public async Task <IActionResult> UploadFastQFileAsync(List <IFormFile> files) { string tempBasePath = CheckBaseTempPath(); if (Request.Form.Files.Count > 0) //get first { string fileFullPath = tempBasePath + DateTime.Now.Millisecond + Request.Form.Files[0].FileName; using (var stream = new FileStream(fileFullPath, FileMode.Create)) { await Request.Form.Files[0].CopyToAsync(stream); } string guid = CommandMap.FastqToFasta(fileFullPath, fileFullPath + ".out.fasta"); HttpContext.Session.SetString("guid", guid); return(Json(new FastqToFasaQueryRes() { Code = 0, Guid = guid })); } return(Json(new FastqToFasaQueryRes() { Code = 500, })); }
public static IServiceCollection AddRedis(this IServiceCollection services, CommandMap commandMap = null, Version version = null) { services.AddSingleton(provider => { var configuration = provider.GetRequiredService <IConfiguration>(); var redisConfig = configuration.GetSection(nameof(RedisConfig)).Get <RedisConfig>(); if (redisConfig == null) { throw new Exception($"{nameof(RedisConfig)} must not be null"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(redisConfig.Ip)) { throw new Exception($"{nameof(RedisConfig)}.{nameof(RedisConfig.Ip)} must not be null or empty"); } redisConfig.CommandMap = commandMap ?? CommandMap.Default; redisConfig.Version = version ?? new Version(5, 0); return(redisConfig); }); services.AddSingleton <IRedisClient, RedisClient>(); return(services); }
public UpdateObjEditCards(ReflexPanel parent /*, ref Shared shared*/) { this.parent = parent; commandMap = new CommandMap(@"ReflexPanel"); updateList = new List <UpdateObject>(); }
public string GetConnectionString() { var configurationOptions = new ConfigurationOptions { ConnectTimeout = _options.ConnectionTimeout, Password = _options.Password, Ssl = _options.IsSsl, SslHost = _options.SslHost, CommandMap = CommandMap.Create(_options.CommandMap) }; try { configurationOptions.Password = configurationOptions.Password; } catch { _logger.LogCritical("Redis Password was not encrypted!!!"); } var list = _options.Servers.Distinct(); foreach (var endpoint in list) { configurationOptions.EndPoints.Add(endpoint.Host, int.Parse(endpoint.Port)); } return(configurationOptions.ToString()); }
public MainWindowViewModel() { this._signupVisibility = new ButtonVisibility(); this._welcomeVisibility = new ButtonVisibility(); this.LoggedText = string.Empty; this.ChangeApplicationState(E_APPLICATION_STATE.E_APPLICATION_USER_LOGGED_OUT); this.Commands = new CommandMap(); this.Commands.AddCommand("LoginButtonCommand", x => { this.ChangeBody(E_BODY_TYPES.E_BODY_LOGIN); }); this.Commands.AddCommand("CreateNewPasteCommand", x => { this.ChangeBody(E_BODY_TYPES.E_BODY_MAIN); }); this.Commands.AddCommand("LogoutCommand", x => { MessageBox.Show(UserSession.Instance.Username); this.ChangeApplicationState(E_APPLICATION_STATE.E_APPLICATION_USER_LOGGED_OUT); this.ChangeBody(E_BODY_TYPES.E_BODY_MAIN); }); this._mainBodyView = new MainBodyView(); this._mainBodyViewModel = new MainBodyViewModel(this); this._loginBodyView = new LoginBodyView(); this._loginBodyViewModel = new LoginBodyViewModel(this); this.ChangeBody(E_BODY_TYPES.E_BODY_MAIN); }
