commTokens.Add(new CommunicationToken(CommunicationTokens.ExpiringDrafts, drafts)); communicationMessage.Tokens = commTokens; return(communicationMessage); }
private IEnumerable <CommunicationMessage> GenerateCommunicationMessages( CommunicationRequest request, string originatingService, List <CommunicationDataItem> dataItems, IEnumerable <Participant> filteredParticipants) { var messages = filteredParticipants.SelectMany(p => { var channels = p.Preferences.Channels.ToDeliveryChannels(); return(channels.Select(channel => new CommunicationMessage { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), RequestDateTime = request.RequestDateTime, ParticipantsResolverName = request.ParticipantsResolverName, OriginatingServiceName = originatingService, Recipient = p.User, DataItems = dataItems, RequestType = request.RequestType, Channel = channel, Frequency = p.Preferences.Frequency, Status = CommunicationMessageStatus.Pending } )); }); return(messages.ToArray()); }
public async Task <IEnumerable <CommunicationUser> > GetParticipantsAsync(CommunicationRequest request) { _logger.LogDebug($"Resolving participants for RequestType: '{request.RequestType}'"); var entityId = request.Entities.Single(e => e.EntityType == CommunicationConstants.EntityTypes.Vacancy).EntityId.ToString(); if (long.TryParse(entityId, out var vacancyReference) == false) { return(Array.Empty <CommunicationUser>()); } var vacancy = await _vacancyRepository.GetVacancyAsync(vacancyReference); List <User> users = null; if (vacancy.OwnerType == OwnerType.Employer) { users = await _userRepository.GetEmployerUsersAsync(vacancy.EmployerAccountId); } else { users = await _userRepository.GetProviderUsersAsync(vacancy.TrainingProvider.Ukprn.GetValueOrDefault()); } var primaryUserIdamsId = vacancy.Status == VacancyStatus.Rejected ? vacancy.ReviewByUser?.UserId : vacancy.SubmittedByUser?.UserId; return(ParticipantResolverPluginHelper.ConvertToCommunicationUsers(users, primaryUserIdamsId)); }
public void Request(CommunicationRequest parameter) { Thread t = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(AsyncRequest)); parameter.threadId = t.ManagedThreadId; t.Start(parameter); }
protected override void HandleSmsMessage(Candidate candidate, CommunicationRequest communicationRequest) { var mobileNumber = communicationRequest.GetToken(CommunicationTokens.CandidateMobileNumber); HandleExpiringDraftSmsMessages(candidate, mobileNumber, communicationRequest); HandleApplicationStatusAlertSmsMessages(candidate, mobileNumber, communicationRequest); }
/// <summary> /// Deserialize JSON into a FHIR CommunicationRequest /// </summary> public static void DeserializeJson(this CommunicationRequest current, ref Utf8JsonReader reader, JsonSerializerOptions options) { string propertyName; while (reader.Read()) { if (reader.TokenType == JsonTokenType.EndObject) { return; } if (reader.TokenType == JsonTokenType.PropertyName) { propertyName = reader.GetString(); if (Hl7.Fhir.Serialization.FhirSerializerOptions.Debug) { Console.WriteLine($"CommunicationRequest >>> CommunicationRequest.{propertyName}, depth: {reader.CurrentDepth}, pos: {reader.BytesConsumed}"); } reader.Read(); current.DeserializeJsonProperty(ref reader, options, propertyName); } } throw new JsonException($"CommunicationRequest: invalid state! depth: {reader.CurrentDepth}, pos: {reader.BytesConsumed}"); }
private static string BuildRequestBody(CommunicationRequest communicationRequest) { var serializer = new FhirJsonSerializer(); var json = serializer.SerializeToString(communicationRequest); return(json); }
