public override void Initialize() { base.Initialize(); // Reset the command list to prep for initialization commands. CommandList.Reset(DirectCmdListAlloc, null); _camera.Position = new Vector3(0.0f, 2.0f, -15.0f); LoadTextures(); BuildRootSignature(); BuildDescriptorHeaps(); BuildShadersAndInputLayout(); BuildShapeGeometry(); BuildSkullGeometry(); BuildMaterials(); BuildRenderItems(); BuildFrameResources(); BuildPSOs(); // Execute the initialization commands. CommandList.Close(); CommandQueue.ExecuteCommandList(CommandList); // Wait until initialization is complete. FlushCommandQueue(); }
public override void Initialize() { base.Initialize(); // Reset the command list to prep for initialization commands. CommandList.Reset(DirectCmdListAlloc, null); _waves = new Waves(128, 128, 1.0f, 0.03f, 4.0f, 0.2f); LoadTextures(); BuildRootSignature(); BuildDescriptorHeaps(); BuildShadersAndInputLayout(); BuildLandGeometry(); BuildWavesGeometry(); BuildBoxGeometry(); BuildMaterials(); BuildRenderItems(); BuildFrameResources(); BuildPSOs(); // Execute the initialization commands. CommandList.Close(); CommandQueue.ExecuteCommandList(CommandList); // Wait until initialization is complete. FlushCommandQueue(); }
public override void Initialize() { base.Initialize(); // Reset the command list to prep for initialization commands. CommandList.Reset(DirectCmdListAlloc, null); _camera.Position = new Vector3(0.0f, 2.0f, -15.0f); BuildCubeFaceCameras(0.0f, 2.0f, 0.0f); _dynamicCubeMap = new CubeRenderTarget(Device, CubeMapSize, CubeMapSize, Format.R8G8B8A8_UNorm); LoadTextures(); BuildRootSignature(); BuildDescriptorHeaps(); BuildCubeDepthStencil(); BuildShadersAndInputLayout(); BuildShapeGeometry(); BuildSkullGeometry(); BuildMaterials(); BuildRenderItems(); BuildFrameResources(); BuildPSOs(); // Execute the initialization commands. CommandList.Close(); CommandQueue.ExecuteCommandList(CommandList); // Wait until initialization is complete. FlushCommandQueue(); }
public override void Initialize() { base.Initialize(); // Reset the command list to prep for initialization commands. CommandList.Reset(DirectCmdListAlloc, null); _waves = new GpuWaves(Device, CommandList, 256, 256, 0.25f, 0.03f, 2.0f, 0.2f); _sobelFilter = new SobelFilter(Device, ClientWidth, ClientHeight, BackBufferFormat); _offscreenRT = new RenderTarget(Device, ClientWidth, ClientHeight, BackBufferFormat); LoadTextures(); BuildRootSignature(); BuildWavesRootSignature(); BuildPostProcessRootSignature(); BuildDescriptorHeaps(); BuildShadersAndInputLayout(); BuildLandGeometry(); BuildWavesGeometry(); BuildBoxGeometry(); BuildMaterials(); BuildRenderItems(); BuildFrameResources(); BuildPSOs(); // Execute the initialization commands. CommandList.Close(); CommandQueue.ExecuteCommandList(CommandList); // Wait until initialization is complete. FlushCommandQueue(); }
protected override void Draw(GameTimer gt) { CommandAllocator cmdListAlloc = CurrFrameResource.CmdListAlloc; // Reuse the memory associated with command recording. // We can only reset when the associated command lists have finished execution on the GPU. cmdListAlloc.Reset(); // A command list can be reset after it has been added to the command queue via ExecuteCommandList. // Reusing the command list reuses memory. CommandList.Reset(cmdListAlloc, _psos["opaque"]); CommandList.SetViewport(Viewport); CommandList.SetScissorRectangles(ScissorRectangle); // Indicate a state transition on the resource usage. CommandList.ResourceBarrierTransition(CurrentBackBuffer, ResourceStates.Present, ResourceStates.RenderTarget); // Clear the back buffer and depth buffer. CommandList.ClearRenderTargetView(CurrentBackBufferView, new Color(_mainPassCB.FogColor)); CommandList.ClearDepthStencilView(DepthStencilView, ClearFlags.FlagsDepth | ClearFlags.FlagsStencil, 1.0f, 0); // Specify the buffers we are going to render to. CommandList.SetRenderTargets(CurrentBackBufferView, DepthStencilView); CommandList.SetDescriptorHeaps(_descriptorHeaps.Length, _descriptorHeaps); CommandList.SetGraphicsRootSignature(_rootSignature); var