Exemple #1
            private void beatmapUpdated(ValueChangedEvent <WorkingBeatmap> map)
                Drawable newBackground;

                if (map.NewValue.Background == null)
                    newBackground = new Box
                        Alpha            = 0,
                        RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
                        Anchor           = Anchor.Centre,
                        Origin           = Anchor.Centre,
                        Colour           = Colour4.FromHex("4A4A4C")
                    newBackground = new Sprite
                        Anchor           = Anchor.Centre,
                        Origin           = Anchor.Centre,
                        Alpha            = 0,
                        RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
                        FillMode         = FillMode.Fill,
                        Texture          = map.NewValue.Background

                background.FadeOut(1000, Easing.Out);
                newBackground.FadeIn(1000, Easing.In);
 private void updateColour()
     if (Type == BackgroundType.Color)
         Colour = Colour4.FromHex(colour.Value);
Exemple #3
 public NovelSection()
     SectionName = "NOVEL";
     Children    = new Drawable[]
         new SpriteText
             Text = "Text Display Speed",
             Font = KanojoWorksFont.GetFont(size: 30, weight: FontWeight.Light)
         new SpriteText
             Text = "Auto Play Speed",
             Font = KanojoWorksFont.GetFont(size: 30, weight: FontWeight.Light)
         new SpriteText
             Text = "Skip Unread Text",
             Font = KanojoWorksFont.GetFont(size: 30, weight: FontWeight.Light)
         new SpriteText
             Text = "Mark Read Text",
             Font = KanojoWorksFont.GetFont(size: 30, weight: FontWeight.Light)
         new KanojoWorksButton
             Text             = "Change character volumes...",
             Size             = new Vector2(250, 40),
             BackgroundColour = Colour4.FromHex("#00000066"),
Exemple #4
 public Theme(IDictionary <string, string> mapping)
     foreach ((string key, string value) in mapping)
         colours.Add(Enum.Parse <ThemeColour>(key.Pascalize()), Colour4.FromHex(value));
Exemple #5
        public void TestTextFlowLocalisation()
            Container         textFlowParent    = null;
            TextFlowContainer textFlowContainer = null;

            AddStep("create text flow", () => Child = textFlowParent = new Container
                RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X,
                AutoSizeAxes     = Axes.Y,
                Origin           = Anchor.Centre,
                Anchor           = Anchor.Centre,
                Children         = new Drawable[]
                    new Box
                        RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
                        Colour           = Colour4.FromHex("#333")
                    textFlowContainer = new TextFlowContainer(text => text.Font = FrameworkFont.Condensed)
                        RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X,
                        AutoSizeAxes     = Axes.Y,
                        Origin           = Anchor.Centre,
                        Anchor           = Anchor.Centre,
            AddStep("add text", () =>
                const string player = "spaceman_atlas";
                var rankAchieved    = 12_345_678.ToLocalisableString("N0");
                var beatmap         = new RomanisableString(
                    "ELFENSJóN - ASH OF ROUGE (HeTo's Normal)",
                    "ELFENSJoN - ASH OF ROUGE (HeTo's Normal)");
                const string mode = "osu!";

                textFlowContainer.AddText(new TranslatableString(rank, rank_default, player, rankAchieved, beatmap, mode));
                textFlowContainer.AddText(new TranslatableString(rank_lost, rank_lost_default, player, beatmap, mode), text =>
                    text.Font   = FontUsage.Default;
                    text.Colour = Colour4.Red;

            AddStep("change locale to en", () => configManager.SetValue(FrameworkSetting.Locale, "en"));
            AddStep("change locale to fr", () => configManager.SetValue(FrameworkSetting.Locale, "fr"));
            AddStep("change locale to tr", () => configManager.SetValue(FrameworkSetting.Locale, "tr"));

            AddToggleStep("toggle romanisation", romanised => configManager.SetValue(FrameworkSetting.ShowUnicode, romanised));

