public async Task Play(CommandContext ctx, [RemainingText] string song) { try { // First of all try to join his voice channel var voiceNext = ctx.Client.GetVoiceNext(); var userVoiceChannel = ctx.Member.VoiceState?.Channel; var botVoiceChannel = ctx.Guild.CurrentMember.VoiceState?.Channel; if (userVoiceChannel == null) { await ctx.RespondAsync($"{ctx.User.Username}, you are not connected to any voice channel... {DiscordEmoji.FromName(ctx.Client, ":thinking:")}"); return; } if (botVoiceChannel != null && userVoiceChannel != botVoiceChannel) { await ctx.RespondAsync($"{ctx.User.Username}, you need to be in the same channel with me!"); return; } var channel = await this.Music.JoinVoiceChannel(voiceNext, userVoiceChannel); await ctx.RespondAsync($"{DiscordEmoji.FromName(ctx.Client, $"{(channel.IsPlaying ? ":musical_note:" : ":arrow_forward:")}")} {(channel.IsPlaying ? "Enqueued a new song" : "Now playing")}: {song}"); // "song" can be 3 things // 1. It can be nothing. if (song == "") { // In this case, I need to show the user a list of downloaded songs that the bot owns in db // Not yet implemented } else if (song.Contains("")) { // In this case, I will call Lavalink service to play music directly from Youtube // Not yet implemented } else { // In this case, the user is passing a specific song name that the bot owns in db // Search for it and, if not found, call Youtube service to search for it on youtube, as a last resort await this.Music.PlayFromMemory(voiceNext, ctx.Guild, ctx.Member, song); if (channel.Queue.Count > 0) { channel.Queue.TryPeek(out MusicData next); await this.Play(ctx, next.Source); } } } catch (Exception e) { await CommandError.Handle(ctx, e); } }
public async Task GetQueue(CommandContext ctx) { try { await ctx.RespondAsync(embed : this.Music.CreateQueueEmbedForGuild(ctx)); } catch (Exception e) { await CommandError.Handle(ctx, e); } }
public async Task Stop(CommandContext ctx) { try { await this.Music.Stop(ctx.Client.GetVoiceNext(), ctx.Guild); } catch (Exception e) { await CommandError.Handle(ctx, e); } }
public async Task Leave(CommandContext ctx) { try { await ctx.RespondAsync($"{DiscordEmoji.FromName(ctx.Client, ":x:")} Ok ok I leave no problem..."); await this.Music.LeaveVoiceChannel(ctx.Client.GetVoiceNext(), ctx.Guild); } catch (Exception e) { await CommandError.Handle(ctx, e); } }
public async Task SetVolume(CommandContext ctx, [RemainingText] ushort volume) { try { this.Music.SetVolume(ctx.Guild, volume); await ctx.RespondAsync( $"{DiscordEmoji.FromName(ctx.Client, volume >= 50 ? ":loud_sound:" : ":sound:")} Set music volume to {volume}!" ); } catch (Exception e) { await CommandError.Handle(ctx, e); } }
public async Task Join(CommandContext ctx) { try { var voiceNext = ctx.Client.GetVoiceNext(); var userVoiceChannel = ctx.Member.VoiceState?.Channel; var botVoiceChannel = ctx.Guild.CurrentMember.VoiceState?.Channel; if (userVoiceChannel == null) { await ctx.RespondAsync($"{ctx.User.Username}, you are not connected to any voice channel... {DiscordEmoji.FromName(ctx.Client, ":thinking:")}"); return; } await this.Music.JoinVoiceChannel(voiceNext, userVoiceChannel); } catch (Exception e) { await CommandError.Handle(ctx, e); } }