public void Write(Document document, PdfWriter writer, PdfContentByte pdfContent) { Phrase header = new Phrase(_paragraph, _font); ColumnText.ShowTextAligned(pdfContent, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, header, document.Right - ColumnText.GetWidth(header), document.Bottom - 5, 0); // document.Top 为Page的 }
private static float GetWidthText(string text, string font, float size, int style) { Font font1 = RegistrerFont(font, size, style, BaseColor.BLACK); Phrase phrase = new Phrase(text, font1); return(ColumnText.GetWidth(phrase)); }
public void Write(Document document, PdfWriter writer, PdfContentByte pdfContent) { Phrase header = new Phrase(document.PageNumber.ToString(), _font); float horizonCenter = (document.Right - ColumnText.GetWidth(header)) / 2; float verticalTop = document.Bottom; ColumnText.ShowTextAligned(pdfContent, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, header, horizonCenter, verticalTop, 0); // document.Top 为Page的 }
/// <summary> /// 指定pdf模板文件添加图片以及文字 /// </summary> /// <param name="tempFilePath">源文件路径</param> /// <param name="createdPdfPath">插入图片后文件路径</param> /// <param name="pdfImages">图片对象集合</param> public void PdfSign(string tempFilePath, string createdPdfPath, List <PdfImage> pdfImages, List <PdfText> pdfTexts) { PdfReader pdfReader = null; PdfStamper pdfStamper = null; try { pdfReader = new PdfReader(tempFilePath); pdfStamper = new PdfStamper(pdfReader, new FileStream(createdPdfPath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate)); float width = pdfReader.GetPageSizeWithRotation(1).Width; float height = pdfReader.GetPageSizeWithRotation(1).Height; if (m_PaperWidth == 0 || m_PaperHeight == 0) { m_PaperWidth = (float)(width / 72 * 25.4); m_PaperHeight = (float)(height / 72 * 25.4); } float cmpOne = width, cmpTwo = height, cmpThr = m_PaperWidth, cmpFour = m_PaperHeight; if (height > width) { cmpOne = height; cmpTwo = width; } if (m_PaperHeight > m_PaperWidth) { cmpThr = m_PaperHeight; cmpFour = m_PaperWidth; } float transScalH = cmpOne / cmpThr; float transScalV = cmpTwo / cmpFour; foreach (var pdfImage in pdfImages) { Image img = Image.GetInstance(pdfImage.ImagePath); if (img != null) { try { PdfContentByte pdfContentByte = pdfStamper.GetOverContent(pdfImage.PageNum); img.ScaleToFit(pdfImage.FitWidth * transScalH, pdfImage.FitHeight * transScalV); img.SetAbsolutePosition((pdfImage.AbsoluteX) * transScalH, (pdfImage.AbsoluteY) * transScalV); img.Rotation = (float)(pdfImage.Rotation / 180 * Math.PI); pdfContentByte.AddImage(img); } catch (Exception) { continue; } } } foreach (var pdfText in pdfTexts) { string fontPath = SystemFontsFolder + "\\" + pdfText.FontName; BaseFont baseFont = BaseFont.CreateFont(fontPath, BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED);//获取系统的字体 iTextSharp.text.Font font = new iTextSharp.text.Font(baseFont, pdfText.Size); Phrase phrase = new Phrase(pdfText.TxtContent, font); float recWidth = ColumnText.GetWidth(phrase); float centX = pdfText.AbsoluteX * transScalH; float centY = pdfText.AbsoluteY * transScalV; try { PdfContentByte pdfContentByte = pdfStamper.GetOverContent(pdfText.PageNum); ColumnText.ShowTextAligned(pdfContentByte, pdfText.Alignment, phrase, centX, centY, pdfText.Rotation); } catch (Exception) { continue; } } pdfStamper.FormFlattening = true; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { if (pdfStamper != null) { pdfStamper.Close(); } if (pdfReader != null) { pdfReader.Close(); } pdfStamper = null; pdfReader = null; } }