/// <summary> /// Override for the Do function /// </summary> /// <param name="prCmd"></param> public override void Do(CommandMap prCmd) { base.Do(prCmd); // consume string lcDirection = Command.Tokens[Command.CurrentToken]; GameManager.DebugLog("Got a Go" + lcDirection); Area lcArea = GameModel.CurrentPlayer.CurrentArea; // Shortcut to the current area string lcCurrentCnvName =; // Shortcut to the canvas that the player is currently on if (lcCurrentCnvName == "CnvGame") // Check that the current canvas is the game canvas { if (GameModel.CurrentPlayer.Move(lcDirection) == true) // try to move { prCmd.Result = GameModel.CurrentPlayer.CurrentArea.AreaText + "\n"; prCmd.Result += GameModel.CurrentPlayer.CurrentArea.ItemsText; prCmd.Result += GameModel.CurrentPlayer.CurrentArea.DestinationText; } else { prCmd.Result = "Not a valid direction!"; } } else { prCmd.Result = "Not able to go places when in " + lcCurrentCnvName; } }
/// <summary> /// Override for the Do function /// </summary> /// <param name="prCmd"></param> public override void Do(CommandMap prCmd) { base.Do(prCmd); // consume GameManager.DebugLog("Got a Pick" + Command.Tokens[CurrentToken]); if (Command.Tokens[CurrentToken].ToLower() == "up") { Command.Consume(); } Area lcArea = GameModel.CurrentPlayer.CurrentArea; // Shortcut to the current area string lcCurrentCnvName =; // Shortcut to the canvas that the player is currently on if (lcCurrentCnvName == "CnvGame") // Check that the current canvas is the game canvas { foreach (Item prItem in lcArea.LstItems) { if (Command.Tokens[CurrentToken] == prItem.ItemName) { GameModel.CurrentPlayer.PickUpItem(prItem); prCmd.Result = prItem.TextOnPickup; break; } else { prCmd.Result = "Could not pick up that item!"; } } } else { prCmd.Result = "Not able to go places when in " + lcCurrentCnvName; } }
/// <summary> /// Override for the Do function /// </summary> /// <param name="prCmd"></param> public override void Do(CommandMap prCmd) { base.Do(prCmd); // consume GameManager.DebugLog("Got a Use" + Command.Tokens[Command.CurrentToken]); string lcCurrentCnvName =; // Shortcut to the canvas that the player is currently on if (lcCurrentCnvName == "CnvGame") // Check that the current canvas is the game canvas { foreach (Item prItem in GameModel.CurrentPlayer.LstInventory) { if (prItem.ItemName == Tokens[CurrentToken]) { prCmd.Result = GameModel.CurrentPlayer.Use(prItem); GameModel.DB.SetPlayer(GameModel.CurrentPlayer); break; } } } else { prCmd.Result = "Not able to go places when in " + lcCurrentCnvName; } }
/// <summary> /// Override for the Do function /// </summary> /// <param name="prCmd"></param> public override void Do(CommandMap prCmd) { base.Do(prCmd); // consume string lcResult = ""; GameManager.DebugLog("Got an Attack" + Command.Tokens[Command.CurrentToken]); Area lcArea = GameModel.CurrentPlayer.CurrentArea; // Shortcut to the current area string lcCurrentCnvName =; // Shortcut to the canvas that the player is currently on if (lcCurrentCnvName == "CnvGame") // Check that the current canvas is the game canvas { if (lcArea.Boss != null) { if (lcArea.Boss.AreaName == lcArea.AreaName) { lcResult = GameModel.CurrentPlayer.Attack(lcArea.Boss); GameModel.DB.SetPlayer(GameModel.CurrentPlayer); GameModel.DB.SetArea(lcArea); } } else { lcResult = "No boss to attack"; } } else { lcResult = "Not able to go places when in " + lcCurrentCnvName; } prCmd.Result = lcResult; }
