private Tuple <Point, Color> ComputeColor(Point p, int max, ColorRamp colorRamp)
            var current = _hitPlot.GetHitsForPoint(p);

            var ratio = Gamma(1.0 - Math.Pow(Math.E, -10.0 * current / max));

            return(Tuple.Create(p, colorRamp.GetColor(ratio).ToColor()));
        private void RenderButton_Click(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e)
            ObservableCollection <ColorRamp> colorRamps = new ObservableCollection <ColorRamp>();

            colorRamp = new ColorRamp()
                From      = ((StartColorListBox.SelectedItem as ListBoxItem).Background as SolidColorBrush).Color,
                To        = ((EndColorListBox.SelectedItem as ListBoxItem).Background as SolidColorBrush).Color,
                Algorithm = (Algorithm)AlgorithmListBox.SelectedItem,

            generateClassesParameters.ClassificationDefinition = new ClassBreaksDefinition()
                BaseSymbol = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Symbols.SimpleFillSymbol()
                    Fill = (ColorRampListBox.SelectedItem as ListBoxItem).Background
                ClassificationField  = ((ClassificationFieldListBox.SelectedItem) as Field).Name,
                ClassificationMethod = (ClassificationMethod)ClassificationMethodListBox.SelectedItem,

                BreakCount = int.Parse(BreakCountTB.Text.Trim()),
                ColorRamps = colorRamps,

            ClassBreaksDefinition classBreakDef =
                generateClassesParameters.ClassificationDefinition as ClassBreaksDefinition;

            if (classBreakDef.ClassificationMethod == ClassificationMethod.StandardDeviation)
                classBreakDef.StandardDeviationInterval = (StandardDeviationInterval)IntervalListBox.SelectedItem;

            if (NormalizationTypeListBox.SelectedItem != null)
                classBreakDef.NormalizationType = (NormalizationType)NormalizationTypeListBox.SelectedItem;

                if (classBreakDef.NormalizationType == NormalizationType.Field)
                    if (NormalizationFieldListBox.SelectedItem != null)
                        classBreakDef.NormalizationField = ((NormalizationFieldListBox.SelectedItem) as Field).Name;
                        MessageBox.Show("Normalization Field must be selected");
            if (generateRendererTask.IsBusy)

            ThematicPropertiesPage.IsOpen = false;
        private BitmapSource GeneratePreviewImage(Grid <int> grid, ColorRamp ramp, bool useStdDevStretch, int quality)
            var bmp = CreateBitmapSource(grid, QuantizedExtent, StatisticsQuantizedZ, useStdDevStretch, ramp, quality);

            //BitmapSource bmp = CreateSegmentationBitmap(grid);
            //BitmapSource bmp = CreatePlaneFittingBitmap(grid);

    public PlanetInfo CreateInfo()
        PlanetInfo planetInfo = new PlanetInfo();

        planetInfo.skybox       = skyboxes [GameObject.Find("SkyBoxDropdown").GetComponent <dfDropdown> ().SelectedIndex];
        planetInfo.normals      = planetNormals [GameObject.Find("NormalDropdown").GetComponent <dfDropdown> ().SelectedIndex];
        planetInfo.coalReserves = 10000 * GameObject.Find("CoalSlider").GetComponentInChildren <dfSlider> ().Value;
        planetInfo.oilFactor    = GameObject.Find("OilSlider").GetComponentInChildren <dfSlider> ().Value;
        planetInfo.windFactor = GameObject.Find("WindSlider").GetComponentInChildren <dfSlider> ().Value;
        planetInfo.sunFactor = GameObject.Find("SunSlider").GetComponentInChildren <dfSlider> ().Value;
        planetInfo.pollutionClearance = 20;
        planetInfo.startPollution     = 0;
        planetInfo.maxPollution       = 5000;
        planetInfo.startEnergy        = 20;
        planetInfo.population         = 100;         = 1;
        planetInfo.gameLength = 1000;
        planetInfo.planetSize = (int)GameObject.Find("SizeSlider").GetComponentInChildren <dfSlider> ().Value;
        planetInfo.rotationSpeed = 1;
        planetInfo.windZones     = 3;
        planetInfo.octaves       = (int)GameObject.Find("OctavesSlider").GetComponentInChildren <dfSlider> ().Value;
        planetInfo.gain          = GameObject.Find("GainSlider").GetComponentInChildren <dfSlider> ().Value;
        planetInfo.lacunarity    = GameObject.Find("LacunaritySlider").GetComponentInChildren <dfSlider> ().Value;
        planetInfo.stretch       = GameObject.Find("StretchSlider").GetComponentInChildren <dfSlider> ().Value;

        Color[] colors = new Color[6];
        float[] ranges = new float[5];

        for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; i++)
            Color c = GameObject.Find("ColorDisplay" + (i + 1)).GetComponentInChildren <dfSlicedSprite> ().Color;
            if (i == 0)
                c.a = 0;
            colors [i] = c;

        for (int i = 0; i < ranges.Length; i++)
            ranges [i] = GameObject.Find("Slider" + (i + 1)).GetComponentInChildren <dfSlider> ().Value / 100f;

        ColorRamp r = new ColorRamp(colors, ranges);

        planetInfo.colorRamp = r;

        public ColorPickerLogic(Widget widget, ColorRamp initialRamp, Action <ColorRamp> onChange,
                                Action <ColorRamp> onSelect, WorldRenderer worldRenderer)
            var panel = widget;

            ramp = initialRamp;
            var hueSlider = panel.Get <SliderWidget>("HUE");
            var satSlider = panel.Get <SliderWidget>("SAT");
            var lumSlider = panel.Get <SliderWidget>("LUM");

            Action sliderChanged = () =>
                ramp = new ColorRamp((byte)(255 * hueSlider.Value),
                                     (byte)(255 * satSlider.Value),
                                     (byte)(255 * lumSlider.Value),

            hueSlider.OnChange += _ => sliderChanged();
            satSlider.OnChange += _ => sliderChanged();
            lumSlider.OnChange += _ => sliderChanged();

            Action updateSliders = () =>
                hueSlider.Value = ramp.H / 255f;
                satSlider.Value = ramp.S / 255f;
                lumSlider.Value = ramp.L / 255f;

            panel.Get <ButtonWidget>("SAVE_BUTTON").OnClick = () => onSelect(ramp);

            var randomButton = panel.Get <ButtonWidget>("RANDOM_BUTTON");

            if (randomButton != null)
                randomButton.OnClick = () =>
                    var hue = (byte)Game.CosmeticRandom.Next(255);
                    var sat = (byte)Game.CosmeticRandom.Next(255);
                    var lum = (byte)Game.CosmeticRandom.Next(51, 255);

                    ramp = new ColorRamp(hue, sat, lum, 10);

            // Set the initial state
Exemple #6
 private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     _width   = this.pictureBox1.Width;
     _height  = this.pictureBox1.Height;
     _opacity = this.tbOpacity.Value / 10f;
     _count   = this.tbHPCount.Value;
     _radius  = this.tbHPRadius.Value;
     _points  = randomPoints(_width, _height, _count);
     this.cmbColorRamp.SelectedIndex = 1;
     _colorRamp = (ColorRamp)Enum.Parse(typeof(ColorRamp), this.cmbColorRamp.SelectedItem.ToString());
     make4Maps(_width, _height, _radius, _points, _opacity, _colorRamp);
        private void AddDefaultRasterSchemes()
            var values = Enum.GetValues(typeof(PredefinedColors));

            foreach (PredefinedColors value in values)
                var sch = new ColorRamp();
                var blend = sch.ColorScheme2ColorBlend();
Exemple #8
        private static List <ColorRamp> RegisterColorHandlers()
            var  instances = new List <ColorRamp>();
            Type baseType  = typeof(ColorRamp);

                t => !t.IsAbstract,
                t => instances.Add(ColorRamp.LoadMap(t))

        public void Render(string outputDirectory, string outputFilename, ColorRamp colorRamp)
            _log.InfoFormat("Creating image ({0:N0}x{1:N0})", _resolution.Width, _resolution.Height);

            var viewPort = AreaFactory.RenderingArea;


