public static List <CommentCategory> GetCommentCategory(List <OrderData> Orders)
            List <CommentCategory> categories = new List <CommentCategory>();

            foreach (OrderData order in Orders)
                CommentCategory cat = categories.Find(x => x.Category == order.CommentCategory);
                if (cat == null)
                    cat = new CommentCategory()
                        Category = order.CommentCategory, Orders = new List <OrderData>()

 public CommentDescriptionAttribute(string aName, string aAbbreviation, CommentCategory aCategory)
     Name              = aName;
     Abbreviation      = aAbbreviation;
     Category          = aCategory;
     WriterMistakeType = WriterMistakeType.Unknown;
Exemple #3
        private void categoryListView_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
                var items = this.categoryListView.SelectedItems;
                if (items.Count == 0)


                CommentCategory category = items[0].Tag as CommentCategory;

                foreach (var comment in category.Comments)
                    ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem();
                    item.Text = comment.Text;
                    item.Tag  = comment;
            catch (Exception ex)
                this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
Exemple #4
 public Comment(string[] textLines, CommentCategory category, CommentPlacement placement, int lineIndexDistanceFromOwner, CommentKind kind, bool isDecorated)
     this.TextLines = textLines;
     this.Category  = category;
     this.Placement = placement;
     this.LineIndexDistanceFromOwner = lineIndexDistanceFromOwner;
     this.Kind        = kind;
     this.IsDecorated = isDecorated;
        public ActionResult Edit(int id = 0)
            CommentCategory category = _categoryRepository.GetCommentCategoryById(id);

            if (category != null)

            TempData["Error"] = "Brak kategorii o podanym ID!";
Exemple #6
        private CommentCategoryConfiguration BuildCommentCategories()
            CommentCategoryConfiguration config = new CommentCategoryConfiguration();

            //all keys that we care about start with "category_"
            List <string> keys = (from key in Request.Form.AllKeys
                                  where key.Contains("category_")
                                  select key).ToList();

            //we know this one for sure so no need to loop
            config.Name = Request.Form["category_config_name"].ToString();

            //but the rest are variable, so we need to loop
            foreach (string key in keys)
                //All category keys go something like "category_BLAH1_BLAH2_...".  Based on how
                //many underscores the current key has, we can determine what data it is
                //providing to us
                string[] pieces = key.Split('_');

                //length of 2 is a category name
                if (pieces.Length == 2)
                    int catId = 0;
                    Int32.TryParse(pieces[1], out catId);

                    //does the comment category already exist?
                    CommentCategory category = GetOrCreateCategory(config, catId);
                    category.Name = Request.Form[key].ToString();
                //length of 4 is a category option
                else if (pieces.Length == 4)
                    int catId = 0;
                    int order = 0;
                    Int32.TryParse(pieces[2], out catId);
                    Int32.TryParse(pieces[3], out order);
                    CommentCategory       category = GetOrCreateCategory(config, catId);
                    CommentCategoryOption option   = new CommentCategoryOption();
                    option.Name = Request.Form[key].ToString();
                    category.Options.Insert(order, option);

            //when we're all done, zero out the category IDs to ensure that the items get
            //added to the DB correctly
            foreach (CommentCategory c in config.Categories)
                c.ID = 0;

        /// <summary>
        /// 左側のカテゴリーリストに表示するデータを設定する。
        /// </summary>
        protected override void LoadMasters()
            CommentCategory category = UnitWiring.Masters.CommentCategories.Find(p => p.Id == Const.CommentCategoryId.SerialForUnitWiringOnly);

            if (category != null)
                ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem();
                item.Text = category.Name;
                item.Tag  = category;
Exemple #8
        private CommentCategory GetOrCreateCategory(CommentCategoryConfiguration config, int categoryId)
            //does the comment category already exist?
            CommentCategory category = (from c in config.Categories
                                        where c.ID == categoryId
                                        select c).FirstOrDefault();

            if (category == null)
                category    = new CommentCategory();
                category.ID = categoryId;
Exemple #9
        public ActionResult Create(CommentCategory commentcategory)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                // Dodanie nowej kategorii komentarzy i zapisanie w bazie danych
                if (TryUpdateModel(commentcategory))

