private IEnumerator LaunchFireball(GameObject target) { float launchDuration = 1f; float elapsedTime = 0; Vector3 origin = Fireball.transform.position; while (elapsedTime < launchDuration) { Fireball.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp( origin, target.transform.position, elapsedTime / launchDuration); elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; yield return(null); } Fireball.SetActive(false); Attack attack = new Attack(CurrentDamage); target.GetComponent <Combatant>() .Defend(attack); CombatSystem.EndTurn(this.GetComponentInParent <Combatant>().gameObject); }
protected override IEnumerator InnerDoGroupAbility(Transform groupTransform) { ImpGroupAi impGroupAi = groupTransform.GetComponent <ImpGroupAi>(); CombatSystem hammerCombatSystem = _hammer.GetComponentInChildren <CombatSystem>(); while (impGroupAi.Target.GetTransformDistanceFromTarget(_hammer.transform) > data.MINDistanceBeforeAttack) { _hammer.transform.position = groupTransform.position + new Vector3(0f, 1f, 0f) + (_hammer.transform.position - impGroupAi.Target.Target.position).normalized; _hammer.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation((impGroupAi.Target.Target.position - _hammer.transform.position).normalized, Vector3.up); yield return(null); } hammerCombatSystem.StartAttack(data.AssociatedAttack.GetAttack()); float timer = 0f; while (timer <= data.ActivatedDuration) { _hammer.transform.position = groupTransform.position + new Vector3(0f, 1f, 0f) + (_hammer.transform.position - impGroupAi.Target.Target.position).normalized; _hammer.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation((impGroupAi.Target.Target.position - _hammer.transform.position).normalized, Vector3.up); yield return(null); timer += Time.deltaTime; } _hammer.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, 0f); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) { CombatSystem.SlashAttack(5, attackPoint.position, attackRange, enemyLayers); } }
protected override void Awake() { base.Awake(); lifeSystem = GetComponent <LifeSystem>(); combatSystem = GetComponent <CombatSystem>(); characterMotor = GetComponent <CharacterMotor>(); }
//CODE DEALING WITH PLAYER COMBAT STAGE public void HealButton() { EnemyChange enemyChange = GameObject.FindWithTag("EnemyChange").GetComponent <EnemyChange>(); if (enemyChange.IsLevel1 == true || enemyChange.IsLevel3 == true)//This code will only run during lvl 1 and 3 { Player player = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player").GetComponent <Player>(); DiceScript diceScript = GameObject.FindWithTag("Dice").GetComponent <DiceScript>(); player.currentHealth = 10f; playerfillAmountHealth = player.currentHealth / player.maxHealth; diceScript.playerHealth.fillAmount = player.currentHealth / 1; PlayerHealGlow.SetActive(true); Invoke("PlayerGlowDisappear", 0.5f); Invoke("EnemyTurnChange", 2f); PlayerCanAttack = false; if (0 < player.defenceNumber) { player.defenceNumber -= 1; playerDefenceText.text = player.defenceNumber.ToString(); healGlowText.text = player.defenceNumber.ToString(); healGlow.SetActive(true); Invoke("PlayerGlowDisappear", 0.5f); } } CombatSystem combatSystem = GameObject.FindWithTag("CombatSystem").GetComponent <CombatSystem>(); combatSystem.CanRoll = false; }
void Update() { //check if has died if (health <= 0) { //animator.SetTrigger(consts.Die); } Vector3 movement = MoveTowardsTarget(new Vector3(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"), 0, Input.GetAxis("Vertical"))); if (!RotatetowardsMouse) { RotateTowardsMovementVector(movement); } else if (Physics.Raycast(camera.ScreenPointToRay(inputMovement = Input.mousePosition), out RaycastHit hitinfo, maxDistance: 300f)) { transform.LookAt(new Vector3(hitinfo.point.x, transform.position.y, hitinfo.point.z)); if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { animator.SetTrigger(consts.Attack1Name); CombatSystem.ChooseAttack(consts.Attack1Type, consts.Damage, transform.position + (transform.forward * 1), this.transform.rotation, consts.AttackRange1, LayerMask.GetMask("Enemy")); } if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1)) { animator.SetTrigger(consts.Attack2Name); CombatSystem.ChooseAttack(consts.Attack2Type, consts.Damage, transform.position, this.transform.rotation, consts.AttackRange2, LayerMask.GetMask("Enemy")); } } }
