Exemple #1
        public PngHeader(int width, int height, byte bitdepth, ColorModel colorModel)
            Width = width;
            Height = height;
            BitDepth = bitdepth;
            ColorModel = colorModel;

            bool alpha = (colorModel & ColorModel.Alpha) == ColorModel.Alpha;
            bool palette = (colorModel & ColorModel.Palette) == ColorModel.Palette;
            bool grayscale = (colorModel & ColorModel.Color) != ColorModel.Color;
            bool packed = bitdepth < 8;

            if (grayscale && palette)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("palette and greyscale are exclusive");

            int channels = (grayscale || palette) ?
                    (alpha ? 2 : 1) :	// Grayscale or Palette
                    (alpha ? 4 : 3);	// RGB

            int bpp = channels * BitDepth;
            BytesPerPixel = (bpp + 7) / 8;
            Stride = (bpp * width + 7) / 8;
            int samplesPerRow = channels * width;
            int samplesPerRowPacked = (packed) ? Stride : samplesPerRow;
        public static void GetColorComponents(ColorModel colorModel, Color color, out Single componentA, out Single componentB, out Single componentC)
            componentA = 0.0f;
            componentB = 0.0f;
            componentC = 0.0f;

            switch (colorModel)
                case ColorModel.RedGreenBlue:
                    componentA = color.R;
                    componentB = color.G;
                    componentC = color.B;

                case ColorModel.HueSaturationBrightness:
                    componentA = color.GetHue();
                    componentB = color.GetSaturation();
                    componentC = color.GetBrightness();

                case ColorModel.LabColorSpace:
                    RGBtoLab(color.R, color.G, color.B, out componentA, out componentB, out componentC);

                case ColorModel.XYZ:
                    RGBtoXYZ(color.R, color.G, color.B, out componentA, out componentB, out componentC);
 /// <summary>
 /// Converts the PCS color into the device color
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Profile">The profile that will be used for the conversion</param>
 /// <param name="pcs">The PCS color (has to match the profiles PCS color type)</param>
 /// <param name="PrefRenderingIntent">The preferred rendering intent</param>
 /// <returns>The converted color in the device color type</returns>
 public Color ToDevice(ICC Profile, Color pcs, RenderingIntent PrefRenderingIntent)
     InValues = pcs.ColorArray;
     InModel = pcs.Model;
     this.Profile = Profile;
     PreferredRenderingIntent = PrefRenderingIntent;
     IsDefault = true;
     return Do_PCS();
        public static ColorModel Invert(this ColorModel color)
            ColorModel model = new ColorModel()
                Red = ~(byte)color.Red,
                Green = ~(byte)color.Green,
                Blue = ~(byte)color.Blue

            return model;

        public ColorConverterSmartTagAction(ITrackingSpan span, ParseItem item, ColorModel colorModel, ColorFormat format)
            _span = span;
            _item = item;
            _format = format;
            _colorModel = colorModel;

            if (Icon == null)
                Icon = BitmapFrame.Create(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/WebEssentials2013;component/Resources/palette.png", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute));

        public static void GetColorComponents(ColorModel colorModel, Color color, Color targetColor, out Single componentA, out Single componentB, out Single componentC)
            componentA = 0.0f;
            componentB = 0.0f;
            componentC = 0.0f;

            switch (colorModel)
                case ColorModel.RedGreenBlue:
                    componentA = color.R - targetColor.R;
                    componentB = color.G - targetColor.G;
                    componentC = color.B - targetColor.B;

                case ColorModel.HueSaturationBrightness:
                    componentA = color.GetHue() - targetColor.GetHue();
                    componentB = color.GetSaturation() - targetColor.GetSaturation();
                    componentC = color.GetBrightness() - targetColor.GetBrightness();

                case ColorModel.LabColorSpace:

                    Single sourceL, sourceA, sourceB;
                    Single targetL, targetA, targetB;

                    RGBtoLab(color.R, color.G, color.B, out sourceL, out sourceA, out sourceB);
                    RGBtoLab(targetColor.R, targetColor.G, targetColor.B, out targetL, out targetA, out targetB);

                    componentA = sourceL - targetL;
                    componentB = sourceA - targetA;
                    componentC = sourceB - targetB;


                case ColorModel.XYZ:

                    Single sourceX, sourceY, sourceZ;
                    Single targetX, targetY, targetZ;

                    RGBtoXYZ(color.R, color.G, color.B, out sourceX, out sourceY, out sourceZ);
                    RGBtoXYZ(targetColor.R, targetColor.G, targetColor.B, out targetX, out targetY, out targetZ);

                    componentA = sourceX - targetX;
                    componentB = sourceY - targetY;
                    componentC = sourceZ - targetZ;

        private static string FormatHslColor(ColorModel colorModel)
            if (colorModel.Alpha < 1)
                // HSL can't specify alpha
                return FormatHslaColor(colorModel);
                HslColor hsl = colorModel.HSL;

                return string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "hsl({0}, {1}%, {2}%)",
                    Math.Round(hsl.Hue * 360, 1),
                    Math.Round(hsl.Saturation * 100, 1),
                    Math.Round(hsl.Lightness * 100, 1));
        public ColorConverterSmartTagAction(ITrackingSpan span, ColorModel colorModel, ColorFormat format)
            _span = span;

            if (format == ColorFormat.RgbHex6)
                format = ColorFormat.RgbHex3;

