public DataTable GetFeatures(FeatureType featureType, IGeometry spatialConstraint) { DataTable table = null; string layerId = featureType == FeatureType.Selection ? _appState.SelectionLayer : _appState.TargetLayer; if (layerId.Length > 0) { Configuration config = AppContext.GetConfiguration(); Configuration.LayerRow layerRow = config.Layer.FindByLayerID(layerId); CommonDataFrame dataFrame = AppContext.GetDataFrame(_appState.MapTab); CommonLayer layer = dataFrame.Layers.FirstOrDefault(lyr => String.Compare(lyr.Name, layerRow.LayerName, true) == 0); string query = GetQuery(featureType, layerRow, layer); if (query != null) { CommonField keyField = layer.FindField(layerRow.KeyField); if (spatialConstraint == null) { table = layer.GetFeatureTable(String.Format("{0},{1}", layer.GeometryField.Name, keyField.Name), query); } else { table = layer.GetFeatureTable(String.Format("{0},{1}", layer.GeometryField.Name, keyField.Name), query, spatialConstraint); } } } return(table); }
public Envelope GetZoneExtent(string zone) { Envelope extent = new Envelope(); CommonDataFrame dataFrame = AppContext.GetDataFrame(this); foreach (Configuration.MapTabLayerRow mapTabLayer in GetMapTabLayerRows()) { Configuration.LayerRow layer = mapTabLayer.LayerRow; if (!layer.IsZoneFieldNull()) { CommonLayer commonLayer = dataFrame.Layers.First(o => o.Name == layer.LayerName); CommonField field = commonLayer.FindField(layer.ZoneField); string zoneValue = field.IsNumeric ? zone : String.Format("'{0}'", zone); extent = commonLayer.GetFeatureExtent(String.Format("{0} = {1}", field.Name, zoneValue)); if (!extent.IsNull) { break; } } } return(extent); }
public string GetLevelQuery(CommonLayer layer, string level) { string query = null; if (!IsLevelFieldNull() && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(level)) { CommonField field = layer.FindField(LevelField); query = String.Format("{0} = {1}", field.Name, field.IsNumeric ? level : String.Format("'{0}'", level)); } return(query); }
public string GetLevelQuery(CommonLayer layer, string level) { string query = null; if (!IsLevelFieldNull() && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(level)) { CommonField field = layer.FindField(LevelField); query = String.Format("{0} = {1}", field.Name, field.IsNumeric ? level : String.Format("'{0}'", level)); } return query; }
private string GetQuery(FeatureType featureType, Configuration.LayerRow layerRow, CommonLayer layer, bool inSet) { StringCollection ids = GetIds(featureType); if (ids.Count == 0) { return null; } CommonField keyField = layer.FindField(layerRow.KeyField); string joinedIds = keyField.IsNumeric ? ids.Join(",") : String.Format("'{0}'", ids.Join("','")); return String.Format("{0} {1} ({2})", keyField.Name, inSet ? "in" : "not in", joinedIds); }
private void DrawFeatures(Graphics graphics, string layerId, StringCollection ids, Color color, double opacity, string polygonMode, int penWidth, int dotSize) { if (ids.Count == 0) { return; } bool drawPolygonOutlines = polygonMode == "outline"; // get the layer Configuration config = AppContext.GetConfiguration(); Configuration.LayerRow layerRow = config.Layer.FindByLayerID(layerId); CommonDataFrame dataFrame = AppContext.GetDataFrame(_appState.MapTab); CommonLayer layer = dataFrame.Layers.FirstOrDefault(lyr => String.Compare(lyr.Name, layerRow.LayerName, true) == 0); // build the query string and select the features CommonField field = layer.FindField(layerRow.KeyField); string joinedIds = field.IsNumeric ? ids.Join(",") : String.Format("'{0}'", ids.Join("','")); string query = String.Format("{0} in ({1})", field.Name, joinedIds); string levelQuery = layerRow.GetLevelQuery(layer, _appState.Level); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(levelQuery)) { query += " and " + levelQuery; } CommonField keyField = layer.FindField(layerRow.KeyField); DataTable table = layer.GetFeatureTable(String.Format("{0},{1}", layer.GeometryField.Name, keyField.Name), query); if (table == null || table.Rows.Count == 0) { return; } OgcGeometryType geometryType = ((IGeometry)table.Rows[0][layer.GeometryField.Name]).OgcGeometryType; // prepare the temporary image for drawing transparent highlight graphics int width = Convert.ToInt32(graphics.VisibleClipBounds.Width); int height = Convert.ToInt32(graphics.VisibleClipBounds.Height); Bitmap bitMap = new Bitmap(width, height); Graphics imageGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitMap); imageGraphics.Clear(Color.Transparent); // prepare the drawing objects Brush brush = new SolidBrush(color); Pen pen = new Pen(color, Convert.ToSingle(penWidth * _resolution)); pen.EndCap = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LineCap.Square; pen.LineJoin = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LineJoin.Round; Pen bufferPen = new Pen(color, Convert.ToSingle(5 * _resolution)); bufferPen.EndCap = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LineCap.Round; bufferPen.LineJoin = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LineJoin.Round; float dot = Convert.ToSingle(dotSize * _resolution); // draw each shape in the table foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) { switch (geometryType) { case OgcGeometryType.Point: IPoint point = (IPoint)row[layer.GeometryField.Name]; DrawPoint(imageGraphics, point, brush, dot); break; case OgcGeometryType.MultiPoint: IMultiPoint multiPoint = (IMultiPoint)row[layer.GeometryField.Name]; DrawPoint(imageGraphics, (IPoint)multiPoint[0], brush, dot); break; case OgcGeometryType.MultiLineString: DrawMultiLineString(imageGraphics, (IMultiLineString)row[layer.GeometryField.Name], pen); break; case OgcGeometryType.MultiPolygon: if (drawPolygonOutlines) { DrawMultiPolygon(imageGraphics, (IMultiPolygon)row[layer.GeometryField.Name], null, null, pen); } else { DrawMultiPolygon(imageGraphics, (IMultiPolygon)row[layer.GeometryField.Name], brush, bufferPen); } break; } } // draw the temporary image containing the highlight graphics on the output image at // the specified opacity float[][] matrixItems = { new float[] { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, new float[] { 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 }, new float[] { 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 }, new float[] { 0, 0, 0, Convert.ToSingle(opacity), 0 }, new float[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 } }; ColorMatrix colorMatrix = new ColorMatrix(matrixItems); ImageAttributes imageAtts = new ImageAttributes(); imageAtts.SetColorMatrix(colorMatrix, ColorMatrixFlag.Default, ColorAdjustType.Bitmap); Rectangle drawRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height); graphics.DrawImage(bitMap, drawRect, 0, 0, width, height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAtts); }
private void DefaultMethod() { string v = Request.Form["visiblelayers"]; string[] visibleLayers = v == null ? new string[0] : v.Split('\u0001'); string level = Request.Form["level"]; double x = Convert.ToDouble(Request.Form["x"]); double y = Convert.ToDouble(Request.Form["y"]); double distance = Convert.ToDouble(Request.Form["distance"]); double scale = Convert.ToDouble(Request.Form["scale"]); Configuration config = AppContext.GetConfiguration(); Configuration.MapTabRow mapTab = config.MapTab.First(o => o.MapTabID == Request.Form["maptab"]); CommonDataFrame dataFrame = AppContext.GetDataFrame(mapTab); Dictionary <String, Configuration.LayerRow> layers = new Dictionary <String, Configuration.LayerRow>(); Dictionary <String, Configuration.LayerFunctionRow> layerFunctions = new Dictionary <String, Configuration.LayerFunctionRow>(); foreach (Configuration.MapTabLayerRow mapTabLayer in mapTab.GetMapTabLayerRows()) { bool isCandidateLayer = mapTab.IsInteractiveLegendNull() || mapTab.InteractiveLegend == 0; if (!isCandidateLayer) { bool shownInLegend = !mapTabLayer.IsShowInLegendNull() && mapTabLayer.ShowInLegend == 1; bool checkedInLegend = mapTabLayer.IsCheckInLegendNull() || mapTabLayer.CheckInLegend < 0 || visibleLayers.Any(o => o == mapTabLayer.LayerID); isCandidateLayer = !shownInLegend || checkedInLegend; } if (isCandidateLayer) { Configuration.LayerRow layer = mapTabLayer.LayerRow; Configuration.LayerFunctionRow layerFunction = layer.GetLayerFunctionRows().FirstOrDefault(o => o.FunctionName.ToLower() == "maptip"); if (layerFunction != null) { layers.Add(layer.LayerName, layer); layerFunctions.Add(layer.LayerName, layerFunction); } } } string tipText = null; for (int i = 0; i < dataFrame.Layers.Count - 1 && tipText == null; ++i) { CommonLayer commonLayer = dataFrame.Layers[i]; string id = null; if (layers.ContainsKey(commonLayer.Name) && commonLayer.IsWithinScaleThresholds(scale)) { if (commonLayer.Type == CommonLayerType.Feature) { Configuration.LayerRow layer = layers[commonLayer.Name]; string levelQuery = layer.GetLevelQuery(commonLayer, level); CommonField keyField = commonLayer.FindField(layer.KeyField); DataTable table = commonLayer.GetFeatureTable(keyField.Name, levelQuery, x, y, commonLayer.FeatureType == OgcGeometryType.MultiPolygon ? 