public override void Shoot() { fxEffect?.SetActive(true); List <IDamagable> enemyList = new List <IDamagable>(); Collider[] enemyCollider = Physics.OverlapSphere(transform.position, weaponData.RangeAttack, LayerMask.GetMask("Avatar")); for (int i = 0; i < enemyCollider.Length; i++) { if (enemyCollider[i].gameObject == avatarOwner.gameObject) { continue; } var enemy = enemyCollider[i].GetComponent <IDamagable>(); RaycastHit raycastHit; Physics.Raycast(transform.position, enemyCollider[i].transform.position - transform.position, out raycastHit); if (raycastHit.collider == enemyCollider[i]) { var vector3ToEnemy = enemyCollider[i].transform.position - transform.position; var angle = Vector3.Angle(transform.forward, vector3ToEnemy); if (angle < weaponData.AttackSector / 2 && enemy != null) { enemyList.Add(enemy); CombatSystem.CalculateDamage(enemy, hitData); } } } }
public bool DoAttack(int slot, Vec dir) { var weapon = _controller.Player.GetOne <Inventory>().Slots[slot].Item; if (weapon == null) { return(false); } var weaponComponent = weapon.GetOne <IWeapon>(); if (weaponComponent == null) { return(false); } var targets = weaponComponent.Targets(_controller.Player, dir); CombatSystem.RollAttack(_controller.Player, targets.ToArray(), (weapon, weaponComponent)); if (slot == Inventory.SLOT_MAINHAND) { DoAttack(Inventory.SLOT_OFFHAND, dir); } return(true); }
public void MoveUnit() { AttackUnit = null; if (path.Count == 0) { return; } List <HexCell> move = new List <HexCell>(); move.Add(path[0]); int cellNumber = 1; while (movementLeft > 0 && path.Count > 1) { if (path.Count > cellNumber) { int movementCost = HexUnit.GetMoveCost(path[cellNumber - 1], path[cellNumber], path[cellNumber - 1].GetNeighborDirection(path[cellNumber]), true); if (movementCost == -1 || movementCost > movementLeft) { break; } else { move.Add(path[cellNumber]); movementLeft -= movementCost; cellNumber++; } } else { break; } } if (move.Count > 1) { AttackUnit = null; AttackCity = null; City city = move[move.Count - 1].City; if (city && hexUnit.HexUnitType == HexUnit.UnitType.COMBAT && GetCityState() != city.GetCityState()) { AttackCity = city; CombatSystem.CityFight(this, city); SetMovementLeft(0); } else { HexUnit unitToFight = move[move.Count - 1].GetFightableUnit(HexUnit); if (unitToFight) { AttackUnit = unitToFight; CombatSystem.UnitFight(this, unitToFight.GetComponent <Unit>()); SetMovementLeft(0); } } path.RemoveRange(0, move.Count - 1); HexUnit.Travel(move); } }
private bool ActionAttackEnemy(Entity self, Entity enemy) { if (enemy == null) { return(false); } foreach (var weaponPair in ChooseWeapon(self)) { var weaponComponent = weaponPair.Item2; var dir = weaponComponent.Dir(self, enemy); if (dir == null) { continue; } var targets = weaponComponent.Targets(self, dir.Value); if (!targets.Contains(enemy)) { continue; } CombatSystem.RollAttack(self, targets.ToArray(), weaponPair); return(true); } return(false); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { // EL meu personatge pv = GetComponent <PhotonView>(); rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); CombatSystem cs = GetComponent <CombatSystem>(); // Còpia del personatge a la xarxa Unidad unidad = this.gameObject.GetComponent <Unidad>(); unidad.Initialize(); pdc.playerHealthBar.maxValue = unidad.GetMaxHealth(); pdc.playerHealthBar.value = unidad.GetHealth(); cs.playerHealthBar = pdc.playerHealthBar; // Nom de la unitat if (cs.GetTeam() == 0) { pdc.playerNameText.color =; } else if (cs.GetTeam() == 1) { pdc.playerNameText.color =; } else { pdc.playerNameText.color =; } }
