Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dc"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static CrestronBasicShadesController GetCsmQmt50Dccn(DeviceConfig dc)
            var control = CommFactory.GetControlPropertiesConfig(dc);
            var shade   = new CsmQmt50Dccn(control.CresnetIdInt, Global.ControlSystem);

            return(new CrestronBasicShadesController(dc.Key, dc.Name, shade));
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Factory for P model controller
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dc"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static KeypadController GetC2nCbdEController(DeviceConfig dc)
            var control = CommFactory.GetControlPropertiesConfig(dc);
            var kp      = new cresKps.C2nCbdE(control.CresnetIdInt, Global.ControlSystem);

            return(FinishFactory(kp, dc));
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds and returns an instance of EssentialsPluginDeviceTemplate
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dc">device configuration</param>
        /// <returns>plugin device or null</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The example provided below takes the device key, name, properties config and the comms device created.
        /// Modify the EssetnialsPlugingDeviceTemplate constructor as needed to meet the requirements of the plugin device.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <seealso cref="PepperDash.Core.eControlMethod"/>
        public override EssentialsDevice BuildDevice(PepperDash.Essentials.Core.Config.DeviceConfig dc)
            Debug.Console(1, "[{0}] Factory Attempting to create new device from type: {1}", dc.Key, dc.Type);

            // get the plugin device properties configuration object & check for null
            var propertiesConfig = dc.Properties.ToObject <EssentialsPluginConfigObjectTemplate>();

            if (propertiesConfig == null)
                Debug.Console(0, "[{0}] Factory: failed to read properties config for {1}", dc.Key, dc.Name);

            // attempt build the plugin device comms device & check for null
            // TODO { ] As of PepperDash Core 1.0.41, HTTP and HTTPS are not valid eControlMethods and will throw an exception.
            var comms = CommFactory.CreateCommForDevice(dc);

            if (comms == null)
                Debug.Console(1, "[{0}] Factory Notice: No control object present for device {1}", dc.Key, dc.Name);
                return(new EssentialsPluginTemplateDevice(dc.Key, dc.Name, propertiesConfig, comms));
Exemple #4
        public override EssentialsDevice BuildDevice(DeviceConfig dc)
            Debug.Console(1, "Factory Attempting to create new Din8sw8Controller Device");
            var comm = CommFactory.GetControlPropertiesConfig(dc);

            return(new Din8sw8Controller(dc.Key, comm.CresnetIdInt));
Exemple #5
            public override EssentialsDevice BuildDevice(DeviceConfig dc)
                var typeName = dc.Type.ToLower();
                var comm     = CommFactory.GetControlPropertiesConfig(dc);
                var props    = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CrestronTouchpanelPropertiesConfig>(dc.Properties.ToString());

                Debug.Console(1, "Factory Attempting to create new DgeController  Device");

                DmDge200C dgeDevice = null;

                if (typeName == "dmdge200c")
                    dgeDevice = new DmDge200C(comm.IpIdInt, Global.ControlSystem);

                if (dgeDevice == null)
                    Debug.Console(1, "Unable to create DGE device");

                var dgeController = new DmDge200CController(dc.Key, dc.Name, dgeDevice, dc, props);

        /// <summary>
        /// Builds and returns an instance of EssentialsPluginTemplateCrestronDevice
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dc">device configuration</param>
        /// <returns>plugin device or null</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The example provided below takes the device key, name, properties config and the comms device created.
        /// Modify the EssetnialsPlugingDeviceTemplate constructor as needed to meet the requirements of the plugin device.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <seealso cref="PepperDash.Core.eControlMethod"/>
        public override EssentialsDevice BuildDevice(PepperDash.Essentials.Core.Config.DeviceConfig dc)
            Debug.Console(1, "[{0}] Factory Attempting to create new device from type: {1}", dc.Key, dc.Type);

            // get the plugin device properties configuration object & check for null
            var propertiesConfig = dc.Properties.ToObject <EssentialsPluginConfigObjectTemplate>();

            if (propertiesConfig == null)
                Debug.Console(0, "[{0}] Factory: failed to read properties config for {1}", dc.Key, dc.Name);

            var controlConfig = CommFactory.GetControlPropertiesConfig(dc);

            if (controlConfig == null)
                var myTouchpanel = new Tsw760(controlConfig.IpIdInt, Global.ControlSystem);

                return(new EssentialsPluginTemplateCrestronDevice(dc.Key, dc.Name, propertiesConfig, myTouchpanel));
                Debug.Console(0, "[{0}] Factory: Unable to get control properties from device config for {1}", dc.Key, dc.Name);
        public override EssentialsDevice BuildDevice(DeviceConfig dc)
            Debug.Console(1, "Factory Attempting to create new Biamp Tesira Device");

            var comm = CommFactory.CreateCommForDevice(dc);

            return(new TesiraDsp(dc.Key, dc.Name, comm, dc));
Exemple #8
        public override EssentialsDevice BuildDevice(DeviceConfig dc)
            Debug.Console(1, "Factory Attempting to create new LutronQuantumArea Device");
            var comm = CommFactory.CreateCommForDevice(dc);

