Exemple #1
        public void CalculatePalette(int colorCount = 256)
            if (colorCount > 256)
                colorCount = 256;                   // For some reason it fails with more...
            var colorThief = new ColorThief();

            var palette = new List <QuantizedColor>();

            using (var image = ToBitmap())
                palette = colorThief.GetPalette(image, colorCount, 10, false);

            // Sort colours by YIQ luma so they align nicely
            var sortedPalette = palette.OrderBy(entry => entry.CalculateYiqLuma(entry.Color));

            foreach (var color in sortedPalette)
                if (color.Color.ToHsl().L > 0.009) // Filter out dark values
                    var newColor = new ColorC(color.Color.R, color.Color.G, color.Color.B);
                    if (!Palette.Contains(newColor)) // Filter out duplicates
Exemple #2
        public static DiscordColor Analyze(byte[] jpg, DiscordColor defaultColor)
                // when running dotnet from the snap, it will segfault on attempt to create a Bitmap
                if (SandboxDetector.Detect() == SandboxType.Snap)

                var analyzer = new ColorThief();
                using var stream = new MemoryStream(jpg);
                var bmp     = new Bitmap(stream, false);
                var palette = analyzer.GetPalette(bmp, 4, ignoreWhite: false);
                var colors  = palette
                              .Select(p => new { c = p.Color, hsl = p.Color.ToHsl() })
                              .OrderBy(p => Math.Abs(0.75 - p.hsl.L))
                              .ThenByDescending(p => p.hsl.S)
                Config.Log.Trace("Selected palette:");
                foreach (var cl in colors)
                    Config.Log.Trace($"{cl.c.ToHexString()}, HSL: {cl.hsl.H+90:#00} {cl.hsl.S:0.00} {cl.hsl.L:0.00}");
                var c = colors[0].c;
                return(new DiscordColor(c.R, c.G, c.B));
            catch (Exception e)
                Config.Log.Warn(e, "Failed to extract image palette");
 private static List <QuantizedColor> GetDominantColors(DominantColorAttribute dominantColorAttribute, ImageData image)
     using (var bitmap = new Bitmap(image.BinaryData.OpenRead()))
         var colorThief = new ColorThief();
         var palette    = colorThief.GetPalette(bitmap, dominantColorAttribute?.PaletteColorCount ?? 5,
                                                dominantColorAttribute?.Quality ?? 10,
                                                dominantColorAttribute?.Ignorewhite ?? true);
         if (!palette.Any())
             palette.Add(colorThief.GetColor(bitmap, dominantColorAttribute?.Quality ?? 10, dominantColorAttribute?.Ignorewhite ?? true));
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        ///     Applies image segmentation on an image to get the amount of specified colors from the image.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="colorCount">The color count.</param>
        /// <param name="quality">The quality.</param>
        public async Task ApplyImageSegmentation(int colorCount, int quality)
            var colorThief = new ColorThief();
            var fileStream = await this.sourcePicture.File.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.Read);

            var decoder = await BitmapDecoder.CreateAsync(fileStream);

            var colors = await colorThief.GetPalette(decoder, colorCount, quality, false);

            for (var i = 0; i < this.sourcePicture.Width - 1; i++)
                for (var j = 0; j < this.sourcePicture.Height - 1; j++)
                    var sourcePixelColor = PixelUtilities.GetPixelBgra8(this.sourcePicture.Pixels, j, i,
                    this.setPixelToClosestQuantizedColor(colors, sourcePixelColor, MaxDistance, j, i);

            this.sourcePicture.ModifiedImage =
                new WriteableBitmap((int)this.sourcePicture.Width, (int)this.sourcePicture.Height);
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a color palette based on the image given.
        /// <paramref name="albumArt"/> Bitmap of the image</param>
        /// <paramref name="paletteSize"/> Amount of different colors. eg. Color palette size of 8 = 8 colors</param>
        /// <paramref name="resizeFactor"/> Resize image factor. eg resize factor 50 sizes image down by half</param>
        /// </summary>
        public List <string> getColorPalette(Bitmap albumArt, int paletteSize, int resizeFactor)
            List <string> colorMajorities = new List <string>();

            if (albumArt == null)
                return(new List <string> {

            using (var resizedArt = ResizeBitmap(albumArt, albumArt.Width * (resizeFactor / 100), albumArt.Height * (resizeFactor / 100)))
                var colorThief = new ColorThief();
                var palette    = colorThief.GetPalette(resizedArt, paletteSize).ToList();
                foreach (QuantizedColor i in palette)
                    colorMajorities.Add(i.Color.R.ToString("X2") + i.Color.G.ToString("X2") + i.Color.B.ToString("X2"));