public async Task <IEnumerable <CommunicationMessage> > CreateMessagesAsync(CommunicationRequest request) { _logger.LogInformation($"Starting to create messages for request id: '{request.RequestId}' of type: '{request.RequestType}'"); var recipientsTask = GetPotentialRecipientsAsync(request); var dataItemsTask = GetEntityDataItemsAsync(request); await Task.WhenAll(recipientsTask, dataItemsTask); var recipients = recipientsTask.Result; var dataItems = dataItemsTask.Result; _logger.LogInformation($"{dataItems.Count} data items found for request id: '{request.RequestId}'"); var participants = await GetPreferencesForParticipantsAsync(request.RequestType, recipients); _logger.LogInformation($"Retrieved {participants.Count()} participants for request id: '{request.RequestId}'"); var optedInParticipants = GetOptedInParticipants(participants); _logger.LogInformation($"{optedInParticipants.Count()} participants have opted in for request id: '{request.RequestId}'"); var messages = GenerateCommunicationMessages(request, request.TemplateProviderName, dataItems, optedInParticipants); _logger.LogInformation($"{messages.Count()} messages generated for request id: '{request.RequestId}'"); await SetMessageTemplateIdsAsync(messages); return(messages); }
private void AddCommonTokens(CommunicationRequest communicationRequest) { var tokens = communicationRequest.Tokens.ToList(); AddCandidateSiteDomainNameToken(tokens); communicationRequest.Tokens = tokens; }
private static Guid GetCandidateId(CommunicationRequest communicationRequest) { if (!communicationRequest.EntityId.HasValue) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Candidate Id is null."); } return(communicationRequest.EntityId.Value); }
public override bool CanHandle(CommunicationRequest communicationRequest) { var messageTypes = new[] { MessageTypes.SendEmployerApplicationLinks }; return(messageTypes.Contains(communicationRequest.MessageType)); }
public override CommunicationResponse Request(CommunicationRequest parameter) { CommunicationResponse response = new CommunicationResponse(); try { string requestUrl = parameter.GetURL(); HttpWebRequest request = HttpWebRequest.Create(requestUrl) as HttpWebRequest; request.Accept = "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8"; request.ContentType = "application/x-AsyncWebClient"; request.Method = parameter.methodName; request.KeepAlive = false; request.ContentLength = parameter.dataLength; request.UserAgent = this.userAgent.Create(); request.Timeout = HttpCommunicationClient.TIME_OUT; if (parameter.methodName.Equals("POST")) { Stream streamRequest = request.GetRequestStream(); using (BinaryWriter byteWriter = new BinaryWriter(streamRequest)) { byteWriter.Write(parameter.GetQueryString()); byteWriter.Flush(); byteWriter.Close(); } } using (System.Net.HttpWebResponse webresponse = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse()) { using (System.IO.Stream stream = webresponse.GetResponseStream()) { if (Regex.IsMatch(requestUrl, @"(\.html$|\.js$|\.xml|\.css|\.txt$)")) { using (System.IO.StreamReader reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(stream, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8)) { string text = reader.ReadToEnd(); = text; reader.Close(); } } else { using (System.IO.BinaryReader reader = new System.IO.BinaryReader(stream)) { = reader.ReadBytes(1024 * 1000 * 10); reader.Close(); } } stream.Close(); } webresponse.Close(); } response.status = CommunicationResponse.ResponseStatus.SUCCESS; response.request = parameter; return(response); } catch (WebException we) { = null; response.status = CommunicationResponse.ResponseStatus.FAILD; response.request = parameter; response.message = we.Message; Debug.LogError(we.Message); } return(response); }
public override bool CanHandle(CommunicationRequest communicationRequest) { var messageTypes = new[] { MessageTypes.SendProviderUserEmailVerificationCode, MessageTypes.ProviderContactUsMessage }; return messageTypes.Contains(communicationRequest.MessageType); }
public override async Task GetAllStream( CommunicationRequest request, IServerStreamWriter <CommunicationModel> responseStream, ServerCallContext context) { foreach (var model in mockModel) { await responseStream.WriteAsync(model); } }
public VacancyReferredDomainEventHandlerTests() { _mockCommunicationQueueService = new Mock <ICommunicationQueueService>(); _mockCommunicationQueueService.Setup(x => x.AddMessageAsync(It.IsAny <CommunicationRequest>())) .Returns(Task.CompletedTask) .Callback <CommunicationRequest>(cr => _sentCommRequest = cr); _sut = new VacancyReferredDomainEventHandler(Mock.Of <ILogger <VacancyReferredDomainEventHandler> >(), _mockCommunicationQueueService.Object); }