            var props = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Environment.Lutron.LutronQuantumPropertiesConfig>(dc.Properties.ToString());

            return(new LutronQuantumArea(dc.Key, dc.Name, comm, props));
Exemple #9
        public override EssentialsDevice BuildDevice(DeviceConfig dc)
            Debug.Console(1, "Factory Attempting to create new C2N-RTHS Device");

            var control   = CommFactory.GetControlPropertiesConfig(dc);
            var cresnetId = control.CresnetIdInt;

            return(new C2nRthsController(dc.Key, dc.Name, new C2nRths(cresnetId, Global.ControlSystem)));
Exemple #10
        public static etc BuildDevice(DeviceConfig dc)
            Debug.Console(2, "Build Device - Lutron");
            var comm = CommFactory.CreateCommForDevice(dc);

            var newMe = new etc(dc.Key, dc.Name, comm, dc);

        public override EssentialsDevice BuildDevice(DeviceConfig dc)
            Debug.Console(1, "Factory Attempting to create new BiampTesira Device");
            var comm  = CommFactory.CreateCommForDevice(dc);
            var props = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BiampTesiraFortePropertiesConfig>(

            return(new BiampTesiraForteDsp(dc.Key, dc.Name, comm, props));
Exemple #12
        public static IKeyed GetDevice(DeviceConfig dc)
            var key        = dc.Key;
            var name       = dc.Name;
            var type       = dc.Type;
            var properties = dc.Properties;

            var typeName = dc.Type.ToLower();

                if (typeName == "necmpsx")
                    var comm = CommFactory.CreateCommForDevice(dc);
                    if (comm != null)
                        return(new NecPSXMDisplay(dc.Key, dc.Name, comm));
                if (typeName == "panasonicthef")
                    var comm = CommFactory.CreateCommForDevice(dc);
                    if (comm != null)
                        return(new PanasonicThefDisplay(dc.Key, dc.Name, comm));
                else if (typeName == "samsungmdc")
                    var comm = CommFactory.CreateCommForDevice(dc);
                    if (comm != null)
                        return(new SamsungMDC(dc.Key, dc.Name, comm, dc.Properties["id"].Value <string>()));
                if (typeName == "avocorvtf")
                    var comm = CommFactory.CreateCommForDevice(dc);
                    if (comm != null)
                        return(new AvocorDisplay(dc.Key, dc.Name, comm, null));
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.Console(0, "Displays factory: Exception creating device type {0}, key {1}: \nCONFIG JSON: {2} \nERROR: {3}\n\n",
                              dc.Type, dc.Key, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dc), e);

Exemple #13
        public override EssentialsDevice BuildDevice(DeviceConfig dc)
            Debug.Console(1, "Factory Attempting to create new Generic Comm Device");
            var comm = CommFactory.CreateCommForDevice(dc);

            if (comm != null)
                return(new PanasonicThDisplay(dc.Key, dc.Name, comm));
        public override EssentialsDevice BuildDevice(DeviceConfig dc)
            Debug.Console(1, "Factory Attempting to create new Generic Comm Device");
            var comm = CommFactory.CreateCommForDevice(dc);

            if (comm != null)
                return(new SamsungMDC(dc.Key, dc.Name, comm, dc.Properties["id"].Value <string>()));
Exemple #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds and returns an instance of CCDisplayDevice
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dc">device configuration</param>
        /// <returns>plugin device or null</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The example provided below takes the device key, name, properties config and the comms device created.
        /// Modify the EssetnialsPlugingDeviceTemplate constructor as needed to meet the requirements of the plugin device.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <seealso cref="PepperDash.Core.eControlMethod"/>
        public override EssentialsDevice BuildDevice(DeviceConfig dc)
            Debug.Console(1, "[{0}] Factory Attempting to create new device from type: {1}", dc.Key, dc.Type);

            // get the plugin device properties configuration object & check for null
            var propertiesConfig = dc.Properties.ToObject <ClearOneDSPConfig>();

            if (propertiesConfig == null)
                Debug.Console(0, "[{0}] Factory: failed to read properties config for {1}", dc.Key, dc.Name);
            var comm = CommFactory.CreateCommForDevice(dc);

            return(new ClearOneDSPDevice(dc.Key, dc.Name, propertiesConfig, comm));
Exemple #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds an instance of the device and returns it
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dc">Device Configuration</param>
        /// <returns>Instance of Device</returns>
        public static PanasonicDisplay BuildDevice(DeviceConfig dc)
            var comm = CommFactory.CreateCommForDevice(dc);