            _log.Info("Loading points...");

            var listReader = new ComplexNumberListReader(_inputInputDirectory, _inputFilename);
            var points     = listReader
                             .Select(n => viewPort.GetPointFromNumber(_resolution, n))

            _log.Info("Done loading");
            _log.DebugFormat("{0:N0} distinct points found (for the specified resolution)", points.Length);

            var middlePoint     = new Point(_resolution.Width / 2, _resolution.Height / 2);
            var maximumDistance = CalculateDistance(middlePoint, new Point(0, 0));

            _log.Info("Starting to render");

            var outputImg = new Bitmap(_resolution.Width, _resolution.Height);

            foreach (var point in _resolution.GetAllPoints())
                outputImg.SetPixel(point.X, point.Y, Color.Black);

            foreach (var point in points)
                if ((point.X < 0) || (point.Y < 0))

                outputImg.SetPixel(point.X, point.Y, ComputeColor(point, middlePoint, maximumDistance, colorRamp));

            _log.Info("Finished rendering");

            _log.Debug("Saving image");
            outputImg.Save(Path.Combine(outputDirectory, String.Format("{0}.png", outputFilename)));
            _log.Debug("Done saving image");
Exemple #10
        ColorRamp GetColorRamp()
            ColorRamp result = new ColorRamp();

            //Red - Green - Blue
            //result.Add(Colors.Red  , 0.0);
            //result.Add(Colors.Green, 0.5);
            //result.Add(Colors.Blue , 1.0);

            //White - Red - Green - Blue
            result.Add(Colors.White, 0.0);
            result.Add(Colors.Red, 1.0 / 3.0);
            result.Add(Colors.Green, 2.0 / 3.0);
            result.Add(Colors.Blue, 1.0);

Exemple #11
        public Player(World world, Session.Client client, Session.Slot slot, PlayerReference pr)
            World           = world;
            InternalName    = pr.Name;
            PlayerReference = pr;
            string botType = null;

            // Real player or host-created bot
            if (client != null)
                ClientIndex = client.Index;
                ColorRamp   = client.ColorRamp;
                PlayerName  = client.Name;
                botType     = client.Bot;
                Country     = ChooseCountry(world, client.Country);
                // Map player
                ClientIndex  = 0;                // Owned by the host (todo: fix this)
                ColorRamp    = pr.ColorRamp;
                PlayerName   = pr.Name;
                NonCombatant = pr.NonCombatant;
                botType      = pr.Bot;
                Country      = ChooseCountry(world, pr.Race);
            PlayerActor = world.CreateActor("Player", new TypeDictionary {
                new OwnerInit(this)

            // Enable the bot logic on the host
            IsBot = botType != null;
            if (IsBot && Game.IsHost)
                var logic = PlayerActor.TraitsImplementing <IBot>()
                            .FirstOrDefault(b => b.Info.Name == botType);
                if (logic == null)
                    Log.Write("debug", "Invalid bot type: {0}", botType);
        // When field to summarize on changes, generate a new renderer from the map service
        private async void comboField_SelectionChanged(object sender, Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
                // Generate a new renderer
                GenerateRendererTask generateRenderer = new GenerateRendererTask(
                    new Uri(""));

                var colorRamp = new ColorRamp()
                    Algorithm = Algorithm.Hsv,
                    From      = Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0x99, 0x8E, 0xC3),
                    To        = Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0xF1, 0xA3, 0x40)

                var classBreaksDef = new ClassBreaksDefinition()
                    BreakCount           = 5,
                    ClassificationField  = ((Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.ComboBoxItem)comboField.SelectedItem).Tag as string,
                    ClassificationMethod = ClassificationMethod.Quantile,
                    BaseSymbol           = _baseSymbol,
                    ColorRamps           = new ObservableCollection <ColorRamp>()

                var param = new GenerateRendererParameters()
                    ClassificationDefinition = classBreaksDef,
                    Where = ((ServiceFeatureTable)_featureLayer.FeatureTable).Where

                var result = await generateRenderer.GenerateRendererAsync(param);

                _featureLayer.Renderer = result.Renderer;

                // Reset the legend
                txtLegendTitle.DataContext = comboField.SelectedValue.ToString();
                await CreateLegend((ClassBreaksRenderer)result.Renderer);
            catch (Exception ex)
                var _x = new MessageDialog(ex.Message, "Sample Error").ShowAsync();
Exemple #13
        public static Color GetColorInRamp(int index, ColorRamp cr)
            switch (cr)
            case ColorRamp.RAINBOW:

            case ColorRamp.RED_WHITE_BLUE:

            case ColorRamp.THERMAL:

Exemple #14
        private static void MakeStrip(IEnumerable <Tuple <HsvColor, double> > colorPoints, string filePath)
            var ramp = new ColorRamp(colorPoints);

            var image = new Bitmap(500, 50);

            for (int x = 0; x < image.Width; x++)
                var color = ramp.GetColor((double)x / image.Width).ToColor();

                for (int y = 0; y < image.Height; y++)
                    image.SetPixel(x, y, color);

Exemple #15
        private async void make4Maps(int width, int height, int radius, List<HeatPoint> points, float opacity, ColorRamp cr)
            var hmMaker = new HeatMapMaker
                Width = width,
                Height = height,
                Radius = radius,
                ColorRamp = cr,
                HeatPoints = points,
                Opacity = opacity
            this.pictureBox2.BackgroundImage = await hmMaker.MakeHeatMap();

            this.pictureBox1.BackgroundImage = hmMaker.GrayMap;

        // When field to summarize on changes, generate a new renderer from the map service
        private async void comboField_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
                // Generate a new renderer
                GenerateRendererTask generateRenderer = new GenerateRendererTask(
                    new Uri(""));

                var colorRamp = new ColorRamp()
                    Algorithm = Algorithm.Hsv,
                    From = Color.FromRgb(0x99, 0x8E, 0xC3),
                    To = Color.FromRgb(0xF1, 0xA3, 0x40)

                var classBreaksDef = new ClassBreaksDefinition()
                    BreakCount = 5,
                    ClassificationField = ((ComboBoxItem)comboField.SelectedItem).Tag as string,
                    ClassificationMethod = ClassificationMethod.Quantile,
                    BaseSymbol = _baseSymbol,
                    ColorRamps = new ObservableCollection<ColorRamp>() { colorRamp }

                var param = new GenerateRendererParameters()
                    ClassificationDefinition = classBreaksDef,
                    Where = ((ServiceFeatureTable)featureLayer.FeatureTable).Where

                var result = await generateRenderer.GenerateRendererAsync(param);

                featureLayer.Renderer = result.Renderer;

                // Reset the legend
                txtLegendTitle.DataContext = comboField.SelectedValue.ToString();
                await CreateLegend((ClassBreaksRenderer)result.Renderer);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Generate Renderer Task Sample");
Exemple #17
        private async void Make4Maps(int width, int height, int radius, List <HeatPoint> points,
                                     float opacity, ColorRamp cr)
            HeatMapMaker hmMaker = new HeatMapMaker
                Width      = width,
                Height     = height,
                Radius     = radius,
                ColorRamp  = cr,
                HeatPoints = points,
                Opacity    = opacity

            pictureBox2.BackgroundImage = await hmMaker.MakeHeatMap(); // ***renklendirilmiş asıl heatmap***

            pictureBox1.BackgroundImage = hmMaker.GrayMap;