passCBByteSize = D3DUtil.CalcConstantBufferByteSize <PassConstants>(); // Draw opaque items--floors, walls, skull. Resource passCB = CurrFrameResource.PassCB.Resource; CommandList.SetGraphicsRootConstantBufferView(2, passCB.GPUVirtualAddress); DrawRenderItems(CommandList, _ritemLayers[RenderLayer.Opaque]); // Indicate a state transition on the resource usage. CommandList.ResourceBarrierTransition(CurrentBackBuffer, ResourceStates.RenderTarget, ResourceStates.Present); // Done recording commands. CommandList.Close(); // Add the command list to the queue for execution. CommandQueue.ExecuteCommandList(CommandList); // Present the buffer to the screen. Presenting will automatically swap the back and front buffers. SwapChain.Present(0, PresentFlags.None); // Advance the fence value to mark commands up to this fence point. CurrFrameResource.Fence = ++CurrentFence; // Add an instruction to the command queue to set a new fence point. // Because we are on the GPU timeline, the new fence point won't be // set until the GPU finishes processing all the commands prior to this Signal(). CommandQueue.Signal(Fence, CurrentFence); }
protected override void Draw(GameTimer gt) { CommandAllocator cmdListAlloc = CurrFrameResource.CmdListAlloc; // Reuse the memory associated with command recording. // We can only reset when the associated command lists have finished execution on the GPU. cmdListAlloc.Reset(); // A command list can be reset after it has been added to the command queue via ExecuteCommandList. // Reusing the command list reuses memory. CommandList.Reset(cmdListAlloc, _isWireframe ? _psos["opaque_wireframe"] : _psos["opaque"]); CommandList.SetViewport(Viewport); CommandList.SetScissorRectangles(ScissorRectangle); // Indicate a state transition on the resource usage. CommandList.ResourceBarrierTransition(CurrentBackBuffer, ResourceStates.Present, ResourceStates.RenderTarget); // Clear the back buffer and depth buffer. CommandList.ClearRenderTargetView(CurrentBackBufferView, Color.LightSteelBlue); CommandList.ClearDepthStencilView(DepthStencilView, ClearFlags.FlagsDepth | ClearFlags.FlagsStencil, 1.0f, 0); // Specify the buffers we are going to render to. CommandList.SetRenderTargets(CurrentBackBufferView, DepthStencilView); CommandList.SetDescriptorHeaps(_descriptorHeaps.Length, _descriptorHeaps); CommandList.SetGraphicsRootSignature(_rootSignature); int passCbvIndex = _passCbvOffset + _currFrameResourceIndex; GpuDescriptorHandle passCbvHandle = _cbvHeap.GPUDescriptorHandleForHeapStart; passCbvHandle += passCbvIndex * CbvSrvUavDescriptorSize; CommandList.SetGraphicsRootDescriptorTable(1, passCbvHandle); DrawRenderItems(CommandList, _ritemLayers[RenderLayer.Opaque]); // Indicate a state transition on the resource usage. CommandList.ResourceBarrierTransition(CurrentBackBuffer, ResourceStates.RenderTarget, ResourceStates.Present); // Done recording commands. CommandList.Close(); // Add the command list to the queue for execution. CommandQueue.ExecuteCommandList(CommandList); // Present the buffer to the screen. Presenting will automatically swap the back and front buffers. SwapChain.Present(0, PresentFlags.None); // Advance the fence value to mark commands up to this fence point. CurrFrameResource.Fence = ++CurrentFence; // Add an instruction to the command queue to set a new fence point. // Because we are on the GPU timeline, the new fence point won't be // set until the GPU finishes processing all the commands prior to this Signal(). CommandQueue.Signal(Fence, CurrentFence); }