                    TempData["Message"] = "Pomyślnie dodano kategorię!";

            TempData["Error"] = "Wystąpił błąd podczas dodawania kategorii!";

        public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "CommentCategoryId,Name")] CommentCategory commentCategory)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)

                    TempData["Message"] = "Pomyślnie zmodyfikowano kategorię!";
                catch (Exception)
                    TempData["Error"] = "Wystąpił błąd podczas modyfikowania kategorii!";

            TempData["Error"] = "Wprowadź poprawnie modyfikowane dane!";
Exemple #11
 public CommentCategory Save(CommentCategory item)
     return(new CommentCategoryRepository().SaveOrUpdate(item));
 /// <summary>
 /// Dodanie kategorii.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="category">Dodawana kategoria.</param>
 public void Add(CommentCategory category)
 /// <summary>
 /// Usunięcie kategorii komentarza
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="category">Usuwana kategoria komentarza.</param>
 public void Delete(CommentCategory category)
Exemple #14
        protected void SaveClicked(object o, EventArgs e)
            var account = new Account();

            account.ChangedBy      = -1;
            account.CommentsWeight = 40;
            account.Company        = tbCompany.Text;
            account.DateCreated    = DateTime.Now;
            account.Domain         = tbSiteAddress.Text.ToLower()
                                     .Replace(" ", "")
                                     .Replace("_", "")
                                     .Replace("'", "")
                                     .Replace("@", "")
                                     .Replace("-", "")
                                     .Replace("?", "")
                                     .Replace("&", "")
                                     .Replace("%", "")
                                     .Replace("^", "") + "";
            account.EnteredBy       = -1;
            account.GoalsWeight     = 30;
            account.LastUpdated     = DateTime.Now;
            account.QuestionsWeight = 30;
            new AccountServices().Save(account);

            var dept = new Department();

            dept.AccountID   = account.ID;
            dept.Description = "Human Resources";
            dept.Name        = "HR";
            new DepartmentServices().Save(dept);

            var admin = new Person();

            admin.AccountID                   = account.ID;
            admin.AvatarPath                  = "" + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() + "?d=identicon&s=";
            admin.ChangedBy                   = admin.ID;
            admin.EnteredBy                   = admin.ID;
            admin.IsActive                    = true;
            admin.DateCreated                 = DateTime.Now;
            admin.IsManager                   = true;
            admin.FirstName                   = tbFirstName.Text;
            admin.LastName                    = tbLastName.Text;
            admin.Email                       = tbEmail.Text;
            admin.DepartmentID                = dept.ID;
            admin.LastUpdated                 = DateTime.Now;
            admin.MarkedForDeletion           = false;
            admin.Password                    = SecurityUtils.GetMd5Hash(tbPassword.Text);
            admin.PasswordQuestion            = "What is your work email address?";
            admin.PasswordAnswer              = tbEmail.Text;
            admin.ReceiveCommentNotifications = true;
            admin.RoleID                      = (int)SecurityRole.ADMIN;
            admin.Title                       = "Admin";
            admin.ManagerID                   = admin.ID;
            admin.UserName                    = admin.Email;
            new PersonServices().Save(admin);

            var commentcat = new CommentCategory();

            commentcat.AccountID = account.ID;
            commentcat.Name      = "Discipline";
            new CommentCategoryServices().Save(commentcat);
            commentcat           = new CommentCategory();
            commentcat.AccountID = account.ID;
            commentcat.Name      = "Teamwork";
            new CommentCategoryServices().Save(commentcat);

            var ratingscale = new QuestionRatingScale();

            ratingscale.AccountID = account.ID;
            ratingscale.Name      = "Three Point Scale";
            ratingscale.Title     = "Three Point Scale";
            new QuestionRatingScaleServices().Save(ratingscale);

            var scalevals = new QuestionRatingScaleValue();