Exemple #18
        private void ColorBar1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (_colors != null)
            _selectedValue = UniqueValueList.SelectedItem.ToString();
            _colorRamp     = myColorRamps[ColorBar1.SelectedIndex];
            if (listBox1.Items != null)
            Graphics   g     = this.CreateGraphics();
            Pen        p     = new Pen(Color.Black, 1);
            SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(_color);
            int        i;
            Random     rd = new Random();

            for (i = 0; i < CurLayer.featureClass.Count; i++)
                int   r = rd.Next(_colorRamp.fromColor.R, 255);
                Color c = Color.FromArgb(r, _colorRamp.fromColor.G, _colorRamp.fromColor.B);
                Font f = new Font("宋体", 9.0f, FontStyle.Bold);
                if (CurLayer.featureClass.featureType == FeatureType.POINT || CurLayer.featureClass.featureType == FeatureType.MULTIPOINT)
                    string str = "·             " + CurLayer.featureClass.AttributeData.Rows[i][_selectedValue] + "                         1";
                else if (CurLayer.featureClass.featureType == FeatureType.POLYLINE)
                    string str = "—             " + CurLayer.featureClass.AttributeData.Rows[i][_selectedValue] + "                         1";
                    string str = "■             " + CurLayer.featureClass.AttributeData.Rows[i][_selectedValue] + "                         1";
            _renderMethod = 1;
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts color blend to MapWinGis color scheme
        /// </summary>
        public static ColorRamp ToColorScheme(this ColorBlend blend)
            if (blend == null)

            if (blend.Positions.Length == 0 || (blend.Positions.Length != blend.Colors.Length))

            var scheme = new ColorRamp();

            for (int i = 0; i < blend.Positions.Length; i++)
                scheme.Add(new ColorInterval(blend.Positions[i], blend.Colors[i]));
        public BitmapSource GeneratePreviewImage(ColorRamp ramp, bool useStdDevStretch, int quality)
            //if (m_pixelGridSet == null)
            //	GeneratePreviewGrid();

            if (Preview == null || Preview.ColorHandler != ramp || Preview.UseStdDevStretch != useStdDevStretch || Preview.Quality != quality)
                var source = GeneratePreviewImage(m_pixelGridSet.GridQuantized, ramp, useStdDevStretch, quality);
                Preview = new PreviewImage(source, ramp, useStdDevStretch, quality);

                //using (var fileStream = new FileStream(Path.Combine(Cache.APP_CACHE_DIR, "preview.jpg"), FileMode.Create))
                //	var encoder = new JpegBitmapEncoder();
                //	encoder.Frames.Add(BitmapFrame.Create(source));
                //	encoder.QualityLevel = 100;
                //	encoder.Save(fileStream);
Exemple #21
        private void cmbColorRamp_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            switch (this.cmbColorRamp.SelectedIndex)
            case 0:
                this.pictureBox3.BackgroundImage = Resources.i_thermal;

            case 1:
                this.pictureBox3.BackgroundImage = Resources.i_rainbow;

            case 2:
                this.pictureBox3.BackgroundImage = Resources.i_redwhiteblue;

            _colorRamp = (ColorRamp)Enum.Parse(typeof(ColorRamp), this.cmbColorRamp.SelectedItem.ToString());

            make4Maps(_width, _height, _radius, _points, _opacity, _colorRamp);
Exemple #22
        public void Render(string outputDirectory, string outputFilename, ColorRamp colorRamp)
            _log.InfoFormat("Creating image ({0:N0}x{1:N0})", _resolution.Width, _resolution.Height);

            _log.Info("Loading trajectory...");

            _hitPlot.LoadTrajectories(Path.Combine(_inputInputDirectory, _inputFilename));

            _log.Info("Done loading; finding maximum...");

            var max = _hitPlot.Max();

            _log.DebugFormat("Found maximum: {0:N0}", max);

            _log.Info("Starting to render");

            var outputImg = new Bitmap(_resolution.Width, _resolution.Height);

            var processedPixels =
                .Select(p => ComputeColor(p, max, colorRamp))

            foreach (var result in processedPixels)
                outputImg.SetPixel(result.Item1.X, result.Item1.Y, result.Item2);

            _log.Info("Finished rendering");

            _log.Debug("Saving image");
            outputImg.Save(Path.Combine(outputDirectory, String.Format("{0}.png", outputFilename)));
            _log.Debug("Done saving image");
Exemple #23
 private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     _width = this.pictureBox1.Width;
     _height = this.pictureBox1.Height;
     _opacity = this.tbOpacity.Value / 10f;
     _count = this.tbHPCount.Value;
     _radius = this.tbHPRadius.Value;
     _points = randomPoints(_width, _height, _count);
     this.cmbColorRamp.SelectedIndex = 1;
     _colorRamp = (ColorRamp)Enum.Parse(typeof(ColorRamp), this.cmbColorRamp.SelectedItem.ToString());
     make4Maps(_width, _height, _radius, _points, _opacity, _colorRamp);
Exemple #24
        private void fillList()//渐变色带初始化
            ColorRamp colorRamp = new ColorRamp();

            colorRamp.fromColor = Color.FromArgb(176, 176, 176);
            colorRamp.toColor   = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0);

            colorRamp           = new ColorRamp();
            colorRamp.fromColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0);
            colorRamp.toColor   = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255);

            colorRamp           = new ColorRamp();
            colorRamp.fromColor = Color.FromArgb(104, 204, 255);
            colorRamp.toColor   = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 224);

            colorRamp           = new ColorRamp();
            colorRamp.fromColor = Color.FromArgb(111, 229, 232);
            colorRamp.toColor   = Color.FromArgb(46, 100, 140);

            colorRamp           = new ColorRamp();
            colorRamp.fromColor = Color.FromArgb(103, 245, 234);
            colorRamp.toColor   = Color.FromArgb(48, 207, 146);

            colorRamp           = new ColorRamp();
            colorRamp.fromColor = Color.FromArgb(116, 242, 237);
            colorRamp.toColor   = Color.FromArgb(21, 79, 74);

            colorRamp           = new ColorRamp();
            colorRamp.fromColor = Color.FromArgb(140, 236, 170);
            colorRamp.toColor   = Color.FromArgb(102, 72, 48);

            colorRamp           = new ColorRamp();
            colorRamp.fromColor = Color.FromArgb(156, 85, 31);
            colorRamp.toColor   = Color.FromArgb(33, 130, 145);

            colorRamp           = new ColorRamp();
            colorRamp.fromColor = Color.FromArgb(48, 100, 102);
            colorRamp.toColor   = Color.FromArgb(110, 70, 45);

            colorRamp           = new ColorRamp();
            colorRamp.fromColor = Color.FromArgb(114, 47, 39);
            colorRamp.toColor   = Color.FromArgb(69, 117, 181);

            colorRamp           = new ColorRamp();
            colorRamp.fromColor = Color.FromArgb(145, 0, 245);
            colorRamp.toColor   = Color.FromArgb(0, 245, 245);

            colorRamp           = new ColorRamp();
            colorRamp.fromColor = Color.FromArgb(182, 237, 240);
            colorRamp.toColor   = Color.FromArgb(9, 9, 145);