/// <summary> /// Override for the Do function /// </summary> /// <param name="prCmd"></param> public override void Do(CommandMap prCmd) { base.Do(prCmd); // consume string lcResult = ""; GameManager.DebugLog("Got a Show" + Command.Tokens[Command.CurrentToken]); switch (Command.Tokens[Command.CurrentToken]) { case "game": GameManager.Instance.SwitchToCanvas(GameManager.Instance.CnvGame); break; case "map": GameManager.Instance.SwitchToCanvas(GameManager.Instance.CnvMap); break; case "inventory": GameManager.Instance.SwitchToCanvas(GameManager.Instance.CnvInventory); break; default: lcResult = "Do not understand. Did you mean \"show game\", \"show map\", or \"show inventory\"?"; break; } prCmd.Result = lcResult; }
virtual public IQueryStatusResult CommandBeforeQueryStatus(ICommandQueryStatusParams e) { var result = new QueryStatusResult(); var prgcmds = (OLECMD[])e.PrgCmds; uint wtfisthis = prgcmds[0].cmdf; int commandID = Convert.ToInt32(prgcmds[0].cmdID); if (CommandMap.ContainsKey(commandID)) { var mappedCommand = CommandMap[commandID]; bool isVisible = mappedCommand.BaseCommand.BeforeQueryStatus(mappedCommand.MenuCommand, new EventArgs()); wtfisthis |= (uint)OLECMDF.OLECMDF_SUPPORTED | (uint)OLECMDF.OLECMDF_ENABLED; if (!isVisible) { wtfisthis = (uint)OLECMDF.OLECMDF_DEFHIDEONCTXTMENU | (uint)OLECMDF.OLECMDF_SUPPORTED | (uint)OLECMDF.OLECMDF_INVISIBLE; } result.IsVersionControlled = isVisible; } else { } result.PrgCmdsValue = wtfisthis; result.ReturnValue = 0; return(result); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Connection setup var configurationOptions = new ConfigurationOptions { EndPoints = { "" }, KeepAlive = 10, AbortOnConnectFail = false, ConfigurationChannel = "", TieBreaker = "", ConfigCheckSeconds = 0, CommandMap = CommandMap.Create(new HashSet <string> { // EXCLUDE a few commands "SUBSCRIBE", "UNSUBSCRIBE", "CLUSTER" }, available: false), Password = "******" }; ConnectionMultiplexer redis = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(configurationOptions); // Standard connection IDatabase db = redis.GetDatabase(); RedisValue reply = db.HashGet("myHash", "myElem"); Console.WriteLine(reply); }
/// <summary> /// Заполняет карту комманд (для вызова пользователя) /// Командный лист не содержит служебных комманд! /// </summary> private void FillCommandMap() { foreach (var command in Commands) { CommandMap.Add(command.Name, command); } }
private string GetConnectionString() { var redisConfig = new ConfigurationOptions { AbortOnConnectFail = false, Ssl = Convert.ToBoolean(this._redisConfig.SSL), ConnectRetry = 3, ConnectTimeout = 1000 * 30, AsyncTimeout = 1000 * 3, SyncTimeout = 1000 * 3, ReconnectRetryPolicy = new ExponentialRetry(5000, 30000), DefaultDatabase = 0, AllowAdmin = true, CommandMap = CommandMap.Create(new HashSet <string> { "INFO", "ECHO" }, available: false), EndPoints = { { this._redisConfig.HostName, Convert.ToInt32(this._redisConfig.Port) } }, Password = this._redisConfig.Key }; return(redisConfig.ToString()); }
public static string GetRedisConnectionString() { var settings = ParseVCAP(); if (null != settings.RedisPassword) { ConfigurationOptions config = new ConfigurationOptions { EndPoints = { { settings.RedisHost }//, int.Parse(settings.RedisPort)} }, CommandMap = CommandMap.Create(new HashSet <string> { // EXCLUDE a few commands /*"INFO", "CONFIG", "CLUSTER",*/ "PING", "ECHO", }, available: false), KeepAlive = 180, DefaultVersion = new Version(2, 8, 8), Password = settings.RedisPassword }; return(config.ToString()); } return(null); }
public Command(MainViewModel viewModel, string name) { ViewModel = viewModel; Name = name; CommandMap.Add(name, this); }
