Exemple #1
        public HttpResponseMessage Get(string postcode)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(postcode))
                return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, string.Format("Postcode must not be null.")));

            var regex = new Regex(Common.Config.PostcodeExpression);
            var match = regex.Match(postcode.ToUpper());

            if (match.Success)
                var postcodeInfo = postcode.Replace(" ", "");

                bool isCacheEnabled;
                bool.TryParse(Common.Config.CacheEnabled, out isCacheEnabled);
                if (isCacheEnabled)
                    //Check Cached Result
                    if (Cache.IsInCache("MC-DEALERLOOKUP-" + postcodeInfo))
                        var list = Cache.GetFromCache <List <Models.DealerLookUp> >("MC-DEALERLOOKUP-" + postcodeInfo);

                // Check Database
                var postcodeData = _dbContext.GetDealer(postcodeInfo).ToList();
                if (postcodeData.Any())
                    var dealers = postcodeData.Select(x => new Models.DealerLookUp
                        DealerId  = x.DealerId,
                        Phone     = x.Phone,
                        Name      = x.Name,
                        Longitude = x.Longitude,
                        Latitude  = x.Latitude,
                        Distance  = x.Distance,
                        Address   = x.Address
                    }).OrderBy(x => x.Distance).ToList();

                    double time;
                    var    isParsed = double.TryParse(Common.Config.CacheExpiration, out time);
                    if (!isParsed)

                    if (isCacheEnabled)
                        Cache.SaveToCache("MC-DEALERLOOKUP-" + postcodeInfo, dealers,
                    // Make API WebRequest
                    var googleUri = new Uri(Common.Config.GoogleMapsApi)
                                    .AddParameter("address", postcodeInfo)
                                    .AddParameter("sensor", "false");
                    var response  = HttpWebRequestHelper.MakeRequest(googleUri.ToString(), 5000);
                    var json      = HttpWebRequestHelper.GetHttpWebResponseData(response);
                    var addresses =
                        (GoogleGeoCodeResponse)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json, typeof(GoogleGeoCodeResponse));
                    var location = addresses.results.Select(x => x.geometry.location).SingleOrDefault();

                    if (location == null)

                    var dealerUri = new Uri(Common.Config.DealerApi)
                                    .AddParameter("application", Common.Config.DealerApplication)
                                    .AddParameter("brand", Common.Config.DealerCategory)
                                    .AddParameter("resultcount", Common.Config.DealerMaxTotal)
                                    .AddParameter("latitude", location.lat)
                                    .AddParameter("longitude", location.lng);
                    var dealerResponse = HttpWebRequestHelper.MakeRequest(dealerUri.ToString(), 5000);
                    var feed           = HttpWebRequestHelper.GetHttpWebResponseData(dealerResponse);

                    var dealerList = (DealerResponse)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(feed, typeof(DealerResponse));

                    var viewModel = dealerList.dealers.Select(loc => new Models.DealerLookUp()
                        Address   = loc.address,
                        DealerId  = Convert.ToInt32(loc.dealerid),
                        Phone     = loc.telephone,
                        Latitude  = double.Parse(loc.latitude),
                        Longitude = double.Parse(loc.longitude),
                        Name      = loc.name,
                        Distance  = double.Parse(loc.distance)
                    }).OrderBy(x => x.Distance).ToList();

                    //Save Result to DB
                    foreach (var dealer in viewModel)
                        _dbContext.Dealers.InsertOnSubmit(new Dealer
                            Postcode     = postcodeInfo,
                            DealerLookUp = new DealerLookUp
                                Address   = dealer.Address,
                                DealerId  = dealer.DealerId,
                                Distance  = dealer.Distance,
                                Latitude  = dealer.Latitude,
                                Longitude = dealer.Longitude,
                                Name      = dealer.Name,
                                Phone     = dealer.Phone

                    if (!isCacheEnabled)

