private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Regex r = new Regex(@"[a-zA-Z0-9]", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (!r.IsMatch(trasfTextBox.Text.Trim())) { MessageBox.Show("Wrong ID format. Please use a SDMX ID format [A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _, -, $, @])", "Wrong format", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } string tmpString = CommonConstant.ToGlobalID(trasfTextBox.Text.Trim(), AgencyTextBox.Text.Trim(), VersionTextBox.Text.Trim()); foreach (BaseArtefactInfo artInfo in _transfInfo) { if (artInfo.vtlId == tmpString) { MessageBox.Show("The Trasformation scheme :\n" + trasfTextBox.Text.Trim() + " " + AgencyTextBox.Text.Trim() + " " + VersionTextBox.Text.Trim() + "\n" + " is already present. Please insert a different ID, Agency or change the version.", "Already present", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop); return; } } r = new Regex(@"^(\d{1}\.?){1,2}\d{1}$"); if (!r.IsMatch(VersionTextBox.Text.Trim())) { MessageBox.Show("Wrong version format. Please use a correct version format tre numbers separated by a dot", "Wrong format", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(AgencyTextBox.Text.Trim())) { MessageBox.Show("The Angency value is empty. Please insert and agency ID", "Agency", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } TrasformationName = trasfTextBox.Text.Trim(); AgencyID = AgencyTextBox.Text.Trim(); Version = VersionTextBox.Text.Trim(); this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; this.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } }
public static List <string> getDataStructureSQLStatement(string dsd_ID, string dsd_Agency, string dsd_Version, List <LocalizedValue> names, string sequentialVariable) { try { List <string> statements = new List <string>(); string GlobalID = CommonConstant.ToGlobalID(dsd_ID, dsd_Agency, dsd_Version); statements.Add("select nvl(max(ARTEFACT_SEQ_ID),0)+1 into " + sequentialVariable + " from ARTEFACT;"); statements.Add("insert into ARTEFACT values(" + sequentialVariable + ", '" + GlobalID + "', '" + dsd_ID + "', '" + dsd_Agency + "', '" + dsd_Version + "');"); statements.Add("insert into DATA_STRUCTURE values (" + sequentialVariable + " );"); if (names.Count > 0) { string[] lang = { names[0].lang.ToString(), names[1].lang.ToString() }; string[] descr = { names[0].value.ToString().Replace("'", "''"), names[1].value.ToString().Replace("'", "''") }; bool first = true; int l = 0; statements.Add("select nvl(max(LS_SEQ_ID),0)+1 into appo_variable from LOCALISED_STRING;"); foreach (string str in lang) { if (first) { statements.Add("insert into LOCALISED_STRING values(appo_variable, '" + str + "', '" + descr[l] + "', 'Description', " + sequentialVariable + ", null);"); first = false; } else { statements.Add("insert into LOCALISED_STRING values(appo_variable, '" + str + "', '" + descr[l] + "', 'Description', " + sequentialVariable + ", null);"); } l++; } } return(statements); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } }
public static List <string> getValueDomainInsertSQLStatement(string ValueDomainID, string ValueDomainAgency, string ValueDomainVersion, List <LocalizedValue> names, ArtefactInfo.VTL.VTL_Model.VTL_DATATYPE data_type, List <BaseArtefactInfo> valuesList, string sequentialVariable, string value_domain_seq_id) { try { List <string> statements = new List <string>(); string GlobalID = CommonConstant.ToGlobalID(ValueDomainID, ValueDomainAgency, ValueDomainVersion); statements.Add("insert into ARTEFACT (select nvl(max(ARTEFACT_SEQ_ID),0)+1, '" + GlobalID + "', '" + ValueDomainID + "', '" + ValueDomainAgency + "', '" + ValueDomainVersion + "' from ARTEFACT);"); statements.Add("insert into VALUE_DOMAIN (select nvl(max(ARTEFACT_SEQ_ID),0), 1, '" + data_type.ToString() + "', null from ARTEFACT);"); statements.Add("select nvl(max(VALUE_DOMAIN_SEQ_ID),0) into " + value_domain_seq_id + " from VALUE_DOMAIN;"); if (names.Count > 0) { string[] lang = { names[0].lang.ToString(), names[1].lang.ToString() }; string[] descr = { names[0].value.ToString().Replace("'", "''"), names[1].value.ToString().Replace("'", "''") }; bool first = true; int l = 0; statements.Add("select nvl(max(LS_SEQ_ID),0)+1 into appo_variable from LOCALISED_STRING;"); foreach (string str in lang) { if (first) { statements.Add("insert into LOCALISED_STRING values(appo_variable , '" + str + "', '" + descr[l] + "', 'Description', " + value_domain_seq_id + ", null);"); first = false; } else { statements.Add("insert into LOCALISED_STRING values(appo_variable , '" + str + "', '" + descr[l] + "', 'Description', " + value_domain_seq_id + ", null);"); } l++; } } foreach (BaseComponentInfo compInfo in valuesList[0].DataStructureDetails.Components) { string code = compInfo.vtlId; string[] lang = {[0].lang.ToString(),[1].lang.ToString() }; string[] descr = {[0].value.ToString().Replace("'", "''"),[1].value.ToString().Replace("'", "''") }; statements.Add("select nvl(max(ITEM_SEQ_ID),0)+1 into " + sequentialVariable + " from ITEM;"); statements.Add("insert into ITEM values(" + sequentialVariable + ", '" + code + "');"); statements.Add("insert into VALUE values(" + sequentialVariable + "," + value_domain_seq_id + ");"); int l = 0; bool first = true; statements.Add("select nvl(max(LS_SEQ_ID),0)+1 into appo_variable from LOCALISED_STRING;"); foreach (string str in lang) { if (first) { statements.Add("insert into LOCALISED_STRING values(appo_variable , '" + str + "', '" + descr[l] + "', 'Description', null , " + sequentialVariable + ");"); first = false; } else { statements.Add("insert into LOCALISED_STRING values(appo_variable , '" + str + "', '" + descr[l] + "', 'Description', null , " + sequentialVariable + ");"); } l++; } } return(statements); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } }
private void LoadDataFlows(string webserviceId, TreeNode trNode) { try { CommonItem.WaitOn(); List <BaseArtefactInfo> dfList; bool raiseError = false; string vtlIdCode = null; MetadataLoader mtl = new MetadataLoader(CommonItem.CurrentSettings.QueriesPath, new WebServiceLayer.classes.service.Net.WebServiceLayer(CommonItem.CurrentSettings, int.Parse(webserviceId))); dfList = mtl.LoadDataflows21(); VTLInt_Service.ServiceClient VTL_service = VTLInt_ServiceManager.GetClient(CommonItem.CurrentSettings.InteractionWebService); BaseArtefactInfo[] alreadyPresent = VTL_service.GetDataSets(); BaseArtefactInfo[] alreadyPresentDsD = VTL_service.GetDataStructures(); foreach (BaseArtefactInfo aInfo in dfList) { string text; if (switchTreeView.isCode()) { text = aInfo.sdmxId; } else if ( == 0) { raiseError = true; text = aInfo.vtlId; } else { text =[0].value.ToString(); } vtlIdCode = CommonConstant.ToGlobalID(aInfo.sdmxId, aInfo.sdmxAgency, aInfo.sdmxVersion); TreeNode tmp = trNode.Nodes.Add(vtlIdCode); tmp.ForeColor = Color.Gray; string dsdInfo = CommonConstant.ToGlobalID(((ArtefactInfo.model.DataSetInfo)(aInfo)).sdmx_DataStructure_id, ((DataSetInfo)aInfo).sdmx_DataStructure_agency, ((DataSetInfo)aInfo).sdmx_DataStructure_version); if (alreadyPresentDsD != null) { var found = from i in alreadyPresentDsD where (CommonConstant.ToGlobalID(i.sdmxId, i.sdmxAgency, i.sdmxVersion)) == dsdInfo select i; if (found.Count() > 0) { tmp.ForeColor = Color.Black; } } if (alreadyPresent != null) { var found = from i in alreadyPresent where (i.vtlId) == vtlIdCode select i; if (found.Count() > 0) { tmp.ForeColor = Color.DarkGreen; } } tmp.Tag = new ArtefactNodeInfo(webserviceId, aInfo, ArtefactNodeInfo.ArtefactType.DataFlows); tmp.ToolTipText = "Datastructure ref: " + ((ArtefactInfo.model.DataSetInfo)(aInfo)).sdmxAgency + ":" + ((ArtefactInfo.model.DataSetInfo)(aInfo)).datastructure_id + "(" + ((ArtefactInfo.model.DataSetInfo)(aInfo)).sdmx_DataStructure_version + ")"; } CommonItem.WaitOff(); if (raiseError) { MessageBox.Show("The description is not available for one or more items.The ID will be shown", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonItem.ErrManger.ErrorManagement(ex, false, this); } }