Exemple #1
    static void PackagePlugin(string PluginFileName, List <BuildProduct> BuildProducts, string PackageDirectory)
        // Clear the output directory

        // Copy all the files to the output directory
        List <string> MatchingFileNames = FilterPluginFiles(PluginFileName, BuildProducts);

        foreach (string MatchingFileName in MatchingFileNames)
            string SourceFileName = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(PluginFileName), MatchingFileName);
            string TargetFileName = Path.Combine(PackageDirectory, MatchingFileName);
            CommandUtils.CopyFile(SourceFileName, TargetFileName);
            CommandUtils.SetFileAttributes(TargetFileName, ReadOnly: false);

        // Get the output plugin filename
        string           TargetPluginFileName = CommandUtils.MakeRerootedFilePath(Path.GetFullPath(PluginFileName), Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetFullPath(PluginFileName)), PackageDirectory);
        PluginDescriptor NewDescriptor        = PluginDescriptor.FromFile(TargetPluginFileName);

        NewDescriptor.bEnabledByDefault = true;
        NewDescriptor.bInstalled        = true;
Exemple #2
    public override void ExecuteBuild()
        // Get the plugin filename
        string PluginParam = ParseParamValue("Plugin");

        if (PluginParam == null)
            throw new AutomationException("Missing -Plugin=... argument");

        // Check it exists
        FileReference PluginFile = new FileReference(PluginParam);

        if (!FileReference.Exists(PluginFile))
            throw new AutomationException("Plugin '{0}' not found", PluginFile.FullName);

        // Get the output directory
        string PackageParam = ParseParamValue("Package");

        if (PackageParam == null)
            throw new AutomationException("Missing -Package=... argument");

        // Option for verifying that all include directive s
        bool bStrictIncludes = ParseParam("StrictIncludes");

        // Whether to use VS2019 for compiling all targets. By default, we currently use 2017 for compiling static libraries for maximum compatibility.
        bool bVS2019 = ParseParam("VS2019");

        // Make sure the packaging directory is valid
        DirectoryReference PackageDir = new DirectoryReference(PackageParam);

        if (PluginFile.IsUnderDirectory(PackageDir))
            throw new AutomationException("Packaged plugin output directory must be different to source");
        if (PackageDir.IsUnderDirectory(DirectoryReference.Combine(CommandUtils.RootDirectory, "Engine")))
            throw new AutomationException("Output directory for packaged plugin must be outside engine directory");

        // Clear the output directory of existing stuff
        if (DirectoryReference.Exists(PackageDir))

        // Create a placeholder FilterPlugin.ini with instructions on how to use it
        FileReference SourceFilterFile = FileReference.Combine(PluginFile.Directory, "Config", "FilterPlugin.ini");

        if (!FileReference.Exists(SourceFilterFile))
            List <string> Lines = new List <string>();
            Lines.Add("; This section lists additional files which will be packaged along with your plugin. Paths should be listed relative to the root plugin directory, and");
            Lines.Add("; may include \"...\", \"*\", and \"?\" wildcards to match directories, files, and individual characters respectively.");
            Lines.Add("; Examples:");
            Lines.Add(";    /README.txt");
            Lines.Add(";    /Extras/...");
            Lines.Add(";    /Binaries/ThirdParty/*.dll");
            CommandUtils.WriteAllLines_NoExceptions(SourceFilterFile.FullName, Lines.ToArray());

        // Create a host project for the plugin. For script generator plugins, we need to have UHT be able to load it, which can only happen if it's enabled in a project.
        FileReference HostProjectFile       = FileReference.Combine(PackageDir, "HostProject", "HostProject.uproject");
        FileReference HostProjectPluginFile = CreateHostProject(HostProjectFile, PluginFile);

        // Read the plugin
        CommandUtils.LogInformation("Reading plugin from {0}...", HostProjectPluginFile);
        PluginDescriptor Plugin = PluginDescriptor.FromFile(HostProjectPluginFile);

        // Get the arguments for the compile
        StringBuilder AdditionalArgs = new StringBuilder();

        if (bStrictIncludes)
            CommandUtils.LogInformation("Building with precompiled headers and unity disabled");
            AdditionalArgs.Append(" -NoPCH -NoSharedPCH -DisableUnity");

        // Compile the plugin for all the target platforms
        List <UnrealTargetPlatform> HostPlatforms = ParseParam("NoHostPlatform")? new List <UnrealTargetPlatform>() : new List <UnrealTargetPlatform> {
        List <UnrealTargetPlatform> TargetPlatforms = GetTargetPlatforms(this, BuildHostPlatform.Current.Platform);

        FileReference[] BuildProducts = CompilePlugin(HostProjectFile, HostProjectPluginFile, Plugin, HostPlatforms, TargetPlatforms, AdditionalArgs.ToString(), bVS2019);

        // Package up the final plugin data
        PackagePlugin(HostProjectPluginFile, BuildProducts, PackageDir, ParseParam("unversioned"));

        // Remove the host project
        if (!ParseParam("NoDeleteHostProject"))