public static bool Prefix(CombatHUDFloatieStack __instance, ref Color __result, FloatieMessage.MessageNature nature) { try { if (nature == FloatieMessage.MessageNature.PilotInjury && OverrideFloatiePilotDamage) { Logger.Debug($"[CombatHUDFloatieStack_AddFloatie_PREFIX] OVERRIDING color for FloatieMessage.MessageNature.PilotInjury"); __result = OverrideFloatiePilotDamageColor; return(false); } if (nature == FloatieMessage.MessageNature.Inspiration) { Logger.Debug($"[CombatHUDFloatieStack_AddFloatie_PREFIX] OVERRIDING color for FloatieMessage.MessageNature.Inspiration"); __result = LazySingletonBehavior <UIManager> .Instance.UILookAndColorConstants.PilotInspired.color; return(false); } return(true); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Error(e); return(true); } }
public static void Postfix(CombatHUDFloatieStack __instance, Text text) { if (modSettings.ColorizeFloaties) { ColorFloaties.Colorize(__instance); } }
internal static void Colorize(CombatHUDFloatieStack __instance) { try { // default outline width is zero. have to plug a dummy value into outline colour though... void SetStyle(CombatHUDStatusStackItem floatie, Color32 inner, Color32 outline, float width = 0f) { var tmp = Traverse.Create(floatie).Field("Text").GetValue <TextMeshProUGUI>(); Traverse.Create(tmp).Method("SetFaceColor", inner).GetValue(); Traverse.Create(tmp).Method("SetOutlineColor", outline).GetValue(); Traverse.Create(tmp).Method("SetOutlineThickness", width).GetValue(); } var floaties = __instance.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <CombatHUDStatusStackItem>(); foreach (var floatie in floaties) { var text = Traverse.Create(floatie).Field("Text").GetValue <TextMeshProUGUI>().text; if (PanicSystem.ejectPhraseList.Any(x => x == text)) { SetStyle(floatie, Color.white,, 0.1f); } else if (text.Contains("IMPROVED TO")) { SetStyle(floatie, Color.white,, 0.1f); } else if (text == "PANIC LEVEL CRITICAL!") { SetStyle(floatie,, Color.yellow, 0.1f); } else if (text == "Panicked") { SetStyle(floatie, / 1.25f,; } else if (text == "Stressed") { SetStyle(floatie, Color.yellow / 1.25f,; } else if (text == "Unsettled") { SetStyle(floatie, Color.gray / 1.35f,; } // need to do this because the game leaves some ... reused objects maybe?? else { SetStyle(floatie, Color.white,; } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogDebug(ex); } }
public static void Postfix(CombatHUDFloatieStack __instance) { if (modSettings.ColorizeFloaties) { try { ColorFloaties.Colorize(__instance); } catch (Exception ex) { LogDebug(ex); } } }
internal static void Colorize(CombatHUDFloatieStack __instance) { try { // default outline width is zero. have to plug a dummy value into outline colour though... void SetStyle(CombatHUDStatusStackItem floatie, Color32 inner, Color32 outline, float width = 0f) { var tmp = Traverse.Create(floatie).Field("Text").GetValue <TextMeshProUGUI>(); Traverse.Create(tmp).Method("SetFaceColor", inner).GetValue(); Traverse.Create(tmp).Method("SetOutlineColor", outline).GetValue(); Traverse.Create(tmp).Method("SetOutlineThickness", width).GetValue(); } var floaties = __instance.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <CombatHUDStatusStackItem>(true); foreach (var floatie in floaties) { var text = Traverse.Create(floatie).Field("Text").GetValue <TextMeshProUGUI>().text; if (text.Contains(PanicSystem.modSettings.PanicImprovedString)) { SetStyle(floatie, Color.white,, 0.1f); } else if (text == PanicSystem.modSettings.PanicCritFailString) { SetStyle(floatie,, Color.yellow, 0.1f); } else if (text.Contains(PanicSystem.modSettings.PanicStates[3])) { SetStyle(floatie, / 1.25f,; } else if (text.Contains(PanicSystem.modSettings.PanicStates[2])) { SetStyle(floatie, Color.yellow / 1.25f,; } else if (text.Contains(PanicSystem.modSettings.PanicStates[1])) { SetStyle(floatie, Color.gray / 1.35f,; } // need to do this because the game leaves some ... reused objects maybe?? else { SetStyle(floatie, Color.white,; } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogDebug(ex); } }
public static void Prefix(CombatHUDFloatieStack __instance, Text text, FloatieMessage.MessageNature nature) { try { //Logger.Debug($"[CombatHUDFloatieStack_AddFloatie_PREFIX] text: {text}"); //Logger.Debug($"[CombatHUDFloatieStack_AddFloatie_PREFIX] nature: {nature}"); if (nature == FloatieMessage.MessageNature.PilotInjury && Miscellaneous.TryGetStressLevelColor(text.ToString(), out Color color)) { Logger.Debug($"[CombatHUDFloatieStack_AddFloatie_PREFIX] SET override color for FloatieMessage.MessageNature.PilotInjury"); OverrideFloatiePilotDamage = true; OverrideFloatiePilotDamageColor = color; } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Error(e); } }
public static bool Prefix( CombatHUDFloatieStack __instance, FloatieMessage message, Queue <FloatieMessage> ___msgQueue ) { try { if (CompressFloatieMessagesFeature.CompressFloatieMessages(message, ___msgQueue)) { return(false); } } catch (Exception e) { Control.Logger.Error.Log(e); } return(true); }