public void Reactivations_GetReactivationList_PatientMarkedDoNotContact() { string name = MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name; Clinic clinic = ClinicT.CreateClinic(name); long provNum = ProviderT.CreateProvider(name); Patient pat = PatientT.CreatePatient(name, provNum, clinic.ClinicNum, TestEmaiAddress, TestPatPhone, ContactMethod.Mail); //Patient has not been seen since further in the past than the ReactivationDaysPast preference. Procedure proc = ProcedureT.CreateProcedure(pat, "D0120", ProcStat.C, "", 50, procDate: DateTime.Now.AddYears(-3), provNum: provNum); //3 year old proc //Patient has been contacted, and the ReactivationContactInterval has elapsed. Commlog comm = new Commlog() { PatNum = pat.PatNum, CommDateTime = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-1), CommType = _reactivationCommLogType, Mode_ = CommItemMode.Email, SentOrReceived = CommSentOrReceived.Sent, CommSource = CommItemSource.ApptReminder, }; comm.CommlogNum = Commlogs.Insert(comm); //Patient has been marked "Do Not Contact" Reactivations.Insert(new Reactivation() { PatNum = pat.PatNum, DoNotContact = true, }); DateTime dateSince = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-PrefC.GetInt(PrefName.ReactivationDaysPast)); DateTime dateStop = dateSince.AddMonths(-36); //Confirm that the patient does not in the Reactivation List DataTable tbl = Reactivations.GetReactivationList(dateSince, dateStop, false, false, true, provNum, clinic.ClinicNum, 0, 0 , ReactivationListSort.LastContacted, RecallListShowNumberReminders.One); //No patients in the list Assert.AreEqual(0, tbl.Rows.Count); }
public static Commlog CreateCommlog(long patNum, string text = "", DateTime commDateTime = default(DateTime), CommSentOrReceived sentOrReceived = CommSentOrReceived.Sent, CommItemMode itemMode = CommItemMode.None) { Commlog commlog = new Commlog { CommDateTime = commDateTime.Year > 1880 ? commDateTime : DateTime.Now, Mode_ = itemMode, Note = text, PatNum = patNum, SentOrReceived = sentOrReceived, }; Commlogs.Insert(commlog); return(commlog); }
private static void OnCreated(object source, FileSystemEventArgs e) { //MessageBox.Show("File created. It will now be deleted."); Thread.Sleep(200); //just to make sure the other process is done writing. string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(e.FullPath); File.Delete(e.FullPath); if (lines.Length != 1) { MessageBox.Show(e.FullPath + " was supposed to have exactly one line. Invalid file."); return; } string rawFieldNames = "PAT_PK,PAT_LOGFK,PAT_LANFK,PAT_TITLE,PAT_FNAME,PAT_MI,PAT_LNAME,PAT_CALLED,PAT_ADDR1,PAT_ADDR2,PAT_CITY,PAT_ST,PAT_ZIP,PAT_HPHN,PAT_WPHN,PAT_EXT,PAT_FAX,PAT_PAGER,PAT_CELL,PAT_EMAIL,PAT_SEX,PAT_EDOCS,PAT_STATUS,PAT_TYPE,PAT_BIRTH,PAT_SSN,PAT_NOCALL,PAT_NOCORR,PAT_DISRES,PAT_LSTUPD,PAT_INSNM,PAT_INSGPL,PAT_INSAD1,PAT_INSAD2,PAT_INSCIT,PAT_INSST,PAT_INSZIP,PAT_INSPHN,PAT_INSEXT,PAT_INSCON,PAT_INSGNO,PAT_EMPNM,PAT_EMPAD1,PAT_EMPAD2,PAT_EMPCIT,PAT_EMPST,PAT_EMPZIP,PAT_EMPPHN,PAT_REFLNM,PAT_REFFNM,PAT_REFMI,PAT_REFPHN,PAT_REFEML,PAT_REFSPE,PAT_NOTES,PAT_NOTE1,PAT_NOTE2,PAT_NOTE3,PAT_NOTE4,PAT_NOTE5,PAT_NOTE6,PAT_NOTE7,PAT_NOTE8,PAT_NOTE9,PAT_NOTE10,PAT_FPSCAN,PAT_PREMED,PAT_MEDS,PAT_FTSTUD,PAT_PTSTUD,PAT_COLLEG,PAT_CHRTNO,PAT_OTHID,PAT_RESPRT,PAT_POLHLD,PAT_CUSCD,PAT_PMPID"; fieldNames = rawFieldNames.Split(','); fieldVals = lines[0].Split(','); if (fieldNames.Length != fieldVals.Length) { MessageBox.Show(e.FullPath + " contains " + fieldNames.Length.ToString() + " field