            scalevals.Name = "Below Expectations";
            scalevals.QuestionRatingScaleID = ratingscale.ID;
            scalevals.Title = "Below Expectations";
            scalevals.Value = 0;
            new QuestionRatingScaleValueServices().Save(scalevals);
            scalevals      = new QuestionRatingScaleValue();
            scalevals.Name = "Meets Expectations";
            scalevals.QuestionRatingScaleID = ratingscale.ID;
            scalevals.Title = "Meets Expectations";
            scalevals.Value = 50;
            new QuestionRatingScaleValueServices().Save(scalevals);
            scalevals      = new QuestionRatingScaleValue();
            scalevals.Name = "Exceeds Expectations";
            scalevals.QuestionRatingScaleID = ratingscale.ID;
            scalevals.Title = "Exceeds Expectations";
            scalevals.Value = 100;
            new QuestionRatingScaleValueServices().Save(scalevals);

            var reviewtemplate = new ReviewTemplate();

            reviewtemplate.AccountID = account.ID;
            reviewtemplate.IsActive  = true;
            reviewtemplate.Name      = "Basic Review";
            reviewtemplate.Title     = "Basic Review";
            new ReviewTemplateServices().Save(reviewtemplate);

            var reviewtemplatequestion = new ReviewTemplateQuestion();

            reviewtemplatequestion.CategoryID            = commentcat.ID;
            reviewtemplatequestion.Name                  = "Works well with others";
            reviewtemplatequestion.Question              = "Works well with others";
            reviewtemplatequestion.QuestionRatingScaleID = ratingscale.ID;
            reviewtemplatequestion.ReviewTemplateID      = reviewtemplate.ID;
            new ReviewTemplateQuestionServices().Save(reviewtemplatequestion);

            var review = new Review();

            review.AccountID        = account.ID;
            review.ChangedBy        = admin.ID;
            review.CommentsWeight   = 40;
            review.IsActive         = true;
            review.IsCurrent        = true;
            review.LastUpdated      = DateTime.Now;
            review.Name             = "Review for " + admin.Name;
            review.QuestionsWeight  = 30;
            review.ReviewTemplateID = reviewtemplate.ID;
            review.Score            = 0;
            review.StartDate        = DateTime.Now;
            review.EnteredBy        = admin.ID;
            review.EnteredFor       = admin.ID;
            review.DueDate          = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(3);
            review.Status           = (int)GoalStatus.ACCEPTED;
            review.Title            = "Review for " + admin.Name;
            review.DateCreated      = DateTime.Now;
            new ReviewServices().Save(review);

            var team = new Team();

            team.AccountID   = account.ID;
            team.Description = "Company Wide";
            team.Name        = "Company Wide";
            new TeamServices().Save(team);

            var member = new TeamMember();

            member.HasAccess             = true;
            member.IsActive              = true;
            member.IsManager             = true;
            member.PersonID              = admin.ID;
            member.RecievesNotifications = true;
            member.TeamID = team.ID;
            new TeamMemberServices().Save(member);

            var response = new SecurityServices().AuthenticateUser(admin.Email, tbPassword.Text, "");

            if (response.IsAuthenticated)
                if (Request.QueryString["redirect"] != null)
 /// <summary>
 /// Usuniecie kategorii komentarzy
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="element">Kategoria komentarzy do usuniecia</param>
 public void Delete(CommentCategory element)
Exemple #16
 public void Delete(CommentCategory item)
     new CommentCategoryRepository().Delete(item);
Exemple #17
        public IActionResult CommentCategory(CommentCategory commentCommentCategory)

            return(this.RedirectToAction("CommentCategories", "Admin"));
Exemple #18
        public IActionResult CommentCategory(int id)
            CommentCategory model = this.dataService.GetObjectByPropertyValue <CommentCategory>("Id", id);

 /// <summary>
 /// Edytowanie kategorii komentarzy
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="element">Kategoria komentarzy do edycji</param>
 public void Edit(CommentCategory element)
     _db.Entry(element).State = EntityState.Modified;
 /// <summary>
 /// Dodanie kategorii komentarzy
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="element">Kategoria komentarza do dodania</param>
 public void Add(CommentCategory element)