            colorRamp           = new ColorRamp();
            colorRamp.fromColor = Color.FromArgb(175, 240, 233);
            colorRamp.toColor   = Color.FromArgb(255, 252, 255);

            colorRamp           = new ColorRamp();
            colorRamp.fromColor = Color.FromArgb(118, 219, 211);
            colorRamp.toColor   = Color.FromArgb(255, 252, 255);

            colorRamp           = new ColorRamp();
            colorRamp.fromColor = Color.FromArgb(200, 219, 219);
            colorRamp.toColor   = Color.FromArgb(69, 69, 69);

            colorRamp           = new ColorRamp();
            colorRamp.fromColor = Color.FromArgb(204, 255, 204);
            colorRamp.toColor   = Color.FromArgb(14, 204, 14);

            colorRamp           = new ColorRamp();
            colorRamp.fromColor = Color.FromArgb(120, 245, 233);
            colorRamp.toColor   = Color.FromArgb(34, 102, 51);
Exemple #25
        private void ColorBar2_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (_colors != null)
            _colorRamp     = myColorRamps[ColorBar2.SelectedIndex];
            _selectedValue = rangeValueList.SelectedItem.ToString();
            if (listBox2.Items != null)
            Graphics   g     = this.CreateGraphics();
            Pen        p     = new Pen(Color.Black, 1);
            SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(_color);
            int        i;

            if (CurLayer.featureClass.Count > 5)
                float max = (float)Convert.ToDouble(CurLayer.featureClass.AttributeData.Rows[0][_selectedValue]);
                float min = (float)Convert.ToDouble(CurLayer.featureClass.AttributeData.Rows[0][_selectedValue]);
                for (i = 0; i < CurLayer.featureClass.Count; i++)
                    if (max < (float)Convert.ToDouble(CurLayer.featureClass.AttributeData.Rows[i][_selectedValue]))
                        max = (float)Convert.ToDouble(CurLayer.featureClass.AttributeData.Rows[i][_selectedValue]);
                    if (min > (float)Convert.ToDouble(CurLayer.featureClass.AttributeData.Rows[i][_selectedValue]))
                        min = (float)Convert.ToDouble(CurLayer.featureClass.AttributeData.Rows[i][_selectedValue]);
                float step = (max - min) / 5;
                int   r    = _colorRamp.fromColor.R;
                //Color c = Color.FromArgb(r, _colorRamp.fromColor.G, _colorRamp.fromColor.B);
                for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                    r = r + 10;
                    Color c = Color.FromArgb(r, _colorRamp.fromColor.G, _colorRamp.fromColor.B);
                    float smax = min + step * i;

                    if (CurLayer.featureClass.featureType == FeatureType.POINT || CurLayer.featureClass.featureType == FeatureType.MULTIPOINT)
                        string str = "·             " + min + "——" + smax + "             " + min + "——" + smax;
                    else if (CurLayer.featureClass.featureType == FeatureType.POLYLINE)
                        string str = "—             " + min + "——" + smax + "             " + min + "——" + smax;
                        string str = "■             " + min + "——" + smax + "             " + min + "——" + smax;
                int r = _colorRamp.fromColor.R;
                for (i = 0; i < CurLayer.featureClass.Count; i++)
                    r = r + 10;
                    Color c = Color.FromArgb(r, _colorRamp.fromColor.G, _colorRamp.fromColor.B);
                    if (CurLayer.featureClass.featureType == FeatureType.POINT || CurLayer.featureClass.featureType == FeatureType.MULTIPOINT)
                        string str = "·             " + CurLayer.featureClass.AttributeData.Rows[i][_selectedValue] + "——" + "             " + CurLayer.featureClass.AttributeData.Rows[i][_selectedValue];
                    else if (CurLayer.featureClass.featureType == FeatureType.POLYLINE)
                        string str = "—             " + CurLayer.featureClass.AttributeData.Rows[i][_selectedValue] + "——" + "             " + CurLayer.featureClass.AttributeData.Rows[i][_selectedValue];
                        string str = "■             " + CurLayer.featureClass.AttributeData.Rows[i][_selectedValue] + "——" + "             " + CurLayer.featureClass.AttributeData.Rows[i][_selectedValue];
            _renderMethod = 2;
Exemple #26
    private void RandomInfo()
        planetInfo.skybox = skyboxes[Range(0, skyboxes.Length)];
        planetInfo.normals = planetNormals[Range(0, planetNormals.Length)];
        planetInfo.coalReserves = Range(500, 40000);
        planetInfo.oilFactor = Range(0, 4);
        planetInfo.windFactor = Range(0, 4);
        planetInfo.sunFactor = Range(0.1f, 4);
        planetInfo.pollutionClearance = Range(0, 40);
        planetInfo.startPollution = 0;
        planetInfo.maxPollution = Range(2500, 10000);
        planetInfo.startEnergy = 20;
        planetInfo.population = Range(50, 200); = Range(1, 2);
        planetInfo.gameLength = Range(750, 1500);
        planetInfo.planetSize = Range(250, 1000);
        planetInfo.rotationSpeed = Range(.5f, 2);
        planetInfo.windZones = Range(0, 10);
        planetInfo.octaves = Range(1, 6);
        planetInfo.gain = Range(2f, 7.0f);
        planetInfo.lacunarity = Range(2f, 7.0f);
        planetInfo.planetName = "QuiGon";
        planetInfo.stretch = Range(0f, 10f);

        int numColors = Range(3, 15);
        Color[] colors = new Color[numColors];
        float[] ranges = new float[numColors - 1];
        float percentRemaining = 1f;
        float minPercent = .01f;
        float alpha = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; i++)
            colors[i] = new Color(Range(0f, 1f), Range(0f, 1f), Range(0f, 1f), alpha);
            alpha = 1;

        for (int i = 0; i < ranges.Length - 1; i++)

            if (i == 0) // water
                float percent = Range(minPercent, .7f);
                ranges[i] = percent;
                percentRemaining -= percent;
            else // else

                int remainingColorsCount = ranges.Length - i - 1;
                float maxPercent = percentRemaining - (minPercent * remainingColorsCount);
                float percent = Range(minPercent, maxPercent);
                ranges[i] = percent;
                percentRemaining -= percent;

        ranges[ranges.Length - 1] = percentRemaining;

        float sum = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < ranges.Length; i++)

            sum += ranges[i];

        ColorRamp r = new ColorRamp(colors, ranges);
        planetInfo.colorRamp = r;
        private void UpdateRendererButton_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
                // Define the RasterLayer that will be used to display in the map.
                RasterLayer rasterLayerForDisplayInMap;

                // Define the ColorRamp that will be used by the BlendRenderer.
                ColorRamp colorRamp;

                // Get the user choice for the ColorRamps.
                string selection = Enum.GetNames(typeof(PresetColorRampType))[_colorRampsPicker.SelectedSegment];

                // Based on ColorRamp type chosen by the user, create a different
                // RasterLayer and define the appropriate ColorRamp option.
                if (selection == "None")
                    // The user chose not to use a specific ColorRamp, therefore
                    // need to create a RasterLayer based on general imagery (i.e. Shasta.tif)
                    // for display in the map and use null for the ColorRamp as one of the
                    // parameters in the BlendRenderer constructor.

                    // Load the raster file using a path on disk.
                    Raster rasterImagery = new Raster(DataManager.GetDataFolder("7c4c679ab06a4df19dc497f577f111bd", "raster-file", "Shasta.tif"));

                    // Create the raster layer from the raster.
                    rasterLayerForDisplayInMap = new RasterLayer(rasterImagery);

                    // Set up the ColorRamp as being null.
                    colorRamp = null;
                    // The user chose a specific ColorRamp (options: are Elevation, DemScreen, DemLight),
                    // therefore create a RasterLayer based on an imagery with elevation
                    // (i.e. Shasta_Elevation.tif) for display in the map. Also create a ColorRamp
                    // based on the user choice, translated into an Enumeration, as one of the parameters
                    // in the BlendRenderer constructor.