private void OnDamageHitDealt(Attack attack, CombatSystem c, Vector3 v) { switch ( { case "MidBossSingleAttack": Play("singleAttack"); break; case "MidBossGroupAttack": Play("groupAttack"); break; case "BossSingleAttack": Play("singleAttack"); break; case "BossGroupAttack": Play("groupAttack"); break; default: //Debug.Log("ATTACK "+ +" NOT FOUND"); break; } }
public bool Act(Monster monster, CombatSystem combatSystem) { Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point pLoc = GameWorld.DungeonScreen.MapConsole.Player.Position; FieldOfView monsterFov = new FieldOfView(GameWorld.DungeonScreen.MapConsole.detailedMap); // If the monster has not been alerted, compute a field-of-view // Use the monster's Awareness value for the distance in the FoV check // If the player is in the monster's FoV then alert it // Add a message to the MessageLog regarding this alerted status if (!monster.TurnsAlerted.HasValue) { monsterFov.ComputeFov(monster.Position.X, monster.Position.Y, monster.Awareness, true); if (monsterFov.IsInFov(pLoc.X, pLoc.Y)) { GameWorld.DungeonScreen.MessageConsole.PrintMessage($"{monster.Name} is eager to fight {GameWorld.DungeonScreen.MapConsole.Player.Name}"); monster.TurnsAlerted = 1; } } if (monster.TurnsAlerted.HasValue) { PathFinder pathFinder = new PathFinder(GameWorld.DungeonScreen.MapConsole.detailedMap); Path path = null; try { path = pathFinder.ShortestPath( GameWorld.DungeonScreen.MapConsole.detailedMap.GetCell(monster.Position.X, monster.Position.Y), GameWorld.DungeonScreen.MapConsole.detailedMap.GetCell(pLoc.X, pLoc.Y)); } catch (PathNotFoundException) { // The monster can see the player, but cannot find a path to him // This could be due to other monsters blocking the way // Add a message to the message log that the monster is waiting GameWorld.DungeonScreen.MessageConsole.PrintMessage($"{monster.Name} waits for a turn"); } // In the case that there was a path, tell the CommandSystem to move the monster if (path != null) { try { GameWorld.DungeonScreen.MapConsole.MoveMonster(monster, path.StepForward()); } catch (NoMoreStepsException) { GameWorld.DungeonScreen.MessageConsole.PrintMessage($"{monster.Name} growls in frustration"); } } monster.TurnsAlerted++; if (monster.TurnsAlerted > AlertStatusLength) { monster.TurnsAlerted = null; } } return(true); }
protected CombatAction(LunchHourGames lhg, CombatSystem combatSystem, Handler combatActionHandler, ActionType actionType) { this.lhg = lhg; this.combatSystem = combatSystem; this.combatActionHandler = combatActionHandler; this.actionType = actionType; }
public void RefreshHudTop(string mort, string assassi) { GameObject goMort = GameObject.Find(mort); GameObject goAssassi = GameObject.Find(assassi); Unidad unMort = goMort.GetComponent <Unidad>(); Unidad unAssassi = goMort.GetComponent <Unidad>(); unMort.SetDeaths(unMort.GetDeaths() + 1); unAssassi.SetAssassinations(unAssassi.GetAssassinations() + 1); GameObject[] playersList = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Player"); AssTeam1 = 0; AssTeam2 = 0; foreach (GameObject player in playersList) { CombatSystem cmbtPlayer = player.GetComponent <CombatSystem>(); Unidad uPlayer = player.GetComponent <Unidad>(); if (cmbtPlayer.GetTeam() == 0) { AssTeam1 += uPlayer.GetAssassinations(); } else { AssTeam2 += uPlayer.GetAssassinations(); } } netManager.playerHUD.AssMor.text = AssTeam1 + " vs " + AssTeam2; }
private void Awake() { _combatSystem = GetComponentInChildren <CombatSystem>(); _animator = GetComponent <Animator>(); _rigidbody = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); _stun = GetComponentInChildren <Stun>(); }
