private void JoinAnchorComboBox_Properties_Enter(object sender, EventArgs e) { GetCalcFieldForm(); // get latest values CalcField cf = CalcField; CalcFieldColumn cfc; HashSet <MetaTable> tableSet = new HashSet <MetaTable>(); ComboBoxItemCollection items = JoinAnchorComboBox.Properties.Items; items.Clear(); items.Add("(none)"); for (int ci = 0; ci < cf.CfCols.Count; ci++) { CalcFieldColumn cfCol = cf.CfCols[ci]; if (cfCol.MetaColumn == null) { continue; } MetaTable mt = cfCol.MetaColumn.MetaTable; if (tableSet.Contains(mt)) { continue; } tableSet.Add(mt); items.Add(mt.Label); } return; }
public static void DataBind(ComboBoxItemCollection collection, IEnumerable dataSource, string valueMemberName, string tagMemberName) { if (CollectionUtils.IsNullOrEmpty(dataSource)) { collection.Clear(); return; } MemberInfo valueMember = ReflectionUtils.GetInstanceMember <object>(valueMemberName); MemberInfo tagMember = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tagMemberName)) { tagMember = ReflectionUtils.GetInstanceMember <object>(tagMemberName); } collection.BeginUpdate(); try { throw new NotImplementedException(); } finally { collection.EndUpdate(); } }
protected void ShowForm2(Evaluator ev) { ComboBoxItemCollection cols = comboBoxEdit1.Properties.Items; this.ev = ev; cols.Clear(); if (ev.Variables.VarDictionary.Count > 0) { cols.Add("[Variabel]"); } foreach (string str in ev.ObjValues.GetListObjectName()) { if (str.Length == 0) { cols.Add("[General]"); } else { cols.Add(str); } } if (cols.Count > 0) { comboBoxEdit1.SelectedIndex = 0; } Show(BaseWinFramework._MdiParent); }
private void CheckKart()//Kart numarasının olması durumunda numaraya göre kart sınıfının verilerini çeker. { KartlarContext contextKartlar = new KartlarContext(); List <Kartlar> kartlar = contextKartlar.GetAllCards(); ComboBoxItemCollection coll = KartNoTextEdit.Properties.Items; coll.Clear(); coll.BeginUpdate(); try { foreach (Kartlar item in kartlar) { coll.Add(item._KartNo.ToString()); } } finally { coll.EndUpdate(); } KartNoTextEdit.SelectedIndex = -1; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(KartNoTextEdit.Text))//kart numarası olmadığı durumda tool'lara veri işlemek kapalıdır. { ToolBoxEdits(false); } }
private void InitComboHtmlExportType() { ComboBoxItemCollection collExportHtml = edtExportHtmlType.Properties.Items; collExportHtml.BeginUpdate(); collExportHtml.Clear(); collExportHtml.Add(ExportRootTag.Body); collExportHtml.Add(ExportRootTag.Html); collExportHtml.EndUpdate(); edtExportHtmlType.SelectedIndex = 0; htmlExportType = ExportRootTag.Body; }
/// <summary> /// Setup the control for specified view /// </summary> /// <param name="view"></param> public void Setup( DataTableMapMsx dataTableMap, EventHandler callerEditValueChangedEventHandler = null) { InSetup = true; DataTableMap = dataTableMap; CallerEditValueChangedHandler = callerEditValueChangedEventHandler; QueryTablesComboBox.Text = ""; QueryTablesComboBox.SelectedItem = null; ComboBoxItemCollection items = QueryTablesComboBox.Properties.Items; items.Clear(); QueryTablesComboBox.Text = ""; AssertMx.IsNotNull(Query, "Query"); foreach (QueryTable qtEnum in Query.Tables) { items.Add(new ComboBoxItem(new LabeledUiItem(qtEnum.ActiveLabel, qtEnum))); } items.Add(AllTablesItem); items.Add(NoTablesItem); QueryTable qt = DataTableMap?.QueryTable; if (dataTableMap.IsMappedToSingleQueryTable) { QueryTablesComboBox.Text = qt.ActiveLabel; QueryTablesComboBox.SelectedItem = new LabeledUiItem(qt.ActiveLabel, qt); } else if (dataTableMap.IsMappedToAllQueryTables) // if cols are mapped assume all tables { QueryTablesComboBox.Text = AllTablesItem.Label; QueryTablesComboBox.SelectedItem = AllTablesItem; } else // not mapped to any tables { QueryTablesComboBox.Text = NoTablesItem.Label; QueryTablesComboBox.SelectedItem = NoTablesItem; } InSetup = false; return; }
