Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate a Hash for a DataView and the calculates the size of the DataView, too.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks><em>Do not use for creation of a password hash</em> - this Method uses the SHA1 algorithm
        /// for speed reasons but this is not deemed safe enough for password hashing! --> Use
        /// PasswordHelper.GetPasswordHash() for this instead!!!</remarks>
        /// <param name="AHashDV">The DataView to be analysed.</param>
        /// <param name="AHash">Returns the Hash value of the DataView.</param>
        /// <param name="ASize">Returns the size of the DataView.</param>
        public static void CalculateHashAndSize(DataView AHashDV, out String AHash, out Int32 ASize)
            StringBuilder             HashStringBuilder;
            SHA1CryptoServiceProvider HashingProvider;
            Int32 RowCounter;
            Int32 ColumnCounter;
            Int32 TmpSize = 0;

            ASize = 0;

             * Build a string that contains all values of all rows in the DataView, using
             * a StringBuilder for efficiency.
            HashStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            for (RowCounter = 0; RowCounter <= AHashDV.Count - 1; RowCounter += 1)
                for (ColumnCounter = 0; ColumnCounter <= AHashDV.Table.Columns.Count - 1; ColumnCounter += 1)
                    if (AHashDV.Table.Columns[ColumnCounter].DataType != System.Type.GetType("System.DateTime"))
                            RowCounter.ToString() + '/' + ColumnCounter.ToString() + ':' + AHashDV[RowCounter][ColumnCounter].ToString());
                        HashStringBuilder.Append(RowCounter.ToString() + '/' + ColumnCounter.ToString() + ':' +
                                                 TSaveConvert.DateColumnToDate(AHashDV.Table.Columns[ColumnCounter], AHashDV[RowCounter].Row).ToString("dd-MM-yy HH:MM"));

                    // Increment the size
                    TmpSize = AHashDV[RowCounter][ColumnCounter].ToString().Length;
                    ASize   = ASize + TmpSize;

             * Calculate the hash of the string containing all values of all rows
            HashingProvider = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider();
            AHash           = Convert.ToBase64String(HashingProvider.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(HashStringBuilder.ToString())));
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        private IEnumerable <ICharMetric> EnumerateCharMetricsByLine(int lineIndex, bool isTabProcess, bool isAddMetaChar)
            var chars = _textView.Doc.Lines[lineIndex].Text.AsEnumerable();

            if (isAddMetaChar)
                if (lineIndex < _textView.Doc.Lines.LastIndex())
                    chars = chars.Append(CharUtil.Space);

                DebugUtil.DebugCode(() =>
                    if (lineIndex < _textView.Doc.Lines.LastIndex())
                        chars = chars.SkipLast(1).Append('↓');
                        chars = chars.Concat("[EOF]");

            var lineHeight = _textView.GetLineHeight();

            var columnCounter = new ColumnCounter(_textView._settings.tabWidth);
            var originalIndex = 0;
            var index         = 0;
            var lineLength    = _textView.Doc.Lines[lineIndex].Length;
            var x             = 0.0;
            var chItem        = new CharMetric();

            foreach (var ch in chars)

                var sourceChar      = ch;
                var color           = Color.Black;
                var backgroundColor = Color.Transparent;

#warning test
                //if (!CharUtil.CanDraw(ch) && ch != CharUtil.Tab)
                //    // バイナリファイルを開いた場合でも、それとなく表示できるようにしておく
                //    ch = '?';

                if (sourceChar == CharUtil.Tab && isTabProcess)
                    sourceChar = CharUtil.Space;

                    for (var i = 0; i < columnCounter.LastCharCount; i++)
                        DebugUtil.DebugCode(() =>
                            sourceChar      = i == 0 ? '>' : '.';
                            color           = Color.DarkCyan;
                            backgroundColor = Color.FromRgb(0x00aaaa);

                        var width = _textView.AsciiFont.MeasureChar(sourceChar).Width;
                        yield return(chItem.Init(
                                         lineIndex, lineHeight,
                                         sourceChar, x, index, originalIndex, 1,
                                         color, backgroundColor, _textView.AsciiFont, width, _textView._settings.lineHeightAdjust / 2.0));

                        x += width;
                    DebugUtil.DebugCode(() =>
                        if (sourceChar == CharUtil.FullWidthSpace)
                            sourceChar = '□';
                            color      = Color.DarkCyan;
                        if (originalIndex >= lineLength)
                            color = Color.DarkCyan;

                    var tempChar = (sourceChar == CharUtil.Tab) ? CharUtil.Space : sourceChar;
                    var font     = CharUtil.IsAscii(tempChar) ? _textView.AsciiFont : _textView.JpFont;
                    var width    = font.MeasureChar(tempChar).Width *columnCounter.LastCharCount;

                    yield return(chItem.Init(
                                     lineIndex, lineHeight,
                                     sourceChar, x, index, originalIndex, columnCounter.LastColumnCount,
                                     color, backgroundColor, font, width, _textView._settings.lineHeightAdjust / 2.0));

                    x += width;