            _format = format;
            _colorModel = colorModel.Clone();
            _colorModel.Format = format;

            if (Icon == null)
                Icon = BitmapFrame.Create(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/WebEssentials2015;component/Resources/Images/palette.png", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute));

            _displayText = "Convert to " + GetColorString(_format, _colorModel);
        private static string GetColorString(ColorFormat format, ColorModel model)
            switch (format)
                case ColorFormat.Name:
                    return GetNamedColor(model.Color);

                case ColorFormat.Hsl:
                    return FormatHslColor(model); //ColorFormatter.FormatColorAs(_colorModel, ColorFormat.Hsl);

                case ColorFormat.Rgb:
                case ColorFormat.RgbHex3:
                case ColorFormat.RgbHex6:
                    return ColorFormatter.FormatColor(model, format);

                    throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("format", (int)format, typeof(ColorFormat));
Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// 创建Color值之间的线性动画
        /// </summary>
        public static ColorAnimation BuildColorAnimation(ColorModel Model)
            ColorAnimation _colorAnimation = new ColorAnimation();
            _colorAnimation.From = Model.From;
            _colorAnimation.To = Model.To;
            _colorAnimation.Duration = new Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Model.Duration));
            _colorAnimation.AutoReverse = Model.AutoReverse;
            _colorAnimation.BeginTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Model.BeginTime);
            _colorAnimation.By = Model.By;
            _colorAnimation.FillBehavior = Model.FillBehavior;
            _colorAnimation.RepeatBehavior = Model.RepeatBehavior;
            _colorAnimation.SpeedRatio = Model.SpeedRatio;

            if (Model.EasingFunction != null)
                _colorAnimation.EasingFunction = Model.EasingFunction;

            Storyboard.SetTarget(_colorAnimation, Model.Target);
            Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(_colorAnimation, new PropertyPath(Model.PropertyPath));
            return _colorAnimation;
        private static void GetSize()
                IVsFontAndColorStorage storage = (IVsFontAndColorStorage)EditorExtensionsPackage.GetGlobalService(typeof(IVsFontAndColorStorage));
                var guid = new Guid("A27B4E24-A735-4d1d-B8E7-9716E1E3D8E0");
                if (storage != null && storage.OpenCategory(ref guid, (uint)(__FCSTORAGEFLAGS.FCSF_READONLY | __FCSTORAGEFLAGS.FCSF_LOADDEFAULTS)) == VS.VSConstants.S_OK)
                    LOGFONTW[] Fnt = new LOGFONTW[] { new LOGFONTW() };
                    FontInfo[] Info = new FontInfo[] { new FontInfo() };
                    storage.GetFont(Fnt, Info);
                    _fontSize = (int)Info[0].wPointSize;

                if (storage != null && storage.OpenCategory(ref guid, (uint)(__FCSTORAGEFLAGS.FCSF_NOAUTOCOLORS | __FCSTORAGEFLAGS.FCSF_LOADDEFAULTS)) == VS.VSConstants.S_OK)
                    var info = new ColorableItemInfo[1];
                    storage.GetItem("Plain Text", info);
                    _backgroundColor = ConvertFromWin32Color((int)info[0].crBackground);

            catch { }
Exemple #12
        public static Int32 GetComponentC(ColorModel colorModel, Color color)
            Int32 result = 0;

            switch (colorModel)
                case ColorModel.RedGreenBlue:
                    result = color.B;

                case ColorModel.HueSaturationBrightness:
                    result = Convert.ToInt32(color.GetBrightness() * 255);

                case ColorModel.LabColorSpace:
                    Single l, a, b;
                    RGBtoLab(color.R, color.G, color.B, out l, out a, out b);
                    result = Convert.ToInt32(b * 255.0f);

            return result;
        private void ChangeColorModel()
            activeColorModel = colorModelList[listColorModel.SelectedIndex];

            // applies current UI selection
            if (activeColorCache is BaseColorCache)
                BaseColorCache  colorCache = (BaseColorCache) activeColorCache;
Exemple #14
 public static Int64 GetColorEuclideanDistance(ColorModel colorModel, Color requestedColor, Color realColor)
     Single componentA, componentB, componentC;
     GetColorComponents(colorModel, requestedColor, realColor, out componentA, out componentB, out componentC);
     return (Int64)(componentA * componentA + componentB * componentB + componentC * componentC);
Exemple #15
        public static Int32 GetEuclideanDistance(Color color, ColorModel colorModel, IList<Color> palette)
            // initializes the best difference, set it for worst possible, it can only get better
            Int64 leastDistance = Int64.MaxValue;
            Int32 result = 0;

            for (Int32 index = 0; index < palette.Count; index++)
                Color targetColor = palette[index];
                Int64 distance = GetColorEuclideanDistance(colorModel, color, targetColor);