                    // Load the raster file using a path on disk.
                    Raster rasterElevation = new Raster(DataManager.GetDataFolder("caeef9aa78534760b07158bb8e068462", "Shasta_Elevation.tif"));

                    // Create the raster layer from the raster.
                    rasterLayerForDisplayInMap = new RasterLayer(rasterElevation);

                    // Create a ColorRamp based on the user choice, translated into an Enumeration.
                    PresetColorRampType myPresetColorRampType = (PresetColorRampType)Enum.Parse(typeof(PresetColorRampType), selection);
                    colorRamp = ColorRamp.Create(myPresetColorRampType, 256);

                // Define the parameters used by the BlendRenderer constructor.
                Raster rasterForMakingBlendRenderer    = new Raster(DataManager.GetDataFolder("caeef9aa78534760b07158bb8e068462", "Shasta_Elevation.tif"));
                IEnumerable <double> myOutputMinValues = new List <double> {
                IEnumerable <double> myOutputMaxValues = new List <double> {
                IEnumerable <double> mySourceMinValues = new List <double>();
                IEnumerable <double> mySourceMaxValues = new List <double>();
                IEnumerable <double> myNoDataValues    = new List <double>();
                IEnumerable <double> myGammas          = new List <double>();

                // Get the user choice for the SlopeType.
                string    slopeSelection = Enum.GetNames(typeof(SlopeType))[_slopeTypesPicker.SelectedSegment];
                SlopeType mySlopeType    = (SlopeType)Enum.Parse(typeof(SlopeType), slopeSelection);

                rasterLayerForDisplayInMap.Renderer = new BlendRenderer(
                    rasterForMakingBlendRenderer, // elevationRaster - Raster based on a elevation source.
                    myOutputMinValues,            // outputMinValues - Output stretch values, one for each band.
                    myOutputMaxValues,            // outputMaxValues - Output stretch values, one for each band.
                    mySourceMinValues,            // sourceMinValues - Input stretch values, one for each band.
                    mySourceMaxValues,            // sourceMaxValues - Input stretch values, one for each band.
                    myNoDataValues,               // noDataValues - NoData values, one for each band.
                    myGammas,                     // gammas - Gamma adjustment.
                    colorRamp,                    // colorRamp - ColorRamp object to use, could be null.
                    _altitudeSlider.Value,        // altitude - Altitude angle of the light source.
                    _azimuthSlider.Value,         // azimuth - Azimuth angle of the light source, measured clockwise from north.
                    1,                            // zfactor - Factor to convert z unit to x,y units, default is 1.
                    mySlopeType,                  // slopeType - Slope Type.
                    1,                            // pixelSizeFactor - Pixel size factor, default is 1.
                    1,                            // pixelSizePower - Pixel size power value, default is 1.
                    8);                           // outputBitDepth - Output bit depth, default is 8-bit.

                // Set the new base map to be the RasterLayer with the BlendRenderer applied.
                _map.Basemap = new Basemap(rasterLayerForDisplayInMap);
            catch (Exception ex)
        private void RenderButton_Click(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e)
            ObservableCollection<ColorRamp> colorRamps = new ObservableCollection<ColorRamp>();
            colorRamp = new ColorRamp()
                From = ((StartColorListBox.SelectedItem as ListBoxItem).Background as SolidColorBrush).Color,
                To = ((EndColorListBox.SelectedItem as ListBoxItem).Background as SolidColorBrush).Color,
                Algorithm = (Algorithm)AlgorithmListBox.SelectedItem,

            generateClassesParameters.ClassificationDefinition = new ClassBreaksDefinition()
                BaseSymbol = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Symbols.SimpleFillSymbol()
                    Fill = (ColorRampListBox.SelectedItem as ListBoxItem).Background
                ClassificationField = ((ClassificationFieldListBox.SelectedItem) as Field).Name,
                ClassificationMethod = (ClassificationMethod)ClassificationMethodListBox.SelectedItem,

                BreakCount = int.Parse(BreakCountTB.Text.Trim()),
                ColorRamps = colorRamps,

            ClassBreaksDefinition classBreakDef =
                generateClassesParameters.ClassificationDefinition as ClassBreaksDefinition;

            if (classBreakDef.ClassificationMethod == ClassificationMethod.StandardDeviation)
                classBreakDef.StandardDeviationInterval = (StandardDeviationInterval)IntervalListBox.SelectedItem;

            if (NormalizationTypeListBox.SelectedItem != null)
                classBreakDef.NormalizationType = (NormalizationType)NormalizationTypeListBox.SelectedItem;

                if (classBreakDef.NormalizationType == NormalizationType.Field)
                    if (NormalizationFieldListBox.SelectedItem != null)
                        classBreakDef.NormalizationField = ((NormalizationFieldListBox.SelectedItem) as Field).Name;
                        MessageBox.Show("Normalization Field must be selected");
            if (generateRendererTask.IsBusy)

            ThematicPropertiesPage.IsOpen = false;
        private void AddDefaultVectorSchemes()
            ColorBlend blend = null;

            // dummy single color blend must be always the first for shapefile
            blend              = new ColorBlend(2);
            blend.Colors[0]    = Color.White;
            blend.Positions[0] = 0.0f;
            blend.Colors[1]    = Color.White;
            blend.Positions[1] = 1.0f;

            blend              = new ColorBlend(2);
            blend.Colors[0]    = Color.LightBlue;
            blend.Positions[0] = 0.0f;
            blend.Colors[1]    = Color.Orange;
            blend.Positions[1] = 1.0f;

            blend              = new ColorBlend(2);
            blend.Colors[0]    = Color.Yellow;
            blend.Positions[0] = 0.0f;
            blend.Colors[1]    = Color.Orange;
            blend.Positions[1] = 1.0f;

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                var sch = new ColorRamp();
                if (i == 0)
                if (i == 1)
                blend = sch.ColorScheme2ColorBlend();

            // adding to 2 color schemes, as there can be none in the list
            blend              = new ColorBlend(7);
            blend.Colors[0]    = Color.Red;
            blend.Positions[0] = 0.0f;
            blend.Colors[1]    = Color.Orange;
            blend.Positions[1] = 1.0f / 6.0f;
            blend.Colors[2]    = Color.Yellow;
            blend.Positions[2] = 2.0f / 6.0f;
            blend.Colors[3]    = Color.LightGreen;
            blend.Positions[3] = 3.0f / 6.0f;
            blend.Colors[4]    = Color.LightBlue;
            blend.Positions[4] = 4.0f / 6.0f;
            blend.Colors[5]    = Color.Blue;
            blend.Positions[5] = 5.0f / 6.0f;
            blend.Colors[6]    = Color.BlueViolet;
            blend.Positions[6] = 1.0f;

            blend              = new ColorBlend(2);
            blend.Colors[0]    = Color.LightGray;
            blend.Positions[0] = 0.0f;
            blend.Colors[1]    = Color.Gray;
            blend.Positions[1] = 1.0f;

            blend              = new ColorBlend(2);
            blend.Colors[0]    = Color.Pink;
            blend.Positions[0] = 0.0f;
            blend.Colors[1]    = Color.LightYellow;
            blend.Positions[1] = 1.0f;
        private void UpdateRendererButton_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // This function acquires the user selection of the stretch renderer from the table view
            // along with the parameters specified, then a stretch renderer is created and applied to
            // the raster layer.