//parse the input text public static string Parse(string prCommand) { prCommand = prCommand.ToLower(); string[] commandParts = prCommand.Split(' '); CommandMap validateChoice = new CommandMap(); if (commandParts.Length >= 2) { //prompt user to enter correct command return(CombatChoice.instance.AllCombatText += "\n" + "please enter single word commands"); } else { if (validateChoice.validAction(prCommand)) { return(CombatChoice.instance.AllCombatText); } //prompt user to enter correct command else { return(CombatChoice.instance.AllCombatText + "please enter a combat choice"); } } }
public void RedisLabsSSL() { Skip.IfNoConfig(nameof(TestConfig.Config.RedisLabsSslServer), TestConfig.Current.RedisLabsSslServer); Skip.IfNoConfig(nameof(TestConfig.Config.RedisLabsPfxPath), TestConfig.Current.RedisLabsPfxPath); var cert = new X509Certificate2(TestConfig.Current.RedisLabsPfxPath, ""); Assert.NotNull(cert); Writer.WriteLine("Thumbprint: " + cert.Thumbprint); int timeout = 5000; if (Debugger.IsAttached) { timeout *= 100; } var options = new ConfigurationOptions { EndPoints = { { TestConfig.Current.RedisLabsSslServer, TestConfig.Current.RedisLabsSslPort } }, ConnectTimeout = timeout, AllowAdmin = true, CommandMap = CommandMap.Create(new HashSet <string> { "subscribe", "unsubscribe", "cluster" }, false) }; options.TrustIssuer("redislabs_ca.pem"); if (!Directory.Exists(Me())) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Me()); } #if LOGOUTPUT ConnectionMultiplexer.EchoPath = Me(); #endif options.Ssl = true; options.CertificateSelection += delegate { return(cert); }; RedisKey key = Me(); using (var conn = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(options)) { var db = conn.GetDatabase(); db.KeyDelete(key, CommandFlags.FireAndForget); string s = db.StringGet(key); Assert.Null(s); db.StringSet(key, "abc", flags: CommandFlags.FireAndForget); s = db.StringGet(key); Assert.Equal("abc", s); var latency = db.Ping(); Log("RedisLabs latency: {0:###,##0.##}ms", latency.TotalMilliseconds); using (var file = File.Create("")) { conn.ExportConfiguration(file); } } }
private ConfigurationOptions GetConfigurationOptions(bool isForceAllowAdmin = false) { var endPointFirst = BedrockConfiguration.Cache.Redis.EndPoints.First(); var returnValue = new ConfigurationOptions { AbortOnConnectFail = BedrockConfiguration.Cache.Redis.AbortOnConnectFail, AllowAdmin = isForceAllowAdmin ? true : BedrockConfiguration.Cache.Redis.AllowAdmin, ChannelPrefix = BedrockConfiguration.Cache.Redis.ChannelPrefix, ClientName = BedrockConfiguration.Cache.Redis.ClientName, CommandMap = CommandMap.Create(new HashSet <string>(BedrockConfiguration.Cache.Redis.Commands), available: BedrockConfiguration.Cache.Redis.IsCommandsAvailable), ConfigCheckSeconds = BedrockConfiguration.Cache.Redis.ConfigCheckSeconds, ConfigurationChannel = BedrockConfiguration.Cache.Redis.ConfigurationChannel, ConnectRetry = BedrockConfiguration.Cache.Redis.ConnectRetry, ConnectTimeout = BedrockConfiguration.Cache.Redis.ConnectTimeout, DefaultDatabase = BedrockConfiguration.Cache.Redis.DefaultDatabase, DefaultVersion = new Version(BedrockConfiguration.Cache.Redis.DefaultVersion), KeepAlive = BedrockConfiguration.Cache.Redis.KeepAlive, Password = BedrockConfiguration.Cache.Redis.Password, Proxy = (Proxy)BedrockConfiguration.Cache.Redis.Proxy, ResolveDns = BedrockConfiguration.Cache.Redis.ResolveDns, ResponseTimeout = BedrockConfiguration.Cache.Redis.ResponseTimeout, ServiceName = BedrockConfiguration.Cache.Redis.ServiceName, Ssl = BedrockConfiguration.Cache.Redis.Ssl, SslHost = BedrockConfiguration.Cache.Redis.SslHost, SyncTimeout = BedrockConfiguration.Cache.Redis.SyncTimeout, TieBreaker = BedrockConfiguration.Cache.Redis.TieBreaker }; SetEndPoints(returnValue); return(returnValue); }