                // if a difference is zero, we're good because it won't get better
                if (distance == 0)
                    result = index;

                // if a difference is the best so far, stores it as our best candidate
                if (distance < leastDistance)
                    leastDistance = distance;
                    result = index;

            return result;
 /// <summary>
 /// Changes the color model.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="colorModel">The color model.</param>
 public void ChangeColorModel(ColorModel colorModel)
     ColorModel = colorModel;
 /// <summary>
 /// Converts a color to a Lab color
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="InColor">The color to convert</param>
 /// <param name="RefWhite">The reference white to be used for the converted color</param>
 /// <returns>The converted color</returns>
 public ColorLab ToLab(Color InColor, WhitepointName RefWhite)
     if (RefWhite != WhitepointName.Custom) OutReferenceWhite = WhitepointArr[(int)RefWhite];
     else OutReferenceWhite = ReferenceWhite;
     OutputModel = ColorModel.CIELab;
     varArr = Do();
     return new ColorLab(OutReferenceWhite, varArr[0], varArr[1], varArr[2]);
Exemple #18
 void Start()
     GameObject.Find("RotatingBlock").renderer.material.color = ColorModel.RandomColor();
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of a specific color with the standard settings
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Model">The colormodel the new color will be in</param>
        /// <returns>A color in the given colormodel or null if not possible to create color</returns>
        public static Color GetColor(ColorModel Model)
            switch (Model)
                case ColorModel.CIELab: return new ColorLab();
                case ColorModel.CIELCHab: return new ColorLCHab();
                case ColorModel.CIELCHuv: return new ColorLCHuv();
                case ColorModel.CIELuv: return new ColorLuv();
                case ColorModel.CIEXYZ: return new ColorXYZ();
                case ColorModel.CIEYxy: return new ColorYxy();
                case ColorModel.Gray: return new ColorGray();
                case ColorModel.HSL: return new ColorHSL();
                case ColorModel.HSV: return new ColorHSV();
                case ColorModel.LCH99: return new ColorLCH99();
                case ColorModel.LCH99b: return new ColorLCH99b();
                case ColorModel.LCH99c: return new ColorLCH99c();
                case ColorModel.LCH99d: return new ColorLCH99d();
                case ColorModel.RGB: return new ColorRGB();
                case ColorModel.YCbCr: return new ColorYCbCr();

                default: return null;
 /// <summary>
 /// Converts the device color into the PCS color
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Profile">The profile that will be used for the conversion</param>
 /// <param name="inColor">The device color (has to match the profiles device color type)</param>
 /// <param name="PrefRenderingIntent">The preferred rendering intent</param>
 /// <returns>The converted color in the PCS color type</returns>
 public Color ToPCS(ICC Profile, Color inColor, RenderingIntent PrefRenderingIntent)
     InValues = inColor.ColorArray;
     InModel = inColor.Model;
     this.Profile = Profile;
     PreferredRenderingIntent = PrefRenderingIntent;
     IsDefault = true;
     return Do_Device();
 /// <summary>
 /// Converts the device color into the PCS color
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Profile">The profile that will be used for the conversion</param>
 /// <param name="inColor">The device color (has to match the profiles device color type)</param>
 /// <param name="PrefRenderingIntent">The preferred rendering intent</param>
 /// <param name="ConversionMethod">The method of conversion</param>
 /// <param name="ConversionType">The type of conversion</param>
 /// <returns>The converted color in the PCS color type</returns>
 public Color ToPCS(ICC Profile, Color inColor, RenderingIntent PrefRenderingIntent, ICCconversionMethod ConversionMethod, ICCconversionType ConversionType)
     InValues = inColor.ColorArray;
     InModel = inColor.Model;
     this.Profile = Profile;
     PreferredRenderingIntent = PrefRenderingIntent;
     this.ConversionMethod = ConversionMethod;
     this.ConversionType = ConversionType;
     IsDefault = false;
     return Do_Device();
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a context for the compositing operation.
 /// The context contains state that is used in performing
 /// the compositing operation. </summary>
 /// <param name="srcColorModel">  the <seealso cref="ColorModel"/> of the source </param>
 /// <param name="dstColorModel">  the <code>ColorModel</code> of the destination </param>
 /// <returns> the <code>CompositeContext</code> object to be used to perform
 /// compositing operations. </returns>
 public CompositeContext CreateContext(ColorModel srcColorModel, ColorModel dstColorModel, RenderingHints hints)
     return(new SunCompositeContext(this, srcColorModel, dstColorModel));
Exemple #23
 public ThumbnailCreator(ColorModel colorModel)
     _colorModel = colorModel;
Exemple #24
 public PixelFormatInfo(int bitsPerPixel, ColorModel model, ColorChannels channels)
     BitsPerPixel = bitsPerPixel;
     ColorModel = model;
     Channels = channels;
Exemple #25
 public void setColorModel(ColorModel model)
     mColorModel = model;
        public DecodedJpeg Decode()
            // The frames in this jpeg are loaded into a list. There is
            // usually just one frame except in heirarchial progression where
            // there are multiple frames.
            JPEGFrame frame = null;