            // Convert the input text to doubles and return if they're invalid.
            double input1;
            double input2;

                input1 = Convert.ToDouble(_inputParameter1.Text);
                input2 = Convert.ToDouble(_inputParameter2.Text);
            catch (Exception ex)
                new UIAlertView("alert", ex.Message, (IUIAlertViewDelegate)null, "OK", null).Show();

            // Create an IEnumerable from an empty list of doubles for the gamma values in the stretch render.
            IEnumerable <double> gammaValues = new List <double>();

            // Create a color ramp for the stretch renderer.
            ColorRamp colorRamp = ColorRamp.Create(PresetColorRampType.DemLight, 1000);

            // Create the place holder for the stretch renderer.
            StretchRenderer stretchRenderer = null;

            switch (_rendererTypes.SelectedSegment)
            case 0:

                // This section creates a stretch renderer based on a MinMaxStretchParameters.
                // TODO: Add you own logic to ensure that accurate min/max stretch values are used.

                    // Create an IEnumerable from a list of double min stretch value doubles.
                    IEnumerable <double> minValues = new List <double> {

                    // Create an IEnumerable from a list of double max stretch value doubles.
                    IEnumerable <double> maxValues = new List <double> {

                    // Create a new MinMaxStretchParameters based on the user choice for min and max stretch values.
                    MinMaxStretchParameters minMaxStretchParameters = new MinMaxStretchParameters(minValues, maxValues);

                    // Create the stretch renderer based on the user defined min/max stretch values, empty gamma values, statistic estimates, and a predefined color ramp.
                    stretchRenderer = new StretchRenderer(minMaxStretchParameters, gammaValues, true, colorRamp);
                catch (ArgumentException)
                    ShowMessage("Error configuring renderer.", "Ensure all values are valid and try again.");


            case 1:

                // This section creates a stretch renderer based on a PercentClipStretchParameters.
                // TODO: Add you own logic to ensure that accurate min/max percent clip values are used.

                    // Create a new PercentClipStretchParameters based on the user choice for min and max percent clip values.
                    PercentClipStretchParameters percentClipStretchParameters = new PercentClipStretchParameters(input1, input2);

                    // Create the percent clip renderer based on the user defined min/max percent clip values, empty gamma values, statistic estimates, and a predefined color ramp.
                    stretchRenderer = new StretchRenderer(percentClipStretchParameters, gammaValues, true, colorRamp);
                catch (Exception)
                    ShowMessage("Error configuring renderer.", "Ensure all values are valid and try again.");


            case 2:

                // This section creates a stretch renderer based on a StandardDeviationStretchParameters.
                // TODO: Add you own logic to ensure that an accurate standard deviation value is used

                    // Create a new StandardDeviationStretchParameters based on the user choice for standard deviation value.
                    StandardDeviationStretchParameters standardDeviationStretchParameters = new StandardDeviationStretchParameters(input1);
                    // Create the standard deviation renderer based on the user defined standard deviation value, empty gamma values, statistic estimates, and a predefined color ramp.
                    stretchRenderer = new StretchRenderer(standardDeviationStretchParameters, gammaValues, true, colorRamp);
                catch (Exception)
                    ShowMessage("Error configuring renderer.", "Ensure all values are valid and try again.");


            // Get the existing raster layer in the map.
            RasterLayer rasterLayer = (RasterLayer)_myMapView.Map.OperationalLayers[0];

            // Apply the stretch renderer to the raster layer.
            rasterLayer.Renderer = stretchRenderer;
Exemple #31
        private void OnUpdateRendererClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // This function acquires the user selection of the stretch renderer from the table view
            // along with the parameters specified, then a stretch renderer is created and applied to
            // the raster layer

            // Get the user choice for the raster stretch render
            UITableViewSource myUITableViewSource = _myRenderChoiceType.Source;
            TableSource       myTableSource       = (TableSource)myUITableViewSource;
            string            myRendererTypeChoice;

            if (myTableSource.SelectedValue == null)
                // If the user does not click on a choice in the table but just clicks the
                // button, the selected value will be null so use the initial
                // stretch renderer option
                myRendererTypeChoice = "Min Max";
                // The user clicked on an option in the table and thus the selected value
                // will contain a valid choice
                myRendererTypeChoice = myTableSource.SelectedValue;

            // Create an IEnumerable from an empty list of doubles for the gamma values in the stretch render
            IEnumerable <double> myGammaValues = new List <double>();

            // Create a color ramp for the stretch renderer
            ColorRamp myColorRamp = ColorRamp.Create(PresetColorRampType.DemLight, 1000);

            // Create the place holder for the stretch renderer
            StretchRenderer myStretchRenderer = null;

            switch (myRendererTypeChoice)
            case "Min Max":

                // This section creates a stretch renderer based on a MinMaxStretchParameters
                // TODO: Add you own logic to ensure that accurate min/max stretch values are used

                // Create an IEnumerable from a list of double min stretch value doubles
                IEnumerable <double> myMinValues = new List <double> {

                // Create an IEnumerable from a list of double max stretch value doubles
                IEnumerable <double> myMaxValues = new List <double> {

                // Create a new MinMaxStretchParameters based on the user choice for min and max stretch values
                MinMaxStretchParameters myMinMaxStretchParameters = new MinMaxStretchParameters(myMinValues, myMaxValues);

                // Create the stretch renderer based on the user defined min/max stretch values, empty gamma values, statistic estimates, and a predefined color ramp
                myStretchRenderer = new StretchRenderer(myMinMaxStretchParameters, myGammaValues, true, myColorRamp);


            case "Percent Clip":

                // This section creates a stretch renderer based on a PercentClipStretchParameters
                // TODO: Add you own logic to ensure that accurate min/max percent clip values are used

                // Create a new PercentClipStretchParameters based on the user choice for min and max percent clip values
                PercentClipStretchParameters myPercentClipStretchParameters = new PercentClipStretchParameters(Convert.ToDouble(_Input_Parameter1.Text), Convert.ToDouble(_Input_Parameter2.Text));

                // Create the percent clip renderer based on the user defined min/max percent clip values, empty gamma values, statistic estimates, and a predefined color ramp
                myStretchRenderer = new StretchRenderer(myPercentClipStretchParameters, myGammaValues, true, myColorRamp);


            case "Standard Deviation":

                // This section creates a stretch renderer based on a StandardDeviationStretchParameters
                // TODO: Add you own logic to ensure that an accurate standard deviation value is used

                // Create a new StandardDeviationStretchParameters based on the user choice for standard deviation value
                StandardDeviationStretchParameters myStandardDeviationStretchParameters = new StandardDeviationStretchParameters(Convert.ToDouble(_Input_Parameter1.Text));

                // Create the standard deviation renderer based on the user defined standard deviation value, empty gamma values, statistic estimates, and a predefined color ramp
                myStretchRenderer = new StretchRenderer(myStandardDeviationStretchParameters, myGammaValues, true, myColorRamp);


            // Get the existing raster layer in the map
            RasterLayer myRasterLayer = (RasterLayer)_myMapView.Map.OperationalLayers[0];