            AddSliderStep("change text flow width", 0, 1f, 1f, width =>
                if (textFlowParent != null)
                    textFlowParent.Width = width;
 public TestScreen()
     InternalChild = new Box
         RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
         Colour           = Colour4.FromHex("ea005e")
        private void load()
            Children = new Drawable[]
                buffered = new BufferedContainer
                    RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
                    Child            = new ScreenStack(new BasicMainMenu()),
                settingsContainer = new SettingsContainer
                    Anchor           = Anchor.BottomCentre,
                    Origin           = Anchor.BottomCentre,
                    RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X,
                    Height           = 360,
                    Y        = 360,
                    Children = new Drawable[]
                        new BufferedContainer
                            RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
                            BlurSigma        = new Vector2(5),
                            Children         = new Drawable[]
                                buffered.CreateView().With(d =>
                                    d.RelativeSizeAxes     = Axes.Both;
                                    d.SynchronisedDrawQuad = true;
                                new Box
                                    RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
                                    Colour           = Colour4.FromHex("8E8E8E"),
                                    Alpha            = 0.5f
                        new FillFlowContainer
                            Padding = new MarginPadding {
                                Bottom = 0, Top = 15, Left = 15, Right = 15
                            Direction = FillDirection.Horizontal,
                            Spacing   = new Vector2(20),
                            Children  = new Drawable[]
                                new VideoSection(),
                                new AudioSection(),
                                new NovelSection(),
                                new DebugSection()

 public DrawableKanojoWorksDropdownMenuItem(MenuItem item)
     : base(item)
     BackgroundColour         = Colour4.FromHex("D9D9D9");
     BackgroundColourHover    = Colour4.FromHex("E5E5E5").Opacity(0.8f);
     BackgroundColourSelected = Colour4.FromHex("E5E5E5");
     Foreground.Padding       = new MarginPadding {
         Horizontal = 8, Vertical = 5
        public void TestShearedButton(bool bigButton)
            ShearedButton button      = null;
            bool          actionFired = false;

            AddStep("create button", () =>
                actionFired = false;

                if (bigButton)
                    Child = button = new ShearedButton(400)
                        LighterColour = Colour4.FromHex("#FFFFFF"),
                        DarkerColour  = Colour4.FromHex("#FFCC22"),
                        TextColour    = Colour4.Black,
                        TextSize      = 36,
                        Anchor        = Anchor.Centre,
                        Origin        = Anchor.Centre,
                        Text          = "Let's GO!",
                        Height        = 80,
                        Action        = () => actionFired = true,
                    Child = button = new ShearedButton(200)
                        LighterColour = Colour4.FromHex("#FF86DD"),
                        DarkerColour  = Colour4.FromHex("#DE31AE"),
                        TextColour    = Colour4.White,
                        Anchor        = Anchor.Centre,
                        Origin        = Anchor.Centre,
                        Text          = "Press me",
                        Height        = 80,
                        Action        = () => actionFired = true,

            AddStep("set disabled", () => button.Enabled.Value = false);
            AddStep("press button", () => button.TriggerClick());
            AddAssert("action not fired", () => !actionFired);

            AddStep("set enabled", () => button.Enabled.Value = true);
            AddStep("press button", () => button.TriggerClick());
            AddAssert("action fired", () => actionFired);
 protected override void OnTextCommitted(bool changed) => CurrentColor.Value = Colour4.FromHex(Text.PadRight(6, '0'));
        private void load(ApplicationConfigManager config, BackgroundImageStore images, BackgroundVideoStore videos)
            type        = config.GetBindable <BackgroundType>(ApplicationSetting.Background);
            ox          = config.GetBindable <float>(ApplicationSetting.BackgroundOffsetX);
            oy          = config.GetBindable <float>(ApplicationSetting.BackgroundOffsetY);
            sx          = config.GetBindable <float>(ApplicationSetting.BackgroundScaleXY);
            colorConfig = config.GetBindable <string>(ApplicationSetting.BackgroundColor);
            imageConfig = config.GetBindable <string>(ApplicationSetting.BackgroundImageFile);
            videoConfig = config.GetBindable <string>(ApplicationSetting.BackgroundVideoFile);