            // The restart interval defines how many MCU's we should have
            // between the 8-modulo restart marker. The restart markers allow
            // us to tell whether or not our decoding process is working
            // correctly, also if there is corruption in the image we can
            // recover with these restart intervals. (See RSTm DRI).
            int resetInterval = 0;

            bool haveMarker = false;
            bool foundJFIF = false;

            List<JpegHeader> headers = new List<JpegHeader>();

            // Loop through until there are no more markers to read in, at
            // that point everything is loaded into the jpegFrames array and
            // can be processed.
            while (true)
                if (DecodeProgress.Abort) return null;

                #region Switch over marker types
                switch (marker)
                    case JPEGMarker.APP0:
                    // APP1 is used for EXIF data
                    case JPEGMarker.APP1:
                    // Seldomly, APP2 gets used for extended EXIF, too
                    case JPEGMarker.APP2:
                    case JPEGMarker.APP3:
                    case JPEGMarker.APP4:
                    case JPEGMarker.APP5:
                    case JPEGMarker.APP6:
                    case JPEGMarker.APP7:
                    case JPEGMarker.APP8:
                    case JPEGMarker.APP9:
                    case JPEGMarker.APP10:
                    case JPEGMarker.APP11:
                    case JPEGMarker.APP12:
                    case JPEGMarker.APP13:
                    case JPEGMarker.APP14:
                    case JPEGMarker.APP15:
                    // COM: Comment
                    case JPEGMarker.COM:

                        // Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Extracting Header, Type={0:X}", marker));

                        JpegHeader header = ExtractHeader();

                        #region Check explicitly for Exif Data

                        if (header.Marker == JPEGMarker.APP1 && header.Data.Length >= 6)
                            byte[] d = header.Data;

                            if( d[0] == 'E' &&
                                d[1] == 'x' &&
                                d[2] == 'i' &&
                                d[3] == 'f' &&
                                d[4] == 0 &&
                                d[5] == 0)
                                // Exif.  Do something?


                        #region Check for Adobe header

                        if (header.Data.Length >= 5 && header.Marker == JPEGMarker.APP14)
                            string asText = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString(header.Data, 0, 5);
                            if (asText == "Adobe") {
                                // ADOBE HEADER.  Do anything?



                        if (!foundJFIF && marker == JPEGMarker.APP0)
                            foundJFIF = TryParseJFIF(header.Data);

                            if (foundJFIF) // Found JFIF... do JFIF extension follow?
                                header.IsJFIF = true;
                                marker = jpegReader.GetNextMarker();

                                // Yes, they do.
                                if (marker == JPEGMarker.APP0)
                                    header = ExtractHeader();
                                else // No.  Delay processing this one.
                                    haveMarker = true;


                    case JPEGMarker.SOF0:
                    case JPEGMarker.SOF2:

                        // SOFn Start of Frame Marker, Baseline DCT - This is the start
                        // of the frame header that defines certain variables that will
                        // be carried out through the rest of the encoding. Multiple
                        // frames are used in a hierarchical system, however most JPEG's
                        // only contain a single frame.

                        // Progressive or baseline?
                        progressive = marker == JPEGMarker.SOF2;

                        jpegFrames.Add(new JPEGFrame());
                        frame = (JPEGFrame)jpegFrames[jpegFrames.Count - 1];
                        frame.ProgressUpdateMethod = new Action<long>(UpdateStreamProgress);

                        // Skip the frame length.
                        // Bits percision, either 8 or 12.
                        // Scan lines (height)
                        frame.ScanLines = jpegReader.ReadShort();
                        // Scan samples per line (width)
                        frame.SamplesPerLine = jpegReader.ReadShort();
                        // Number of Color Components (channels).
                        frame.ComponentCount = jpegReader.ReadByte();

                        DecodeProgress.Height = frame.Height;
                        DecodeProgress.Width = frame.Width;
                        DecodeProgress.SizeReady = true;

                        if(DecodeProgressChanged != null)
                            DecodeProgressChanged(this, DecodeProgress);
                            if (DecodeProgress.Abort) return null;

                        // Add all of the necessary components to the frame.
                        for (int i = 0; i < frame.ComponentCount; i++)
                            byte compId = jpegReader.ReadByte();
                            byte sampleFactors = jpegReader.ReadByte();
                            byte qTableId = jpegReader.ReadByte();