public static void RemovePlugin <T>() { foreach (var item in CommandMap) { if (typeof(T) != item.Value.GetType()) { continue; } CommandMap.Remove(item.Key, out _); } foreach (var item in ServiceList) { if (typeof(T) != item.GetType()) { continue; } ServiceList.Remove(item); } foreach (var item in ApplicationList) { if (typeof(T) != item.GetType()) { continue; } ApplicationList.Remove(item); } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="RedisAddressList"></param> /// <param name="Password">默认无密码</param> /// <param name="DbIndex"></param> public RedisExChangeHelper(IList <string> RedisAddressList = null, string Password = "", int DbIndex = -1) { ConfigurationOptions opt = new ConfigurationOptions { CommandMap = CommandMap.Create(new HashSet <string> { "INFO", "CONFIG", "CLUSTER", "PING", "ECHO", "CLIENT" }, available: false), KeepAlive = 120 }; if (RedisAddressList == null || RedisAddressList.Count == 0) { RedisAddressList.Add(""); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Password)) { opt.Password = Password; } foreach (var item in RedisAddressList) { opt.EndPoints.Add(item); } RedisMgr = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(opt); Redis = RedisMgr.GetDatabase(DbIndex); }
public ConfigurationOptions GetOptions() { var config = new ConfigurationOptions { CommandMap = CommandMap.Create(ExcludedCommands, false), KeepAlive = KeepAlive, // 60 sec to ensure connection is alive ConnectTimeout = ConnectTimeout, // 5 sec SyncTimeout = SyncTimeout, // 5 sec AllowAdmin = AllowAdmin, AbortOnConnectFail = false, ReconnectRetryPolicy = new ExponentialRetry(500, 10000) }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Password)) { config.Password = Password; } foreach (var endpoint in Endpoints) { config.EndPoints.Add(endpoint.Host, endpoint.Port); } return(config); }
public StupidRedisCaching(IConfiguration config) { var redis = config.GetSection("Caching:Redis"); ConfigurationOptions confRedis = new ConfigurationOptions { EndPoints = { { redis["Host"], 6379 } }, CommandMap = CommandMap.Create(new HashSet <string>() { // EXCLUDE a few commands "INFO", "CONFIG", "CLUSTER", "PING", "ECHO", "CLIENT" }, available: false), KeepAlive = 180, ConnectTimeout = 2000, ReconnectRetryPolicy = new ExponentialRetry(7500), ConnectRetry = 2, AbortOnConnectFail = false }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(redis["Password"])) { confRedis.Password = redis["Password"]; } //string connString = $"{redis["Host"]},password={redis["Password"]}"; _multiplexer = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(confRedis); }
/// <summary> /// 获取可用连接,最小负载 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private ConnectionMultiplexer GetLeastLoadedConn() { if (this.connectionPool.Count < this.poolSize) { lock (this.objLock) { if (this.connectionPool.Count < this.poolSize) { var config = ConfigurationOptions.Parse(this.connectString, true); config.AbortOnConnectFail = false; config.KeepAlive = 60; config.SyncTimeout = Math.Max(config.SyncTimeout, 10000); //默认1秒,最小设置为10秒 config.SocketManager = new SocketManager(); //每个socketmanager维护了线程池,多建立几个提高并发 config.CommandMap = CommandMap.Create(new HashSet <string> { "SUBSCRIBE" }, false); //禁用订阅发布,否则会多建立一条无用连接 var conn = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(config); this.connectionPool.Add(conn); return(conn); } } } //最小负载 var min = this.connectionPool.OrderBy(m => m.GetCounters().TotalOutstanding).First(); return(min); }