0 : distance * scale); if (table != null && table.Rows.Count > 0) { id = table.Rows[table.Rows.Count - 1][0].ToString(); } } if (commonLayer.Type == CommonLayerType.Image) { id = ((AgsLayer)commonLayer).GetRasterValue(x, y); } } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { Configuration.LayerFunctionRow layerFunction = layerFunctions[commonLayer.Name]; using (OleDbCommand command = layerFunction.GetDatabaseCommand()) { command.Parameters[0].Value = id; if (command.Parameters.Count > 1) { command.Parameters[1].Value = AppUser.GetRole(); } using (OleDbDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader.Read()) { StringCollection text = new StringCollection(); for (int j = 0; j < reader.FieldCount; ++j) { if (!reader.IsDBNull(j)) { text.Add(reader.GetValue(j).ToString()); } } if (text.Count > 0) { tipText = text.Join("\n"); } } } command.Connection.Close(); } } } if (tipText == null) { ReturnJson(null); } else { Dictionary <String, Object> result = new Dictionary <String, Object>(); result.Add("tipText", tipText); ReturnJson(result); } }
private void SelectFeatures() { AppState appState = AppState.FromJson(Request.Form["state"]); bool updated = false; bool truncated = false; if (Request.Form["geo"] == null) { appState.SelectionManager.SelectTargets(); updated = true; } else { double[] geo = Request.Form["geo"].Split(',').Select(o => Convert.ToDouble(o)).ToArray(); CommonDataFrame dataFrame = AppContext.GetDataFrame(appState.MapTab); Configuration.LayerRow layer = Configuration.Layer.First(o => o.LayerID == (appState.Action == Action.Select ? appState.TargetLayer : appState.SelectionLayer)); CommonLayer commonLayer = dataFrame.Layers.FirstOrDefault(o => String.Compare(o.Name, layer.LayerName, true) == 0); CommonField keyField = commonLayer.FindField(layer.KeyField); string levelQuery = layer.GetLevelQuery(commonLayer, appState.Level); DataTable table = null; if (geo.Length == 4) { Envelope box = EnvelopeExtensions.FromArray(geo); if (!layer.IsMaxSelectionAreaNull() && layer.MaxSelectionArea > 0 && box.Width * box.Height > layer.MaxSelectionArea) { throw new AppException("The selection shape was too large; try again with a smaller shape"); } table = commonLayer.GetFeatureTable(keyField.Name, levelQuery, box.ToPolygon()); } else { table = commonLayer.GetFeatureTable(keyField.Name, levelQuery, geo[0], geo[1], geo[2]); } UpdateMode mode = (UpdateMode)Enum.Parse(typeof(UpdateMode), Request.Form["mode"], true); if (table != null && table.Rows.Count > 0) { if (appState.Action == Action.Select) { updated = UpdateIds(appState.TargetIds, table, mode); if (!layer.IsMaxNumberSelectedNull()) { truncated = appState.TargetIds.Truncate(layer.MaxNumberSelected); } if (mode != UpdateMode.Remove && table.Rows.Count == 1) { updated = UpdateActive(appState, table.Rows[0][0].ToString()) || updated; } } else { updated = UpdateIds(appState.SelectionIds, table, mode); if (!layer.IsMaxNumberSelectedNull()) { appState.SelectionIds.Truncate(layer.MaxNumberSelected); } if (updated) { truncated = appState.SelectionManager.SelectTargets(); } } } else if (mode == UpdateMode.New) { updated = appState.Action == Action.Select ? appState.TargetIds.Count > 0 : appState.SelectionIds.Count > 0; appState.TargetIds.Clear(); appState.SelectionIds.Clear(); appState.ActiveMapId = ""; appState.ActiveDataId = ""; } } if (!updated) { ReturnJson(null); } if (!appState.TargetIds.Contains(appState.ActiveMapId)) { appState.ActiveMapId = ""; appState.ActiveDataId = ""; } Dictionary <String, Object> state = new Dictionary <String, Object>(); state.Add("ActiveMapId", appState.ActiveMapId); state.Add("ActiveDataId", appState.ActiveDataId); state.Add("TargetIds", appState.TargetIds); state.Add("SelectionIds", appState.SelectionIds); Dictionary <String, Object> result = new Dictionary <String, Object>(); result.Add("state", state); result.Add("truncated", truncated); ReturnJson(result); }
