Exemple #1
        public ScreenBase defineScreen()
            ScreenBase result = new ColorfulScreen();

            Console.WriteLine("Choose screen type index:");
            Console.WriteLine($"0 - {nameof(MonochromeScreen)}");
            Console.WriteLine($"1 - {nameof(ColorfulScreen)}");
            int screenType = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

            if (screenType == 0)
                result = new MonochromeScreen();
            if (screenType == 1)
                Console.WriteLine("Choose ColorfulScreen type index:");
                Console.WriteLine($"0 - {nameof(OLEDScreen)}");
                Console.WriteLine($"1 - {nameof(RetinaScreen)}");
                int colorfulScreenType = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
                if (colorfulScreenType == 0)
                    result = new OLEDScreen();
                else if (colorfulScreenType == 1)
                    result = new RetinaScreen();
Exemple #2
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //1st group of radio-buttons (Speaker settings):
            VoiceOutput VoiceOutput = new VoiceOutput();
            ISpeaker    Speaker     = null;

            if (IPhoneHeadset.Checked)
                Speaker = new IphoneHeadset(VoiceOutput, "IphoneX", true);
            else if (SamsungHeadset.Checked)
                Speaker = new SamsungHeadset(VoiceOutput, "SamsungA", true);
            else if (PhoneSpeaker.Checked)
                Speaker = new PhoneSpeaker(VoiceOutput, "model-ABC");

            //there is an option not to select radio button without assertion error
            if (Speaker != null)
                VoiceOutput.DataOutput("Speaker selected");
                VoiceOutput.DataOutput("Speaker is not selected");

            //2nd group of radio-buttons (Screen settings)
            TextOutput TextOutput = new TextOutput();
            ScreenBase Screen     = null;
            string     screenType = null;

            if (MonochromeScreen.Checked)
                Screen     = new MonochromeScreen(TextOutput, 2.0, 200);
                screenType = nameof(MonochromeScreen);
            else if (ColorfulScreen.Checked)
                Screen     = new ColorfulScreen(TextOutput, 7.0, 500, true);
                screenType = nameof(ColorfulScreen);

            //there is an option not to select radio button without assertion error
            if (Screen != null)
                textBox1.Text = "Set screen to Mobile... \n Selected screen is " + screenType;
                textBox1.Text = "Screen is not selected";
Exemple #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            IScreen     Screen     = new ColorfulScreen(7.0, "T24", 500, true);
            IBattery    Battery    = new Battery(2000, "Li-ion");
            IKeyboard   Keyboard   = new Keyboard("Russian", "Samsung");
            IMicrophone Microphone = new Microphone(94, "model-xxx0155");
            ISpeaker    Speaker    = new SamsungHeadset("model-XXX", false);
            ISimCard    SimCard    = new SimCard(SimCardType.NanoSim, 1111);
            IMobile     Samsung    = new Mobile(Screen, Battery, Keyboard, Microphone, Speaker, SimCard);