            // No use in creating the display if we can't communicate with it
            if (comm != null)
                // Deserialize the Properties object so we can access any custom properties
                var config     = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PanasonicDisplayConfigObject>(dc.Properties.ToString());
                var newDisplay = new PanasonicDisplay(dc.Key, dc.Name, comm, dc);
                Debug.Console(0, Debug.ErrorLogLevel.Warning, "Unable to create Communication device for device with key '{0}'", dc.Key);
Exemple #17
        public EssentialCommsPort(EssentialsControlPropertiesConfig config, string keyPrefix)
            Comm = CommFactory.CreateCommForConfig(config, keyPrefix);
            // var PortGather = new CommunicationGather(Comm, config.EndOfLineChar);
            Comm.TextReceived += new EventHandler <GenericCommMethodReceiveTextArgs>(Communication_TextReceived);

            var socket = Comm as ISocketStatus;

            StatusFeedback    = new IntFeedback(() => { return((int)socket.ClientStatus); });
            ConnectedFeedback = new BoolFeedback(() => { return(Comm.IsConnected); });

            if (socket != null)
                socket.ConnectionChange += new EventHandler <GenericSocketStatusChageEventArgs>(socket_ConnectionChange);
Exemple #18
            public override EssentialsDevice BuildDevice(DeviceConfig dc)
                Debug.Console(1, "Factory Attempting to create new GlsOccupancySensorBaseController Device");

                var typeName = dc.Type.ToLower();
                var key      = dc.Key;
                var name     = dc.Name;
                var comm     = CommFactory.GetControlPropertiesConfig(dc);

                var occSensor = new CenOdtCPoe(comm.IpIdInt, Global.ControlSystem);

                if (occSensor == null)
                    Debug.Console(0, "ERROR: Unable to create Occupancy Sensor Device. Key: '{0}'", key);

                return(new CenOdtOccupancySensorBaseController(key, name, occSensor));
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds and returns an instance of CameraVisca
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dc">device configuration</param>
        /// <returns>plugin device or null</returns>
        /// <seealso cref="PepperDash.Core.eControlMethod"/>
        public override EssentialsDevice BuildDevice(DeviceConfig dc)
            Debug.Console(1, "[{0}] Factory Attempting to create new CameraVisca device from type: {1}", dc.Key, dc.Type);

            IList <string> deserializeErrorMessages = new List <string>();

            // get the plugin device properties configuration object & check for null
            var cameraViscaConfig = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CameraViscaConfig>(
                dc.Properties.ToString(), new JsonSerializerSettings()
                Error = delegate(object sender, Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.ErrorEventArgs args)
                    args.ErrorContext.Handled = true;

            if (deserializeErrorMessages.Count > 0)
                Debug.Console(0, "[{0}] Factory: failed to parse config: {1}", dc.Key, String.Join("\r\n", deserializeErrorMessages.ToArray()));
            if (cameraViscaConfig == null)
                Debug.Console(0, "[{0}] Factory: failed to read properties config for {1}", dc.Key, dc.Name);

            // attempt build the plugin device comms device & check for null
            var comm = CommFactory.CreateCommForDevice(dc);

            if (comm == null)
                Debug.Console(1, "[{0}] Factory Notice: No control object present for device {1}", dc.Key, dc.Name);

            return(new CameraVisca(dc.Key, dc.Name, cameraViscaConfig, comm));
        public override EssentialsDevice BuildDevice(DeviceConfig dc)
            Debug.Console(1, "Factory Attempting to create new MobileControlSIMPLRoomBridge Device");

            var comm = CommFactory.GetControlPropertiesConfig(dc);

            var bridge = new PepperDash.Essentials.Room.MobileControl.MobileControlSIMPLRoomBridge(dc.Key, dc.Name, comm.IpIdInt);

            bridge.AddPreActivationAction(() =>
                var parent = DeviceManager.AllDevices.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Key == "appServer") as MobileControlSystemController;
                if (parent == null)
                    Debug.Console(0, bridge, "ERROR: Cannot connect bridge. System controller not present");
                Debug.Console(0, bridge, "Linking to parent controller");

Exemple #21
        private void CreateSubControls(bool isTcpClient)
            // 配置页面与工厂
            if (isTcpClient)
                _settingPage = new ClientConfigControl();
                _commFactory = new ClientCommFactory(_settingPage as IClientConfigProvider);
                _settingPage = new ServerConfigControl();
                _commFactory = new ServerCommFactory(_settingPage as IServerConfigProvider);
            _settingPage.LocalNodeIdChanged += this.OnLocalNodeIdChanged;
            this.AddTabPage("配置", _settingPage.View);

            // 创建状态控件并设置相关参数
            _commMonitorControl.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
            this.AddTabPage("状态", _commMonitorControl);
            //this.tabControlMain.ImageList = _commMonitorControl.ImageList;

            // 创建数据发送控件
            this.AddTabPage("数据发送", _dataSendingControl);

            // 创建日志控件
            this.AddTabPage("日志", new LogControlMultiPages()
                Dock = DockStyle.Fill