                    double time;
                    var    isParsed = double.TryParse(Common.Config.CacheExpiration, out time);
                    if (!isParsed)
                        Cache.SaveToCache("MC-DEALERLOOKUP-" + postcodeInfo, viewModel,
            var message = string.Format("Postcode is not valid.");

            return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, message));
Exemple #2
        public HttpResponseMessage Get(string postcode)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(postcode))
                return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, string.Format("Postcode must not be null.")));

            var regex = new Regex(Common.Config.PostcodeExpression);
            var match = regex.Match(postcode.ToUpper());

            if (match.Success)
                var postcodeInfo = postcode.Replace(" ", "").ToUpper();

                bool isCacheEnabled;
                bool.TryParse(Common.Config.CacheEnabled, out isCacheEnabled);
                if (isCacheEnabled)
                    //Check Cached Result
                    if (Cache.IsInCache("MC-POSTCODELOOKUP-" + postcodeInfo))
                        var list = Cache.GetFromCache <List <Models.PostcodeLookUp> >("MC-POSTCODELOOKUP-" + postcodeInfo);

                // Check Database
                var postcodeData = _dbContext.GetPostCode(postcodeInfo).ToList();
                if (postcodeData.Any())
                    var postcodes = postcodeData.Select(x => new Models.PostcodeLookUp
                        Address1 = x.Address1,
                        Address2 = x.Address2,
                        Address3 = x.Address3,
                        Town     = x.Town,
                        County   = x.County,
                        Postcode = x.Postcode.NormalizePostcode().ToUpper()

                    double time;
                    var    isParsed = double.TryParse(Common.Config.CacheExpiration, out time);
                    if (!isParsed)

                    if (isCacheEnabled)
                        Cache.SaveToCache("MC-POSTCODELOOKUP-" + postcodeInfo, postcodes,
                    //Make Grass Roots API WebRequest
                    var uri = new Uri(Common.Config.PostcodeApi)
                              .AddParameter("postcode", postcodeInfo.ToUpper())
                              .AddParameter("application", Common.Config.PostcodeApp);

                    var response = HttpWebRequestHelper.MakeRequest(uri.ToString(), 5000);
                    var json     = HttpWebRequestHelper.GetHttpWebResponseData(response);

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(json))
                        var postcodeApi =
                            JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json, typeof(PostcodeLookUpApiViewModel));

                        //Save Result to DB
                        foreach (var address in postcodeApi.Addresses)
                            address.Postcode = postcode.ToUpper();
                            _dbContext.PostcodeLookUps.InsertOnSubmit(new PostcodeLookUp
                                Address1 = address.Address1,
                                Address2 = address.Address2,
                                Address3 = address.Address3,
                                Town     = address.Town,
                                County   = address.County,
                                Postcode = postcode.ToUpper()

                        if (!isCacheEnabled)

                        double time;
                        var    isParsed = double.TryParse(Common.Config.CacheExpiration, out time);
                        if (!isParsed)
                            Cache.SaveToCache("MC-POSTCODELOOKUP-" + postcodeInfo, postcodeApi.Addresses,
            var message = string.Format("Postcode is not valid.");

            return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, message));
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads a local CSV file and imports the data into database.
        /// </summary>
        public void Index(string type)
            switch (type)
            case "csv":
                var fileName     = Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/MINI_FS_logic_v48.csv");
                var fileEncoding = GetEncoding(fileName);

                using (var fileReader = System.IO.File.OpenText(fileName))
                    using (var csv = new CsvReader(fileReader))
                        csv.Configuration.Encoding = fileEncoding;
                        csv.Configuration.IgnoreReadingExceptions  = true;
                        csv.Configuration.ReadingExceptionCallback = ReadingExceptionCallback;
                        csv.Configuration.WillThrowOnMissingField  = false;
                        csv.Configuration.IsHeaderCaseSensitive    = false;
                        csv.Configuration.HasHeaderRecord          = true;
                        csv.Configuration.TrimFields             = true;
                        csv.Configuration.IgnoreHeaderWhiteSpace = true;
                        csv.Configuration.RegisterClassMap <NewCarConfig>();