            Children = new Drawable[]
                new ThemedSpriteText
                    Font = SegoeUI.Bold.With(size: 18),
                    Text = "Preview"
                new Container
                    RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X,
                    CornerRadius     = 5.0f,
                    Masking          = true,
                    Margin           = new MarginPadding {
                        Bottom = 10
                    Height   = 250,
                    Width    = 0.95f,
                    Children = new Drawable[]
                        new Box
                            Colour           = Colour4.Black,
                            RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
                        new Background(false)
                            RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
                            Anchor           = Anchor.TopCentre,
                            Origin           = Anchor.TopCentre,
                    EdgeEffect = new EdgeEffectParameters
                        Type   = EdgeEffectType.Shadow,
                        Colour = Colour4.Black.Opacity(0.2f),
                        Radius = 10.0f,
                        Hollow = true,
                new ThemedSpriteText
                    Font = SegoeUI.Bold.With(size: 18),
                    Text = "Display"
                new LabelledEnumDropdown <BackgroundType>
                    Label   = "Type",
                    Current = type,
                imagesDropdown = new LabelledFileDropdown <Texture>
                    Label      = "Image",
                    ItemSource = images.Loaded,
                videosDropdown = new LabelledFileDropdown <Stream>
                    Label      = "Video",
                    ItemSource = videos.Loaded,
                colourPicker = new ColourPicker
                    Current = new Bindable <Colour4>(),
                new ThemedTextButton
                    Text   = "Open Folder",
                    Width  = 200,
                    Action = () => images.OpenInNativeExplorer(),
                offsetConfigContainer = new FillFlowContainer
                    Spacing          = new Vector2(0, 10),
                    AutoSizeAxes     = Axes.Y,
                    RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X,
                    Direction        = FillDirection.Vertical,
                    Children         = new Drawable[]
                        new ThemedSpriteText
                            Font = SegoeUI.Bold.With(size: 18),
                            Text = "Offset"
                        new FillFlowContainer
                            Alpha            = type.Value != BackgroundType.Color ? 1 : 0,
                            Direction        = FillDirection.Horizontal,
                            AutoSizeAxes     = Axes.Y,
                            RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X,
                            Spacing          = new Vector2(10, 0),
                            Children         = new Drawable[]
                                new LabelledNumberBox
                                    Label   = "X",
                                    Width   = 50,
                                    Current = inputOffsetX,
                                new LabelledNumberBox
                                    Label   = "Y",
                                    Width   = 50,
                                    Current = inputOffsetY,
                                new LabelledNumberBox
                                    Label   = "Scale",
                                    Width   = 50,
                                    Current = inputScaleXY,
                                new ThemedIconButton
                                    Icon        = FluentSystemIcons.Filled.Drag24,
                                    Size        = new Vector2(25),
                                    Style       = ButtonStyle.Override,
                                    Action      = enableBackgroundAdjustments,
                                    IconSize    = new Vector2(15),
                                    LabelColour = ThemeColour.NeutralPrimary,
                                    Anchor      = Anchor.BottomLeft,
                                    Origin      = Anchor.BottomLeft,
                                new ThemedIconButton
                                    Icon        = FluentSystemIcons.Filled.ArrowUndo24,
                                    Size        = new Vector2(25),
                                    Style       = ButtonStyle.Override,
                                    Action      = resetBackgroundOffsets,
                                    IconSize    = new Vector2(15),
                                    LabelColour = ThemeColour.NeutralPrimary,
                                    Anchor      = Anchor.BottomLeft,
                                    Origin      = Anchor.BottomLeft,

            type.BindValueChanged(handleTypeChange, true);

