void GetBalance() { string distid = ddldistrict.SelectedValue; string issueid = ddlissue.SelectedValue; string mcomid = ddlcomdty.SelectedValue; string mscheme = ddlscheme.SelectedValue; string source = ddlsarrival.SelectedValue; string godown = ddlgodown.SelectedValue; comdtobj = new Commodity_MP(ComObj); string qry = "Select Round(Sum(Current_Balance),5) as Current_Balance from dbo.issue_opening_balance where District_Id='" + distid + "'and Depotid='" + sid + "'and Commodity_Id='" + mcomid + "'and Scheme_Id='" + mscheme + "' and Source='" + source + "' and Godown='" + godown + "'"; DataSet ds = comdtobj.selectAny(qry); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock("mymsg2", "<script language=javascript> alert('There is No opening for selected comodity....'); </script> "); lblbalqty.Visible = false; txtbalqty.Visible = false; lblqtls.Visible = false; } else { DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]; txtbalqty.Text = dr["Current_Balance"].ToString(); lblbalqty.Visible = true; txtbalqty.Visible = true; lblqtls.Visible = true; txtbalqty.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Wheat; txtbalqty.ReadOnly = true; } }
void GetStackPos() { if (ddlstack.SelectedItem.Text == "--Select--") { txtmaxcap.Text = "00.00000"; txtcurcap.Text = "00.00000"; } else { string gid = ddlgodown.SelectedValue; string stackid = ddlstack.SelectedValue; comdtobj = new Commodity_MP(ComObjWlC); string qryspos = "SELECT tbl_MetaData_STACK.Stack_capacity,tbl_storage_Stacking_Details.Weight FROM dbo.tbl_MetaData_STACK left join dbo.tbl_storage_Stacking_Details on tbl_MetaData_STACK.Godown_ID=tbl_storage_Stacking_Details.Godown_ID and tbl_MetaData_STACK.Stack_ID=tbl_storage_Stacking_Details.Stack_ID where tbl_MetaData_STACK.District_Id='" + did + "' and tbl_MetaData_STACK.DepotId='" + sid + "'and tbl_MetaData_STACK.Godown_ID='" + gid + "'and tbl_MetaData_STACK.Stack_ID='" + stackid + "'"; DataSet ds = comdtobj.selectAny(qryspos); if (ds == null) { txtmaxcap.Text = "00.00000"; txtcurcap.Text = "00.00000"; } else { DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]; txtmaxcap.Text = dr["Stack_capacity"].ToString(); txtcurcap.Text = dr["Weight"].ToString(); decimal avcap = decimal.Parse(txtmaxcap.Text) - decimal.Parse(txtcurcap.Text); txtavlcap.Text = avcap.ToString(); } } }
protected void ddlschemetrs_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { string distid = ddldistrictd.SelectedValue;; string issueid = ddlissued.SelectedValue; string mcomid = ddlcommodityd.SelectedValue; string mscheme = ddlschemetrs.SelectedValue; comdtobj = new Commodity_MP(ComObj); string qry = "Select Round(Sum(Current_Balance),5) as Current_Balance from dbo.issue_opening_balance where District_Id='" + distid + "'and Depotid='" + issueid + "'and Commodity_Id='" + mcomid + "'and Scheme_Id='" + mscheme + "'"; DataSet ds = comdtobj.selectAny(qry); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock("mymsg2", "<script language=javascript> alert('There is No opening for selected comodity....'); </script> "); lblbalqtyd.Visible = false; txtbalqtyd.Visible = false; Label2.Visible = false; } else { DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]; txtbalqtyd.Text = dr["Current_Balance"].ToString(); lblbalqtyd.Visible = true; txtbalqtyd.Visible = true; Label2.Visible = true; txtbalqtyd.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Wheat; txtbalqtyd.ReadOnly = true; } }
void GetCommodity() { comdtobj = new Commodity_MP(ComObj); DataSet ds = comdtobj.selectAll(" order by Commodity_Name desc"); GridView1.DataSource = ds; GridView1.DataBind(); }
void GetCategory() { comdtobj = new Commodity_MP(ComObjWlC); string qrycat = "SELECT * FROM dbo.tbl_MetaData_STORAGE_CATEGORY"; DataSet ds = comdtobj.selectAny(qrycat); ddlcategory.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; ddlcategory.DataTextField = "Category_Name"; ddlcategory.DataValueField = "Category_Id"; ddlcategory.DataBind(); }
void GetCommodity() { comdtobj = new Commodity_MP(ComObj); DataSet ds = comdtobj.selectAll(" order by Commodity_Name desc"); ddlcomdty.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; ddlcomdty.DataTextField = "Commodity_Name"; ddlcomdty.DataValueField = "Commodity_Id"; ddlcomdty.DataBind(); // ddlcomdty.Items.Insert(0, "--Select--"); }
void GetDepositor() { comdtobj = new Commodity_MP(ComObjWlC); string qrey = "select * from dbo.tbl_MetaData_DEPOSITOR where Depositor_Type='" + ddldepositortype.SelectedItem.Text + "'"; DataSet ds = comdtobj.selectAny(qrey); ddldepositor.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; ddldepositor.DataTextField = "Depositor_Name"; ddldepositor.DataBind(); ddldepositor.Items.Insert(0, "--Select--"); }