                        var records = csv.GetRecords <Models.NewCar>().Distinct().ToList();
                        using (var context = new CombobulatorDataContext())
                            foreach (var record in records)
                                var finance = new EntitySet <Finance>
                                    new Finance
                                        Info           = record.Info,
                                        Term           = record.Term ?? 0,
                                        FinalPayment   = record.FinalPayment ?? 0.0,
                                        FinancePrice   = record.FinancePrice ?? 0.0,
                                        APR            = record.APR,
                                        ROI            = record.ROI,
                                        Contribution   = record.Contribution ?? 0.0,
                                        CreditCharge   = record.CreditCharge ?? 0.0,
                                        Deposit        = record.Deposit ?? 0.0,
                                        Payment        = record.Payment ?? 0.0,
                                        PurchaseFee    = record.PurchaseFee ?? 0.0,
                                        TotalAmount    = record.TotalAmount ?? 0.0,
                                        DealerDiscount = record.DealerDiscount ?? 0.0,
                                        TotalDeposit   = record.TotalDeposit ?? 0.0

                                context.Cars.InsertOnSubmit(new Car
                                    Brand       = Common.Config.Brand,
                                    Code        = record.Code,
                                    Color       = record.Color,
                                    Engine      = record.Engine,
                                    EngineName  = record.EngineName,
                                    Model       = record.Model,
                                    Url         = record.Url,
                                    Joke        = record.Joke,
                                    Name        = record.Name,
                                    Capacity    = record.Capacity,
                                    Luggage     = record.Luggage,
                                    Lifestyle   = record.Lifestyle,
                                    Awd         = record.Awd,
                                    High        = record.High,
                                    Convertible = record.Convertible,
                                    Price       = record.Price,
                                    Cost        = record.Cost,
                                    Speed       = record.Speed,
                                    Mph         = record.Mph,
                                    Economy     = record.Economy,
                                    Mpg         = record.Mph,
                                    Alt1        = record.Alt_1,
                                    Alt2        = record.Alt_2,
                                    Alt3        = record.Alt_3,
                                    Terms       = record.Terms,
                                    Finances    = finance

            case "json":
                var file          = Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/data.json");
                var json          = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(file);
                var dataViewModel = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <DataViewModel> >(json);

                using (var context = new CombobulatorDataContext())
                    foreach (var record in dataViewModel)
                        var finance = new EntitySet <Finance>
                            new Finance
                                Info         = record.Finance.Info,
                                Term         = record.Finance.Term,
                                FinalPayment = record.Finance.Final_Payment,
                                FinancePrice = record.Finance.Price,
                                APR          = record.Finance.APR,
                                ROI          = record.Finance.ROI,
                                Contribution = record.Finance.Contribution,
                                CreditCharge = record.Finance.Credit_Charge,
                                Deposit      = record.Finance.Deposit,
                                Payment      = record.Finance.Payment,
                                PurchaseFee  = record.Finance.Purchase_Fee

                        context.Cars.InsertOnSubmit(new Car
                            Code        = record.Code,
                            Color       = record.Color,
                            Engine      = record.Engine,
                            Name        = record.Name,
                            Capacity    = record.Capacity,
                            Luggage     = record.Luggage,
                            Lifestyle   = record.Lifestyle,
                            Awd         = record.Awd,
                            High        = record.High,
                            Convertible = record.Convertible,
                            Price       = record.Price,
                            Cost        = record.Cost,
                            Speed       = record.Speed,
                            Mph         = record.Mph,
                            Economy     = record.Economy,
                            Mpg         = record.Mph,
                            Alt1        = record.Alt_1,
                            Alt2        = record.Alt_2,
                            Alt3        = record.Alt_3,
                            Terms       = record.Terms,
                            Finances    = finance