            // 快照
            this.AddTabPage("快照", _snapshotControl);
Exemple #22
        public static IKeyed GetDevice(DeviceConfig dc)
            var key        = dc.Key;
            var name       = dc.Name;
            var type       = dc.Type;
            var properties = dc.Properties;

            var typeName = dc.Type.ToLower();

            if (typeName == "amplifier")
                return(new Amplifier(dc.Key, dc.Name));
            else if (dc.Group.ToLower() == "touchpanel") //  typeName.StartsWith("tsw"))

            else if (typeName == "mockdisplay")
                return(new MockDisplay(key, name));

            else if (typeName == "generic")
                return(new Device(key, name));

            //// MOVE into something else???
            //else if (typeName == "basicirdisplay")
            //    var ir = IRPortHelper.GetIrPort(properties);
            //    if (ir != null)
            //        return new BasicIrDisplay(key, name, ir.Port, ir.FileName);

            else if (typeName == "commmock")
                var comm  = CommFactory.CreateCommForDevice(dc);
                var props = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ConsoleCommMockDevicePropertiesConfig>(
                return(new ConsoleCommMockDevice(key, name, props, comm));

            else if (typeName == "appserver")
                var props = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <MobileControlConfig>(properties.ToString());
                return(new MobileControlSystemController(key, name, props));

            else if (typeName == "mobilecontrolbridge-ddvc01")
                var comm = CommFactory.GetControlPropertiesConfig(dc);

                var bridge = new PepperDash.Essentials.Room.MobileControl.MobileControlDdvc01RoomBridge(key, name, comm.IpIdInt);
                bridge.AddPreActivationAction(() =>
                    var parent = DeviceManager.AllDevices.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Key == "appServer") as MobileControlSystemController;
                    if (parent == null)
                        Debug.Console(0, bridge, "ERROR: Cannot connect bridge. System controller not present");
                    Debug.Console(0, bridge, "Linking to parent controller");


            else if (typeName == "roomonwhenoccupancydetectedfeature")
                return(new RoomOnToDefaultSourceWhenOccupied(dc));

        public static IKeyed GetUiDevice(DeviceConfig config)
            var comm = CommFactory.GetControlPropertiesConfig(config);

            var typeName = config.Type.ToLower();

            EssentialsTouchpanelController panelController = null;

            var props = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CrestronTouchpanelPropertiesConfig>(config.Properties.ToString());

            if (typeName.Contains("dge"))
                Dge100 dgeDevice = null;
                if (typeName == "dge100")
                    dgeDevice = new Dge100(comm.IpIdInt, Global.ControlSystem);
                else if (typeName == "dmdge200c")
                    dgeDevice = new DmDge200C(comm.IpIdInt, Global.ControlSystem);

                if (dgeDevice == null)
                    Debug.Console(1, "Unable to create DGE device");

                var dgeController = new DgeController(config.Key + "-comPorts", config.Name, dgeDevice, config, props);


                panelController = new EssentialsTouchpanelController(config.Key, config.Name, dgeController.DigitalGraphicsEngine,
                                                                     props.ProjectName, props.SgdFile);
                panelController = new EssentialsTouchpanelController(config.Key, config.Name, config.Type, props, comm.IpIdInt);

            panelController.AddPostActivationAction(() =>
                var mainDriver = new EssentialsPanelMainInterfaceDriver(panelController.Panel, props);
                // Then the sub drivers

                // spin up different room drivers depending on room type
                var room = DeviceManager.GetDeviceForKey(props.DefaultRoomKey);
                if (room is EssentialsHuddleSpaceRoom)
                    // Header Driver
                    Debug.Console(0, panelController, "Adding header driver");
                    mainDriver.HeaderDriver = new EssentialsHeaderDriver(mainDriver, props);

                    // AV Driver
                    Debug.Console(0, panelController, "Adding huddle space AV driver");
                    var avDriver            = new EssentialsHuddlePanelAvFunctionsDriver(mainDriver, props);
                    avDriver.DefaultRoomKey = props.DefaultRoomKey;
                    mainDriver.AvDriver     = avDriver;
                    avDriver.CurrentRoom    = room as EssentialsHuddleSpaceRoom;

                    // Environment Driver
                    if (avDriver.CurrentRoom.PropertiesConfig.Environment != null && avDriver.CurrentRoom.PropertiesConfig.Environment.DeviceKeys.Count > 0)
                        Debug.Console(0, panelController, "Adding environment driver");
                        mainDriver.EnvironmentDriver = new EssentialsEnvironmentDriver(mainDriver, props);


                    mainDriver.HeaderDriver.SetupHeaderButtons(avDriver, avDriver.CurrentRoom);

                    panelController.LoadAndShowDriver(mainDriver);      // This is a little convoluted.