protected override void Draw(GameTimer gt) { // Reuse the memory associated with command recording. // We can only reset when the associated command lists have finished execution on the GPU. DirectCmdListAlloc.Reset(); // A command list can be reset after it has been added to the command queue via ExecuteCommandList. // Reusing the command list reuses memory. CommandList.Reset(DirectCmdListAlloc, _pso); CommandList.SetViewport(Viewport); CommandList.SetScissorRectangles(ScissorRectangle); // Indicate a state transition on the resource usage. CommandList.ResourceBarrierTransition(CurrentBackBuffer, ResourceStates.Present, ResourceStates.RenderTarget); // Clear the back buffer and depth buffer. CommandList.ClearRenderTargetView(CurrentBackBufferView, Color.LightSteelBlue); CommandList.ClearDepthStencilView(DepthStencilView, ClearFlags.FlagsDepth | ClearFlags.FlagsStencil, 1.0f, 0); // Specify the buffers we are going to render to. CommandList.SetRenderTargets(CurrentBackBufferView, DepthStencilView); // TODO: API suggestion: rename descriptorHeapsOut to descriptorHeaps; // TODO: Add an overload for a setting a single SetDescriptorHeap? // TODO: Make requiring explicit length optional. CommandList.SetDescriptorHeaps(_descriptorHeaps.Length, _descriptorHeaps); CommandList.SetGraphicsRootSignature(_rootSignature); CommandList.SetVertexBuffer(0, _boxGeo.VertexBufferView); CommandList.SetIndexBuffer(_boxGeo.IndexBufferView); CommandList.PrimitiveTopology = PrimitiveTopology.TriangleList; CommandList.SetGraphicsRootDescriptorTable(0, _cbvHeap.GPUDescriptorHandleForHeapStart); CommandList.DrawIndexedInstanced(_boxGeo.IndexCount, 1, 0, 0, 0); // Indicate a state transition on the resource usage. CommandList.ResourceBarrierTransition(CurrentBackBuffer, ResourceStates.RenderTarget, ResourceStates.Present); // Done recording commands. CommandList.Close(); // Add the command list to the queue for execution. CommandQueue.ExecuteCommandList(CommandList); // Present the buffer to the screen. Presenting will automatically swap the back and front buffers. SwapChain.Present(0, PresentFlags.None); // Wait until frame commands are complete. This waiting is inefficient and is // done for simplicity. Later we will show how to organize our rendering code // so we do not have to wait per frame. FlushCommandQueue(); }
private void DoComputeWork() { // Reuse the memory associated with command recording. // We can only reset when the associated command lists have finished execution on the GPU. DirectCmdListAlloc.Reset(); // A command list can be reset after it has been added to the command queue via ExecuteCommandList. // Reusing the command list reuses memory. CommandList.Reset(DirectCmdListAlloc, _psos["vecAdd"]); CommandList.SetComputeRootSignature(_rootSignature); CommandList.SetComputeRootShaderResourceView(0, _inputBufferA.GPUVirtualAddress); CommandList.SetComputeRootShaderResourceView(1, _inputBufferB.GPUVirtualAddress); CommandList.SetComputeRootUnorderedAccessView(2, _outputBuffer.GPUVirtualAddress); CommandList.Dispatch(1, 1, 1); // Schedule to copy the data to the default buffer to the readback buffer. CommandList.ResourceBarrierTransition(_outputBuffer, ResourceStates.Common, ResourceStates.CopySource); CommandList.CopyResource(_readBackBuffer, _outputBuffer); CommandList.ResourceBarrierTransition(_outputBuffer, ResourceStates.CopySource, ResourceStates.Common); // Done recording commands. CommandList.Close(); // Add the command list to the queue for execution. CommandQueue.ExecuteCommandList(CommandList); // Wait for the work to finish. FlushCommandQueue(); // Map the data so we can read it on CPU. var mappedData = new Data[NumDataElements]; IntPtr ptr = _readBackBuffer.Map(0); Utilities.Read(ptr, mappedData, 0, NumDataElements); using (var fstream = File.OpenWrite("results.txt")) { using (var strWriter = new StreamWriter(fstream)) { foreach (Data data in mappedData) { strWriter.WriteLine($"({data.V1.X}, {data.V1.Y}, {data.V1.Z}, {data.V2.X}, {data.V2.Y})"); } } } _readBackBuffer.Unmap(0); }
public override void EndDraw() { CommandList.ResourceBarrierTransition(CurrentBackBuffer, ResourceStates.RenderTarget, ResourceStates.Present); // Done recording commands. CommandList.Close(); // Add the command list to the queue for execution. CommandQueue.ExecuteCommandList(CommandList); // Present the buffer to the screen. Presenting will automatically swap the back and front buffers. SwapChain.Present(0, PresentFlags.None); FlushCommandQueue(); //swapChain.Present(0, PresentFlags.None); base.EndDraw(); }