names, but " + fieldVals.Length.ToString() + " field values. Invalid file."); return; } for (int i = 0; i < fieldVals.Length; i++) { fieldVals[i] = fieldVals[i].Replace("\"", ""); //remove quotes } long patNum = PIn.Long(GetVal("PAT_OTHID")); if (patNum == 0) { MessageBox.Show(patNum.ToString() + " is not a recognized PatNum."); return; } Family fam = Patients.GetFamily(patNum); if (fam == null) { MessageBox.Show("Could not find patient based on PatNum " + patNum.ToString()); return; } Patient pat = fam.GetPatient(patNum); Patient patOld = pat.Copy(); string txt; string note = "PT Dental import processed. Some information is shown below which was too complex to import automatically.\r\n"; txt = GetVal("PAT_FNAME"); if (txt != "") { pat.FName = txt; } txt = GetVal("PAT_MI"); if (txt != "") { pat.MiddleI = txt; } txt = GetVal("PAT_LNAME"); if (txt != "") { pat.LName = txt; } txt = GetVal("PAT_CALLED"); if (txt != "") { pat.Preferred = txt; } txt = GetVal("PAT_ADDR1"); if (txt != "") { pat.Address = txt; } txt = GetVal("PAT_ADDR2"); if (txt != "") { pat.Address2 = txt; } txt = GetVal("PAT_CITY"); if (txt != "") { pat.City = txt; } txt = GetVal("PAT_ST"); if (txt != "") { pat.State = txt; } txt = GetVal("PAT_ZIP"); if (txt != "") { pat.Zip = txt; } txt = GetVal("PAT_HPHN"); //No punct if (txt != "") { pat.HmPhone = TelephoneNumbers.ReFormat(txt); } txt = GetVal("PAT_WPHN"); if (txt != "") { pat.WkPhone = TelephoneNumbers.ReFormat(txt); } //no matching fields for these three: txt = GetVal("PAT_EXT"); if (txt != "") { note += "Ph extension: " + txt + "\r\n"; } txt = GetVal("PAT_FAX"); if (txt != "") { note += "Fax: " + txt + "\r\n"; } txt = GetVal("PAT_PAGER"); if (txt != "") { note += "Pager: " + txt + "\r\n"; } txt = GetVal("PAT_CELL"); if (txt != "") { pat.WirelessPhone = TelephoneNumbers.ReFormat(txt); } txt = GetVal("PAT_EMAIL"); if (txt != "") { pat.Email = txt; } txt = GetVal("PAT_SEX"); //M or F if (txt == "M") { pat.Gender = PatientGender.Male; } if (txt == "F") { pat.Gender = PatientGender.Male; } txt = GetVal("PAT_STATUS"); //our patStatus, Any text allowed switch (txt) { case "Archived": pat.PatStatus = PatientStatus.Archived; break; case "Deceased": pat.PatStatus = PatientStatus.Deceased; break; //case "Archived": pat.PatStatus=PatientStatus.Deleted; break; case "Inactive": pat.PatStatus = PatientStatus.Inactive; break; case "NonPatient": pat.PatStatus = PatientStatus.NonPatient; break; case "Patient": pat.PatStatus = PatientStatus.Patient; break; } txt = GetVal("PAT_TYPE"); //our Position, Any text allowed switch (txt) { case "Child": pat.Position = PatientPosition.Child; break; case "Divorced": pat.Position = PatientPosition.Divorced; break; case "Married": pat.Position = PatientPosition.Married; break; case "Single": pat.Position = PatientPosition.Single; break; case "Widowed": pat.Position = PatientPosition.Widowed; break; } txt = GetVal("PAT_BIRTH"); // yyyyMMdd if (txt != "") { pat.Birthdate = PIn.Date(txt); } txt = GetVal("PAT_SSN"); // No punct if (txt != "") { pat.SSN = txt; } txt = GetVal("PAT_NOCALL"); // T if no call if (txt != "") { note += "No Call Patient: " + txt + "\r\n"; } txt = GetVal("PAT_NOCORR"); // T/F if (txt != "") { note += "No Correspondence: " + txt + "\r\n"; } txt = GetVal("PAT_NOTES"); // No limits. if (txt != "") { note += txt + "\r\n"; } txt = GetVal("PAT_PREMED"); // F or T //I don't like giving the patient control of this field, but I guess the office has the option of not showing this on forms. if (txt == "T") { pat.Premed = true; } if (txt == "F") { pat.Premed = false; } txt = GetVal("PAT_MEDS"); // The meds that they must premedicate with. if (txt != "") { note += "Patient Meds: " + txt + "\r\n"; } string ft = GetVal("PAT_FTSTUD"); // T/F string pt = GetVal("PAT_PTSTUD"); //parttime if (ft == "T") { pat.StudentStatus = "F"; //fulltime } else if (pt == "T") { pat.StudentStatus = "P"; //parttime } else if (ft == "F" && pt == "F") { pat.StudentStatus = ""; //nonstudent } else if (ft == "F" && pat.StudentStatus == "F") { pat.StudentStatus = ""; } else if (pt == "F" && pat.StudentStatus == "P") { pat.StudentStatus = ""; } txt = GetVal("PAT_COLLEG"); if (txt != "") { pat.SchoolName = txt; } txt = GetVal("PAT_CHRTNO"); //I don't think patient should have control of this field. if (txt != "") { pat.ChartNumber = txt; } txt = GetVal("PAT_RESPRT"); // Responsible party checkbox T/F if (txt == "T" && pat.PatNum != pat.Guarantor) { note += "Responsible party: True\r\n"; } if (txt == "F" && pat.PatNum == pat.Guarantor) { note += "Responsible party: False\r\n"; } txt = GetVal("PAT_POLHLD"); // Policy holder checkbox T/F if (txt == "T") { note += "Policy holder: True\r\n"; } if (txt == "F") { note += "Policy holder: False\r\n"; } txt = GetVal("PAT_INSNM"); if (txt != "") { note += "Insurance name: " + txt + "\r\n"; } txt = GetVal("PAT_INSGPL"); if (txt != "") { note += "Ins group plan name: " + txt + "\r\n"; } txt = GetVal("PAT_INSAD1"); if (txt != "") { note += "Ins address: " + txt + "\r\n"; } txt = GetVal("PAT_INSAD2"); if (txt != "") { note += "Ins address2: " + txt + "\r\n"; } txt = GetVal("PAT_INSCIT"); if (txt != "") { note += "Ins city: " + txt + "\r\n"; } txt = GetVal("PAT_INSST"); if (txt != "") { note += "Ins state: " + txt + "\r\n"; } txt = GetVal("PAT_INSZIP"); if (txt != "") { note += "Ins zip: " + txt + "\r\n"; } txt = GetVal("PAT_INSPHN"); if (txt != "") { note += "Ins phone: " + TelephoneNumbers.ReFormat(txt) + "\r\n"; } txt = GetVal("PAT_INSGNO"); // Ins group number if (txt != "") { note += "Ins group number: " + txt + "\r\n"; } txt = GetVal("PAT_EMPNM"); if (txt != "") { note += "Employer name: " + txt + "\r\n"; } txt = GetVal("PAT_REFLNM"); if (txt != "") { note += "Referral last name: " + txt + "\r\n"; } txt = GetVal("PAT_REFFNM"); if (txt != "") { note += "Referral first name: " + txt + "\r\n"; } txt = GetVal("PAT_REFMI"); if (txt != "") { note += "Referral middle init: " + txt + "\r\n"; } txt = GetVal("PAT_REFPHN"); if (txt != "") { note += "Referral phone: " + txt + "\r\n"; } txt = GetVal("PAT_REFEML"); // Referral source email if (txt != "") { note += "Referral email: " + txt + "\r\n"; } txt = GetVal("PAT_REFSPE"); // Referral specialty. Customizable, so any allowed if (txt != "") { note += "Referral specialty: " + txt + "\r\n"; } Patients.Update(pat, patOld); if (File.Exists(dir + "\\" + importMedCsv)) { lines = File.ReadAllLines(dir + "\\" + importMedCsv); File.Delete(dir + "\\" + importMedCsv); if (lines.Length < 1) { MessageBox.Show(e.FullPath + " was supposed to have at least one line. Invalid file."); return; } fieldNames = lines[0].Split(','); long diseaseDefNum; Disease disease; string diseaseNote; for (int i = 1; i < lines.Length; i++) { fieldVals = lines[i].Split(','); txt = GetVal("PMA_MALDES"); diseaseNote = GetVal("PMA_NOTES"); if (txt == "") { continue; } diseaseDefNum = DiseaseDefs.GetNumFromName(txt); if (diseaseDefNum == 0) { note += "Disease: " + txt + ", " + diseaseNote + "\r\n"; } disease = Diseases.GetSpecificDiseaseForPatient(patNum, diseaseDefNum); if (disease == null) { disease = new Disease(); disease.DiseaseDefNum = diseaseDefNum; disease.PatNum = patNum; disease.PatNote = diseaseNote; Diseases.Insert(disease); } else { if (txt != "") { if (disease.PatNote != "") { disease.PatNote += " "; } disease.PatNote += diseaseNote; Diseases.Update(disease); } } } } Commlog comm = new Commlog(); comm.PatNum = patNum; comm.SentOrReceived = CommSentOrReceived.Received; comm.CommDateTime = DateTime.Now; comm.CommType = Commlogs.GetTypeAuto(CommItemTypeAuto.MISC); comm.Mode_ = CommItemMode.None; comm.Note = note; comm.UserNum = Security.CurUser.UserNum; Commlogs.Insert(comm); MessageBox.Show("PT Dental import complete."); }
///<summary>When sub is set, fills customer group box with various information. ///When null, clears all fields.</summary> private void SetCustomerInfo(BugSubmission sub, bool isCustomerGridRefresh = true) { try { labelCustomerNum.Text = _patCur?.PatNum.ToString() ?? ""; labelRegKey.Text = sub.RegKey; labelCustomerState.Text = _patCur?.State ?? ""; labelCustomerPhone.Text = _patCur?.WkPhone ?? ""; labelSubNum.Text = POut.Long(sub.BugSubmissionNum); labelLastCall.Text = Commlogs.GetDateTimeOfLastEntryForPat(_patCur?.PatNum ?? 0).ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.DoNothing(); } butGoToAccount.Enabled = true; butBugTask.Enabled = true; butCompare.Enabled = true; if (!isCustomerGridRefresh || _groupSelection == -1 || _listSubs == null || !gridCustomerSubs.Visible) //Just in case checks. { return; } switch (_groupSelection) { case 0: #region None gridCustomerSubs.Title = "Customer Submissions"; gridCustomerSubs.BeginUpdate(); gridCustomerSubs.ListGridColumns.Clear(); gridCustomerSubs.ListGridColumns.Add(new GridColumn("Version", 100, HorizontalAlignment.Center)); gridCustomerSubs.ListGridColumns.Add(new GridColumn("Count", 50, HorizontalAlignment.Center)); gridCustomerSubs.ListGridRows.Clear(); Dictionary <string, List <BugSubmission> > dictCustomerSubVersions = _listSubs .Where(x => x.RegKey == sub.RegKey) .GroupBy(x => x.TryGetPrefValue(PrefName.ProgramVersion, "")) .ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.DistinctBy(y => y.ExceptionStackTrace).ToList()); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <BugSubmission> > pair in dictCustomerSubVersions) { gridCustomerSubs.ListGridRows.Add(new GridRow(pair.Key, pair.Value.Count.ToString())); } gridCustomerSubs.EndUpdate(); #endregion break; case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: #region RegKey/Ver/Stack, Stacktrace, 95%, StackSig gridCustomerSubs.Title = "Grouped Subs (" + _listSubs.DistinctBy(x => x.RegKey).Count() + " Reg)"; if (_groupSelection.In(4, 5)) //StackSig,StackSimple { gridCustomerSubs.Title += " (" + _listSubs.DistinctBy(x => x.ExceptionStackTrace).Count() + " Stacks)"; } gridCustomerSubs.BeginUpdate(); gridCustomerSubs.ListGridColumns.Clear(); gridCustomerSubs.ListGridColumns.Add(new GridColumn("Vers.", 55, HorizontalAlignment.Center)); gridCustomerSubs.ListGridColumns.Add(new GridColumn("RegKey", 0, HorizontalAlignment.Center)); gridCustomerSubs.ListGridRows.Clear(); _listSubs.ForEach(x => { Patient rowPat; string patDescript = x.RegKey; if (_dictPatients.TryGetValue(x.RegKey, out rowPat)) { patDescript = rowPat.GetNameLF(); } GridRow row = new GridRow(x.TryGetPrefValue(PrefName.ProgramVersion, ""), patDescript); row.Tag = x; gridCustomerSubs.ListGridRows.Add(row); }); gridCustomerSubs.EndUpdate(); #endregion break; } }