public override CommunicationResponse Request(CommunicationRequest parameter) { CommunicationResponse response = new CommunicationResponse(); Random random = new System.Random(); int sleepTime = random.Next(500, 4000); Thread.Sleep(sleepTime); response.request = parameter; return(response); }
public void Send(Guid?userId, MessageTypes messageType, IEnumerable <CommunicationToken> tokens) { var request = new CommunicationRequest { EntityId = userId, MessageType = messageType, Tokens = tokens }; _messageBus.PublishMessage(request); }
private void HandleApplicationStatusAlertSmsMessages( Candidate candidate, string mobileNumber, CommunicationRequest communicationRequest) { var applicationStatusAlertsJson = communicationRequest.GetToken(CommunicationTokens.ApplicationStatusAlerts); var applicationStatusAlerts = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(applicationStatusAlertsJson) ? new List <ApplicationStatusAlert>() : JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <ApplicationStatusAlert> >(applicationStatusAlertsJson); QueueApplicationStatusAlertSmsMessages(candidate, mobileNumber, applicationStatusAlerts); }
private Task <IEnumerable <CommunicationUser> > GetPotentialRecipientsAsync(CommunicationRequest request) { if (!_participantResolvers.ContainsKey(request.ParticipantsResolverName)) { throw new UnknownRecipientResolverTypeException($"Unable to resolve recipient resolver named '{request.ParticipantsResolverName}'"); } var resolver = _participantResolvers[request.ParticipantsResolverName]; return(resolver.GetParticipantsAsync(request)); }
public override Task <CommunicationResponse> GetAllChannels(CommunicationRequest request, ServerCallContext context) { var model = new CommunicationResponse(); model.Response.AddRange(mockModel); model.Total = mockModel.Count; context.Status = new Status(StatusCode.OK, $"ok"); return(Task.FromResult(model)); }
private CommunicationRequest GetVacancyWithdrawnByQaCommunicationRequest(long vacancyReference) { var communicationRequest = new CommunicationRequest( CommunicationConstants.RequestType.VacancyWithdrawnByQa, CommunicationConstants.ParticipantResolverNames.VacancyParticipantsResolverName, CommunicationConstants.ServiceName); communicationRequest.AddEntity(CommunicationConstants.EntityTypes.Vacancy, vacancyReference); communicationRequest.AddEntity(CommunicationConstants.EntityTypes.ApprenticeshipServiceUrl, vacancyReference); return(communicationRequest); }
private Task RequestProviderCommunicationAsync(long ukprn) { var communicationRequest = new CommunicationRequest( CommunicationConstants.RequestType.ProviderBlockedProviderNotification, CommunicationConstants.ParticipantResolverNames.ProviderParticipantsResolverName, CommunicationConstants.ServiceName); communicationRequest.AddEntity(CommunicationConstants.EntityTypes.Provider, ukprn); communicationRequest.AddEntity(CommunicationConstants.EntityTypes.ApprenticeshipServiceConfig, null); return(_communicationQueueService.AddMessageAsync(communicationRequest)); }
public async Task GetAllStreams(CommunicationRequest request) { using (var call = _communicationGrpcClient.GetAllStream(request)) { while (await call.ResponseStream.MoveNext()) { var currentDummyGrpc = call.ResponseStream.Current; Console.WriteLine($"{ currentDummyGrpc.ChannelId }: { currentDummyGrpc.Channel }"); } } }
protected void SendSmsMessage(CommunicationRequest message) { var toMobile = message.Tokens.First(t => t.Key == CommunicationTokens.CandidateMobileNumber).Value; var request = new SmsRequest { ToNumber = toMobile, MessageType = message.MessageType, Tokens = GetMessageTokens(message), }; _messageBus.PublishMessage(request); }
protected void SendEmailMessage(CommunicationRequest message) { var toEmail = message.Tokens.First(t => t.Key == CommunicationTokens.RecipientEmailAddress).Value; var request = new EmailRequest { ToEmail = toEmail, MessageType = message.MessageType, Tokens = GetMessageTokens(message), }; _messageBus.PublishMessage(request); }
