Exemple #1
        public void GetValueFromString(string src, Type expectedType, bool expectedSuccess, object expectedResult)
            bool success = CommandlineMethods.GetValueFromString(src, expectedType, out object result);

            Assert.Equal(expectedSuccess, success);
            if (success)
                Assert.Equal(expectedResult, result);
        internal override void Interpret()
            if (Offset + 1 >= TopInterpreter.Args.Length || IsParameterEqual("help", TopInterpreter.Args[Offset + 1], "?"))
                HelpGenerators.PrintConfigurationContextHelp(_root, this, true);

            bool ro = false;

            object requiredObject = _referenceToObject;

            (PropertyInfo prop, object[] indexers, PropertyInfo lastNonIndexer) =
                ConfigurationHelpers.ResolvePathRecursive(TopInterpreter.Args[Offset], _typeInfoOfConfiguration, ref requiredObject,
                                                          ref ro);

            string Operator = TopInterpreter.Args[Offset];

            if (IsParameterEqual("Help", Operator, allowPrefixFree: true))
                var contextAttribute = lastNonIndexer.PropertyType.GetCustomAttribute <CmdConfigurationNamespaceAttribute>();
                if (contextAttribute is null)
                    var valueAttribute = lastNonIndexer.GetCustomAttribute <CmdConfigurationFieldAttribute>();
                    valueAttribute.Load(new PropertyOrFieldInfo(lastNonIndexer));
                    HelpGenerators.PrintConfigurationFieldHelp(valueAttribute, this);
                    HelpGenerators.PrintConfigurationContextHelp(contextAttribute, this);

            if (IsParameterEqual("Get", Operator, allowPrefixFree: true))
                object currentValue;
                try {
                    currentValue = indexers is null?prop.GetValue(requiredObject) : prop.GetValue(requiredObject, indexers);
                catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new CLIUsageException("An error occurred while obtaining the value requested:", e);


            if (IsParameterEqual("Set", Operator, allowPrefixFree: true))
                var valueAttribute = prop.GetCustomAttribute <CmdConfigurationFieldAttribute>();
                if (ro || !prop.CanWrite)
                    throw new CLIUsageException("The given property is read only");

                if (IncreaseOffset())
                    throw new CLIUsageException("Please supply a value to set the given value to!");

                if (!CommandlineMethods.GetValueFromString(TopInterpreter.Args[Offset], prop.PropertyType, out object newValue))
                    throw new CLIUsageException(
                              $"The given string (TopInterpreter.Args[Offset]) couldn't be parsed to {prop.PropertyType}!");

                try {
                    if (indexers is null)
                        prop.SetValue(requiredObject, newValue);
                        prop.SetValue(requiredObject, newValue, indexers);
                catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new CLIUsageException("An error occurred while writing the value:", e);

                if (_referenceToObject is IConfigurationRoot iCfgRoot)
                    iCfgRoot.Save(Enumerable.Repeat(new PropertyOrFieldInfo(lastNonIndexer), 1));


            if (IsParameterEqual("RemoveAt", Operator, allowPrefixFree: true))
                var valueAttribute = prop.GetCustomAttribute <CmdConfigurationFieldAttribute>();
                if (ro || !prop.CanWrite)
                    throw new CLIUsageException("The given value is not writable");

                if (!typeof(ICollection).IsAssignableFrom(prop.PropertyType))
                    throw new CLIUsageException("The object that you try to remove an element from is no collection.");

                if (IncreaseOffset())
                    throw new CLIUsageException("Please supply a value to set the given value to!");

                if (!CommandlineMethods.GetValueFromString(TopInterpreter.Args[Offset], out int removalIndex))
                    throw new CLIUsageException($"The given string couldn't be parsed to {prop.PropertyType}!");

                try {
                    ((IList)(indexers is null ? prop.GetValue(requiredObject) : prop.GetValue(requiredObject, indexers)))
                    .RemoveAt(removalIndex);                     //Safe due to previous assignability check
                catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new CLIUsageException("An error occurred while removing an object:", e);

            throw new CLIUsageException("Could not resolve the operator provided");
            //TODO Remove and Add missing
Exemple #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks if a given parameter matches a specified one
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="expected">The expected parameter</param>
 /// <param name="given">The given parameter to compare with, null to get next from interpretation task</param>
 /// <param name="expectedShortForm">The ShortForm of <paramref name="expected"/> null for none</param>
 /// <param name="allowPrefixFree">Whether it can be used without prefix, defaults to no</param>
 /// <returns>Whether the given form matched the expected form or its ShortForm</returns>
 internal bool IsParameterEqual(string expected, string given = null, string expectedShortForm = null,
                                bool allowPrefixFree          = false) =>
 CommandlineMethods.IsParameterEqual(expected, given ?? TopInterpreter.Args[Offset],
                                     expectedShortForm, allowPrefixFree);