private void InitComboCssExportType() { ComboBoxItemCollection collCssStyle = edtCssStyleType.Properties.Items; collCssStyle.BeginUpdate(); collCssStyle.Clear(); collCssStyle.Add(CssPropertiesExportType.Style); collCssStyle.Add(CssPropertiesExportType.Link); collCssStyle.Add(CssPropertiesExportType.Inline); collCssStyle.EndUpdate(); edtCssStyleType.SelectedIndex = 0; cssExportType = CssPropertiesExportType.Style; }
/// <summary> /// Gridde alanların listelenmesi ile alan isimleri de ortaya çıkar. Bu alan isimleri database'deki alan /// isimleri ile eşleştirme amacıyla tüm comboboxlara yüklenir. Daha sonra ekleme için, gridde'ki hangi alan /// database'deki hangi alana eklenecek seçilir. /// </summary> /// <param name="cmb"></param> private void BaslikYukle(ComboBoxEdit cmb) { ComboBoxItemCollection data = cmb.Properties.Items; data.Clear(); data.BeginUpdate(); data.Add(""); for (int i = 0; i < gridListe.Columns.Count; i++) { data.Add(gridListe.Columns[i].FieldName); } data.EndUpdate(); cmb.SelectedIndex = 0; }
private void CargarCiudades(Int64 idPais) { ciudades = clsParametros.ListarCiudades(idPais); ComboBoxItemCollection coll = cboCiudad.Properties.Items; coll.Clear(); coll.Add(Utils.Utils.ObtenerPrimerItem()); foreach (var list in ciudades) { coll.Add(list); } cboCiudad.SelectedIndex = 0; }
private void cargarComunas(Int64 idCiudad) { IList <clsComuna> comunas = clsParametros.ListarComunas(idCiudad); ComboBoxItemCollection coll = cboComuna.Properties.Items; coll.Clear(); coll.Add(Utils.Utils.ObtenerPrimerItem()); foreach (var list in comunas) { coll.Add(list); } cboComuna.SelectedIndex = 0; }
/// <summary> /// Setup a dropdown control from a dictionary /// </summary> /// <param name="items">Control item collection to fill</param> /// <param name="dictName">Dictionary name, null to reset control</param> public static void SetListControlItemsFromDictionary( ComboBoxItemCollection items, string dictName, bool removeDuplicates) { items.Clear(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dictName)) { return; } List <string> words = DictionaryMx.GetWords(dictName, removeDuplicates); if (words == null) { return; } items.AddRange(words); return; }
private void comboBoxEdit3_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (cbAdapterType.SelectedIndex == (int)CANBusAdapter.COMBI || cbAdapterType.SelectedIndex == (int)CANBusAdapter.ELM327 || cbAdapterType.SelectedIndex == (int)CANBusAdapter.JUST4TRIONIC || cbAdapterType.SelectedIndex == (int)CANBusAdapter.MXWIFI) { btnAdapterConfiguration.Enabled = true; } else { btnAdapterConfiguration.Enabled = false; } if (cbAdapterType.SelectedIndex != -1) { string[] adapters = ITrionic.GetAdapterNames((CANBusAdapter)cbAdapterType.SelectedIndex); ComboBoxItemCollection collection = cbAdapter.Properties.Items; collection.BeginUpdate(); collection.Clear(); foreach (string adapter in adapters) { collection.Add(adapter); } collection.EndUpdate(); if (adapters.Length > 0) { cbAdapter.SelectedIndex = 0; cbAdapter.Enabled = true; } else { cbAdapter.SelectedIndex = -1; cbAdapter.Enabled = false; } } }
void CreateItems(IEnumerable<string> enumerable1, ComboBoxItemCollection boxItems) { boxItems.Clear(); boxItems.AddRange(enumerable1.Select(s => new ComboBoxItem(s)).ToList()); }