                            byte sampleHFactor = (byte)(sampleFactors >> 4);
                            byte sampleVFactor = (byte)(sampleFactors & 0x0f);

                            frame.AddComponent(compId, sampleHFactor, sampleVFactor, qTableId);

                    case JPEGMarker.DHT:

                        // DHT non-SOF Marker - Huffman Table is required for decoding
                        // the JPEG stream, when we receive a marker we load in first
                        // the table length (16 bits), the table class (4 bits), table
                        // identifier (4 bits), then we load in 16 bytes and each byte
                        // represents the count of bytes to load in for each of the 16
                        // bytes. We load this into an array to use later and move on 4
                        // huffman tables can only be used in an image.
                        int huffmanLength = (jpegReader.ReadShort() - 2);

                        // Keep looping until we are out of length.
                        int index = huffmanLength;

                        // Multiple tables may be defined within a DHT marker. This
                        // will keep reading until there are no tables left, most
                        // of the time there are just one tables.
                        while (index > 0)
                            // Read the identifier information and class
                            // information about the Huffman table, then read the
                            // 16 byte codelength in and read in the Huffman values
                            // and put it into table info.
                            byte huffmanInfo = jpegReader.ReadByte();
                            byte tableClass = (byte)(huffmanInfo >> 4);
                            byte huffmanIndex = (byte)(huffmanInfo & 0x0f);
                            short[] codeLength = new short[16];

                            for (int i = 0; i < codeLength.Length; i++)
                                codeLength[i] = jpegReader.ReadByte();

                            int huffmanValueLen = 0;
                            for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                                huffmanValueLen += codeLength[i];
                            index -= (huffmanValueLen + 17);

                            short[] huffmanVal = new short[huffmanValueLen];
                            for (int i = 0; i < huffmanVal.Length; i++)
                                huffmanVal[i] = jpegReader.ReadByte();
                            // Assign DC Huffman Table.
                            if (tableClass == HuffmanTable.JPEG_DC_TABLE)
                                dcTables[(int)huffmanIndex] = new JpegHuffmanTable(codeLength, huffmanVal);

                            // Assign AC Huffman Table.
                            else if (tableClass == HuffmanTable.JPEG_AC_TABLE)
                                acTables[(int)huffmanIndex] = new JpegHuffmanTable(codeLength, huffmanVal);

                    case JPEGMarker.DQT:

                        // DQT non-SOF Marker - This defines the quantization
                        // coeffecients, this allows us to figure out the quality of
                        // compression and unencode the data. The data is loaded and
                        // then stored in to an array.
                        short quantizationLength = (short)(jpegReader.ReadShort() - 2);
                        for (int j = 0; j < quantizationLength / 65; j++)
                            byte quantSpecs = jpegReader.ReadByte();
                            int[] quantData = new int[64];
                            if ((byte)(quantSpecs >> 4) == 0)
                            // Precision 8 bit.
                                for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
                                    quantData[i] = jpegReader.ReadByte();

                            else if ((byte)(quantSpecs >> 4) == 1)
                            // Precision 16 bit.
                                for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
                                    quantData[i] = jpegReader.ReadShort();
                            qTables[(int)(quantSpecs & 0x0f)] = new JpegQuantizationTable(quantData);

                    case JPEGMarker.SOS:

                       Debug.WriteLine("Start of Scan (SOS)");

                        // SOS non-SOF Marker - Start Of Scan Marker, this is where the
                        // actual data is stored in a interlaced or non-interlaced with
                        // from 1-4 components of color data, if three components most
                        // likely a YCrCb model, this is a fairly complex process.

                        // Read in the scan length.
                        ushort scanLen = jpegReader.ReadShort();
                        // Number of components in the scan.
                        byte numberOfComponents = jpegReader.ReadByte();
                        byte[] componentSelector = new byte[numberOfComponents];

                        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfComponents; i++)
                            // Component ID, packed byte containing the Id for the
                            // AC table and DC table.
                            byte componentID = jpegReader.ReadByte();
                            byte tableInfo = jpegReader.ReadByte();

                            int DC = (tableInfo >> 4) & 0x0f;
                            int AC = (tableInfo) & 0x0f;


                            componentSelector[i] = componentID;

                        byte startSpectralSelection = jpegReader.ReadByte();
                        byte endSpectralSelection = jpegReader.ReadByte();
                        byte successiveApproximation = jpegReader.ReadByte();

                        #region Baseline JPEG Scan Decoding

                        if (!progressive)
                            frame.DecodeScanBaseline(numberOfComponents, componentSelector, resetInterval, jpegReader, ref marker);
                            haveMarker = true; // use resultant marker for the next switch(..)