protected virtual void HandleSmsMessage(Candidate candidate, CommunicationRequest communicationRequest) { var sendMessage = candidate.ShouldSendMessageViaChannel(CommunicationChannels.Sms, communicationRequest.MessageType); LogSendMessageResult(sendMessage, CommunicationChannels.Sms, candidate, communicationRequest); if (sendMessage) { AddCommonTokens(communicationRequest); QueueSmsMessage(communicationRequest); } }
private CommunicationRequest GetRejectedVacancyCommunicationRequest(long vacancyReference, long?providerUkprn) { var communicationRequest = new CommunicationRequest( CommunicationConstants.RequestType.VacancyRejectedByEmployer, CommunicationConstants.ParticipantResolverNames.VacancyParticipantsResolverName, CommunicationConstants.ServiceName); communicationRequest.AddEntity(CommunicationConstants.EntityTypes.Vacancy, vacancyReference); communicationRequest.AddEntity(CommunicationConstants.EntityTypes.ApprenticeshipServiceUrl, vacancyReference); communicationRequest.AddEntity(CommunicationConstants.EntityTypes.Provider, providerUkprn); return(communicationRequest); }
public void Send(MessageTypes messageType, IEnumerable <CommunicationToken> tokens) { var request = new CommunicationRequest { //TODO: Might be an issue nulling this EntityId = null, MessageType = messageType, Tokens = tokens }; _serviceBus.PublishMessage(request); }
public static CommunicationRequest GetProviderBlockedEmployerNotificationForLiveVacanciesRequest(long ukprn, string employerAccountId) { var communicationRequest = new CommunicationRequest( CommunicationConstants.RequestType.ProviderBlockedEmployerNotificationForLiveVacancies, CommunicationConstants.ParticipantResolverNames.EmployerParticipantsResolverName, CommunicationConstants.ServiceName); communicationRequest.AddEntity(CommunicationConstants.EntityTypes.Provider, ukprn); communicationRequest.AddEntity(CommunicationConstants.EntityTypes.Employer, employerAccountId); communicationRequest.AddEntity(CommunicationConstants.EntityTypes.ApprenticeshipServiceConfig, null); return(communicationRequest); }
public udp_req_cpacket(CommunicationRequest request, Mode connectionMode = Mode.Unspecified, int port = -1) { this.ConnectionMode = connectionMode; this.Request = request; this.port = port; }
/// <summary> /// Enqueue communication request and wait for reply. /// </summary> /// /// <param name="request">Array of bytes (command) to send to SRV-1 Blackfin robot/camera.</param> /// <param name="responseBuffer">Buffer to read response into.</param> /// /// <returns>Returns total bytes read into the response buffer.</returns> /// /// <remarks><para>The method puts specified command into communication queue and waits until /// the command is sent to SRV-1 Blackfin robot and reply is received.</para> /// /// <para><note>If SRV-1 responds with more data than response buffer can fit, then /// the response buffer will take all the data it can store, but the rest of response /// will be discarded. The only exception is image request - if response buffer is too /// small to fit image response, then <see cref="IndexOutOfRangeException"/> exception /// is thrown. It is user's responsibility to provide response buffer of the correct /// size. Check definition of the <a href="">SRV-1 /// Control Protocol</a> for information about supported commands and responses.</note></para> /// </remarks> /// /// <exception cref="NotConnectedException">Not connected to SRV-1.</exception> /// <exception cref="ConnectionLostException">Connection lost or communicaton failure.</exception> /// <exception cref="IndexOutOfRangeException">Response buffer is too small.</exception> /// public int SendAndReceive( byte[] request, byte[] responseBuffer ) { lock ( sync ) { if ( socket == null ) { // handle error throw new NotConnectedException( "Not connected to SRV-1." ); } lock ( communicationQueue ) { communicationQueue.Enqueue( new CommunicationRequest( request, responseBuffer ) ); } requestIsAvailable.Set( ); // waiting for reply replyIsAvailable.WaitOne( ); // no reply since we got disconnect request from user - background thread is exiting if ( lastRequestWithReply == null ) return 0; // get number of bytes read int bytesRead = lastRequestWithReply.BytesRead; // clean the last reply lastRequestWithReply = null; if ( bytesRead == -1 ) { // handle error throw new ConnectionLostException( "Connection lost or communicaton failure." ); } if ( bytesRead == -2 ) { // handle error throw new IndexOutOfRangeException( "Response buffer is too small." ); } return bytesRead; } }