public void MeleeButton() { Enemy enemy = GameObject.FindWithTag("Enemy").GetComponent <Enemy>(); enemy.currentHealth -= 0.2f; enemyHealth.fillAmount = enemy.currentHealth / 1; EnemyHealthGlow.SetActive(true); Invoke("EnemyGlowDisappear", 0.5f); EnemyDamage.text = "2"; Invoke("DamageDisappear", 2f); ScreenshakeController screenShakeController = GameObject.FindWithTag("MainCamera").GetComponent <ScreenshakeController>(); StartCoroutine(screenShakeController.CameraShake(0.1f, 0.05f)); if (enemy.currentHealth < 0.1f || enemy.currentHealth > 1f) //Player Wins { Debug.Log("Has Won"); WinUI.SetActive(true); } CombatSystem combatSystem = GameObject.FindWithTag("CombatSystem").GetComponent <CombatSystem>(); Invoke("EnemyTurnChange", 0.5f); //ConsoleText.text = "Enemy Turn"; combatSystem.EnemyCanRoll = true; }
private void Start() { combat = GetComponent <CombatSystem>(); weapons = GetComponent <WeaponSystem>(); abilities = GetComponent <SpecialAbilities>(); animator = GetComponent <Animator>(); camera = GetComponent <CameraController>(); }
public void SetCombatSystem(CombatSystem _playerCS) { this.playerCS = _playerCS; if (this.coolDownSlider != null) { this.coolDownSlider.value = 0; } }
protected override void EndAbility() { Debug.Log($"Bonk Damage total: {Damage}"); CurrentPhase = Phase.Inactive; CombatSystem.EndTurn(this.GetComponentInParent <Combatant>().gameObject); }
IEnumerator NoMP() { trackerText.text = "You don't have any MP left..."; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(2f)); combatState = CombatSystem.EnemyTurn; StartCoroutine(EnemyTurn()); }
protected override void EndAbility() { Thunder.SetActive(false); Animator.SetBool("IsFinishedCasting", true); CombatSystem.EndTurn(this.GetComponentInParent <Combatant>().gameObject); }
protected override void InnerDispose(int id, CombatSystem ownerCombatSystem) { foreach (GameObject g in _attackGameObjects[id]) { PoolersManager.Instance.TryGetPooler(data.AttackPrefab).DeactivatePooledObject(g); } _attackGameObjects.Remove(id); }
public void EnemyTurnChange() { CombatSystem combatSystem = GameObject.FindWithTag("CombatSystem").GetComponent <CombatSystem>(); combatSystem.state = CombatState.ENEMYTURN; ConsoleText.text = "Enemy Turn"; combatSystem.EnemyCanRoll = true; }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { //canPress = true; targets = MinigameData.targets; m = MinigameData.m; cs = MinigameData.cs; miniGameBody = MinigameData.miniGameBody; }
public IEnumerator DoAttack(int id, CombatSystem ownerCombatSystem, Action <Attack, int> stopAction, Transform target = null) { Setup(id, ownerCombatSystem, target); yield return(InnerDoAttack(id, ownerCombatSystem, target)); Dispose(id, ownerCombatSystem, stopAction); }
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if (other.tag == "Player") { CombatSystem.CalculateDamage(other.GetComponent <IPersonController>(), this); Destroy(gameObject); } }
public override CombatAttack getCombatAttack(CombatSystem combatSystem) { if (combatAttack == null) { combatAttack = new LinearAttack(lhg, combatSystem, this); } return(combatAttack); }
private void Dispose(int id, CombatSystem ownerCombatSystem, Action <Attack, int> stopAction) { InnerDispose(id, ownerCombatSystem); AnimationStates.Remove(id); HasHit.Remove(id); stopAction(this, id); }
public ZombieAttack getCombatAttack(CombatSystem combatSystem) { if (zombieAttack == null) { zombieAttack = new ZombieAttack(lhg, combatSystem); } return(zombieAttack); }
void Awake() { _fsm = new FSM<CombatStates>(); AddState(); AddTransitions(); Instance = this; Players[] allies = FindObjectsOfType<Players>(); Enemy[] enemies = FindObjectsOfType<Enemy>(); foreach (Players ally in allies) { AllyTeam.Add(ally); } foreach (Enemy en in enemies) { EnemyTeam.Add(en); } test = true; StartCoroutine(transition()); Subscribe("GUI","Attacked", AttackOrder); Subscribe("GUI", "Quit", CloseApp); }
void Awake() { if (Instance == null) { Instance = this; } else { Destroy(this.gameObject); } }