public ProgressScreen() { instance = this; operations = new List <ProgressOperation>(); commandMap = new CommandMap(@"App.ProgressScreen"); }
public UpdateObj(NotPieSelector parent) : base() { this.parent = parent; commandMap = new CommandMap(@"NotPieSelector"); = @"NotPieSelector " + "NOT!!!"; }
private CommandMap CreateMap(CommandBase command) { var mapCommand = new CommandMap(command); mapCommand.Methods.AddRange(this.ActionMapper.Map(command, command.OnlyMethodsWithAttribute, command.UsePrefixInAllMethods, command.PrefixMethods)); mapCommand.Properties.AddRange(this.ArgumentMapper.Map(command, command.OnlyPropertiesWithAttribute)); return(mapCommand); }
/// <summary> /// Remove a previously registered <c>ICommand</c> to <c>INotification</c> mapping. /// </summary> /// <param name="notificationName">the name of the <c>INotification</c> to remove the <c>ICommand</c> mapping for</param> public virtual void RemoveCommand(string notificationName) { if (!CommandMap.ContainsKey(notificationName)) { return; } MyView.RemoveObserver(notificationName, this); }
public UpdateObj(TitleScreenMode parent, ref Shared shared) { this.parent = parent; this.shared = shared; this.commandMap = new CommandMap(@"TitleScreen"); updateList = new List <UpdateObject>(); } // end of UpdateObj c'tor
public NormalMode(TextEditorData editor) : base(editor) { // normal mode commands CommandMap.Add("0", new FirstColumnCommand(editor)); CommandMap.Add("a", new AppendCommand(editor)); CommandMap.Add("A", new AppendEndCommand(editor)); CommandMap.Add("b", new WordBackCommand(editor)); CommandMap.Add("cc", new ChangeLineCommand(editor)); CommandMap.Add("ci'", new ChangeInsideSingleQuotesCommand(editor)); CommandMap.Add("ci\"", new ChangeInsideDoubleQuotesCommand(editor)); CommandMap.Add("ci(", new ChangeInsideParenthesesCommand(editor)); CommandMap.Add("ci{", new ChangeInsideBracesCommand(editor)); CommandMap.Add("ci[", new ChangeInsideBracketsCommand(editor)); CommandMap.Add("cw", new ChangeWordCommand(editor)); CommandMap.Add("c$", new ChangeToEndCommand(editor)); CommandMap.Add("C", new ChangeToEndCommand(editor)); CommandMap.Add("dd", new DeleteLineCommand(editor)); CommandMap.Add("dw", new DeleteWordCommand(editor)); CommandMap.Add("d$", new DeleteLineEndCommand(editor)); CommandMap.Add("D", new DeleteLineEndCommand(editor)); CommandMap.Add("f", new FindCommand(editor)); CommandMap.Add("F", new FindPreviousCommand(editor)); CommandMap.Add("gg", new GoToLineCommand(editor)); CommandMap.Add("gd", new GoToDeclarationCommand(editor)); CommandMap.Add("gt", new GoToNextDocumentCommand(editor)); CommandMap.Add("gT", new GoToPreviousDocumentCommand(editor)); CommandMap.Add("G", new GoToLineCommand(editor)); CommandMap.Add("i", new InsertCommand(editor)); CommandMap.Add("I", new InsertLineStartCommand(editor)); CommandMap.Add("J", new JoinCommand(editor)); CommandMap.Add("n", new SearchNextCommand(editor)); CommandMap.Add("N", new SearchPreviousCommand(editor)); CommandMap.Add("o", new OpenBelowCommand(editor)); CommandMap.Add("O", new OpenAboveCommand(editor)); CommandMap.Add("p", new PasteAppendCommand(editor)); CommandMap.Add("P", new PasteInsertCommand(editor)); CommandMap.Add("r", new ReplaceCommand(editor)); CommandMap.Add("u", new UndoCommand(editor)); CommandMap.Add("v", new