/** * Get the <code>PdfAppearance</code> of a text or combo field * @throws IOException on error * @throws DocumentException on error * @return A <code>PdfAppearance</code> */ public PdfAppearance GetAppearance() { PdfAppearance app = GetBorderAppearance(); app.BeginVariableText(); if (text == null || text.Length == 0) { app.EndVariableText(); return(app); } bool borderExtra = borderStyle == PdfBorderDictionary.STYLE_BEVELED || borderStyle == PdfBorderDictionary.STYLE_INSET; float h = box.Height - borderWidth * 2 - extraMarginTop; float bw2 = borderWidth; if (borderExtra) { h -= borderWidth * 2; bw2 *= 2; } float offsetX = Math.Max(bw2, 1); float offX = Math.Min(bw2, offsetX); app.SaveState(); app.Rectangle(offX, offX, box.Width - 2 * offX, box.Height - 2 * offX); app.Clip(); app.NewPath(); String ptext; if ((options & PASSWORD) != 0) { ptext = ObfuscatePassword(text); } else if ((options & MULTILINE) == 0) { ptext = RemoveCRLF(text); } else { ptext = text; //fixed by Kazuya Ujihara ( } BaseFont ufont = RealFont; Color fcolor = (textColor == null) ? GrayColor.GRAYBLACK : textColor; int rtl = CheckRTL(ptext) ? PdfWriter.RUN_DIRECTION_LTR : PdfWriter.RUN_DIRECTION_NO_BIDI; float usize = fontSize; Phrase phrase = ComposePhrase(ptext, ufont, fcolor, usize); if ((options & MULTILINE) != 0) { float width = box.Width - 4 * offsetX - extraMarginLeft; float factor = ufont.GetFontDescriptor(BaseFont.BBOXURY, 1) - ufont.GetFontDescriptor(BaseFont.BBOXLLY, 1); ColumnText ct = new ColumnText(null); if (usize == 0) { usize = h / factor; if (usize > 4) { if (usize > 12) { usize = 12; } float step = Math.Max((usize - 4) / 10, 0.2f); ct.SetSimpleColumn(0, -h, width, 0); ct.Alignment = alignment; ct.RunDirection = rtl; for (; usize > 4; usize -= step) { ct.YLine = 0; ChangeFontSize(phrase, usize); ct.SetText(phrase); ct.Leading = factor * usize; int status = ct.Go(true); if ((status & ColumnText.NO_MORE_COLUMN) == 0) { break; } } } if (usize < 4) { usize = 4; } } ChangeFontSize(phrase, usize); ct.Canvas = app; float leading = usize * factor; float offsetY = offsetX + h - ufont.GetFontDescriptor(BaseFont.BBOXURY, usize); ct.SetSimpleColumn(extraMarginLeft + 2 * offsetX, -20000, box.Width - 2 * offsetX, offsetY + leading); ct.Leading = leading; ct.Alignment = alignment; ct.RunDirection = rtl; ct.SetText(phrase); ct.Go(); } else { if (usize == 0) { float maxCalculatedSize = h / (ufont.GetFontDescriptor(BaseFont.BBOXURX, 1) - ufont.GetFontDescriptor(BaseFont.BBOXLLY, 1)); ChangeFontSize(phrase, 1); float wd = ColumnText.GetWidth(phrase, rtl, 0); if (wd == 0) { usize = maxCalculatedSize; } else { usize = Math.Min(maxCalculatedSize, (box.Width - extraMarginLeft - 4 * offsetX) / wd); } if (usize < 4) { usize = 4; } } ChangeFontSize(phrase, usize); float offsetY = offX + ((box.Height - 2 * offX) - ufont.GetFontDescriptor(BaseFont.ASCENT, usize)) / 2; if (offsetY < offX) { offsetY = offX; } if (offsetY - offX < -ufont.GetFontDescriptor(BaseFont.DESCENT, usize)) { float ny = -ufont.GetFontDescriptor(BaseFont.DESCENT, usize) + offX; float dy = box.Height - offX - ufont.GetFontDescriptor(BaseFont.ASCENT, usize); offsetY = Math.Min(ny, Math.Max(offsetY, dy)); } if ((options & COMB) != 0 && maxCharacterLength > 0) { int textLen = Math.Min(maxCharacterLength, ptext.Length); int position = 0; if (alignment == Element.ALIGN_RIGHT) { position = maxCharacterLength - textLen; } else if (alignment == Element.ALIGN_CENTER) { position = (maxCharacterLength - textLen) / 2; } float step = (box.Width - extraMarginLeft) / maxCharacterLength; float start = step / 2 + position * step; if (textColor == null) { app.SetGrayFill(0); } else { app.SetColorFill(textColor); } app.BeginText(); foreach (Chunk ck in phrase) { BaseFont bf = ck.Font.BaseFont; app.SetFontAndSize(bf, usize); StringBuilder sb = ck.Append(""); for (int j = 0; j < sb.Length; ++j) { String c = sb.ToString(j, 1); float wd = bf.GetWidthPoint(c, usize); app.SetTextMatrix(extraMarginLeft + start - wd / 2, offsetY - extraMarginTop); app.ShowText(c); start += step; } } app.EndText(); } else { float x; switch (alignment) { case Element.ALIGN_RIGHT: x = extraMarginLeft + box.Width - (2 * offsetX); break; case Element.ALIGN_CENTER: x = extraMarginLeft + (box.Width / 2); break; default: x = extraMarginLeft + (2 * offsetX); break; } ColumnText.ShowTextAligned(app, alignment, phrase, x, offsetY - extraMarginTop, 0, rtl, 0); } } app.RestoreState(); app.EndVariableText(); return(app); }