private void CreateAdditionalPurchaseOrderType() { string message = string.Empty; List <int> OrderIds = new List <int>(); bool accountDebitStatus = false; onlinemforderVo.SchemePlanCode = Int32.Parse(ddlScheme.SelectedValue.ToString()); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtAmt.Text.ToString())) { onlinemforderVo.Amount = double.Parse(txtAmt.Text.ToString()); } else { onlinemforderVo.Amount = 0.0; } onlinemforderVo.FolioNumber = ddlFolio.SelectedValue; onlinemforderVo.DividendType = ddlDivType.SelectedValue; onlinemforderVo.TransactionType = "ABY"; float amt; float minAmt; float multiAmt; DateTime Dt; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtAmt.Text)) { amt = 0; } else { amt = float.Parse(txtAmt.Text); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lblMintxt.Text) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(lblMulti.Text) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(lbltime.Text)) { minAmt = 0; multiAmt = 0; Dt = DateTime.MinValue; } else { minAmt = float.Parse(lblMintxt.Text); multiAmt = float.Parse(lblMulti.Text); Dt = DateTime.Parse(lbltime.Text); } int retVal = commonLookupBo.IsRuleCorrect(amt, minAmt, amt, multiAmt, Dt); if (retVal != 0) { if (retVal == -1) { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.Page, this.GetType(), "pageloadscript", "alert('You should enter the amount in multiples of Subsequent amount');", true); return; } if (retVal == -2) { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.Page, this.GetType(), "pageloadscript", "alert('You have entered amount less than Minimum Initial amount allowed');", true); return; } } decimal availableBalance = onlineMforderBo.GetUserRMSAccountBalance(customerVo.AccountId); if (availableBalance >= Convert.ToDecimal(onlinemforderVo.Amount)) { //onlineMforderBo.CreateCustomerOnlineMFOrderDetails(onlinemforderVo, userVo.UserId, customerVo.CustomerId); //OrderIds = //OrderId = int.Parse(OrderIds[0].ToString()); OrderId = 0; if (OrderId != 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(customerVo.AccountId)) { accountDebitStatus = onlineMforderBo.DebitRMSUserAccountBalance(customerVo.AccountId, -onlinemforderVo.Amount, OrderId, out debitstatus); ShowAvailableLimits(); } } char msgType; message = CreateUserMessage(OrderId, accountDebitStatus, retVal == 1 ? true : false, out msgType); ShowMessage(message, msgType); PurchaseOrderControlsEnable(false); }
private void CreatePurchaseOrderType() { List <int> OrderIds = new List <int>(); bool accountDebitStatus = false; onlinemforderVo.SchemePlanCode = int.Parse(Session["MFSchemePlan"].ToString()); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtAmt.Text.ToString())) { onlinemforderVo.Amount = double.Parse(txtAmt.Text.ToString()); } else { onlinemforderVo.Amount = 0.0; } onlinemforderVo.DividendType = ddlDivType.SelectedValue; if (ddlFolio.SelectedValue != "New" && ddlFolio.SelectedValue != "0") { onlinemforderVo.TransactionType = "ABY"; onlinemforderVo.FolioNumber = ddlFolio.SelectedValue; } else { onlinemforderVo.TransactionType = "BUY"; } float amt; float minAmt; float multiAmt; DateTime Dt; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtAmt.Text)) { amt = 0; } else { amt = float.Parse(txtAmt.Text); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lblMintxt.Text) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(lblMulti.Text) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(lbltime.Text)) { minAmt = 0; multiAmt = 0; Dt = DateTime.MinValue; } else { minAmt = float.Parse(lblMintxt.Text); multiAmt = float.Parse(lblMulti.Text); Dt = DateTime.Parse(lbltime.Text); } int retVal = commonLookupBo.IsRuleCorrect(amt, minAmt, amt, multiAmt, Dt); if (retVal != 0) { if (retVal == -2) { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.Page, this.GetType(), "pageloadscript", "alert('You have entered amount less than Minimum Initial amount allowed');", true); return; } if (retVal == -1) { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.Page, this.GetType(), "pageloadscript", "alert('You should enter the amount in multiples of Subsequent amount ');", true); return; } } decimal availableBalance = onlineMforderBo.GetUserRMSAccountBalance(customerVo.AccountId); //string message = string.Empty; //if (availableBalance >= Convert.ToDecimal(onlinemforderVo.Amount)) //{ // OrderIds = onlineMforderBo.CreateCustomerOnlineMFOrderDetails(onlinemforderVo, userVo.UserId, customerVo.CustomerId, exchangeType); // OrderId = int.Parse(OrderIds[0].ToString()); // if (OrderId != 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(customerVo.AccountId)) // { // accountDebitStatus = onlineMforderBo.DebitRMSUserAccountBalance(customerVo.AccountId, -onlinemforderVo.Amount, OrderId); // ShowAvailableLimits(); // } //} //onlinemforderVo.BSESchemeCode = lblDemate.Text; string message = string.Empty; char msgType = 'F'; if (exchangeType == "Online") { onlinemforderVo.OrderType = 1; if (availableBalance >= Convert.ToDecimal(onlinemforderVo.Amount)) { OrderIds = onlineMforderBo.CreateCustomerOnlineMFOrderDetails(onlinemforderVo, (BackOfficeUserId != 0) ? BackOfficeUserId:userVo.UserId, customerVo.CustomerId); OrderId = int.Parse(OrderIds[0].ToString()); if (OrderId != 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(customerVo.AccountId)) { accountDebitStatus = onlineMforderBo.DebitRMSUserAccountBalance(customerVo.AccountId, -onlinemforderVo.Amount, OrderId, out debitstatus); ShowAvailableLimits(); } } message = CreateUserMessage(OrderId, accountDebitStatus, retVal == 1 ? true : false, out msgType); } else if (exchangeType == "Demat") { onlinemforderVo.OrderType = 0; DematAccountVo dematevo = new DematAccountVo(); BoDematAccount bo = new BoDematAccount(); dematevo = bo.GetCustomerActiveDematAccount(customerVo.CustomerId); onlinemforderVo.BSESchemeCode = lblDemate.Text; if (availableBalance >= Convert.ToDecimal(onlinemforderVo.Amount)) { OnlineMFOrderBo OnlineMFOrderBo = new OnlineMFOrderBo(); message = OnlineMFOrderBo.BSEorderEntryParam(userVo.UserId, customerVo.CustCode, onlinemforderVo, customerVo.CustomerId, dematevo.DepositoryName, out msgType); } else { message = "Order cannot be processed. Insufficient balance"; } } PurchaseOrderControlsEnable(false); ShowMessage(message, msgType); }