//  Protected methods for abstract classes and public methods for concrete classes to ensure proper roll up and no
        //  redundant execution.  Only leaves of the class diagram should have public methods and be called outside this class
        protected void ConsumeEnvVarsAndInterpretOptions(CommonOptionsBase commonOptionsBase)
            IEnumerable <OptionallyEmittedData> toInsertFromEnvVar =
                GetOptionEnumFromEnvVar <OptionallyEmittedData>(nameof(commonOptionsBase.DataToInsert));
            IEnumerable <OptionallyEmittedData> toRemoveFromEnvVar =
                GetOptionEnumFromEnvVar <OptionallyEmittedData>(nameof(commonOptionsBase.DataToRemove));

            commonOptionsBase.DataToInsert = NullCheckAndDistinctUnionLists(commonOptionsBase.DataToInsert, toInsertFromEnvVar);
            commonOptionsBase.DataToRemove = NullCheckAndDistinctUnionLists(commonOptionsBase.DataToRemove, toRemoveFromEnvVar);
Exemple #2
        public static IDictionary <string, Uri> ConstructUriBaseIdsDictionary(this CommonOptionsBase options)
            if (options.UriBaseIds == null)

            IDictionary <string, Uri> uriBaseIdsDictionary = new Dictionary <string, Uri>();

            foreach (string uriBaseId in options.UriBaseIds)
                string[] tokens = uriBaseId.Split('=');
                string   key    = tokens[0];
                Uri      value  = new Uri(tokens[1], UriKind.Absolute);
                uriBaseIdsDictionary[key] = value;

Exemple #3
        public static IDictionary<string, ArtifactLocation> ConstructUriBaseIdsDictionary(this CommonOptionsBase options)
            if (options.UriBaseIds == null || options.UriBaseIds.Count() == 0) { return null; }

            var uriBaseIdsDictionary = new Dictionary<string, ArtifactLocation>();

            foreach (string uriBaseId in options.UriBaseIds)
                string[] tokens = uriBaseId.Split('=');
                string key = tokens[0];

                string uriToken = tokens[1];

                Uri value = null;

                    value = new Uri(uriToken, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);

                    if (!value.IsAbsoluteUri)
                        value = null;

                        // Command-line tools may be required to provide relative paths for 
                        // various operations. We will help resolve these to absolute paths
                        // where we can.

                            uriToken = Path.GetFullPath(uriToken);
                            Uri.TryCreate(uriToken, UriKind.Absolute, out value);
                        catch (ArgumentException) { } // illegal file path characters throw this
                        catch (PathTooLongException) { }
                catch (UriFormatException) { }

                if (value == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not construct absolute URI from specified value: " + tokens[1]);

                uriBaseIdsDictionary[key] = new ArtifactLocation { Uri = value };

            return uriBaseIdsDictionary;