Exemple #6
        private static Color DetectBestColor(Bitmap bmp)
            var colorThief = new ColorThief();
            var colors     = colorThief.GetPalette(bmp, 8);

            var pluginColors = new List <PluginColor>();

            var maxPopulation = (from pluginColor in colors select pluginColor.Population).Max();

            foreach (var color in colors)
                var    col = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(color.Color.ToHexString());
                var    populationWeight = 0.5;
                var    saturationWeight = (float)Math.Tanh(col.GetSaturation());
                double darkWeight;

                var populationPercent = (double)color.Population / maxPopulation;

                if (populationPercent > 0.3)
                    populationWeight = 0.3;

                if (populationPercent < 0.1 && populationPercent > 0.01)
                    populationWeight = 0.8;

                if (populationPercent <= 0.01)
                    populationWeight = 0.2;

                if (color.IsDark)
                    darkWeight = 1;
                    darkWeight = 0.3;

                if (col.GetBrightness() > 0.5)
                    darkWeight = 0;

                var weight = populationWeight + darkWeight + saturationWeight;

                pluginColors.Add(new PluginColor
                    ColorCode = color.Color.ToHexString(),
                    Weight    = weight

            var orderedColors = (from pluginColor in pluginColors
                                 orderby pluginColor.Weight descending
                                 select pluginColor).ToList();

            var bestColor = orderedColors.FirstOrDefault();

            var resultColor = NiResourceColor.GetRandomColor();

            if (bestColor == null)

            var colorCode = bestColor.ColorCode;

            var convertedColor = ColorConverter.ConvertFromString(colorCode);

            if (convertedColor != null)
                resultColor = (Color)convertedColor;

 public async Task <List <QuantizedColor> > GetPalette(ImageSource sourceImage, int colorCount = ColorThief.DefaultColorCount, int quality = ColorThief.DefaultQuality,
                                                       bool ignoreWhite = ColorThief.DefaultIgnoreWhite)
     return(await ct.GetPalette(await GetImageFromImageSource(sourceImage), colorCount, quality, ignoreWhite));
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Analyses a <see cref="Stream"/> of an image into a color palette.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="str">Image stream.</param>
        /// <param name="width">Width of the image.</param>
        /// <param name="height">Height of the image.</param>
        public async void Analyse(Stream str, int width = 96, int height = 66)
            WriteableBitmap wbm = new WriteableBitmap(width, height);
            await wbm.SetSourceAsync(str.AsRandomAccessStream());

            Debug.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + "GOT IMAGE");

            List <MMCQ.QuantizedColor> palette1 = ColorThief.GetPalette(wbm, 12, 4, true);
            List <MMCQ.QuantizedColor> palette2 = new List <MMCQ.QuantizedColor>();
            List <MMCQ.QuantizedColor> palette3 = new List <MMCQ.QuantizedColor>();

            foreach (var v in palette1)
                var hsl = FromRGB(v.Color.R, v.Color.G, v.Color.B);
                v.hsl = new MMCQ.HSLColor((float)Math.Round(hsl.H, 3), (float)Math.Round(hsl.S, 3), (float)Math.Round(hsl.L, 3));
                if (hsl.L > 0.35)

            palette2 = palette2.OrderBy(x => x.hsl.S).Reverse().ToList();
            if (palette2.Count > 6)
                palette2.RemoveRange(6, palette2.Count - 6);

            ColorList = palette2;


            var color  = palette2.First();
            var color2 = palette2.ElementAt(1);

            foreach (var c in palette2)
                Debug.WriteLine("HSL.S (" + c.hsl.S + ") > 0.1");
                var dif1 = Math.Abs(color.hsl.H - color2.hsl.H);
                var dif2 = Math.Abs(color.hsl.H - c.hsl.H);
                if (dif2 > dif1 && c.hsl.S > 0.1)
                    color2 = c;

            if (color2.hsl.L > color.hsl.L)
                var dif = Math.Abs(color.hsl.L - color2.hsl.L);
                if (dif > 0.2)
                    var altcolor = color;
                    color  = color2;
                    color2 = altcolor;

            color.name  = "Accent";
            color2.name = "Secondary";
            Color newcolor2 = color2.Color;

            if (color2.hsl.L < 0.5)
                newcolor2 = Color.FromArgb(255, Convert.ToByte(color2.Color.R + 15), Convert.ToByte(color2.Color.G + 15), Convert.ToByte(color2.Color.B + 15));

            Debug.WriteLine("Accent color HSL.L = " + color.hsl.L.ToString());
            Debug.WriteLine("Accent color HSL.S = " + color.hsl.S.ToString());

            Debug.WriteLine("Secondary color HSL.L = " + color2.hsl.L.ToString());
            Debug.WriteLine("Secondary color HSL.S = " + color2.hsl.S.ToString());
Exemple #9
 public void Image3()
     var colorThief = new ColorThief();
     var bitmap     = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile("test3.jpg");
     var result     = colorThief.GetPalette(bitmap, 5, 1, true).OrderByDescending(a => a.Population);
Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Extract color palette from image
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="wallpaper"></param>
        public void ExtractColors(Models.Wallpaper.Entities.Wallpaper wallpaper)
            new Thread(() =>
                Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground = true;

                // wallpaper image
                var image = new BitmapImage(new Uri(wallpaper.Path));

                // copy to byte array
                int stride    = image.PixelWidth * 4;
                byte[] buffer = new byte[stride * image.PixelHeight];
                image.CopyPixels(buffer, stride, 0);

                // create bitmap
                System.Drawing.Bitmap bitmap =
                    new System.Drawing.Bitmap(

                // lock bitmap data
                System.Drawing.Imaging.BitmapData bitmapData =
                        new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height),

                // copy byte array to bitmap data
                    buffer, 0, bitmapData.Scan0, buffer.Length);

                // unlock

                // extract colors
                var colorThief = new ColorThief();
                var palette    = colorThief.GetPalette(bitmap, 5, 7);

                if (palette.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var item in palette)
                        var color = new Models.Wallpaper.Entities.Color
                            WallpaperId = wallpaper.Id,
                            ColorCode   = item.Color.ToHexString()


                    if (wallpaper.ColorPalette.Count > 0)
                        using var db = new AppDbContext();