                    if (panelController.Panel is TswFt5ButtonSystem)
                        var tsw = panelController.Panel as TswFt5ButtonSystem;
                        // Wire up hard keys
                        tsw.Power.UserObject = new Action <bool>(b => { if (!b)
                        //tsw.Home.UserObject = new Action<bool>(b => { if (!b) HomePressed(); });
                        if (mainDriver.EnvironmentDriver != null)
                            tsw.Lights.UserObject = new Action <bool>(b =>
                                if (!b)
                        tsw.Up.UserObject   = new Action <bool>(avDriver.VolumeUpPress);
                        tsw.Down.UserObject = new Action <bool>(avDriver.VolumeDownPress);
                //else if (room is EssentialsPresentationRoom)
                //    Debug.Console(0, panelController, "Adding presentation room driver");
                //    var avDriver = new EssentialsPresentationPanelAvFunctionsDriver(mainDriver, props);
                //    avDriver.CurrentRoom = room as EssentialsPresentationRoom;
                //    avDriver.DefaultRoomKey = props.DefaultRoomKey;
                //    mainDriver.AvDriver = avDriver ;
                //    mainDriver.HeaderDriver = new EssentialsHeaderDriver(mainDriver, props);
                //    panelController.LoadAndShowDriver(mainDriver);

                //    if (panelController.Panel is TswFt5ButtonSystem)
                //    {
                //        var tsw = panelController.Panel as TswFt5ButtonSystem;
                //        // Wire up hard keys
                //        tsw.Power.UserObject = new Action<bool>(b => { if (!b) avDriver.PowerButtonPressed(); });
                //        //tsw.Home.UserObject = new Action<bool>(b => { if (!b) HomePressed(); });
                //        tsw.Up.UserObject = new Action<bool>(avDriver.VolumeUpPress);
                //        tsw.Down.UserObject = new Action<bool>(avDriver.VolumeDownPress);
                //    }
                else if (room is EssentialsHuddleVtc1Room)
                    Debug.Console(0, panelController, "Adding huddle space VTC AV driver");

                    // Header Driver
                    mainDriver.HeaderDriver = new EssentialsHeaderDriver(mainDriver, props);

                    // AV Driver
                    var avDriver = new EssentialsHuddleVtc1PanelAvFunctionsDriver(mainDriver, props);

                    var codecDriver = new PepperDash.Essentials.UIDrivers.VC.EssentialsVideoCodecUiDriver(panelController.Panel, avDriver,
                                                                                                          (room as EssentialsHuddleVtc1Room).VideoCodec, mainDriver.HeaderDriver);
                    avDriver.DefaultRoomKey = props.DefaultRoomKey;
                    mainDriver.AvDriver     = avDriver;
                    avDriver.CurrentRoom    = room as EssentialsHuddleVtc1Room;

                    // Environment Driver
                    if (avDriver.CurrentRoom.PropertiesConfig.Environment != null && avDriver.CurrentRoom.PropertiesConfig.Environment.DeviceKeys.Count > 0)
                        Debug.Console(0, panelController, "Adding environment driver");
                        mainDriver.EnvironmentDriver = new EssentialsEnvironmentDriver(mainDriver, props);


                    mainDriver.HeaderDriver.SetupHeaderButtons(avDriver, avDriver.CurrentRoom);

                    panelController.LoadAndShowDriver(mainDriver);      // This is a little convoluted.

                    if (panelController.Panel is TswFt5ButtonSystem)
                        var tsw = panelController.Panel as TswFt5ButtonSystem;
                        // Wire up hard keys
                        tsw.Power.UserObject = new Action <bool>(b => { if (!b)
                        //tsw.Home.UserObject = new Action<bool>(b => { if (!b) HomePressed(); });
                        if (mainDriver.EnvironmentDriver != null)
                            tsw.Lights.UserObject = new Action <bool>(b =>
                                if (!b)
                        tsw.Up.UserObject   = new Action <bool>(avDriver.VolumeUpPress);
                        tsw.Down.UserObject = new Action <bool>(avDriver.VolumeDownPress);
                    Debug.Console(0, panelController, "ERROR: Cannot load AvFunctionsDriver for room '{0}'", props.DefaultRoomKey);

Exemple #24
        public static IKeyed GetDevice(DeviceConfig dc)
            var key        = dc.Key;
            var name       = dc.Name;
            var type       = dc.Type;
            var properties = dc.Properties;
            var propAnon   = new {};

            JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType(dc.Properties.ToString(), propAnon);

            var typeName  = dc.Type.ToLower();
            var groupName = dc.Group.ToLower();

            if (typeName == "appletv")
                var irCont = IRPortHelper.GetIrOutputPortController(dc);
                return(new AppleTV(key, name, irCont));
            else if (typeName == "analogwaylivecore")
                var comm  = CommFactory.CreateCommForDevice(dc);
                var props = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AnalogWayLiveCorePropertiesConfig>(
                return(new AnalogWayLiveCore(key, name, comm, props));
            else if (typeName == "basicirdisplay")
                var ir = IRPortHelper.GetIrPort(properties);
                if (ir != null)
                    var display = new BasicIrDisplay(key, name, ir.Port, ir.FileName);
                    display.IrPulseTime = 200;       // Set default pulse time for IR commands.