VisualCommand(editor)); CommandMap.Add("V", new VisualLineCommand(editor)); CommandMap.Add("w", new WordCommand(editor)); CommandMap.Add("x", new DeleteCharacterCommand(editor)); CommandMap.Add("yy", new YankLineCommand(editor)); CommandMap.Add("Y", new YankLineCommand(editor)); CommandMap.Add("zz", new RecenterCommand(editor)); CommandMap.Add("/", new SearchCommand(editor)); CommandMap.Add(">", new IndentCommand(editor)); CommandMap.Add(">>", new IndentOnceCommand(editor)); CommandMap.Add("<", new RemoveIndentCommand(editor)); CommandMap.Add("<<", new RemoveIndentOnceCommand(editor)); CommandMap.Add("%", new MatchingBraceCommand(editor)); CommandMap.Add("e", new WordEndCommand(editor)); CommandMap.Add("R", new ReplaceModeCommand(editor)); // remaps //KeyMap.Add("Delete", DeleteCharacter); }
protected string DispatchCommand(CommandMap.Commands command, string parameters) { switch (command) { case CommandMap.Commands.None: break; case CommandMap.Commands.ListKeys: return CommunicationBridge.ListKeys(); case CommandMap.Commands.Sendkeys: return CommunicationBridge.SendKeys(GetParams(parameters, ' ', 1)[0]); case CommandMap.Commands.ListMacros: return CommunicationBridge.ListMacros(); case CommandMap.Commands.SendMacro: return CommunicationBridge.SendMacro(GetParams(parameters, ' ', 1)[0]); case CommandMap.Commands.Loadfile: break; case CommandMap.Commands.RemapKey: return CommunicationBridge.ResponseError + " This command if not implemented yet"; case CommandMap.Commands.UnloadApplication: var resp = CommunicationBridge.UnloadApplication(); if (resp == CommunicationBridge.ResponseOk) { _socketWriter.WriteLine(resp); _socketWriter.Flush(); throw new EndOfStreamException(); } return resp; case CommandMap.Commands.SendToTray: return CommunicationBridge.SendMainWindowToTray(); case CommandMap.Commands.RestoreWindow: return CommunicationBridge.RestoreMainWindowsFromTray(); case CommandMap.Commands.StartSocketServer: return CommunicationBridge.StartSocketServer(); case CommandMap.Commands.StopSocketServer: return CommunicationBridge.StopSocketServer(); case CommandMap.Commands.Quit: _socketWriter.WriteLine(CommunicationBridge.ResponseOk); _socketWriter.Flush(); throw new EndOfStreamException(); case CommandMap.Commands.Help: ShowHelp(); return CommunicationBridge.ResponseOk; } return (CommunicationBridge.ResponseError + " Invalid Command."); }
/// <summary> /// 初始化网络监听 /// </summary> /// <param name="path"></param> private void InitNetFacade(string path) { string policy = null; try { using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(path, "crossdomain.txt"))) using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs, Encoding.UTF8, false)) { policy = sr.ReadToEnd(); } } catch { } GMManager.Instance.Load(Path.Combine(path, "GMList.txt")); FrontManager.Instance.Load(Path.Combine(path, "FrontIP.txt")); AmfStringZip zip = new CommandMap(); zip.Load(Path.Combine(path, "Command.txt")); string ip = ""; string ports = "8005"; int maxClient = 1000; int maxWaitSend = 64; const int receiveSize = 8 * 1024; const int sendSize = 64 * 1024; AmfCodec.Init(maxClient, zip); IHandshake hander = new Handshaker(policy); CommandProcessor gameProcessor = new CommandProcessor(receiveSize, zip); SessionFactory gameFactory = new SessionFactory(receiveSize, sendSize, maxWaitSend, gameProcessor); server = new GMService(gameFactory, gameFactory, hander); server.Start(ip, ports.Split(new char[] { ',', ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)); }