            imagesDropdown.Current.ValueChanged += e => imageConfig.Value = e.NewValue?.Name ?? string.Empty;
            imagesDropdown.Current.Value         = images.GetReference(imageConfig.Value);

            videosDropdown.Current.ValueChanged += e => videoConfig.Value = e.NewValue?.Name ?? string.Empty;
            videosDropdown.Current.Value         = videos.GetReference(videoConfig.Value);

            colourPicker.Current.ValueChanged += e => colorConfig.Value = e.NewValue.ToHex();
            colourPicker.Current.Value         = Colour4.FromHex(colorConfig.Value);

            inputOffsetX.ValueChanged += e =>
                if (float.TryParse(e.NewValue, out float x))
                    ox.Value = x;

            inputOffsetY.ValueChanged += e =>
                if (float.TryParse(e.NewValue, out float y))
                    oy.Value = y;

            inputScaleXY.ValueChanged += e =>
                if (float.TryParse(e.NewValue, out float s))
                    sx.Value = s;

            ox.ValueChanged += e => inputOffsetX.Value = e.NewValue.ToString();
            oy.ValueChanged += e => inputOffsetY.Value = e.NewValue.ToString();
            sx.ValueChanged += e => inputScaleXY.Value = e.NewValue.ToString();
Exemple #12
        private void load()
            Children = new Drawable[]
                new Container
                    Anchor           = Anchor.BottomCentre,
                    Origin           = Anchor.BottomCentre,
                    RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
                    Height           = 0.1f,
                    Children         = new Drawable[]
                        new Box
                            RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
                            Colour           = Colour4.FromHex("252526")
                        new Container
                            RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
                            Anchor           = Anchor.CentreLeft,
                            Origin           = Anchor.CentreLeft,
                            Width            = 0.25f,
                            Children         = new Drawable[]
                                new FillFlowContainer <IconButton>
                                    AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
                                    Anchor       = Anchor.Centre,
                                    Origin       = Anchor.Centre,
                                    Direction    = FillDirection.Horizontal,
                                    Spacing      = new osuTK.Vector2(5),
                                    Children     = new[]
                                        new IconButton
                                            Anchor = Anchor.Centre,
                                            Origin = Anchor.Centre,
                                            Icon   = FontAwesome.Solid.StepBackward,
                                            Action = () => musicController.PreviousTrack()
                                        playButton = new IconButton
                                            Anchor = Anchor.Centre,
                                            Origin = Anchor.Centre,
                                            Icon   = FontAwesome.Solid.Play,
                                            Action = () => musicController.TogglePlay()
                                        new IconButton
                                            Anchor = Anchor.Centre,
                                            Origin = Anchor.Centre,
                                            Icon   = FontAwesome.Solid.StepForward,
                                            Action = () => musicController.NextTrack()
                        richMetadata = new Container
                            RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
                            Anchor           = Anchor.Centre,
                            Origin           = Anchor.Centre,
                            Width            = 0.5f,
                            Masking          = true,
                            Children         = new Drawable[]
                                nowPlayingInfo = new DrawableNowPlayingInfo
                                    RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
                                    Anchor           = Anchor.Centre,
                                    Origin           = Anchor.Centre
                playlist = new PlaylistSection
                    Anchor = Anchor.TopCentre,
                    Origin = Anchor.TopCentre,
                    Height = 0.9f

Exemple #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a colour to the colour mappings. If a slot is already defined, it will be overwritten.
 /// </summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="slot">The slot to add the colour to.</param>
 /// <param name="hex">The colour represented as a valid hex string.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public Theme AddColour(ThemeSlot slot, string hex)
 => AddColour(slot, Colour4.FromHex(hex));
Exemple #14
 public KanojoWorksMenu(Direction direction, bool topLevelMenu = false)
     : base(direction, topLevelMenu)
     BackgroundColour       = Colour4.FromHex("C4C4C4");
     ItemsContainer.Padding = new MarginPadding(0);