            else if (typeName == "biamptesira")
                var comm  = CommFactory.CreateCommForDevice(dc);
                var props = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BiampTesiraFortePropertiesConfig>(
                return(new BiampTesiraForteDsp(key, name, comm, props));

            else if (typeName == "cameravisca")
                var comm  = CommFactory.CreateCommForDevice(dc);
                var props = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Cameras.CameraPropertiesConfig>(
                return(new Cameras.CameraVisca(key, name, comm, props));

            else if (typeName == "cenrfgwex")
                return(CenRfgwController.GetNewExGatewayController(key, name,
                                                                   properties.Value <string>("id"), properties.Value <string>("gatewayType")));

            else if (typeName == "cenerfgwpoe")
                return(CenRfgwController.GetNewErGatewayController(key, name,
                                                                   properties.Value <string>("id"), properties.Value <string>("gatewayType")));

            else if (groupName == "discplayer")             // (typeName == "irbluray")
                if (properties["control"]["method"].Value <string>() == "ir")
                    var irCont = IRPortHelper.GetIrOutputPortController(dc);
                    return(new IRBlurayBase(key, name, irCont));
                else if (properties["control"]["method"].Value <string>() == "com")
                    Debug.Console(0, "[{0}] COM Device type not implemented YET!", key);
            else if (typeName == "digitallogger")
                // var comm = CommFactory.CreateCommForDevice(dc);
                var props = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <DigitalLoggerPropertiesConfig>(
                return(new DigitalLogger(key, name, props));
            else if (typeName == "genericaudiooutwithvolume")
                var zone = dc.Properties.Value <uint>("zone");
                return(new GenericAudioOutWithVolume(key, name,
                                                     dc.Properties.Value <string>("volumeDeviceKey"), zone));

            else if (groupName == "genericsource")
                return(new GenericSource(key, name));

            else if (typeName == "inroompc")
                return(new Core.Devices.InRoomPc(key, name));

            else if (typeName == "laptop")
                return(new Core.Devices.Laptop(key, name));

            else if (typeName == "mockvc")
                return(new VideoCodec.MockVC(dc));

            else if (typeName == "mockac")
                var props = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AudioCodec.MockAcPropertiesConfig>(properties.ToString());
                return(new AudioCodec.MockAC(key, name, props));

            else if (typeName.StartsWith("ciscospark"))
                var comm = CommFactory.CreateCommForDevice(dc);
                return(new VideoCodec.Cisco.CiscoSparkCodec(dc, comm));

            else if (typeName == "zoomroom")
                var comm = CommFactory.CreateCommForDevice(dc);
                return(new VideoCodec.ZoomRoom.ZoomRoom(dc, comm));

            else if (typeName == "digitalinput")
                var props = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <IOPortConfig>(properties.ToString());

                IDigitalInputPorts portDevice;

                if (props.PortDeviceKey == "processor")
                    portDevice = Global.ControlSystem as IDigitalInputPorts;
                    portDevice = DeviceManager.GetDeviceForKey(props.PortDeviceKey) as IDigitalInputPorts;

                if (portDevice == null)
                    Debug.Console(0, "ERROR: Unable to add digital input device with key '{0}'. Port Device does not support digital inputs", key);
                    var cs = (portDevice as CrestronControlSystem);
                    if (cs == null)
                        Debug.Console(0, "ERROR: Port device for [{0}] is not control system", props.PortDeviceKey);

                    if (cs.SupportsVersiport)
                        Debug.Console(1, "Attempting to add Digital Input device to Versiport port '{0}'", props.PortNumber);

                        if (props.PortNumber > cs.NumberOfVersiPorts)
                            Debug.Console(0, "WARNING: Cannot add Vesiport {0} on {1}. Out of range",
                                          props.PortNumber, props.PortDeviceKey);

                        Versiport vp = cs.VersiPorts[props.PortNumber];

                        if (!vp.Registered)
                            var regSuccess = vp.Register();
                            if (regSuccess == eDeviceRegistrationUnRegistrationResponse.Success)
                                Debug.Console(1, "Successfully Created Digital Input Device on Versiport");
                                return(new GenericVersiportDigitalInputDevice(key, vp, props));
                                Debug.Console(0, "WARNING: Attempt to register versiport {0} on device with key '{1}' failed: {2}",
                                              props.PortNumber, props.PortDeviceKey, regSuccess);
                    else if (cs.SupportsDigitalInput)
                        Debug.Console(1, "Attempting to add Digital Input device to Digital Input port '{0}'", props.PortNumber);

                        if (props.PortNumber > cs.NumberOfDigitalInputPorts)
                            Debug.Console(0, "WARNING: Cannot register DIO port {0} on {1}. Out of range",
                                          props.PortNumber, props.PortDeviceKey);

                        DigitalInput digitalInput = cs.DigitalInputPorts[props.PortNumber];

                        if (!digitalInput.Registered)
                            if (digitalInput.Register() == eDeviceRegistrationUnRegistrationResponse.Success)
                                Debug.Console(1, "Successfully Created Digital Input Device on Digital Input");
                                return(new GenericDigitalInputDevice(key, digitalInput));
                                Debug.Console(0, "WARNING: Attempt to register digital input {0} on device with key '{1}' failed.",
                                              props.PortNumber, props.PortDeviceKey);

            else if (typeName == "relayoutput")
                var props = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <IOPortConfig>(properties.ToString());