protected override void Draw(GameTimer gt) { // Reuse the memory associated with command recording. // We can only reset when the associated command lists have finished execution on the GPU. DirectCmdListAlloc.Reset(); // A command list can be reset after it has been added to the command queue via ExecuteCommandList. // Reusing the command list reuses memory. CommandList.Reset(DirectCmdListAlloc, null); // Indicate a state transition on the resource usage. CommandList.ResourceBarrierTransition(CurrentBackBuffer, ResourceStates.Present, ResourceStates.RenderTarget); // Set the viewport and scissor rect. This needs to be reset whenever the command list is reset. CommandList.SetViewport(Viewport); CommandList.SetScissorRectangles(ScissorRectangle); // TODO: API suggestion: SetScissorRectangle overload similar to SetViewport // Clear the back buffer and depth buffer. CommandList.ClearRenderTargetView(CurrentBackBufferView, Color.LightSteelBlue); // TODO: API suggestion: simplify flags naming to ClearFlags.Depth|Stencil CommandList.ClearDepthStencilView(DepthStencilView, ClearFlags.FlagsDepth | ClearFlags.FlagsStencil, 1.0f, 0); // Specify the buffers we are going to render to. CommandList.SetRenderTargets(CurrentBackBufferView, DepthStencilView); // Indicate a state transition on the resource usage. CommandList.ResourceBarrierTransition(CurrentBackBuffer, ResourceStates.RenderTarget, ResourceStates.Present); // Done recording commands. CommandList.Close(); // Add the command list to the queue for execution. CommandQueue.ExecuteCommandList(CommandList); // Present the buffer to the screen. Presenting will automatically swap the back and front buffers. // Ref: SwapChain.Present(0, PresentFlags.None); // Wait until frame commands are complete. This waiting is inefficient and is // done for simplicity. Later we will show how to organize our rendering code // so we do not have to wait per frame. FlushCommandQueue(); }
private void CreateCommandObjects() { var queueDesc = new CommandQueueDescription(CommandListType.Direct); CommandQueue = Device.CreateCommandQueue(queueDesc); DirectCmdListAlloc = Device.CreateCommandAllocator(CommandListType.Direct); CommandList = Device.CreateCommandList( 0, CommandListType.Direct, DirectCmdListAlloc, // Associated command allocator. null); // Initial PipelineStateObject. // Start off in a closed state. This is because the first time we refer // to the command list we will Reset it, and it needs to be closed before // calling Reset. CommandList.Close(); }
public override void Initialize() { base.Initialize(); // Reset the command list to prep for initialization commands. CommandList.Reset(DirectCmdListAlloc, null); BuildBuffers(); BuildRootSignature(); BuildShadersAndInputLayout(); BuildPSOs(); // Execute the initialization commands. CommandList.Close(); CommandQueue.ExecuteCommandList(CommandList); // Wait until initialization is complete. FlushCommandQueue(); DoComputeWork(); }
public override void Initialize() { base.Initialize(); // Reset the command list to prep for initialization commands. CommandList.Reset(DirectCmdListAlloc, null); BuildRootSignature(); BuildShadersAndInputLayout(); BuildShapeGeometry(); BuildRenderItems(); BuildFrameResources(); BuildDescriptorHeaps(); BuildConstantBufferViews(); BuildPSOs(); // Execute the initialization commands. CommandList.Close(); CommandQueue.ExecuteCommandList(CommandList); // Wait until initialization is complete. FlushCommandQueue(); }
