private bool IsRestart(ref Solution solution, ColumnVector fitnesses, double tolX, CMAState cmaState) { bool isAllNaN = fitnesses.All(x => double.IsNaN(x) || double.IsInfinity(x)); if (isAllNaN) { return(true); } // Stop if the condition number of the covariance matrix //exceeds 1014 (conditioncov). bool isCConditionNumberTooHigh = false; if ((Utilities.Diag(cmaState.C, x => x).ToArray().Max() / Utilities.Diag(cmaState.C, x => x).ToArray().Min()) > 1e14) { isCConditionNumberTooHigh = true; } if (isCConditionNumberTooHigh) { return(true); } if (solution.History == null) { solution.History = new Queue <double>(); } //Stop if the range of the best objective function values //of the last 10 + [30n/lambda] generations is zero //(equalfunvalhist), or the range of these function //values and all function values of the recent generation //is below Tolfun= 10^-12. solution.History.Enqueue(fitnesses[0]); if (solution.History.Count > (10.0 + ((30.0 * cmaState.p.N) / cmaState.p.Lambda))) { solution.History.Dequeue(); } bool isObjectiveFunctionRangeTooLow = (solution.History.Count == (int)(10.0 + ((30.0 * cmaState.p.N) / cmaState.p.Lambda))) && ((solution.History.Max() == solution.History.Min()) || (((solution.History.Max() - solution.History.Min()) < ObjectiveFunctionTolerance) && ((fitnesses.Max() - fitnesses.Min()) < ObjectiveFunctionTolerance))); if (isObjectiveFunctionRangeTooLow) { return(true); } // Stop if the standard deviation of the normal distribution //is smaller than TolX in all coordinates and [sigma]pc //(the evolution path from Eq. 2 in [3]) is smaller than //TolX in all components. We set TolX= 10^-12*[sigma]^(0). bool isStandardDeviationTooSmall = (Utilities.IsTrueForAll(cmaState.C, x => Math.Abs(x) < tolX) && => Math.Abs(x) < tolX)); if (isStandardDeviationTooSmall) { return(true); } // Stop if adding a 0.1-standard deviation vector in //a principal axis direction of C^(g) does not change //<x[vector]>w^(g) (noeffectaxis)3 int ith = (cmaState.gen % cmaState.p.N); ColumnVector tmpXmean = (cmaState.mean + 0.1 * cmaState.sigma * cmaState.B * new ColumnVector(cmaState.d)); bool isNoEffectAxis = false; if (ith < tmpXmean.Dimension) { isNoEffectAxis = (tmpXmean[ith] == cmaState.mean[ith]); } if (isNoEffectAxis) { return(true); } // Stop if adding 0.2-standard deviation in each coordinate //does change <x[vector]>w^(g) (noeffectcoord). SquareMatrix testC = 0.2 * cmaState.sigma * cmaState.C; SquareMatrix vectors; SquareMatrix values; Utilities.EigAlgLib(testC, out vectors, out values, 1, isGetLower: false); ColumnVector colValues = Utilities.Diag(values, x => Math.Sqrt(Math.Abs(x))); tmpXmean = (cmaState.mean + cmaState.sigma * vectors * colValues); bool isNoEffectCoord = true; for (int i = 0; i < cmaState.mean.Dimension; i++) { if (cmaState.mean[i] != tmpXmean[i]) { isNoEffectCoord = false; break; } } if (isNoEffectCoord) { return(true); } return(false); }