            // Apply the stretch renderer to the raster layer
            myRasterLayer.Renderer = myStretchRenderer;
        private Color ComputeColor(Point p, Point middlePoint, double maximumDistance, ColorRamp colorRamp)
            var distance = CalculateDistance(p, middlePoint);
            var ratio    = Gamma(1.0 - Math.Pow(Math.E, -10.0 * distance / maximumDistance));

        public BitmapSource GeneratePreviewImage(ColorRamp ramp, bool useStdDevStretch, int quality)
            //if (m_pixelGridSet == null)
            //	GeneratePreviewGrid();

            if (Preview == null || Preview.ColorHandler != ramp || Preview.UseStdDevStretch != useStdDevStretch || Preview.Quality != quality)
                var source = GeneratePreviewImage(m_pixelGridSet.GridQuantized, ramp, useStdDevStretch, quality);
                Preview = new PreviewImage(source, ramp, useStdDevStretch, quality);

                //using (var fileStream = new FileStream(Path.Combine(Cache.APP_CACHE_DIR, "preview.jpg"), FileMode.Create))
                //	var encoder = new JpegBitmapEncoder();
                //	encoder.Frames.Add(BitmapFrame.Create(source));
                //	encoder.QualityLevel = 100;
                //	encoder.Save(fileStream);
            return Preview.Image;
        private BitmapSource GeneratePreviewImage(Grid<int> grid, ColorRamp ramp, bool useStdDevStretch, int quality)
            var bmp = CreateBitmapSource(grid, QuantizedExtent, StatisticsQuantizedZ, useStdDevStretch, ramp, quality);
            //BitmapSource bmp = CreateSegmentationBitmap(grid);
            //BitmapSource bmp = CreatePlaneFittingBitmap(grid);

            return bmp;
    public PlanetInfo CreateInfo()
        PlanetInfo planetInfo = new PlanetInfo ();
                planetInfo.skybox = skyboxes [GameObject.Find ("SkyBoxDropdown").GetComponent<dfDropdown> ().SelectedIndex];
                planetInfo.normals = planetNormals [GameObject.Find ("NormalDropdown").GetComponent<dfDropdown> ().SelectedIndex];
                planetInfo.coalReserves = 10000 * GameObject.Find ("CoalSlider").GetComponentInChildren<dfSlider> ().Value;
                planetInfo.oilFactor = GameObject.Find ("OilSlider").GetComponentInChildren<dfSlider> ().Value;
                planetInfo.windFactor = GameObject.Find ("WindSlider").GetComponentInChildren<dfSlider> ().Value;
                planetInfo.sunFactor = GameObject.Find ("SunSlider").GetComponentInChildren<dfSlider> ().Value;
                planetInfo.pollutionClearance = 20;
                planetInfo.startPollution = 0;
                planetInfo.maxPollution = 5000;
                planetInfo.startEnergy = 20;
                planetInfo.population = 100;
       = 1;
                planetInfo.gameLength = 1000;
                planetInfo.planetSize = (int)GameObject.Find ("SizeSlider").GetComponentInChildren<dfSlider> ().Value;
                print (planetInfo.planetSize);
                planetInfo.rotationSpeed = 1;
                planetInfo.windZones = 3;
                planetInfo.octaves = (int)GameObject.Find ("OctavesSlider").GetComponentInChildren<dfSlider> ().Value;
                planetInfo.gain = GameObject.Find ("GainSlider").GetComponentInChildren<dfSlider> ().Value;
                planetInfo.lacunarity = GameObject.Find ("LacunaritySlider").GetComponentInChildren<dfSlider> ().Value;
                planetInfo.stretch = GameObject.Find ("StretchSlider").GetComponentInChildren<dfSlider> ().Value;

                Color[] colors = new Color[6];
                float[] ranges = new float[5];

                for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; i++) {
                        Color c = GameObject.Find ("ColorDisplay" + (i + 1)).GetComponentInChildren<dfSlicedSprite> ().Color;
                        if (i == 0)
                                c.a = 0;
                        colors [i] = c;

                for (int i = 0; i < ranges.Length; i++) {
                        ranges [i] = GameObject.Find ("Slider" + (i + 1)).GetComponentInChildren<dfSlider> ().Value / 100f;

                ColorRamp r = new ColorRamp (colors, ranges);
                planetInfo.colorRamp = r;

                return planetInfo;
Exemple #36
        private async void OnUpdateRendererClicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Convert the text to doubles and return if they're invalid.
            double input1;
            double input2;

                input1 = Convert.ToDouble(FirstParameterInput.Text);
                input2 = Convert.ToDouble(SecondParameterInput.Text);
            catch (Exception ex)
                await new MessageDialog(ex.Message).ShowAsync();

            // Get the user choice for the raster stretch render
            string myRendererTypeChoice = RendererTypes.SelectedValue.ToString();

            // Create an IEnumerable from an empty list of doubles for the gamma values in the stretch render
            IEnumerable <double> myGammaValues = new List <double>();

            // Create a color ramp for the stretch renderer
            ColorRamp myColorRamp = ColorRamp.Create(PresetColorRampType.DemLight, 1000);

            // Create the place holder for the stretch renderer
            StretchRenderer myStretchRenderer = null;

            switch (myRendererTypeChoice)
            case "Min Max":

                // This section creates a stretch renderer based on a MinMaxStretchParameters
                // TODO: Add you own logic to ensure that accurate min/max stretch values are used

                // Create an IEnumerable from a list of double min stretch value doubles
                IEnumerable <double> myMinValues = new List <double> {

                // Create an IEnumerable from a list of double max stretch value doubles
                IEnumerable <double> myMaxValues = new List <double> {

                // Create a new MinMaxStretchParameters based on the user choice for min and max stretch values
                MinMaxStretchParameters myMinMaxStretchParameters = new MinMaxStretchParameters(myMinValues, myMaxValues);

                // Create the stretch renderer based on the user defined min/max stretch values, empty gamma values, statistic estimates, and a predefined color ramp
                myStretchRenderer = new StretchRenderer(myMinMaxStretchParameters, myGammaValues, true, myColorRamp);


            case "Percent Clip":

                // This section creates a stretch renderer based on a PercentClipStretchParameters
                // TODO: Add you own logic to ensure that accurate min/max percent clip values are used

                // Create a new PercentClipStretchParameters based on the user choice for min and max percent clip values
                PercentClipStretchParameters myPercentClipStretchParameters = new PercentClipStretchParameters(input1, input2);

                // Create the percent clip renderer based on the user defined min/max percent clip values, empty gamma values, statistic estimates, and a predefined color ramp
                myStretchRenderer = new StretchRenderer(myPercentClipStretchParameters, myGammaValues, true, myColorRamp);


            case "Standard Deviation":

                // This section creates a stretch renderer based on a StandardDeviationStretchParameters
                // TODO: Add you own logic to ensure that an accurate standard deviation value is used

                // Create a new StandardDeviationStretchParameters based on the user choice for standard deviation value
                StandardDeviationStretchParameters myStandardDeviationStretchParameters = new StandardDeviationStretchParameters(input1);

                // Create the standard deviation renderer based on the user defined standard deviation value, empty gamma values, statistic estimates, and a predefined color ramp
                myStretchRenderer = new StretchRenderer(myStandardDeviationStretchParameters, myGammaValues, true, myColorRamp);


            // Get the existing raster layer in the map
            RasterLayer myRasterLayer = (RasterLayer)MyMapView.Map.OperationalLayers[0];

            // Apply the stretch renderer to the raster layer
            myRasterLayer.Renderer = myStretchRenderer;
Exemple #37
        private void cmbColorRamp_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            switch (this.cmbColorRamp.SelectedIndex)
                case 0:
                    this.pictureBox3.BackgroundImage = Resources.i_thermal;
                case 1:
                    this.pictureBox3.BackgroundImage = Resources.i_rainbow;
                case 2:
                    this.pictureBox3.BackgroundImage = Resources.i_redwhiteblue;