//private void InitPopupMenu() //{ // try // { // string categoryLabel = ""; // ArrayList categoryList = new ArrayList(); // //Load up an array list for unique, non-blank iterating // foreach (DataRow row in clauseHeaderTable.Rows) // { // categoryLabel = row["Category"].ToString(); // if (categoryList.IndexOf(categoryLabel) == -1 && // categoryLabel.Trim().Length > 0) // categoryList.Add(categoryLabel); // } // categoryList.Sort(); // BarManager bManager = new BarManager(); // string filterStr = ""; // //For each item in array list, select all items // for (int i = 0; i < categoryList.Count; i++) // { // categoryLabel = categoryList[i].ToString(); // DevExpress.XtraBars.BarSubItem barSubItem = new DevExpress.XtraBars.BarSubItem(bManager, categoryLabel); // filterStr = "Category = '" + categoryLabel + "'"; // foreach (DataRow row in clauseHeaderTable.Select(filterStr)) // { // BarItem item = new BarButtonItem(); // item.Caption = row["ShortName"].ToString(); // item.Tag = (int)row["PrmntConfirmClauseId"]; // item.ItemClick += ClauseBtnClick; // barSubItem.AddItem(item); // } // pmenuEditContract.AddItem(barSubItem); // } // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // throw new Exception(FORM_NAME + ".InitPopupMenu: " + ex.Message); // } //} //private string GetClauseBodyText(int APrmntConfirmClauseId) //{ // string bodyText = ""; // try // { // string filterStr = "PrmntConfirmClauseId = '" + APrmntConfirmClauseId.ToString() + "'"; // foreach (DataRow row in clauseBodyTable.Select(filterStr)) // { // bodyText += row["Body"].ToString(); // } // return bodyText; // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // throw new Exception(FORM_NAME + ".GetClauseBodyText: " + ex.Message); // } //} private void InitStatusComboBox(string ATradingSystem, string ACurrentStatusCode, bool AContractOkAccess, bool AIsLondonTrade, string APreparerCanSendFlag) { try { //Initialize //5/27/09 Israel -- Creator can't approve barComboWorkflowStatus.EditValue = ACurrentStatusCode; ComboBoxItemCollection collection = (barComboWorkflowStatus.Edit as RepositoryItemComboBox).Items; collection.BeginUpdate(); //Israel 9/17/2015 -- previous editor was re-created, making clearing it unnecessary. collection.Clear(); //Israel 9/18/2015 barBtnWorkflowSave.Enabled = true; barComboWorkflowStatus.Enabled = true; APreparerCanSendFlag = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(APreparerCanSendFlag)) ? APreparerCanSendFlag.ToUpper() : ""; switch (ACurrentStatusCode) { case "NEW": collection.Add("PREP"); collection.Add("EXT_REVIEW"); //if (isContract) // collection.Add("TRADER"); collection.Add("MGR"); if (AContractOkAccess || (APreparerCanSendFlag.Equals("Y"))) { collection.Add("OK_TO_SEND"); } //Override for new barComboWorkflowStatus.EditValue = "PREP"; break; case "PREP": collection.Add("EXT_REVIEW"); //if (isContract) // collection.Add("TRADER"); collection.Add("MGR"); if (AContractOkAccess || (APreparerCanSendFlag.Equals("Y"))) { collection.Add("OK_TO_SEND"); } break; case "EXT_REVIEW": collection.Add("PREP"); //if (isContract) // collection.Add("TRADER"); collection.Add("MGR"); if (AContractOkAccess || (APreparerCanSendFlag.Equals("Y"))) { collection.Add("OK_TO_SEND"); } break; case "TRADER": collection.Add("PREP"); collection.Add("EXT_REVIEW"); //if (isContract) // collection.Add("TRADER"); collection.Add("MGR"); break; case "MGR": collection.Add("PREP"); collection.Add("EXT_REVIEW"); //if (isContract) // collection.Add("TRADER"); collection.Add("MGR"); if (AContractOkAccess || (APreparerCanSendFlag.Equals("Y"))) { collection.Add("OK_TO_SEND"); } break; case "OK_TO_SEND": collection.Add("PREP"); collection.Add("EXT_REVIEW"); //if (isContract) // collection.Add("TRADER"); collection.Add("MGR"); if (AContractOkAccess || (APreparerCanSendFlag.Equals("Y"))) { collection.Add("OK_TO_SEND"); } break; default: barBtnWorkflowSave.Enabled = false; barComboWorkflowStatus.EditValue = ACurrentStatusCode; barComboWorkflowStatus.Enabled = false; break; } collection.EndUpdate(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("An error occurred while setting up the status display list." + Environment.NewLine + "Error CNF-241 in " + FORM_NAME + ".InitStatusComboBox(): " + ex.Message); } }
void CreateItems(IEnumerable <string> enumerable1, ComboBoxItemCollection boxItems) { boxItems.Clear(); boxItems.AddRange(enumerable1.Select(s => new ComboBoxItem(s)).ToList()); }