                        #region Progressive JPEG Scan Decoding

                        if (progressive)
                                successiveApproximation, startSpectralSelection, endSpectralSelection,
                                numberOfComponents, componentSelector, resetInterval, jpegReader, ref marker);

                            haveMarker = true; // use resultant marker for the next switch(..)



                    case JPEGMarker.DRI:
                        jpegReader.BaseStream.Seek(2, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Current);
                        resetInterval = jpegReader.ReadShort();

                    /// Defines the number of lines.  (Not usually present)
                    case JPEGMarker.DNL:

                        frame.ScanLines = jpegReader.ReadShort();

                    /// End of Image.  Finish the decode.
                    case JPEGMarker.EOI:

                        if (jpegFrames.Count == 0)
                            throw new NotSupportedException("No JPEG frames could be located.");
                        else if (jpegFrames.Count == 1)
                            // Only one frame, JPEG Non-Heirarchial Frame.
                            byte[][,] raster = Image.CreateRaster(frame.Width, frame.Height, frame.ComponentCount);

                            IList<JpegComponent> components = frame.Scan.Components;

                            int totalSteps = components.Count * 3; // Three steps per loop
                            int stepsFinished = 0;

                            for(int i = 0; i < components.Count; i++)
                                JpegComponent comp = components[i];

                                comp.QuantizationTable = qTables[comp.quant_id].Table;

                                // 1. Quantize
                                UpdateProgress(++stepsFinished, totalSteps);

                                // 2. Run iDCT (expensive)
                                UpdateProgress(++stepsFinished, totalSteps);

                                // 3. Scale the image and write the data to the raster.
                                comp.writeDataScaled(raster, i, BlockUpsamplingMode);

                                UpdateProgress(++stepsFinished, totalSteps);

                                // Ensure garbage collection.
                                comp = null; GC.Collect();

                            // Grayscale Color Image (1 Component).
                            if (frame.ComponentCount == 1)
                                ColorModel cm = new ColorModel() { colorspace = ColorSpace.Gray, Opaque = true };
                                image = new Image(cm, raster);
                            // YCbCr Color Image (3 Components).
                            else if (frame.ComponentCount == 3)
                                ColorModel cm = new ColorModel() { colorspace = ColorSpace.YCbCr, Opaque = true };
                                image = new Image(cm, raster);
                            // Possibly CMYK or RGBA ?
                                throw new NotSupportedException("Unsupported Color Mode: 4 Component Color Mode found.");

                            // If needed, convert centimeters to inches.
                            Func<double, double> conv = x =>
                                Units == UnitType.Inches ? x : x / 2.54;

                            image.DensityX = conv(XDensity);
                            image.DensityY = conv(YDensity);

                            height = frame.Height;
                            width = frame.Width;
                            // JPEG Heirarchial Frame
                            throw new NotSupportedException("Unsupported Codec Type: Hierarchial JPEG");

                    // Only SOF0 (baseline) and SOF2 (progressive) are supported by FJCore
                    case JPEGMarker.SOF1:
                    case JPEGMarker.SOF3:
                    case JPEGMarker.SOF5:
                    case JPEGMarker.SOF6:
                    case JPEGMarker.SOF7:
                    case JPEGMarker.SOF9:
                    case JPEGMarker.SOF10:
                    case JPEGMarker.SOF11:
                    case JPEGMarker.SOF13:
                    case JPEGMarker.SOF14:
                    case JPEGMarker.SOF15:
                        throw new NotSupportedException("Unsupported codec type.");

                    default: break;  // ignore


                #endregion switch over markers

                if (haveMarker) haveMarker = false;
                        marker = jpegReader.GetNextMarker();
                    catch (System.IO.EndOfStreamException)
                        break; /* done reading the file */

            DecodedJpeg result = new DecodedJpeg(image, headers);

            return result;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="EuclideanDistanceColorCache"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="colorModel">The color model.</param>
 public EuclideanDistanceColorCache(ColorModel colorModel)
     ColorModel = colorModel;
 /// <summary>
 /// Converts a color to a Lab color
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="InColor">The color to convert</param>
 /// <param name="RefWhite">The reference white to be used for the converted color</param>
 /// <returns>The converted color</returns>
 public ColorLab ToLab(Color InColor, Whitepoint RefWhite)
     OutputModel = ColorModel.CIELab;
     OutReferenceWhite = RefWhite;
     varArr = Do();
     return new ColorLab(OutReferenceWhite, varArr[0], varArr[1], varArr[2]);
        private bool IsXColor(ColorModel model)
            switch (model)
                case ColorModel.Color2:
                case ColorModel.Color3:
                case ColorModel.Color4:
                case ColorModel.Color5:
                case ColorModel.Color6:
                case ColorModel.Color7:
                case ColorModel.Color8:
                case ColorModel.Color9:
                case ColorModel.Color10:
                case ColorModel.Color11:
                case ColorModel.Color12:
                case ColorModel.Color13:
                case ColorModel.Color14:
                case ColorModel.Color15:
                    return true;