protected override void Draw(GameTimer gt) { CommandAllocator cmdListAlloc = CurrFrameResource.CmdListAlloc; // Reuse the memory associated with command recording. // We can only reset when the associated command lists have finished execution on the GPU. cmdListAlloc.Reset(); // A command list can be reset after it has been added to the command queue via ExecuteCommandList. // Reusing the command list reuses memory. CommandList.Reset(cmdListAlloc, _psos["opaque"]); CommandList.SetDescriptorHeaps(_descriptorHeaps.Length, _descriptorHeaps); UpdateWavesGPU(gt); CommandList.PipelineState = _psos["opaque"]; CommandList.SetViewport(Viewport); CommandList.SetScissorRectangles(ScissorRectangle); // Change offscreen texture to be used as a a render target output. CommandList.ResourceBarrierTransition(_offscreenRT.Resource, ResourceStates.GenericRead, ResourceStates.RenderTarget); // Clear the back buffer and depth buffer. CommandList.ClearRenderTargetView(_offscreenRT.Rtv, new Color(_mainPassCB.FogColor)); CommandList.ClearDepthStencilView(DepthStencilView, ClearFlags.FlagsDepth | ClearFlags.FlagsStencil, 1.0f, 0); // Specify the buffers we are going to render to. CommandList.SetRenderTargets(_offscreenRT.Rtv, DepthStencilView); CommandList.SetGraphicsRootSignature(_rootSignature); Resource passCB = CurrFrameResource.PassCB.Resource; CommandList.SetGraphicsRootConstantBufferView(2, passCB.GPUVirtualAddress); CommandList.SetGraphicsRootDescriptorTable(4, _waves.DisplacementMap); DrawRenderItems(CommandList, _ritemLayers[RenderLayer.Opaque]); CommandList.PipelineState = _psos["alphaTested"]; DrawRenderItems(CommandList, _ritemLayers[RenderLayer.AlphaTested]); CommandList.PipelineState = _psos["transparent"]; DrawRenderItems(CommandList, _ritemLayers[RenderLayer.Transparent]); CommandList.PipelineState = _psos["wavesRender"]; DrawRenderItems(CommandList, _ritemLayers[RenderLayer.GpuWaves]); // Change offscreen texture to be used as an input. CommandList.ResourceBarrierTransition(_offscreenRT.Resource, ResourceStates.RenderTarget, ResourceStates.GenericRead); _sobelFilter.Execute(CommandList, _postProcessRootSignature, _psos["sobel"], _offscreenRT.Srv); // // Switching back to back buffer rendering. // // Indicate a state transition on the resource usage. CommandList.ResourceBarrierTransition(CurrentBackBuffer, ResourceStates.Present, ResourceStates.RenderTarget); // Specify the buffers we are going to render to. CommandList.SetRenderTargets(CurrentBackBufferView, DepthStencilView); CommandList.SetGraphicsRootSignature(_postProcessRootSignature); CommandList.PipelineState = _psos["composite"]; CommandList.SetGraphicsRootDescriptorTable(0, _offscreenRT.Srv); CommandList.SetGraphicsRootDescriptorTable(1, _sobelFilter.OutputSrv); DrawFullscreenQuad(CommandList); // Indicate a state transition on the resource usage. CommandList.ResourceBarrierTransition(CurrentBackBuffer, ResourceStates.RenderTarget, ResourceStates.Present); // Done recording commands. CommandList.Close(); // Add the command list to the queue for execution. CommandQueue.ExecuteCommandList(CommandList); // Present the buffer to the screen. Presenting will automatically swap the back and front buffers. SwapChain.Present(0, PresentFlags.None); // Advance the fence value to mark commands up to this fence point. CurrFrameResource.Fence = ++CurrentFence; // Add an instruction to the command queue to set a new fence point. // Because we are on the GPU timeline, the new fence point won't be // set until the GPU finishes processing all the commands prior to this Signal(). CommandQueue.Signal(Fence, CurrentFence); }
protected override void Draw(GameTimer gt) { CommandAllocator cmdListAlloc = CurrFrameResource.CmdListAlloc; // Reuse the memory associated with command recording. // We can only reset when the associated command lists have finished execution on the GPU. cmdListAlloc.Reset(); // A command list can be reset after it has been added to the command queue via ExecuteCommandList. // Reusing the command list reuses memory. CommandList.Reset(cmdListAlloc, _psos["opaque"]); CommandList.SetViewport(Viewport); CommandList.SetScissorRectangles(ScissorRectangle); // Indicate a state transition on the resource usage. CommandList.ResourceBarrierTransition(CurrentBackBuffer, ResourceStates.Present, ResourceStates.RenderTarget); // Clear the back buffer and depth buffer. CommandList.ClearRenderTargetView(CurrentBackBufferView, new Color(_mainPassCB.FogColor)); CommandList.ClearDepthStencilView(DepthStencilView, ClearFlags.FlagsDepth | ClearFlags.FlagsStencil, 1.0f, 0); // Specify the buffers we