void GetCommodityCS() { comdtobj = new Commodity_MP(ComObj); string comd = "SELECT * FROM dbo.tbl_MetaData_STORAGE_COMMODITY order by Commodity_Name desc"; DataSet ds = comdtobj.selectAny(comd); GridView2.DataSource = ds; GridView2.DataBind(); GridView2.Columns[1].Visible = false; }
void GetGodown() { comdtobj = new Commodity_MP(ComObjWlC); string qrygodn = "SELECT Godown_ID,Godown_Name FROM dbo.tbl_MetaData_GODOWN where DistrictId='" + did + "' and DepotId='" + sid + "'"; DataSet ds = comdtobj.selectAny(qrygodn); ddlgodown.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; ddlgodown.DataTextField = "Godown_Name"; ddlgodown.DataValueField = "Godown_ID"; ddlgodown.DataBind(); ddlgodown.Items.Insert(0, "--Select--"); }
void GetCommodity() { comdtobj = new Commodity_MP(ComObjWlC); string qrySelect = "SELECT * FROM dbo.tbl_MetaData_STORAGE_COMMODITY order by Commodity_ID"; DataSet ds = comdtobj.selectAny(qrySelect); ddlcomdty.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; ddlcomdty.DataTextField = "Commodity_Name"; ddlcomdty.DataValueField = "Commodity_Id"; ddlcomdty.DataBind(); ddlcomdty.Items.Insert(0, "--Select--"); }
void GetScheme() { comdtobj = new Commodity_MP(ComObjWlC); string qrysch = "Select * from dbo.tbl_MetaData_SCHEME order by Scheme_Id "; DataSet ds = comdtobj.selectAny(qrysch); ddlscheme.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; ddlscheme.DataTextField = "Scheme_Name"; ddlscheme.DataValueField = "Scheme_Id"; ddlscheme.DataBind(); ddlscheme.Items.Insert(0, "--Select--"); }
void GetCommodity() { ddlcomdty.Items.Clear(); comdtobj = new Commodity_MP(ComObj); string selcom = "Select * from dbo.tbl_MetaData_STORAGE_COMMODITY where Commodity_Id in (23,17) and Status='Y' order by Commodity_Id"; DataSet ds = comdtobj.selectAny(selcom); ddlcomdty.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; ddlcomdty.DataTextField = "Commodity_Name"; ddlcomdty.DataValueField = "Commodity_Id"; ddlcomdty.DataBind(); ddlcomdty.Items.Insert(0, "--Select--"); }
void GetVehicleType() { comdtobj = new Commodity_MP(ComObjWlC); string qreyvt = "select * from dbo.tbl_MetaData_Vehicle_Type order by Vehicle_Type_Id"; DataSet ds = comdtobj.selectAny(qreyvt); ddlvrhicletype.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; ddlvrhicletype.DataTextField = "Vehicle_Type"; ddlvrhicletype.DataValueField = "Vehicle_Type_ID"; ddlvrhicletype.DataBind(); ddlvrhicletype.Items.Insert(0, "--Select--"); }
void GetDepositorType() { comdtobj = new Commodity_MP(ComObjWlC); string qrey = "select * from dbo.tbl_MetaData_Depositor_Type order by Depositor_Type_Id"; DataSet ds = comdtobj.selectAny(qrey); ddldepositortype.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; ddldepositortype.DataTextField = "Depositor_Type"; ddldepositortype.DataValueField = "Depositor_Type_Id"; ddldepositortype.DataBind(); ddldepositortype.Items.Insert(0, "--Select--"); }
void GetStack() { string gid = ddlgodown.SelectedValue; comdtobj = new Commodity_MP(ComObjWlC); string qrystack = "SELECT Stack_ID,Stack_Name FROM dbo.tbl_MetaData_STACK where District_Id='" + did + "' and DepotId='" + sid + "'and Godown_ID='" + gid + "'"; DataSet ds = comdtobj.selectAny(qrystack); ddlstack.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; ddlstack.DataTextField = "Stack_Name"; ddlstack.DataValueField = "Stack_ID"; ddlstack.DataBind(); ddlstack.Items.Insert(0, "--Select--"); }
void GetCommodityT() { string com = ddlcomdty.SelectedItem.Text; string com1 = com.Substring(0, 4); string qr = "select * from tbl_MetaData_STORAGE_COMMODITY where Commodity_Name like '%" + com1 + "%' and Status='Y' order by Commodity_Name"; comdtobj = new Commodity_MP(ComObj); DataSet dst = comdtobj.selectAny(qr); ddlcommodityd.DataSource = dst.Tables[0]; ddlcommodityd.DataTextField = "Commodity_Name"; ddlcommodityd.DataValueField = "Commodity_Id"; ddlcommodityd.DataBind(); ddlcommodityd.Items.Insert(0, "--Select--"); }
void GetCommodity() { if (con.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { con.Open(); } comdtobj = new Commodity_MP(ComObj); DataSet ds = comdtobj.selectAll(" order by Commodity_Name desc"); ddlcomdty.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; ddlcomdty.DataTextField = "Commodity_Name"; ddlcomdty.DataValueField = "Commodity_Id"; ddlcomdty.DataBind(); ddlcomdty.Items.Insert(0, "--Select--"); if (con.State == ConnectionState.Open) { con.Close(); } }