                default: return false;
        private void SetInputColor(UColor inColor)
            InputModel = inColor.Model;
            DoAdaption = inColor.ReferenceWhite != OutReferenceWhite.Name;
            if (InputModel != ColorModel.Gray)
                ValArr1 = inColor.DoubleColorArray;
                ValArr2 = inColor.DoubleColorArray;
                ValArr1 = new double[] { ((UColorGray)inColor).G / 65535d, 0, 0 };
                ValArr2 = new double[] { ((UColorGray)inColor).G / 65535d, 0, 0 };

            switch (InputModel)
                case ColorModel.CIELab:
                case ColorModel.CIELCHab:
                case ColorModel.CIELCHuv:
                case ColorModel.LCH99:
                case ColorModel.LCH99b:
                case ColorModel.LCH99c:
                case ColorModel.LCH99d:
                case ColorModel.CIELuv:
                case ColorModel.CIEXYZ:
                case ColorModel.CIEYxy:
                case ColorModel.Gray:
                case ColorModel.DEF:
                case ColorModel.Bef:
                case ColorModel.BCH:
                    if (inColor.ReferenceWhite == WhitepointName.Custom || OutReferenceWhite.Name == WhitepointName.Custom) DoAdaption = true;
                    InputWhitepoint = WhitepointArr[(int)inColor.ReferenceWhite];

                case ColorModel.HSL:
                    InputRGBSpace = ((UColorHSL)inColor).Space;
                    InputWhitepoint = InputRGBSpace.ReferenceWhite;
                case ColorModel.HSV:
                    InputRGBSpace = ((UColorHSV)inColor).Space;
                    InputWhitepoint = InputRGBSpace.ReferenceWhite;
                case ColorModel.RGB:
                    InputRGBSpace = ((UColorRGB)inColor).Space;
                    IsRGBLinear = ((UColorRGB)inColor).IsLinear;
                    InputWhitepoint = InputRGBSpace.ReferenceWhite;
                case ColorModel.YCbCr:
                    InputRGBSpace = ((UColorYCbCr)inColor).BaseSpace;
                    InputYCbCrSpace = ((UColorYCbCr)inColor).Space;
                    InputWhitepoint = InputRGBSpace.ReferenceWhite;

                    throw new NotImplementedException();
 protected override void UpdateModelForGradientMax(ColorModel model)
     model.ScG = 1f;
 /// <summary>
 /// Converts a color to a LCH99c color
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="InColor">The color to convert</param>
 /// <returns>The converted color</returns>
 public ColorLCH99c ToLCH99c(Color InColor)
     OutReferenceWhite = WhitepointArr[(int)WhitepointName.D65];
     OutputModel = ColorModel.LCH99c;
     varArr = Do();
     return new ColorLCH99c(varArr[0], varArr[1], varArr[2]);
 /// <summary>
 /// Converts the PCS color into the device color
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Profile">The profile that will be used for the conversion</param>
 /// <param name="pcs">The PCS color (has to match the profiles PCS color type)</param>
 /// <param name="ConversionMethod">The method of conversion</param>
 /// <param name="ConversionType">The type of conversion</param>
 /// <returns>The converted color in the device color type</returns>
 public Color ToDevice(ICC Profile, Color pcs, ICCconversionMethod ConversionMethod, ICCconversionType ConversionType)
     InValues = pcs.ColorArray;
     InModel = pcs.Model;
     this.Profile = Profile;
     PreferredRenderingIntent = ColorConverter.PreferredRenderingIntent;
     this.ConversionMethod = ConversionMethod;
     this.ConversionType = ConversionType;
     IsDefault = false;
     return Do_PCS();
        /// <summary>
        /// The runnable method for this class. This will produce an image using
        /// the current RenderableImage and RenderContext and send it to all the
        /// ImageConsumer currently registered with this class.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void Run()
            // First get the rendered image
            RenderedImage rdrdImage;

            if (Rc != null)
                rdrdImage = RdblImage.CreateRendering(Rc);
                rdrdImage = RdblImage.CreateDefaultRendering();

            // And its ColorModel
            ColorModel  colorModel  = rdrdImage.ColorModel;
            Raster      raster      = rdrdImage.Data;
            SampleModel sampleModel = raster.SampleModel;
            DataBuffer  dataBuffer  = raster.DataBuffer;

            if (colorModel == null)
                colorModel = ColorModel.RGBdefault;
            int minX   = raster.MinX;
            int minY   = raster.MinY;
            int width  = raster.Width;
            int height = raster.Height;

            System.Collections.IEnumerator icList;
            ImageConsumer ic;