are going to render to. CommandList.SetRenderTargets(CurrentBackBufferView, DepthStencilView); CommandList.SetDescriptorHeaps(_descriptorHeaps.Length, _descriptorHeaps); CommandList.SetGraphicsRootSignature(_rootSignature); // Bind per-pass constant buffer. We only need to do this once per-pass. Resource passCB = CurrFrameResource.PassCB.Resource; CommandList.SetGraphicsRootConstantBufferView(2, passCB.GPUVirtualAddress); DrawRenderItems(CommandList, _ritemLayers[RenderLayer.Opaque]); CommandList.PipelineState = _psos["alphaTested"]; DrawRenderItems(CommandList, _ritemLayers[RenderLayer.AlphaTested]); CommandList.PipelineState = _psos["transparent"]; DrawRenderItems(CommandList, _ritemLayers[RenderLayer.Transparent]); _blurFilter.Execute(CommandList, _postProcessRootSignature, _psos["horzBlur"], _psos["vertBlur"], CurrentBackBuffer, 4); // Prepare to copy blurred output to the back buffer. CommandList.ResourceBarrierTransition(CurrentBackBuffer, ResourceStates.CopySource, ResourceStates.CopyDestination); CommandList.CopyResource(CurrentBackBuffer, _blurFilter.Output); // Transition to PRESENT state. CommandList.ResourceBarrierTransition(CurrentBackBuffer, ResourceStates.CopyDestination, ResourceStates.Present); // Done recording commands. CommandList.Close(); // Add the command list to the queue for execution. CommandQueue.ExecuteCommandList(CommandList); // Present the buffer to the screen. Presenting will automatically swap the back and front buffers. SwapChain.Present(0, PresentFlags.None); // Advance the fence value to mark commands up to this fence point. CurrFrameResource.Fence = ++CurrentFence; // Add an instruction to the command queue to set a new fence point. // Because we are on the GPU timeline, the new fence point won't be // set until the GPU finishes processing all the commands prior to this Signal(). CommandQueue.Signal(Fence, CurrentFence); }
protected virtual void OnResize() { Debug.Assert(Device != null); Debug.Assert(SwapChain != null); Debug.Assert(DirectCmdListAlloc != null); // Flush before changing any resources. FlushCommandQueue(); CommandList.Reset(DirectCmdListAlloc, null); // Release the previous resources we will be recreating. foreach (Resource buffer in _swapChainBuffers) { buffer?.Dispose(); } DepthStencilBuffer?.Dispose(); // Resize the swap chain. SwapChain.ResizeBuffers( SwapChainBufferCount, ClientWidth, ClientHeight, BackBufferFormat, SwapChainFlags.AllowModeSwitch); CpuDescriptorHandle rtvHeapHandle = RtvHeap.CPUDescriptorHandleForHeapStart; for (int i = 0; i < SwapChainBufferCount; i++) { Resource backBuffer = SwapChain.GetBackBuffer <Resource>(i); _swapChainBuffers[i] = backBuffer; Device.CreateRenderTargetView(backBuffer, null, rtvHeapHandle); rtvHeapHandle += RtvDescriptorSize; } // Create the depth/stencil buffer and view. var depthStencilDesc = new ResourceDescription { Dimension = ResourceDimension.Texture2D, Alignment = 0, Width = ClientWidth, Height = ClientHeight, DepthOrArraySize = 1, MipLevels = 1, Format = Format.R24G8_Typeless, SampleDescription = new SampleDescription { Count = MsaaCount, Quality = MsaaQuality }, Layout = TextureLayout.Unknown, Flags = ResourceFlags.AllowDepthStencil }; var optClear = new ClearValue { Format = DepthStencilFormat, DepthStencil = new DepthStencilValue { Depth = 1.0f, Stencil = 0 } }; DepthStencilBuffer = Device.CreateCommittedResource( new HeapProperties(HeapType.Default), HeapFlags.None, depthStencilDesc, ResourceStates.Common, optClear); var depthStencilViewDesc = new DepthStencilViewDescription { Dimension = DepthStencilViewDimension.Texture2D, Format = DepthStencilFormat }; // Create descriptor to mip level 0 of entire resource using a depth stencil format. CpuDescriptorHandle dsvHeapHandle = DsvHeap.CPUDescriptorHandleForHeapStart; Device.CreateDepthStencilView(DepthStencilBuffer, depthStencilViewDesc, dsvHeapHandle); // Transition the resource from its initial state to be used as a depth buffer. CommandList.ResourceBarrierTransition(DepthStencilBuffer, ResourceStates.Common, ResourceStates.DepthWrite); // Execute the resize commands. CommandList.Close(); CommandQueue.ExecuteCommandList(CommandList); // Wait until resize is complete. FlushCommandQueue(); Viewport = new ViewportF(0, 0, ClientWidth, ClientHeight, 0.0f, 1.0f); ScissorRectangle = new RectangleF(0, 0, ClientWidth, ClientHeight); }
