Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw the command as a Button.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">Graphics reference used in calculations.</param>
        /// <param name="details">Source details needed to perform calculation.</param>
        /// <param name="drawRect">Bounding rectangle for drawing command.</param>
        /// <param name="state">State of the command to be drawn.</param>
        /// <param name="topLevel">Drawing as a top level item.</param>
        public override void Draw(Graphics g,
                                  ICommandDetails details,
                                  Rectangle drawRect,
                                  ItemState state,
                                  bool topLevel)
            string       drawText;
            CommandImage drawImage;

            // Decide if the Text of the button should be drawn
            if (details.ImageAndText == ImageAndText.ImageOnly)
                drawText = string.Empty;
                drawText = Text;

            // Decide if the Image of the button should be drawn
            if (details.ImageAndText == ImageAndText.TextOnly)
                drawImage = CommandImage.Empty;
                drawImage = CommandImage;

            // Use the provided layout direction by default
            LayoutDirection direction = details.Direction;

            // Do we need to override for drawing?
            if (details.OnlyHorizontalText)
                direction = LayoutDirection.Horizontal;

            // Use a helper method to draw command appropriately
            CommandDraw.DrawButtonCommand(g, details.Style,
                                          direction, drawRect, state, Enabled,
                                          details.TextEdge, details.Font, details.TextColor,
                                          details.BaseColor, drawText, drawImage, null,
                                          details.TrackBaseColor1, details.TrackBaseColor2,
                                          details.TrackLightColor1, details.TrackLightColor2,
                                          details.TrackLightLightColor1, details.TrackLightLightColor2,
                                          details.TrackDarkColor, _buttonStyle, _pushed, false, false);
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Raises the Paint event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">A PaintEventArgs that contains the event data.</param>
        protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
            // Calculate the correct drawing state
            ItemState state;

            // If the mouse is over the button itself
            if (_mouseOver)
                if (_mouseCapture)
                    state = ItemState.Pressed;
                    state = ItemState.HotTrack;
                if (_mouseCapture)
                    state = ItemState.HotTrack;
                    state = ItemState.Normal;

            // Draw the button using helper function
            CommandDraw.DrawButtonCommand(e.Graphics, _colorDetails.Style, _direction,
                                          ClientRectangle, state, (AlwaysDrawEnabled ? true : Enabled),
                                          _textEdge, Font, ForeColor, _colorDetails.BaseColor,
                                          Text, _image, _imageAttr,
                                          _colorDetails.TrackBaseColor1, _colorDetails.TrackBaseColor2,
                                          _colorDetails.TrackLightColor1, _colorDetails.TrackLightColor2,
                                          _colorDetails.TrackLightLightColor1, _colorDetails.TrackLightLightColor2,
                                          _colorDetails.TrackDarkColor, _buttonStyle, _pushed, _staticIDE,