// Communication thread private void CommunicationThread( ) { bool lastRequestFailed = false; while ( !stopEvent.WaitOne( 0, false ) ) { // wait for any request requestIsAvailable.WaitOne( ); while ( !stopEvent.WaitOne( 0, false ) ) { // get next communication request from queue CommunicationRequest cr = null; lock ( communicationQueue ) { if ( communicationQueue.Count == 0 ) break; cr = communicationQueue.Dequeue( ); } try { // try to reconnect if we had communication issues on the last request if ( lastRequestFailed ) { Reconnect( ); lastRequestFailed = false; } if ( cr.Request[0] != (byte) 'I' ) { // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( ">> " + // System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString( cr.Request ) ); } // send request socket.Send( cr.Request ); // read response if ( cr.ResponseBuffer != null ) { int bytesToRead = Math.Min( readSize, cr.ResponseBuffer.Length ); // receive first portion cr.BytesRead = socket.Receive( cr.ResponseBuffer, 0, bytesToRead, SocketFlags.None ); // check if response contains image if ( ( cr.BytesRead > 10 ) && ( cr.ResponseBuffer[0] == (byte) '#' ) && ( cr.ResponseBuffer[1] == (byte) '#' ) && ( cr.ResponseBuffer[2] == (byte) 'I' ) && ( cr.ResponseBuffer[3] == (byte) 'M' ) && ( cr.ResponseBuffer[4] == (byte) 'J' ) ) { // extract image size int imageSize = System.BitConverter.ToInt32( cr.ResponseBuffer, 6 ); bytesToRead = imageSize + 10 - cr.BytesRead; if ( bytesToRead > cr.ResponseBuffer.Length - cr.BytesRead ) { // response buffer is too small throw new IndexOutOfRangeException( ); } // read the rest while ( !stopEvent.WaitOne( 0, false ) ) { int read = socket.Receive( cr.ResponseBuffer, cr.BytesRead, Math.Min( readSize, bytesToRead ), SocketFlags.None ); cr.BytesRead += read; bytesToRead -= read; if ( bytesToRead == 0 ) break; } } else { // commenting check for new line presence, because not all replies // which start with '##' have new line in the end. // this SRV-1 text based protocol drives me crazy. /* if ( ( cr.BytesRead >= 2 ) && ( cr.ResponseBuffer[0] == (byte) '#' ) && ( cr.ResponseBuffer[1] == (byte) '#' ) ) { int bytesChecked = 2; while ( cr.BytesRead != cr.ResponseBuffer.Length ) { // ensure we got end of line for variable length replies bool endLineWasFound = false; for ( int n = cr.BytesRead - 1; bytesChecked < n; bytesChecked++ ) { if ( ( ( cr.ResponseBuffer[bytesChecked] == '\n' ) && ( cr.ResponseBuffer[bytesChecked + 1] == '\r' ) ) || ( ( cr.ResponseBuffer[bytesChecked] == '\r' ) && ( cr.ResponseBuffer[bytesChecked + 1] == '\n' ) ) ) { endLineWasFound = true; break; } } if ( ( endLineWasFound ) || stopEvent.WaitOne( 0, false ) ) break; // read more bytesToRead = Math.Min( readSize, cr.ResponseBuffer.Length - cr.BytesRead ); cr.BytesRead += socket.Receive( cr.ResponseBuffer, cr.BytesRead, bytesToRead, SocketFlags.None ); } } */ } // check if there is still something to read // because of small buffer given by user if ( socket.Available != 0 ) { DiscardIncomingData( socket, stopEvent ); } // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( "<< (" + cr.BytesRead + ") " + // System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString( cr.ResponseBuffer, 0, Math.Min( 5, cr.BytesRead ) ) ); } else { // read reply and throw it away, since nobody wants it DiscardIncomingData( socket, stopEvent ); } } catch ( IndexOutOfRangeException ) { cr.BytesRead = -2; // too small buffer } catch { if ( lastRequestFailed ) { // wait a bit if we have 2 consequent failures Thread.Sleep( 500 ); } lastRequestFailed = true; cr.BytesRead = -1; // communication failure } finally { // signal about available response to the waiting caller if ( ( stopEvent != null ) && ( !stopEvent.WaitOne( 0, false ) ) && ( cr.ResponseBuffer != null ) ) { lastRequestWithReply = cr; replyIsAvailable.Set( ); } } } } }