public bool SelectTargets() { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_appState.TargetLayer) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(_appState.SelectionLayer)) { return(false); } _appState.TargetIds.Clear(); if (_appState.SelectionIds.Count == 0) { return(false); } Configuration config = AppContext.GetConfiguration(); Configuration.LayerRow targetLayerRow = config.Layer.FindByLayerID(_appState.TargetLayer); CommonDataFrame dataFrame = AppContext.GetDataFrame(_appState.MapTab); CommonLayer targetLayer = dataFrame.Layers.FirstOrDefault(lyr => String.Compare(lyr.Name, targetLayerRow.LayerName, true) == 0); CommonField keyField = targetLayer.FindField(targetLayerRow.KeyField); DataTable targetTable = null; string filter = ""; string sort = ""; bool truncated = false; IGeometry selectionShape; switch (_appState.Action) { case Action.FindAllWithin: Configuration.ProximityRow proximity = config.Proximity.FindByProximityID(_appState.Proximity); targetTable = GetFeatures(FeatureType.Selection); if (targetTable.Rows.Count > 0) { selectionShape = MergeShapes(targetTable); if (proximity.Distance > 0) { selectionShape = selectionShape.Buffer(proximity.Distance); } targetTable = targetLayer.GetFeatureTable(String.Format("{0},{1}", targetLayer.GeometryField.Name, keyField.Name), selectionShape); } break; case Action.FindNearest1: case Action.FindNearest2: case Action.FindNearest3: case Action.FindNearest4: case Action.FindNearest5: Envelope extent = config.Application.FindByApplicationID(_appState.Application).GetFullExtentEnvelope(); double minDist = targetLayerRow.IsMinNearestDistanceNull() ? 100 : targetLayerRow.MinNearestDistance; double maxDist = targetLayerRow.IsMaxNearestDistanceNull() ? Math.Max(extent.Width, extent.Height) : targetLayerRow.MaxNearestDistance; int count = Convert.ToInt32(Enum.GetName(typeof(Action), _appState.Action).Substring(11)); targetTable = GetFeatures(FeatureType.Selection); if (targetTable.Rows.Count > 0) { selectionShape = MergeShapes(targetTable); double distance = minDist; do { targetTable = targetLayer.GetFeatureTable(String.Format("{0},{1}", targetLayer.GeometryField.Name, keyField.Name), selectionShape.Buffer(distance)); distance *= 1.414213562; }while ((targetTable == null || targetTable.Rows.Count < count) && distance < maxDist); if (targetTable != null) { targetTable.Columns.Add("Distance", typeof(double)); targetTable.Columns.Add("Index", typeof(int)); filter = "Index <= " + count.ToString(); sort = "Index"; DataColumn targetShapeColumn = targetTable.Columns.Cast <DataColumn>().First(c => c.DataType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Geometry))); int targetDistanceColumn = targetTable.Columns.IndexOf("Distance"); DataTable selectionTable = GetFeatures(FeatureType.Selection); DataColumn selectionShapeColumn = selectionTable.Columns.Cast <DataColumn>().First(c => c.DataType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Geometry))); foreach (DataRow selectionRow in selectionTable.Rows) { selectionShape = (Geometry)selectionRow[selectionShapeColumn]; foreach (DataRow targetRow in targetTable.Rows) { double d = selectionShape.Distance((Geometry)targetRow[targetShapeColumn]); if (targetRow.IsNull(targetDistanceColumn)) { targetRow[targetDistanceColumn] = d; } else { targetRow[targetDistanceColumn] = Math.Min((double)targetRow[targetDistanceColumn], d); } } } DataRow[] targetRows = targetTable.Select("", "Distance"); for (int i = 0; i < targetRows.Length; ++i) { targetRows[i]["Index"] = i + 1; } } } break; } if (targetTable != null) { int maxTargets = targetLayerRow.IsMaxNumberSelectedNull() ? Int32.MaxValue : targetLayerRow.MaxNumberSelected; int c = targetTable.Columns.IndexOf(keyField.Name); foreach (DataRow row in targetTable.Select(filter, sort)) { if (!row.IsNull(c)) { if (_appState.TargetIds.Count == maxTargets) { truncated = true; break; } _appState.TargetIds.Add(row[c].ToString()); } } } return(truncated); }