protected override void Draw(GameTimer gt) { CommandAllocator cmdListAlloc = CurrFrameResource.CmdListAlloc; // Reuse the memory associated with command recording. // We can only reset when the associated command lists have finished execution on the GPU. cmdListAlloc.Reset(); // A command list can be reset after it has been added to the command queue via ExecuteCommandList. // Reusing the command list reuses memory. CommandList.Reset(cmdListAlloc, _psos["opaque"]); CommandList.SetViewport(Viewport); CommandList.SetScissorRectangles(ScissorRectangle); // Indicate a state transition on the resource usage. CommandList.ResourceBarrierTransition(CurrentBackBuffer, ResourceStates.Present, ResourceStates.RenderTarget); // Clear the back buffer and depth buffer. CommandList.ClearRenderTargetView(CurrentBackBufferView, Color.LightSteelBlue); CommandList.ClearDepthStencilView(DepthStencilView, ClearFlags.FlagsDepth | ClearFlags.FlagsStencil, 1.0f, 0); // Specify the buffers we are going to render to. CommandList.SetRenderTargets(CurrentBackBufferView, DepthStencilView); CommandList.SetDescriptorHeaps(_descriptorHeaps.Length, _descriptorHeaps); CommandList.SetGraphicsRootSignature(_rootSignature); Resource passCB = CurrFrameResource.PassCB.Resource; CommandList.SetGraphicsRootConstantBufferView(1, passCB.GPUVirtualAddress); // Bind all the materials used in this scene. For structured buffers, we can bypass the heap and // set as a root descriptor. Resource matBuffer = CurrFrameResource.MaterialBuffer.Resource; CommandList.SetGraphicsRootShaderResourceView(2, matBuffer.GPUVirtualAddress); // Bind the sky cube map. For our demos, we just use one "world" cube map representing the environment // from far away, so all objects will use the same cube map and we only need to set it once per-frame. // If we wanted to use "local" cube maps, we would have to change them per-object, or dynamically // index into an array of cube maps. GpuDescriptorHandle skyTexDescriptor = _srvDescriptorHeap.GPUDescriptorHandleForHeapStart; skyTexDescriptor += _skyTexHeapIndex * CbvSrvUavDescriptorSize; CommandList.SetGraphicsRootDescriptorTable(3, skyTexDescriptor); // Bind all the textures used in this scene. Observe // that we only have to specify the first descriptor in the table. // The root signature knows how many descriptors are expected in the table. CommandList.SetGraphicsRootDescriptorTable(4, _srvDescriptorHeap.GPUDescriptorHandleForHeapStart); DrawRenderItems(CommandList, _ritemLayers[RenderLayer.Opaque]); CommandList.PipelineState = _psos["sky"]; DrawRenderItems(CommandList, _ritemLayers[RenderLayer.Sky]); // Indicate a state transition on the resource usage. CommandList.ResourceBarrierTransition(CurrentBackBuffer, ResourceStates.RenderTarget, ResourceStates.Present); // Done recording commands. CommandList.Close(); // Add the command list to the queue for execution. CommandQueue.ExecuteCommandList(CommandList); // Present the buffer to the screen. Presenting will automatically swap the back and front buffers. SwapChain.Present(0, PresentFlags.None); // Advance the fence value to mark commands up to this fence point. CurrFrameResource.Fence = ++CurrentFence; // Add an instruction to the command queue to set a new fence point. // Because we are on the GPU timeline, the new fence point won't be // set until the GPU finishes processing all the commands prior to this Signal(). CommandQueue.Signal(Fence, CurrentFence); }
public Command(Pipeline pipeline = null) { Allocator = Engine.Instance.Core.Device.CreateCommandAllocator(CommandListType.Direct); CommandList = Engine.Instance.Core.Device.CreateCommandList(CommandListType.Direct, Allocator, pipeline == null?null:pipeline.State); CommandList.Close(); }