            // Set up the ImageConsumers
            icList = Ics.elements();
            while (icList.hasMoreElements())
                ic = (ImageConsumer)icList.nextElement();
                ic.SetDimensions(width, height);
                ic.Hints = java.awt.image.ImageConsumer_Fields.TOPDOWNLEFTRIGHT | java.awt.image.ImageConsumer_Fields.COMPLETESCANLINES | java.awt.image.ImageConsumer_Fields.SINGLEPASS | java.awt.image.ImageConsumer_Fields.SINGLEFRAME;

            // Get RGB pixels from the raster scanline by scanline and
            // send to consumers.
            int[] pix = new int[width];
            int   i, j;
            int   numBands = sampleModel.NumBands;

            int[] tmpPixel = new int[numBands];
            for (j = 0; j < height; j++)
                for (i = 0; i < width; i++)
                    sampleModel.GetPixel(i, j, tmpPixel, dataBuffer);
                    pix[i] = colorModel.GetDataElement(tmpPixel, 0);
                // Now send the scanline to the Consumers
                icList = Ics.elements();
                while (icList.hasMoreElements())
                    ic = (ImageConsumer)icList.nextElement();
                    ic.SetPixels(0, j, width, 1, colorModel, pix, 0, width);

            // Now tell the consumers we're done.
            icList = Ics.elements();
            while (icList.hasMoreElements())
                ic = (ImageConsumer)icList.nextElement();
 internal static bool IsSameSpace(ColorModel Model, ColorSpaceType Space)
     if (Enum.GetName(typeof(ColorModel), Model).ToLower() == Enum.GetName(typeof(ColorSpaceType), Space).ToLower()) return true;
     else return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for MultipleGradientPaintContext superclass.
        /// </summary>
        protected internal MultipleGradientPaintContext(MultipleGradientPaint mgp, ColorModel cm, Rectangle deviceBounds, Rectangle2D userBounds, AffineTransform t, RenderingHints hints, float[] fractions, Color[] colors, CycleMethod cycleMethod, ColorSpaceType colorSpace)
            if (deviceBounds == null)
                throw new NullPointerException("Device bounds cannot be null");

            if (userBounds == null)
                throw new NullPointerException("User bounds cannot be null");

            if (t == null)
                throw new NullPointerException("Transform cannot be null");

            if (hints == null)
                throw new NullPointerException("RenderingHints cannot be null");

            // The inverse transform is needed to go from device to user space.
            // Get all the components of the inverse transform matrix.
            AffineTransform tInv;

                // the following assumes that the caller has copied the incoming
                // transform and is not concerned about it being modified
                tInv = t;
            catch (NoninvertibleTransformException)
                // just use identity transform in this case; better to show
                // (incorrect) results than to throw an exception and/or no-op
                tInv = new AffineTransform();
            double[] m = new double[6];
            A00 = (float)m[0];
            A10 = (float)m[1];
            A01 = (float)m[2];
            A11 = (float)m[3];
            A02 = (float)m[4];
            A12 = (float)m[5];

            // copy some flags
            this.CycleMethod = cycleMethod;
            this.ColorSpace  = colorSpace;

            // we can avoid copying this array since we do not modify its values
            this.Fractions = fractions;

            // note that only one of these values can ever be non-null (we either
            // store the fast gradient array or the slow one, but never both
            // at the same time)
            int[]   gradient  = (mgp.Gradient != null) ? mgp.Gradient.get() : null;
            int[][] gradients = (mgp.Gradients != null) ? mgp.Gradients.get() : null;

            if (gradient == null && gradients == null)
                // we need to (re)create the appropriate values

                // now cache the calculated values in the
                // MultipleGradientPaint instance for future use
                mgp.Model = this.Model;
                mgp.NormalizedIntervals = this.NormalizedIntervals;
                mgp.IsSimpleLookup      = this.IsSimpleLookup;
                if (IsSimpleLookup)
                    // only cache the fast array
                    mgp.FastGradientArraySize = this.FastGradientArraySize;
                    mgp.Gradient = new SoftReference <int[]>(this.Gradient);
                    // only cache the slow array
                    mgp.Gradients = new SoftReference <int[][]>(this.Gradients);
                // use the values cached in the MultipleGradientPaint instance
                this.Model = mgp.Model;
                this.NormalizedIntervals   = mgp.NormalizedIntervals;
                this.IsSimpleLookup        = mgp.IsSimpleLookup;
                this.Gradient              = gradient;
                this.FastGradientArraySize = mgp.FastGradientArraySize;
                this.Gradients             = gradients;
Exemple #37
        private ActionResult ColorByName(string color)
            ColorModel model = new ColorModel
                    Title = "Color: " + color,
                    TopText = TopText,
                    Color = color

            model.NetsyControl = new NetsySilverlightModel
                    Heading = string.Format("Etsy listings in color '{0}'", color),
                    Params = string.Format("Retrieval=FrontListingsByColor,Color={0},ItemsPerPage=16", color),
                    Height = 560,
                    Width = 660

            return this.View(model);
 protected override void UpdateModelForGradientMin(ColorModel model)
     model.ScG = 0.0f;