                IRelayPorts portDevice;

                if (props.PortDeviceKey == "processor")
                    portDevice = Global.ControlSystem as IRelayPorts;
                    portDevice = DeviceManager.GetDeviceForKey(props.PortDeviceKey) as IRelayPorts;

                if (portDevice == null)
                    Debug.Console(0, "Unable to add relay device with key '{0}'. Port Device does not support relays", key);
                    var cs = (portDevice as CrestronControlSystem);

                    if (cs != null)
                        // The relay is on a control system processor
                        if (!cs.SupportsRelay || props.PortNumber > cs.NumberOfRelayPorts)
                            Debug.Console(0, "Port Device: {0} does not support relays or does not have enough relays");
                        // The relay is on another device type

                        if (props.PortNumber > portDevice.NumberOfRelayPorts)
                            Debug.Console(0, "Port Device: {0} does not have enough relays");

                    Relay relay = portDevice.RelayPorts[props.PortNumber];

                    if (!relay.Registered)
                        if (relay.Register() == eDeviceRegistrationUnRegistrationResponse.Success)
                            return(new GenericRelayDevice(key, relay));
                            Debug.Console(0, "Attempt to register relay {0} on device with key '{1}' failed.", props.PortNumber, props.PortDeviceKey);
                        return(new GenericRelayDevice(key, relay));

                    // Future: Check if portDevice is 3-series card or other non control system that supports versiports

            else if (typeName == "microphoneprivacycontroller")
                var props = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Core.Privacy.MicrophonePrivacyControllerConfig>(properties.ToString());

                return(new Core.Privacy.MicrophonePrivacyController(key, props));
            else if (typeName == "roku")
                var irCont = IRPortHelper.GetIrOutputPortController(dc);
                return(new Roku2(key, name, irCont));

            else if (groupName == "settopbox") //(typeName == "irstbbase")
                var irCont = IRPortHelper.GetIrOutputPortController(dc);
                var config = dc.Properties.ToObject <SetTopBoxPropertiesConfig>();
                var stb    = new IRSetTopBoxBase(key, name, irCont, config);

                //stb.HasDvr = properties.Value<bool>("hasDvr");
                var listName = properties.Value <string>("presetsList");
                if (listName != null)
            else if (typeName == "tvonecorio")
                var comm  = CommFactory.CreateCommForDevice(dc);
                var props = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TVOneCorioPropertiesConfig>(
                return(new TVOneCorio(key, name, comm, props));

            else if (typeName == "glsoirccn")
                var comm = CommFactory.GetControlPropertiesConfig(dc);

                GlsOccupancySensorBase occSensor = null;

                occSensor = new GlsOirCCn(comm.CresnetIdInt, Global.ControlSystem);

                if (occSensor != null)
                    return(new GlsOccupancySensorBaseController(key, name, occSensor));
                    Debug.Console(0, "ERROR: Unable to create Occupancy Sensor Device. Key: '{0}'", key);

            else if (typeName == "glsodtccn")
                var comm = CommFactory.GetControlPropertiesConfig(dc);

                var occSensor = new GlsOdtCCn(comm.CresnetIdInt, Global.ControlSystem);

                if (occSensor != null)
                    return(new GlsOdtOccupancySensorController(key, name, occSensor));
                    Debug.Console(0, "ERROR: Unable to create Occupancy Sensor Device. Key: '{0}'", key);

            else if (groupName == "lighting")
                if (typeName == "lutronqs")
                    var comm = CommFactory.CreateCommForDevice(dc);

                    var props = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Environment.Lutron.LutronQuantumPropertiesConfig>(properties.ToString());

                    return(new Environment.Lutron.LutronQuantumArea(key, name, comm, props));
                else if (typeName == "din8sw8")
                    var comm = CommFactory.GetControlPropertiesConfig(dc);

                    return(new Environment.Lighting.Din8sw8Controller(key, comm.CresnetIdInt));

            else if (groupName == "environment")
                if (typeName == "shadecontroller")
                    var props = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Core.Shades.ShadeControllerConfigProperties>(properties.ToString());

                    return(new Core.Shades.ShadeController(key, name, props));
                else if (typeName == "relaycontrolledshade")
                    var props = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Environment.Somfy.RelayControlledShadeConfigProperties>(properties.ToString());

                    return(new Environment.Somfy.RelayControlledShade(key, name, props));

Exemple #25
 /// <summary>
 /// Ugly form
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dc"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static CrestronBasicShadesController GetCsmQmtdc1631Cn(DeviceConfig dc)
     return(new CrestronBasicShadesController(dc.Key, dc.Name,
                                              new CsmQmtdc1631Cn(CommFactory.GetControlPropertiesConfig(dc).CresnetIdInt, Global.ControlSystem)));
Exemple #26
        public override EssentialsDevice BuildDevice(DeviceConfig dc)
            var comm  = CommFactory.GetControlPropertiesConfig(dc);
            var props = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CrestronTouchpanelPropertiesConfig>(dc.Properties.ToString());

