Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialises the specified parent folder.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parentFolder">The parent folder.</param>
        public void Initialise(ShellItem parentFolder)
            //  If we're not double buffered, we want to be.
            if (!DoubleBuffered)
                DoubleBuffered = true;

            //  Clear children.

            //  Clear the map.

            //  Work out the types to show.
            var childTypes = ChildTypes.Files;

            if (ShowHiddenFilesAndFolders)
                childTypes |= ChildTypes.Hidden;
            if (ShowFolders)
                childTypes |= ChildTypes.Folders;

            //  Go through the children.
            foreach (var child in parentFolder.GetChildren(childTypes))
                //  Do we need to create the icon for the item?
                if (shellIconIndexesToCacheIconIndexes.ContainsKey(child.IconIndex) == false)
                    //  Get the shell icon for the item.
                    var smallIcon = Icon.FromHandle(ComCtl32.ImageList_GetIcon(ShellImageList.GetImageList(ShellImageListSize.Small), child.IconIndex, 0));
                    var largeIcon = Icon.FromHandle(ComCtl32.ImageList_GetIcon(ShellImageList.GetImageList(ShellImageListSize.Large), child.IconIndex, 0));

                    //  Create it and add it.
                    var mappedIndex = SmallImageList.Images.Count;
                    shellIconIndexesToCacheIconIndexes[child.IconIndex] = mappedIndex;

                //  Create an item.
                var item = new ListViewItem
                    Text       = child.DisplayName,
                    ImageIndex = shellIconIndexesToCacheIconIndexes[child.IconIndex]

                //  Map it.
                itemsToFolders[item] = child;

                //  Insert the item.

                //  Fire the event handler.
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the image list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="this">The list view instance.</param>
        /// <param name="imageListType">Type of the image list.</param>
        /// <param name="imageListHandle">The image list handle.</param>
        public static void SetImageList(this ListView @this, ImageListType imageListType, IntPtr imageListHandle)
            //  If we're using the group header image list (not wrapped by .NET),
            //  just go straight to the Win32 API - we'll be using it from there
            //  anyway.
            if (imageListType == ImageListType.GroupHeader)
                //  Set the image list.
                User32.SendMessage(@this.Handle, LVM_SETIMAGELIST, (uint)imageListType, imageListHandle);

                //  That's all we need to do.

            //  Get the image list details.
            int cx, cy;

            ComCtl32.ImageList_GetIconSize(imageListHandle, out cx, out cy);
            var imageCount = ComCtl32.ImageList_GetImageCount(imageListHandle);

            //  This isn't actually enough for a Winforms list view - we actually need to create a copy of the
            //  image list.
            var imageList = new ImageList();

            imageList.ImageSize = new Size(cx, cy);

            for (int i = 0; i < imageCount; i++)
                //  Get the icon.
                var hIcon = ComCtl32.ImageList_GetIcon(imageListHandle, i, 0);

                //  Create it.
                var icon = Icon.FromHandle(hIcon);

                //  Add it.

            //  Set the image list.
            switch (imageListType)
            case ImageListType.Normal:
                @this.LargeImageList = imageList;

            case ImageListType.Small:
                @this.SmallImageList = imageList;

            case ImageListType.State:
                @this.StateImageList = imageList;

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("imageListType");