            _colorRamp = (ColorRamp)Enum.Parse(typeof(ColorRamp), this.cmbColorRamp.SelectedItem.ToString());

            make4Maps(_width, _height, _radius, _points, _opacity, _colorRamp);
Exemple #38
        private void OnUpdateRendererClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Get the user choice for the raster stretch render
            string myRendererTypeChoice = RendererTypes.SelectedItem.ToString();

            // Create an IEnumerable from an empty list of doubles for the gamma values in the stretch render
            IEnumerable <double> myGammaValues = new List <double> {

            // Create a color ramp for the stretch renderer
            ColorRamp myColorRamp = ColorRamp.Create(PresetColorRampType.DemLight, 1000);

            // Create the place holder for the stretch renderer
            StretchRenderer myStretchRenderer = null;

            switch (myRendererTypeChoice)
            case "Min Max":

                // This section creates a stretch renderer based on a MinMaxStretchParameters
                // TODO: Add you own logic to ensure that accurate min/max stretch values are used

                // Create an IEnumerable from a list of double min stretch value doubles
                IEnumerable <double> myMinValues = new List <double> {

                // Create an IEnumerable from a list of double max stretch value doubles
                IEnumerable <double> myMaxValues = new List <double> {

                // Create a new MinMaxStretchParameters based on the user choice for min and max stretch values
                MinMaxStretchParameters myMinMaxStretchParameters = new MinMaxStretchParameters(myMinValues, myMaxValues);

                // Create the stretch renderer based on the user defined min/max stretch values, empty gamma values, statistic estimates, and a predefined color ramp
                myStretchRenderer = new Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Rasters.StretchRenderer(myMinMaxStretchParameters, myGammaValues, true, myColorRamp);


            case "Percent Clip":

                // This section creates a stretch renderer based on a PercentClipStretchParameters
                // TODO: Add you own logic to ensure that accurate min/max percent clip values are used

                // Create a new PercentClipStretchParameters based on the user choice for min and max percent clip values
                PercentClipStretchParameters myPercentClipStretchParameters = new PercentClipStretchParameters(Convert.ToDouble(Input_Parameter1.Text), Convert.ToDouble(Input_Parameter2.Text));

                // Create the percent clip renderer based on the user defined min/max percent clip values, empty gamma values, statistic estimates, and a predefined color ramp
                myStretchRenderer = new StretchRenderer(myPercentClipStretchParameters, myGammaValues, true, myColorRamp);


            case "Standard Deviation":

                // This section creates a stretch renderer based on a StandardDeviationStretchParameters
                // TODO: Add you own logic to ensure that an accurate standard deviation value is used

                // Create a new StandardDeviationStretchParameters based on the user choice for standard deviation value
                StandardDeviationStretchParameters myStandardDeviationStretchParameters = new StandardDeviationStretchParameters(Convert.ToDouble(Input_Parameter1.Text));

                // Create the standard deviation renderer based on the user defined standard deviation value, empty gamma values, statistic estimates, and a predefined color ramp
                myStretchRenderer = new StretchRenderer(myStandardDeviationStretchParameters, myGammaValues, true, myColorRamp);


            // Get the existing raster layer in the map
            RasterLayer myRasterLayer = (RasterLayer)MyMapView.Map.OperationalLayers[0];

            // Apply the stretch renderer to the raster layer
            myRasterLayer.Renderer = myStretchRenderer;
Exemple #39
        private void OnUpdateRendererClicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Define the RasterLayer that will be used to display in the map
            RasterLayer rasterLayer_ForDisplayInMap;

            // Define the ColorRamp that will be used by the BlendRenderer
            ColorRamp myColorRamp;

            // Based on ColorRamp type chosen by the user, create a different
            // RasterLayer and define the appropriate ColorRamp option
            if (ColorRamps.SelectedValue.ToString() == "None")
                // The user chose not to use a specific ColorRamp, therefore
                // need to create a RasterLayer based on general imagery (ie. Shasta.tif)
                // for display in the map and use null for the ColorRamp as one of the
                // parameters in the BlendRenderer constructor

                // Load the raster file using a path on disk
                Raster raster_Imagery = new Raster(GetRasterPath_Imagery());

                // Create the raster layer from the raster
                rasterLayer_ForDisplayInMap = new RasterLayer(raster_Imagery);

                // Set up the ColorRamp as being null
                myColorRamp = null;
                // The user chose a specific ColorRamp (options: are Elevation, DemScreen, DemLight),
                // therefore create a RasterLayer based on an imagery with elevation
                // (ie. Shasta_Elevation.tif) for display in the map. Also create a ColorRamp
                // based on the user choice, translated into an Enumeration, as one of the parameters
                // in the BlendRenderer constructor

                // Load the raster file using a path on disk
                Raster raster_Elevation = new Raster(GetRasterPath_Elevation());

                // Create the raster layer from the raster
                rasterLayer_ForDisplayInMap = new RasterLayer(raster_Elevation);

                // Create a ColorRamp based on the user choice, translated into an Enumeration
                PresetColorRampType myPresetColorRampType = (PresetColorRampType)Enum.Parse(typeof(PresetColorRampType), ColorRamps.SelectedValue.ToString());
                myColorRamp = ColorRamp.Create(myPresetColorRampType, 256);

            // Define the parameters used by the BlendRenderer constructor
            Raster raster_ForMakingBlendRenderer   = new Raster(GetRasterPath_Elevation());
            IEnumerable <double> myOutputMinValues = new List <double> {
            IEnumerable <double> myOutputMaxValues = new List <double> {
            IEnumerable <double> mySourceMinValues = new List <double>();
            IEnumerable <double> mySourceMaxValues = new List <double>();
            IEnumerable <double> myNoDataValues    = new List <double>();
            IEnumerable <double> myGammas          = new List <double>();
            SlopeType            mySlopeType       = (SlopeType)Enum.Parse(typeof(SlopeType), SlopeTypes.SelectedValue.ToString());

            BlendRenderer myBlendRenderer = new BlendRenderer(
                raster_ForMakingBlendRenderer, // elevationRaster - Raster based on a elevation source
                myOutputMinValues,             // outputMinValues - Output stretch values, one for each band
                myOutputMaxValues,             // outputMaxValues - Output stretch values, one for each band
                mySourceMinValues,             // sourceMinValues - Input stretch values, one for each band
                mySourceMaxValues,             // sourceMaxValues - Input stretch values, one for each band
                myNoDataValues,                // noDataValues - NoData values, one for each band
                myGammas,                      // gammas - Gamma adjustment
                myColorRamp,                   // colorRamp - ColorRamp object to use, could be null
                Altitude_Slider.Value,         // altitude - Altitude angle of the light source
                Azimuth_Slider.Value,          // azimuth - Azimuth angle of the light source, measured clockwise from north
                1,                             // zfactor - Factor to convert z unit to x,y units, default is 1
                mySlopeType,                   // slopeType - Slope Type
                1,                             // pixelSizeFactor - Pixel size factor, default is 1
                1,                             // pixelSizePower - Pixel size power value, default is 1
                8);                            // outputBitDepth - Output bit depth, default is 8-bi

            // Set the RasterLayer.Renderer to be the BlendRenderer
            rasterLayer_ForDisplayInMap.Renderer = myBlendRenderer;

            // Set the new base map to be the RasterLayer with the BlendRenderer applied
            MyMapView.Map.Basemap = new Basemap(rasterLayer_ForDisplayInMap);
 /// <summary>
 /// Default constructor
 /// </summary>
 public GradientPaint()
     this.Ramp = new ColorRamp();