            Debug.Console(1, "Factory Attempting to create new Generic Comm Device");

            var panelController = new EssentialsTouchpanelController(dc.Key, dc.Name, dc.Type, props, comm.IpIdInt);

            panelController.AddPostActivationAction(() =>
                var mainDriver = new EssentialsPanelMainInterfaceDriver(panelController.Panel, props);
                // Then the sub drivers

                // spin up different room drivers depending on room type
                var room = DeviceManager.GetDeviceForKey(props.DefaultRoomKey);
                if (room is EssentialsHuddleSpaceRoom)
                    // Header Driver
                    Debug.Console(0, panelController, "Adding header driver");
                    mainDriver.HeaderDriver = new EssentialsHeaderDriver(mainDriver, props);

                    // AV Driver
                    Debug.Console(0, panelController, "Adding huddle space AV driver");
                    var avDriver            = new EssentialsHuddlePanelAvFunctionsDriver(mainDriver, props);
                    avDriver.DefaultRoomKey = props.DefaultRoomKey;
                    mainDriver.AvDriver     = avDriver;
                    avDriver.CurrentRoom    = room as EssentialsHuddleSpaceRoom;

                    // Environment Driver
                    if (avDriver.CurrentRoom.PropertiesConfig.Environment != null && avDriver.CurrentRoom.PropertiesConfig.Environment.DeviceKeys.Count > 0)
                        Debug.Console(0, panelController, "Adding environment driver");
                        mainDriver.EnvironmentDriver = new EssentialsEnvironmentDriver(mainDriver, props);


                    mainDriver.HeaderDriver.SetupHeaderButtons(avDriver, avDriver.CurrentRoom);

                    panelController.LoadAndShowDriver(mainDriver);  // This is a little convoluted.

                    if (panelController.Panel is TswFt5ButtonSystem)
                        var tsw = panelController.Panel as TswFt5ButtonSystem;
                        // Wire up hard keys
                        tsw.Power.UserObject = new Action <bool>(b => { if (!b)
                        //tsw.Home.UserObject = new Action<bool>(b => { if (!b) HomePressed(); });
                        if (mainDriver.EnvironmentDriver != null)
                            tsw.Lights.UserObject = new Action <bool>(b =>
                                if (!b)
                        tsw.Up.UserObject   = new Action <bool>(avDriver.VolumeUpPress);
                        tsw.Down.UserObject = new Action <bool>(avDriver.VolumeDownPress);
                else if (room is EssentialsHuddleVtc1Room)
                    Debug.Console(0, panelController, "Adding huddle space VTC AV driver");

                    // Header Driver
                    mainDriver.HeaderDriver = new EssentialsHeaderDriver(mainDriver, props);

                    // AV Driver
                    var avDriver = new EssentialsHuddleVtc1PanelAvFunctionsDriver(mainDriver, props);

                    var codecDriver = new PepperDash.Essentials.UIDrivers.VC.EssentialsVideoCodecUiDriver(panelController.Panel, avDriver,
                                                                                                          (room as EssentialsHuddleVtc1Room).VideoCodec, mainDriver.HeaderDriver);
                    avDriver.DefaultRoomKey = props.DefaultRoomKey;
                    mainDriver.AvDriver     = avDriver;
                    avDriver.CurrentRoom    = room as EssentialsHuddleVtc1Room;

                    // Environment Driver
                    if (avDriver.CurrentRoom.PropertiesConfig.Environment != null && avDriver.CurrentRoom.PropertiesConfig.Environment.DeviceKeys.Count > 0)
                        Debug.Console(0, panelController, "Adding environment driver");
                        mainDriver.EnvironmentDriver = new EssentialsEnvironmentDriver(mainDriver, props);


                    mainDriver.HeaderDriver.SetupHeaderButtons(avDriver, avDriver.CurrentRoom);

                    panelController.LoadAndShowDriver(mainDriver);  // This is a little convoluted.

                    if (panelController.Panel is TswFt5ButtonSystem)
                        var tsw = panelController.Panel as TswFt5ButtonSystem;
                        // Wire up hard keys
                        tsw.Power.UserObject = new Action <bool>(b => { if (!b)
                        //tsw.Home.UserObject = new Action<bool>(b => { if (!b) HomePressed(); });
                        if (mainDriver.EnvironmentDriver != null)
                            tsw.Lights.UserObject = new Action <bool>(b =>
                                if (!b)
                        tsw.Up.UserObject   = new Action <bool>(avDriver.VolumeUpPress);
                        tsw.Down.UserObject = new Action <bool>(avDriver.VolumeDownPress);
                    Debug.Console(0, panelController, "ERROR: Cannot load AvFunctionsDriver for room '{0}'", props.DefaultRoomKey);
